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Status effects



  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I am loving this thread, but I am uncertain what the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, signify. Would a key for those be possible?
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    @Alonso , you are right, the reason is that the table is incomplete, and i should extend it with missing elements, like you mentioned. Another spell not listed is the Acclamation from the priest of Tyr, which is the only cure for berserk for example. I don't promise to extend the table in the near future, but i should, and maybe i would too.

    @Ravenslight : Every triggering effect got a number, the number after the prevention/curing part refers to the triggering effect, what it blocks. I added the missing explanation, thanks for the note.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Neat! Great addition. Never played a shaman, though. I don't think there is anything remotely close to that available to other classes, right?
  • ussnorwayussnorway Member Posts: 341
    Yes the Sharman only spells tend to be unlike their cleric / druid spells... Their version of fireball does magic damage and their fog doesn't harm themselves (other sharmans do take damage)

    Even the first level spirit ward has some value as anti-elemental defence in the underdark but the shear range of effects that spirit clarity removes almost makes it OP
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Looks like "Spell failure" can also be caused by the Anti-Magic Ray of beholders.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited February 2017



    Character takes acid
    damage over time.

    Triggering Effects:
    Melf's Acid Arrow (Spell)

    Acid resistance
    Magic Rresistance
    Potion of Magic Blocking
    Scroll of Protection from Magic
    Spell Immunity(Conjuration)

    Potion of Magic Blocking, Scroll of Protection from Magic

    Appears in:
    Baldur's Gate
    Post edited by lolien on
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited February 2017



    The character will be
    uncontrollable and attack enemies, but will have increased damage and
    THAC0, be immune to several spells (including Charm Person) and get
    increased saves against others.

    Triggering Effects:
    1-Cursed Sword of Berserking
    2-Special ability of Minsc


    Remove curse [1]
    Acclamation [all]

    Appears in:
    Baldur's Gate
    Post edited by lolien on
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    So finally i revised this thread. I move the content slowly to BGwiki, but here we can discuss the status effects one by one.

    I would like to add the effects' opcode to the details, could someone help me, where can i find them in Near Infinity?
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited February 2017



    Lowers the character sight radius. Blinded creature receives -4 penalty on attack rolls and 4 penalty on armor class.

    Triggering Effects:
    2-Holy Smite
    4-Nature's Beauty
    5-Power Word: Blind
    6-Special attack of the Smoke Mephit

    Magic Rresistance [all]
    Spell Immunity(Illusion) [1,4]
    Spell Immunity(Necromancy) [2]
    Spell Immunity(Evocation) [3]
    Spell Immunity(Conjuration) [5]
    Potion of Magic Blocking [1,2,3]
    Scroll of Protection from Magic [all]

    Dispel Magic [all]
    Remove magic [all]
    Cure Disease [all]
    Potion of Magic Blocking [1,2,3]
    Scroll of Protection from Magic [all]

    Appears in:
    Baldur's Gate [1,2]
    Shadows of Amn [3,4,5,6]
    Post edited by lolien on
  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623
    Maybe off-topic, but...

    IMHO stun/paralyze/held is overpowered, considering very low level critters have it and that low level chars have a very difficult time resisting it AND that it often lasts five rounds or so, giving the enemy plenty of time to bludgeon you to death.

    I think stun should either work like the Dragon Age stone fist spell. It should first allow you a fortitude save to ward it off, then allow you a reflex save to to this if you fail:

    If you fail the reflex save you will be left lying until you get up, which should give you a minor negative modifier to THACO and AC (because fencing is not easy while laying down) comparable to the blind effect maybe. Prone in NWN should work the same way, because fucking hell knockdown is overpowered in that game.

    Or for a weaker stun, just a temporary impairment in using the affected limb (such as dropping what your holding), because that is what ACTUALLY happens when you get stunned...
    (If you dont believe me, proceed to slam your hand as hard as you can into the nearest brick wall, alternatively submerge you hand into ice-cold water for a few minutes, followed by attempting calligraphy).
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    edited February 2017
    Blindness can also be caused by Sunray, Nature's Beauty, Power Word: Blind, and the special attack of the Smoke Mephit.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited February 2017
    Ok, edited. Sunray and Nature's Beauty gives the same Blinded icon? What about Sunray(Alteration/Evocation) and Spell Immunity?

