@sarevok57: It's a Japanese corruption of the word "wife." It means a fictional character whom the speaker considers their virtual "wife." In other words, it's their favorite female character. An Aerie fan might consider Aerie their waifu.
@sarevok57: It's a Japanese corruption of the word "wife." It means a fictional character whom the speaker considers their virtual "wife." In other words, it's their favorite female character. An Aerie fan might consider Aerie their waifu.
This tread helped me survive way too looooong and dark winter days in the office with good laugh! Luckily I have my own room, so my laughing was not heard by my boss! Many thanks to all
I must admit I seem to be having more trouble with the Cowled Enforcers than in ye olden days. Has their AI or spell selection been upgraded in the EE?
Nishruu was never the right idea for CW's anyways. If you can cast that, then you can cast multiple Cloudkill and Death Fog spells, which would be more effective.
So, new god CHARNAME sits on his throne, thinking about his first godly problem - a WEAPON worthy of his grandiosity! He called for his old friends and foes (some beyond the grave, but not beyond reach of the god) so they can put their heads together and find a solution.
And solution they found - indeed..
Behold the combined might of the United Earth Directorate! of the unique and extraordinary FLAIL OF THE MAGES!
Tiax is here too - HE FINALLY RULES ALL! Tiax rules all from his throne room handle. You are all servants of his majesty, even as you feign ignorance. The heads move because he waves his hand! The waters stir as he twiddles his heads! The wind blow as he passes! And on a whim he can break them all!
Bro, you don't need to put your stuff into spoiler tags here (unless it has spoilers unrelated to the games). Also, please try to put all your memes into one post in the future, unless there is a noticable time gap between posts You can just edit your posts by hitting that nifty gear symbol in the top right to add new stuff.
I must admit I seem to be having more trouble with the Cowled Enforcers than in ye olden days. Has their AI or spell selection been upgraded in the EE?
thief traps work wonders, even with only 7, I like to reload the encounters until the first 5 groups of them give me at least 12 000 XP in scrolls ( per encounter) , and on the 6th group, I reload until I get over 24 000 XP in scrolls, very dirty, but very effective
Bro, you don't need to put your stuff into spoiler tags here (unless it has spoilers unrelated to the games). Also, please try to put all your memes into one post in the future, unless there is a noticable time gap between posts You can just edit your posts by hitting that nifty gear symbol in the top right to add new stuff.
I was wondering about another drunkard - Husam the shadow thief. Why did he not show up in Athkatla in BG2? Perhaps he and his boys are still down there in the sewers, desperately searching for secret door, leading to Ducal palace...
And by the way - this forum has a sense of eeeevil about it. Today, some children came to my workplace to sing some christmas carols for us office rats. Save vs meme failed - instead of hearing their songs I was hidden away, reading yet ANOTHER MEME THREAD! Alignment shift imminent!
Someone should make a mod to for that encounter. After refusal to give him money, the drunk would transform in a real lich. That would be so wonderfully mad and awesome.
Someone should make a mod to for that encounter. After refusal to give him money, the drunk would transform in a real lich. That would be so wonderfully mad and awesome.
I'd probably make that a 50% chance, so as to give the chronic rerollers some fun stuff to do
Someone say mod. Here's mod. Mod? No mod? Yeah, mod.
BACKUP "lich_be_drunk/backup" AUTHOR CrevsDaak VERSION v1.0
BEGIN "Make the Drunk in the Temple of Lathander a real Lich" REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS bgee "This is a BG:EE-only mod, sorry!"
