Original Poison Weapon ability for BG1:EE and BG2:EE

This mod simply makes the Poison Weapon ability of Blackguards and Assassins work exactly like it used to in BG:EE v1.3. To install just extract the spcl423.spl file into your game's override folder. Make sure to put the one in the BG1EE folder in your BG1:EE override and the one in the BG2EE folder in your BG2:EE override. Download link.
Note: The descriptions will be wrong, but they always were anyway.
I will make more soon...
(@Dee has mentioned that the official version of this ability may get further re-balanced because of some math errors. I have other plans for modding this but, I may hold off until I see what the devs cook up.)
Note: The descriptions will be wrong, but they always were anyway.
I will make more soon...
(@Dee has mentioned that the official version of this ability may get further re-balanced because of some math errors. I have other plans for modding this but, I may hold off until I see what the devs cook up.)
"The images seem to shift from round to round, so that an enemy must first hit every image before being able to hit the wizard."
So, mirror image was bugged to allow you to hit the wizard, but the poison didn't work because of the mirror image (as it should't have since you shouldn't have been able to hit Nimbul). Wouldn't the solution have been to fix mirror image so that it functioned like it was supposed to? Then for poison AoEs (e.g., gas clouds), use the "Bypass Mirror Image" flag that Fireball uses.
EDIT: Disregard, I was remembering BG1's Mirror Image behavior.
Remember folks: this stuff isn't always as cut and dry as you may think!
Yay, The Assassin is back baby!
@kjeron Please, Could you help me and create these files? Thanks!
Kjeron posted the code which should fix the bug.
That was for the v1.3 Poison Weapon ability, not the v2.0. The v2.0 ability is quite a bit simpler to alter.
Sorry for the long delay.
This should work for any v2.0+ game, giving you the option to prevent Poison Weapon from bypassing Mirror Images only, Stoneskins only, or both as different install options.
It will only affect the Poison Weapon Ability, Poisoned Arrow, Poisoned Throwing Dagger, and Dagger of Venom. If there are any other specific things you would like to not bypass I could add them in, just let me know.
Wow, thanks. Sorry for the delay in replying too, I just see your post and try the mod. It works perfect.
It would be possible that "save Vs" effects didn't bypass mirror image? Like poison from Darts of Wounding or the paralysis effect caused by Vampiric wolf or ghouls. It's not real when someone hits an image and my wizard has to surpass a saving throw...
I should have something ready by tomorrow to include those.
Group 1:(Any effect)
- Everything (Prevents every weapon + Poison Weapon Ability from bypassing)
- Logical Item Exclusions(As above, except that AoE, Gaze, & Anti-Magic Weapons will bypass)
Group 2:(Specific Effects)
- Poison
- Disease
- Level Drain
- Paralyze(Melee only, Since most ranged are Gaze attacks)
Logical Exclusions will allow the vanilla items that either dispel or interfere with magic on-hit to continue to bypass MM/SS.
None of these will prevent a Monk's Fist's on-hit effects granted from abilities or gauntlets, as some of them are applied without resource, so they are a bit trickier to deal with. Any on-hit effects on the actual Fist items themselves will be prevented though.
Download: See latest post.
I have some doubts:
-Group 1 always blocks all of weapons effects, range and melee?
-What's the difference between Logical Item exclusions: Mirror image for example, and group 2 select all effects: Mirror image?
One thing I noticed, with group 1 (Logical Item Exclusions included), mirror image makes you immune to Basilisk Gaze attacks, I imagine this is not intended. With group 2 it seems works fine, Basilisk gaze is OK, and poison, paralyze... don't bypass mirror image.
An awesome work again! Love this mod.
I'm not familiar enough with the mechanics to understand everything you've explained, but appreciate your work on this fix and would like to use it. Thanks.
Mirror Image is either always bypasses or never bypasses.
AI scripts do have a trigger capable of detecting which attacks actually hit under Mirror Image, but there is no way to ensure their action takes place. Scripts are great for taking actions, but horribly unreliable when it comes to reactions.