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General questions. IWD for newbies and semiprofs



  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    It's set when you first enter the area.

    This has led to an exploit called "item fishing". You save before entering the area, then make another save just after entering. Send an invisible character to open the chest or kill the monster and look at the treasure. Usually, the random drops are different types of item, so you don't have to identify it, you just need to see if it's a sword or a bow or whatever. If it isn't the item you want, load the save from before you entered and repeat. Once it is the item, load the save from after you entered and play the area normally.
  • FiachFiach Member Posts: 231
    Brilliant,thanks for that BillyYank! :)
  • Artas1984Artas1984 Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2016
    After finishing IWD and IWD 2 i have now picked up IWD EE and i've got an immediate question - does the insane difficulty differ from heart of fury difficulty?

    If i understand correctly, monsters in insane difficulty do twice more damage, and you get twice more XP, but their hit points remain the same?

    While in the hart of fury difficulty monsters also have more HP besides the increased damage?

    Insane difficulty and heart of fury difficulty - two different things?

    Also, does IWD EE fix the PC performance issues those were present in the original game?
  • VystasVystas Member Posts: 1
    Can this game be played multiplayer with all party members being players? How many is that? 6?
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @Vystas Yes
  • DemaniusDemanius Member Posts: 51
    Hi guys and girls, I recently purchased a hard copy of Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition from EB games as it was on special, but now I realise there is no steam/multiplayer support? Do I have to purchase the game again through steam ? :neutral:
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Demanius I do not use steam myself very often...

    However to play multiplayer you do not need to be playing on steam. Never used steam multiplayer support. Try selecting a multi player game, then join or start your own game from the menu.

    The forum is a good place to hook up with erstwhile adventurers.
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    Is there a way/banter/script to tell Larrel about:
    Nym and his betrayal?
  • RideratRiderat Member Posts: 136

    The message may contain spoilers for first time players regarding enemies they encounter and other minor things. Read at your own risk!

    So basically I'm in the fifth part/level/act of IWDEE now. I killed everything there is to kill except of the Frost Salamanders. I want to play it smart, but I can't seem to find a way how to use the Temperature Control Room. I believe, I could do something about it, to make Salamanders warm and weak. But non of the slaves will talk to me about this. Am I looking at a dead end and I should just swing it for those lizards or is there a "smarter" solution to this? I don't want to leave them alive as they are stupid and will enslave more if opportunity presents, and of course they give nice share of exp!


  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    Riderat said:


    The message may contain spoilers for first time players regarding enemies they encounter and other minor things. Read at your own risk!

    So basically I'm in the fifth part/level/act of IWDEE now. I killed everything there is to kill except of the Frost Salamanders. I want to play it smart, but I can't seem to find a way how to use the Temperature Control Room. I believe, I could do something about it, to make Salamanders warm and weak. But non of the slaves will talk to me about this. Am I looking at a dead end and I should just swing it for those lizards or is there a "smarter" solution to this? I don't want to leave them alive as they are stupid and will enslave more if opportunity presents, and of course they give nice share of exp!


    Did you go downstairs and
    talk to the slaves? Or talk to Vera in the upper left alcove?
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    @Riderat as far as I know, it's there only for story-wise / RP explanation to:
    how could slaves ever escape in the first place, and how were they able to bear the cold (I believe that the description of it says that it's long broken, with only one part - responsible to lower lvl - workin' with it's last breaths)
    There're 2 solutions: Kill the slaves or the masters, you just have to choose ;)
  • RideratRiderat Member Posts: 136
    Thanks for clarification.
    I kind of figured that it might be there only for immersion. However, I had a small hope growing inside of me when the lizards told me that they can't stand the heat. I really thought I can heat up the oven and get past the scales in a jiffy.
  • RideratRiderat Member Posts: 136
    hey! Another quick one.
    Basically up until now I haven't had much problems with it, but now my arrows seem to be useless against Salamanders and Sentries! However, I haven't found any merchants that are selling +1 arrows. Am I missing something?
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    Riderat said:

    hey! Another quick one.

    Basically up until now I haven't had much problems with it, but now my arrows seem to be useless against Salamanders and Sentries! However, I haven't found any merchants that are selling +1 arrows. Am I missing something?
    Is there a way for you to acquire some appropriate elemental arrows? Also iirc there's a sword that's good for salamander slayage.
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    @Riderat it's fifth chapter already, so basically you should have encountered:
    a rather-dead merchant, Lehland in Severed Hand. He has quite an amount of some magical arrows.