COPY_EXISTING drunk.dlg override DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ApplySpell(Myself,SURE_SLEEP)~ ~CreateCreatureEffect("7c#lich1","bdsplock",[-1.-1],S) DestroySelf()~ END BUT_ONLY
COPY_EXISTING ring06.itm "override/7c#lich0.itm" WRITE_BYTE 0x18 ((BYTE_AT 0x18) BAND 0b00000000) PATCH_FOR_EACH spl IN spwm113 spwi415 spwi711 spwi502 spwi313 sppr302 sppr304 sppr313 sppr314 sppr211 spwi213 spwi215 sppr105 BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 206 target = 1 timing = 2 resist_dispel = 2 STR_VAR resource = EVAL "%spl%" END END LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 120 timing = 2 target = 1 resist_dispel = 2 parameter2 = 2 END PATCH_FOR_EACH efx IN 217 175 39 109 238 55 BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 101 timing = 2 target = 1 resist_dispel = 2 parameter2 = efx END END PATCH_FOR_EACH lvl IN 1 2 3 4 5 BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 102 parameter1 = lvl target = 1 timing = 2 resist_dispel = 2 END END PATCH_FOR_EACH anim IN spflayer spmindat BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 296 target = 1 timing = 2 resist_dispel = 2 STR_VAR resource = EVAL "%anim%" END END PATCH_FOR_EACH str IN 14001 14102 BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 267 target = 1 parameter1 = str timing = 2 resist_dispel = 2 END END LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 60 target = 1 parameter1 = 25 timing = 2 END LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 94 parameter1 = 1 parameter2 = 15 timing = 2 resist_dispel = 2 target = 1 END
CREATE CRE "7c#lich1" SAY 0x8 "Drunken Lich" SAY 0xC "Drunken Lich" SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~For the BOOOOOOOOOOOOZE!!~ SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~Yaaaargh!!! Beeeeerdoooooooooooom!!!~ SAY DYING ~I am running low in alcohol! And in health! I need a beer!~ SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Ach! What's with my spell? Didn't do anything and I am sure it wasn't a divinat *hic* divi *hic* divination spell.~ SAY MORALE ~I will get something to drink and I'll be back to kill you mortals! I promise! I'll be baaaack!~ WRITE_LONG 0x14 22000 WRITE_SHORT 0x24 90 WRITE_SHORT 0x26 90 WRITE_LONG 0x28 32525 WRITE_BYTE 0x2c 27 WRITE_BYTE 0x2d 50 WRITE_BYTE 0x2e 52 WRITE_BYTE 0x2f 12 WRITE_BYTE 0x30 91 WRITE_BYTE 0x31 63 WRITE_BYTE 0x32 5 WRITE_BYTE 0x52 9 WRITE_BYTE 0x54 10 WRITE_BYTE 0x55 5 WRITE_BYTE 0x56 7 WRITE_BYTE 0x57 9 WRITE_BYTE 0x58 1 WRITE_BYTE 0x234 14 WRITE_BYTE 0x237 1 WRITE_BYTE 0x238 10 WRITE_BYTE 0x23a 18 WRITE_BYTE 0x23b 16 WRITE_BYTE 0x23c 10 WRITE_BYTE 0x23d 11 WRITE_BYTE 0x23e 10 WRITE_BYTE 0x23f 20 WRITE_BYTE 0x240 8 WRITE_BYTE 0x241 255 WRITE_BYTE 0x242 60 WRITE_ASCII 0x248 "7c#lich1" (8) WRITE_BYTE 0x270 255 WRITE_BYTE 0x271 4 WRITE_BYTE 0x53 1 WRITE_BYTE 0x272 150 WRITE_BYTE 0x273 1 WRITE_BYTE 0x275 1 WRITE_BYTE 0x27b 19 WRITE_ASCII 0x280 "7c#lich1" (32) WRITE_BYTE 0x5f 100 WRITE_BYTE 0x5b 100 WRITE_BYTE 0x5a 100 WRITE_LONG 0x244 32768 ADD_CRE_ITEM "7c#lich0" #0 #0 #0 "unstealable&undroppable" rring ADD_CRE_ITEM dagg02 #0 #0 #0 none weapon1 EQUIP ADD_CRE_ITEM ring06 #0 #0 #0 none inv1 ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi112 #0 wizard (6) // magic missile ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi213 #1 wizard (3) // stinking cloud ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi211 #1 wizard (3) // melf's acid arrow ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi306 #2 wizard (3) // hold ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi313 #2 wizard (3) // skull trap ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi412 #3 wizard (2) // malison ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi408 #3 wizard (2) // stoneskin ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi508 #4 wizard (2) // chaos ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi505 #4 wizard (2) // shadow door ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi523 #4 wizard (1) // sunfire ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi619 #5 wizard (2) // wyvern call ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi611 #5 wizard (1) // PfMW ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi723 #6 wizard (1) // improved chaos shield ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL spwi708 #6 wizard (1) // mantle
