Chatty Imoen

Chatty Imoen
A Baldur's Gate mod by AstroBryGuyIntroduction
In the original Baldur's Gate, Imoen was a late addition to the game. Unfortunately, this means that she has no banter dialogs or interactions with other NPCs. Her voice set was also limited. This mod expands Imoen's voice set and adds interaction banters with other NPCs. It also has a component to change Imoen's portrait to one of three choices: BG1, SoD, or BG2.Download at the GitHub:
Chatty Imoen: Expanded Character Sounds
This components expands Imoen's character sounds using lines from BG2 and the BGEE tutorial. Some of her original BG1 sounds are also repurposed for interactions with other NPCs.If you have kicked Imoen out of the party, she gets a voiced line when you start a conversation with her to rejoin the party.
Chatty Imoen: Add NPC Interactions
This component adds Imoen to the INTERACT.2DA file, which controls the "non-dialog" banters that BG1 NPCs have. This component requires the Expanded Character Sounds component, otherwise Imoen will have nothing to say.Also, this component gives Imoen a specific reaction to Garrick's death (no other NPC has one).
Chatty Imoen: Imoen Portrait Replacements
If you want Imoen to have a consistent portrait through BGEE and SoD, you can use this component to make all her character files use the same portrait. The options are:- Give Imoen her BG1 Portrait
- Give Imoen her SoD Portrait
- Give Imoen her BG2 Portrait
Supported Games
Chatty Imoen currently supports BG1, Tutu, BGT, BGEE, and EET.Installation
Note: You will need to start a new game. The Imoen character files in any previously saved games will NOT be affected.Windows
If the mod was previously installed, uninstall it before extracting the new version. Chatty Imoen is packaged and installed with WeiDU. To install, extract the mod archive, then copy of the contents of the archive into your game folder (the folder which contains the chitin.key file). If properly extracted, you should have a "chattyimoen" folder and setup-chattyimoen.exe in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-chattyimoen.exe and follow the instructions on screen.Please run setup-chattyimoen.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.
Mac OS X
If the mod was previously installed, uninstall it before extracting the new version. Chatty Imoen is packaged and installed with WeiDU. To install, extract the mod archive, then copy of the contents of the folder "OSX-chattyimoen-v1" into your game folder (the folder which contains the chitin.key file). If properly extracted, you should have a "chattyimoen" folder, setup-chattyimoen, and setup-chattyimoen.command in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-chattyimoen.command and follow the instructions on screen.Please run setup-chattyimoen.command in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.
Contact Information
Comments and bug reports can be directed to this thread. If the thread is inaccessible, you can contact AstroBryGuy ( on the Beamdog forums.Version History
v1.3 - May 6, 2017- Added French, German, and Polish translations
- Added .tra template and sourcefile list for expanded character sounds
- Added BGT and EET compatibility
- Fixed issue with blanking Imoen's biography
- Added Italian translation - Thanks @Aedan!
- Added compatibility with BG1, TotSC, and Tutu.
- Initial upload
Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
The banters this mod adds are the "running interactions" that the NPCs have with each other. An example of this type of interaction is when Jaheira says to Xzar "You are amusing in a 'what the hell is wrong with you?' kind of way." and he responds "I'll not be mocked, thou most slanderous harlot!"
Using the Chatty Imoen portrait component and the BG1NPC one for Imoen would be redundant.
Note: Install this version on BGEEv2 (hotfix for Coran's Wyvern Quest):
Also, yes, I'll be tackling the Jaheira SoD mod next. I discovered last night that she has two dialog files in SoD, each with ~100 dialog states (I had assumed one was small, like a BG1 P-dialog). So my number of dialog states to check for voiced lines doubled.
Thanks for this. You may be my favourite person in the whole world ever for doing this. The world has been waiting for a chatty Imoen (at least the small part of the world I occupy has).
I was wondering if you had any plans to make Chatty Imoen available for original BG1? Sometimes, when I am feeling nostalgic, I like to play old school and it would be great to have Chatty Imoen available for that too.
Making it initially for BGEE was largely out of laziness on my part.
Attached the Italian translation. Can you please add it?
Thank you very much for all the mods you released. We do appreciate the efforts, the time and the energy you dedicate to famous mods like BG1 NPC Project or UB. You are our hero
From the OP:
I've tried both alone and in combination with the Big World Setup.
Other v2-compatible mods seem to work correctly so it must have been broken in the v2->v2.1 update somehow.
This mod does not add new dialogues and interjections. It expands Imoen's soundset. From the OP:
v1.1 - May 14, 2016
* Added Italian translation - Thanks @Aedan!
* Added compatibility with BG1, TotSC, and Tutu.
Also, I tweaked the line that lists the game requirements since I added support for BG1, TotSC, and Tutu. If the following needs adjustment, let me know.
@1 = ~Devi avere installato BG1, TotSC, Tutu, o BG:EE.~
It's fine! Thanks again
My Install Order is;
Mod Merge
BG1 Mini Quests v13
BG1 Romantic Encounters 1.3
BG1 NPC v22
BG1 NPC Music Pack v6
BG1 Unfinished Biz 1.4
Chatty Imoen 1.1
Other than that issue wonderful mod.