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A racialist poll on what we are playing SoD with. (Nothing to do with people from Poland...)

AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
So... I heard a totally racist tune!

Well. I'm not human.

And I'm not a dancer!


This song blatantly ignores all other races. It is racist. Gnomes not mentioned once!

So the question is. What are you? What are you playing with in SoD? And do you think the character creation screen is completely racist as well? Completely shows a favouritism to humans... Plus puts all shorties last, apart from the poor half-orc who, as we all know, are even further down the pecking order when it comes to getting the high paying job at the stock exchange...



But until then...

Are we...

  1. A racialist poll on what we are playing SoD with. (Nothing to do with people from Poland...)45 votes
    1. Are we half-Orc? Or are we barbarian? Your blood is vital, I'll leave your dead body cold. You'll be on your knees begging for some mercy. Are we half-orc? Or are we barbarian?
    2. Are we gnome? Or are we inventor? Exact alignment of the cogs is vital, the mechanism oiled. And in this case an illusionist spell is simply not the answer. Are we gnome? Or are we inventor?
    3. Are we halflings? Or are we hobbits? Copyright is vital, it leaves my hairy feet cold. And solicitors are getting well paid looking for the answer. Are we halfling? Or are we hobbit?
    4. Are we dwarf? Or are we miners? This support is vital, keeps the roof up digging for gold. And I'm on my knees looking for mithril. Are we dwarves? Or are we miners?
    5. Are we half-elf? Or are we posers? My looks are vital, I hate getting old. And my elven parent will watch me grow old and die whilst giving me no answers. Are we half-elves? Or are we posers?
    6. Are we elf? Or are we hippies? Nature is vital, my forest is old. And I'm too aloof to get on my knees for any kind of self-introspection. Are we elves? Or are we hippies?
    7. Are we human? Or are we dancers? My sign is vital, my hands are cold. And I'm on my knees looking for the answers. Are we humans? Or are we dancers?


  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    My progeny are Gnomes... Thus... I am Gnome!


    They share my genomes... Obviously...
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688
    edited May 2016
    I am 1/16th human and proud of my strong cultural heritage! I even got a tattoo that means "courage" in Human, I think.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    First play through is with a dual classed human.

    To make matters worse, he is only traveling with other humans. Minsc, Dyna, Safana, Voigh and that flaming fist pansy.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Oh dear... @deltago is that a kensai mage by chance? (Not like we haven't all done it at least once...)
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Nope. He is a dual class that really doesn't make sense: Swashbuckler/Fighter.
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Proud humanist (?) here.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    My poor elven Charname has been stripped of his unique heritage and culture by the hands of those filthy humans in Candlekeep! Elf he may be, but he is no hippie! Such a tragedy, I tell you. A tragedy!
  • doggydoggy Member Posts: 313
    At the moment a dwarf traveling with dark elves, a goblin and two humans in search of gold gold gold. And some psychos out to kill him, take his soul and stuff like that.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited May 2016
    ^- This. I always choose between dwarf and human, but I lean towards the latter. I would like to be some kind of cool tiefling, aasimar or whatever, but I guess I'm just a plain old hooman.

    edit: I'm a pretty decent dancer though!
  • 10Bazza1110Bazza11 Member Posts: 169
    We are Hobbits only the long ones call us halflings. I love to play the shot guys I think it may have something to do with my size and hairy feet. Why would you play a human over all the other races, humans are just so human. Hobbit Power........
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Only because of specialist choice....
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I can't believe the humans are winning this...
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Yes, we are the tide that will sweep away everything in our way. Resistance is futile. We are the human kind!
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Human's supremacy is inevitable. If you resist it shall be a waste of your life.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    I always sing along to that tune as "Are we human, or are we hamsters"
  • ZaferickZaferick Member Posts: 4
    Why am I the only one other than Mr. Anduin to vote gnome.
    There is something fundamentally wrong here. Where are all the gnomes?
  • justfeelinathomejustfeelinathome Member Posts: 353
    Lots of human playthroughs (Monk first, Paladins and Duals later) aside, this was my song for the longest time! :lol:

    Since my (german) surname sounds very similar to the word 'Dancer' and I wasn't much of a dancer in years past, the clique of my best friends started teasing me with songs that contained the word, pronouncing them in the way of my surname. While my personal favorite was 'Helter Skelter' by the Beatles (amazing base line), no song ever became as popular as a tease as this one. :smile:

    By the way, the (supposed) story behind the song is intriguing (grammar nazis like me getting dissed aside):
  • JiveOneJiveOne Member Posts: 43
    Halfling fighter-thief. Bad to the bone.
  • limalama45limalama45 Member Posts: 32
    Not quite barbarian but a Evil Cleric of Talos with two awesome war hammers so close enough...
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