<<<<<<<< lich_be_drunk.inline/7c#lich1.baf IF HaveSpell(WIZARD_STONE_SKIN) CheckStatLT(Myself,1,STONESKINS) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Lemme turn grey, don't attack *hic* now *hic* CHEATER!~) Spell(Myself,WIZARD_STONE_SKIN) IncrementGlobal("7c#lich1stone_skins","LOCALS",1) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_CHAOS) !GlobalTimerNotExpired("7c#lich1chaos_timer","LOCALS") THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_CHAOS) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~I'm dazed, now you *hic* get confused!~) SetGlobalTimer("7c#lich1chaos_timer","LOCALS", 12) // so he doesn't spam Chaos that much END /* impossible due to engine (even if immune, self cast bypasses) IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) Range(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),10) HaveSpell(WIZARD_SKULL_TRAP) !Global("7c#lich1skull_trap","LOCALS",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("7c#lich1skull_trap","LOCALS",1) Spell(Myself,WIZARD_SKULL_TRAP) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Argh! I'm dying! Wait, I'm immune *hic* Haha! I was joking, it didn't even touch me!~) Continue() END */
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_GREATER_MALISON) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_GREATER_MALISON) Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_GREATER_MALISON) SetGlobal("7c#lich1casted_malisson","LOCALS",1) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) See(NearestAllyOf(Myself)) Global("7c#lich1good_melf","LOCALS",1) HaveSpell(WIZARD_MELF_ACID_ARROW) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestAllyOf(Myself),WIZARD_MELF_ACID_ARROW) SetGlobal("7c#lich1good_melf","LOCALS",2) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Ech! How many of ye are here? *hic* Oh thats tha wyvern!~) Continue() END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_MELF_ACID_ARROW) !Global("7c#lich1good_melf","LOCALS",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_MELF_ACID_ARROW) SetGlobal("7c#lich1good_melf","LOCALS",1) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Ha! Get rekt! Oh wait... Nevermind! HAhaaaa! I will *hic* destroy *burp* ya!~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_CHAOS) Global("7c#lich1casted_malisson","LOCALS",1) Range(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),5) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(Myself,WIZARD_CHAOS) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~I shall spread confusion across the land! Starting by myself! Then you. Then I get another drink!~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_MAGIC_MISSILE) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_MAGIC_MISSILE) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~NONE CAN STOP THE POWER OF BOOZE AND LICHDOM! We shall rule forever!~) END
IF HaveSpell(WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL) !See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) !Global("7c#lich1wyvern_on_self","LOCALS",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("7c#lich1wyvern_on_self","LOCALS",1) Spell(Myself,WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~I call forth *hic* to the *buuurp* power of the Abyss may come forth and call forth to come... Where was I? Oh Nevermind. WYVERNS! Get ready!~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL) Global("7c#lich1wyvern_on_self","LOCALS",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Come! COME TO ME, DEMONS! NOO! More Wyverns!??!?! This cannot be!~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) !StateCheck(Myself,STATE_INVISIBLE) HaveSpell(WIZARD_SHADOW_DOOR) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("7c#lich1pfmw","LOCALS",1) Spell(Myself,WIZARD_SHADOW_DOOR) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Goodbye my mortal friends! I leave thee to suffer *hic* what was I saying? *hic* I'm invisible now? *hic* What?~) Continue() END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) StateCheck(Myself,STATE_INVISIBLE) HaveSpell(WIZARD_SUN_FIRE) THEN RESPONSE #100 MoveToObject(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~I can't fail this one *hic* I can't fail this one, I can't... Argh! Wait! What happened?~) Spell(Myself,WIZARD_SUN_FIRE) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_MANTLE) Global("7c#lich1stone_skins","LOCALS",2) CheckStatLT(Myself,1,STONESKINS) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(Myself,WIZARD_MANTLE) SetGlobal("7c#lich1pfmw","LOCALS",1) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~*blaaaaargh* Ugh... *bleaaaaaaaaaaarch* I'm vomiting corn *bracnfhnkajs* Aaaugh! Gimme another beer! I have to stop this curse!~) END