    @Sjerrie you're probably thinking about Alamion +3, which you obtains from (don't read it Rider..):
    killing Maiden Ilmadia.
  • RideratRiderat Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2016
    allrighty! another one coming in

    Daym, I hate (no, i don't hate it, but it's sometimes really inconvenient for me) the older games which simply stopped at the last boss.. While following the story of iwd I ended up in destroyed Easthaven without a possibility to go anywhere. I kinda thought that by finishing this part I will be able to go to HoW. But nooo.. After killing Brother Poquelin game ended. So I had to reload an earlier save and go to Lonleywood. It's all right. So I spent my days killing undead, barbarians, and sea creatures just to end up slaying the last boss and finishing the expansion. Cool right? WRONG. I realized that I haven't done Trials of the Luremaster jet. And as it seems you can't leave the island until you have slain the dragon.. And I don't have any recent saves in HoW. Latest save on the mainland I have is about the time when I just arrived on the Lonleywood..

    Basically the question is whether I can teleport my party to a specific area of the game. Preferably with the use of console, but any other way is also good. I'm really bad with modding though. I searched far and wide in the internet, but either I am searching for the wrong key-words or there is no way to get your party to another location in game.. Any ideas guys?

    Basically I found out that the code of CheatersDoProsper:MoveToArea(AR9100) might work. But the game gives me error - file does not exist..

    Post edited by Riderat on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    Try this:
  • RideratRiderat Member Posts: 136
    daym, didn't notice the quotations. Thanks @ineth
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    There is this thing, that has been bothering me since I've completed "Trials of the Luremaster" yet again:
    [Warning: spoilers about TotL DLC]
    So basically you meet Hobart, an old halfling thief who (due to his lack of proper abilities) got stuck at the Maluradek castle, serving the Luremaster as a headhunter for heroes. . yada, yada, yada - it ends up at you in a trap too. .
    Anyway, inside the keep, you stumble into him again, get some small talk, long story short - he changes into Rakshasa and tries to kill you 'cause you won't help him with finding a key of some sort (to keep's dungeons) aaand then he's dead. .
    OR IS HE NOT?!
    In my recent playthrough, I *accidentally* headed back to his shack after that specific fight, to find out, that this bloody liar is sitting there as if nothing ever has happened, bartering like he used to. . AND there was no dialogue option to even mention about the fleabag lookin' sorta just lik him, trying to murder you. .
    So my question is: whether that was really Hobart himself at the castle's ambush and there was a bug in my game - or I was misled for like 6 to 7 years, accusing him for that :grey_question:
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    I have wondered the same thing, I figured it was a bug in the game.
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    @mf2112 OR WAS IT NOT?! - under some *pressure*, he then gives you that certain life speech and it is pretty plausible for me. . doppelgangers man I'm tellin' ya!
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    The Hobart in the shack is the real Hobart, the one you meet in the library is a rakshasha impostor.
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    During the work on my 'Random Treasures List' today, I discovered that in Enhanced Edition of Dorn's Deep's cave where Saablic Tan is, there suppose to be the 'Symbol of Clan Battlehammer'. . but it's not there in my *game*.

    Is it included to a random drop from Kalabac's corpse? Or is it always there and I have a bug of some sort?
  • VesimasVesimas Member Posts: 42
    Never tryed a solo run so i'm asking here: what about a multi Cleric/Ranger at Insane/HoF mode?
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    Note that the BG2 glitch that allowed Cleric/Ranger multiclasses to get access to all druid spells based on their Cleric level, doesn't exist in IWD. So it's not such an overpowered class combo in this game.

    But it should still be more than powerful enough to beat any combat encounter on Insane, since you'll level up so ridiculously fast. (You'll get 12 times as much XP as a character of a full party on Normal difficulty would get.)

    Of course, traps will be annoying if you don't have a Thief.

    (No idea about HoF, since I have no experience with that.)
  • yakattackyakattack Member Posts: 4
    I just completed IWDEE. How do I import my party into the expansion? Can I keep my equipment?
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,239
    yakattack said:

    I just completed IWDEE. How do I import my party into the expansion? Can I keep my equipment?

    The expansion is actually semi-integrated into the normal game. You need to find a certain someone in Kuldahar.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    You have to load your final save for IWD, then export each character. Next, start Heart of Winter, and import each character individually.
    You'll lose most of your money and all of your containers. I used EEKeeper to put them back in.
  • yakattackyakattack Member Posts: 4
    Sjerrie said:

    yakattack said:

    I just completed IWDEE. How do I import my party into the expansion? Can I keep my equipment?

    The expansion is actually semi-integrated into the normal game. You need to find a certain someone in Kuldahar.
    Awesome, I was able to keep my stuff!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Rodrian said:

    During the work on my 'Random Treasures List' today, I discovered that in Enhanced Edition of Dorn's Deep's cave where Saablic Tan is, there suppose to be the 'Symbol of Clan Battlehammer'. . but it's not there in my *game*.

    Is it included to a random drop from Kalabac's corpse? Or is it always there and I have a bug of some sort?

    Check with the NearInfinity if it's in the game.
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