    Other topic: i think i should merge the BG1 and BG2 table, there are lot of common elements. I can refer in the status effect details, which game/expansion/engine use it.

    I don't know anything that use the Acid effect, other than Melf's A.A.

    The berserk ability of Minsc is the same as the berserker sword?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @lolien: Sanchuudoku from the Tactics mod uses a Melf's Acid Arrow backlash effect called Acidic Backlash. I wouldn't call the acid effect a status effect--it's just an icon and a separate damage effect, opcode 12, that's delayed several seconds--but Acidic Backlash uses the same icon.

    Berserk from Minsc is the same as that of the Cursed Sword of Berserking. It's all opcode 3. Note that Acclamation from the Priest of Tyr kit and the Exaltation spell from Icewind Dale both cure berserk.

    Beltyn's Burning Blood from IWD also causes berserk.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited February 2017
    @semiticgod don't relate opcodes to status icons. If they are together, smile and thank your gods, if they're not, well, tough [censored by the national security agency]!
    What I actually mean: the opcode that governs a certain behaviour inside the game such as fire resistance (25) or poison (30) doesn't mean the associated status icon will be displayed. That task is handled by opcode 142, which is blocked by opcode 169, and removed by opcode 240 (IE modding poetry at it's finest).

    Note that opcodes 175 and 185 (both different versions of Hold, which also has another version under the hundredth opcode but I forgot which number and I'm too lazy to look it up.

    Edit: fukkk, I just ruined my perfect 6,666 post count with this post.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108

    @lolien: Sanchuudoku from the Tactics mod uses a Melf's Acid Arrow backlash effect called Acidic Backlash. I wouldn't call the acid effect a status effect--it's just an icon and a separate damage effect, opcode 12, that's delayed several seconds--but Acidic Backlash uses the same icon.

    Berserk from Minsc is the same as that of the Cursed Sword of Berserking. It's all opcode 3. Note that Acclamation from the Priest of Tyr kit and the Exaltation spell from Icewind Dale both cure berserk.

    Beltyn's Burning Blood from IWD also causes berserk.

    Not sure if i should extend this with IWD or mod related content, maybe when the BG content is somewhat finished.

    I added a further note at the details on the appearence of the effect. Please tell me if it is aceptable/understandable or not. Or if someone has a better idea implementing this, please let me know.

  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited February 2017



    Character gets under the casting creature control.

    Triggering Effects:
    1-Charm person
    2-Sirens' special ability

    Barbarian rage[all]
    Berserker rage[all]
    Chaotic Command[all]
    Magic Rresistance [all]
    Potion of Clarity[all]
    Potion of Magic Blocking [all]
    Scroll of Protection from Magic [all]
    Spell Immunity(Enchantment) [all]

    Dispel Magic [all]
    Remove magic [all]
    Potion of Magic Blocking [all]
    Scroll of Protection from Magic [all]

    Appears in:
    Baldur's Gate [1,2]
    Shadows of Amn [3]

  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623
    lolien said:



    Character gets under the casting creature control.

    Dispel Magic [all]
    Remove magic [all]
    Potion of Magic Blocking [all]
    Scroll of Protection from Magic [all]

    Appears in:
    Baldur's Gate [1,2]
    Shadows of Amn [3]

    You can also charm/dominate a charmed character to regain control ;)
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    Now that I understand how opcodes work, I can see the difficulty behind making this list. Many icons are just improvised and imported at random, such as Stinking Cloud displaying Poison even though no poison is actually involved.

  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited February 2017
    Apparently The Cursed Sword of Berserking does not use the Berzerk icon. Now, should i report this as a bug, or just roll with the flow?


    Now that I understand how opcodes work, I can see the difficulty behind making this list. Many icons are just improvised and imported at random, such as Stinking Cloud displaying Poison even though no poison is actually involved.


    And should we report such inconsistancies as bugs?
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited February 2017
    lolien said:

    And should we report such inconsistancies as bugs?

    It might just be too much work, you'd have to browse through thousands of items separately just to be sure.

    Another example; so many different unrelated items use "Mind Shield" but they never provide the exact same protections at all.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    lolien said:

    Apparently The Cursed Sword of Berserking does not use the Berzerk icon. Now, should i report this as a bug, or just roll with the flow?

    You can try, - and see what the reaction will be. Programmers have to look at it.
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