IF !See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) Detect(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_MANTLE) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayStringHead(Myself,~I can se *burp* sense you... I can *hic* feel *hic* you *hic* DAMMIT!~) Spell(Myself,WIZARD_MANTLE) END
IF Global("7c#lich1pfmw","LOCALS",1) HaveSpell(WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_MAGIC_WEAPONS) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(Myself,WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_MAGIC_WEAPONS) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~You can't hurt me now! I WILL DESTROY YOU AND I WILL *hic* PREVAAAAAAAAIL!!! Mwahahahaha!~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON) !Global("7c#lich1hold_on_me","LOCALS",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("7c#lich1hold_on_me","LOCALS",1) Spell(Myself,WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Hey! I thought I was casting Time Stop! Oh, maaaaaan...~) Continue() END
IF HaveSpell(WIZARD_SKULL_TRAP) See([PC]) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell([PC],WIZARD_SKULL_TRAP) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Now I got you!~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON) Global("7c#lich1hold_on_me","LOCALS",1) Global("7c#lich1casted_malisson","LOCALS",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~I got you now! Hah~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) Race(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),ELF) HaveSpell(WIZARD_STINKING_CLOUD) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_STINKING_CLOUD) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Sleep, sweet elf! Oh, I forgot about racial bonuses! Should have read the manual better... Next time...~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) HaveSpell(WIZARD_STINKING_CLOUD) Global("7c#lich1casted_malisson","LOCALS",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 Spell(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WIZARD_STINKING_CLOUD) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~A stinky for you, kiddo! HaHAAAA!~) END
IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) THEN RESPONSE #100 AttackReevaluate(LastSeenBy(Myself),12) END >>>>>>>>
COMPILE "lich_be_drunk.inline/7c#lich1.baf"
It always spawns, not 50% like God recommended, and it's level 14 (but it's a Wild Mage), and it's spell selection isn't random, but he should do some funny targetting fails. Maybe v2.0 could do that stuff as well, but I'm too tired right now. Have fun.
I don't know of any male equivalent.
Also (possible spoiler):
I must admit I seem to be having more trouble with the Cowled Enforcers than in ye olden days. Has their AI or spell selection been upgraded in the EE?
And solution they found - indeed..
Behold the combined might
of the United Earth Directorate!of the unique and extraordinary FLAIL OF THE MAGES!Tiax is here too - HE FINALLY RULES ALL! Tiax rules all from his
throne roomhandle. You are all servants of his majesty, even as you feign ignorance. The heads move because he waves his hand! The waters stir as he twiddles his heads!The wind blow as he passes! And on a whim he can break them all!
Also, please try to put all your memes into one post in the future, unless there is a noticable time gap between posts
Corn... When did I eats corn...?
in BG2? Perhaps he and his boys are still down there in the sewers, desperately searching for secret door, leading to Ducal palace...
And by the way - this forum has a sense of eeeevil about it. Today, some children came to my workplace to sing some christmas carols for us office rats. Save vs meme failed - instead of hearing their songs I was hidden away, reading yet ANOTHER MEME THREAD! Alignment shift imminent!
.. actually, just make it a level 40 wild mage, but with random spell selection, and let it rip. You should have to do *some* work for 22000 xp.