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Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition announced, pre-orders available. Pre-loads started!

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
edited April 2017 in Archived News
Update your journal! Endure! Just float here and watch! You can’t miss it - or JUSTICE shall be served!

Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition

Beamdog are introducing Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition! Visit to pre-order and learn all the details about our new game.

Buy PST:EE from Beamdog here.

Key features

Enhanced Planescape: Chris Avellone, Lead Designer on Planescape Torment, has partnered with Beamdog to curate gameplay updates, bug fixes, and enhancements to best capture his original vision for the game.

Remastered Music: The full Planescape: Torment soundtrack has been remastered in-game to add more depth to Sigil and the multiverse.

4K Interface: Sigil has never looked this good! The interface of Planescape: Torment has been rebuilt in high definition with tons of new convenience features.

A Planescape For Today: The Enhanced Edition includes modern features such as tab highlighting, area zooming, combat log, quickloot, and more!

Now, questions. I'll bet ye've got all *sorts* o' barmy questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:When does the game come out?
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition will be released on April 11th at 2 PM PDT.

Q: What platforms can I play on?
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition is available on Windows, macOS, Linux, and is available for the first time ever on iOS and Android.

Q: If I buy on will I get a Steam key?
Yes. After the release of the game you can contact to request a Steam key.

Q: How long is Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition?
An average playthrough of Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition is around 50+ hours.

Q: What does Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition offer that the modded original version doesn't?
Lots! Check the list of improvements on our site.

Q: What languages are available in Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition?
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition is available in English, French, Polish, German, and Korean. The Korean translation is text only, voice-overs are played in English.

Q: Where can I buy the soundtrack?
The official soundtrack is available on Beamdog and Steam.

Q:What content changed between PST and PST:EE?
Planescape: Torment has a unique tone and it would be impossible to add significant content to the game without changing that voice. Besides Chris Avellone's additions and edits to the text, we haven't changed any of the original Planescape: Torment content. Gameplay aside, we've added significant quality of life improvements to the user interface of this classic game. Scroll to the bottom of this FAQ for a larger list of improvements.

Q:Which mods, or parts of mods, for PST are included in PST:EE?
Qwinn's PST Fixpack has undergone a thorough review by the PST:EE development team. With Qwinn's permission, we've integrated most of the content from that mod into PST:EE. Other changes were left out as some of them had been cut from the original game on purpose.

What does Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition offer that the modded original version doesn't?

Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition features a high-definition UI, compatibility with modern hardware, and Enhanced Edition features such as quickloot and the combat log. In addition to the Windows version, we've built native Mac/Linux/iOS/Android ports, and have committed to continued support and bug fixing beyond what is capable via mods. Non-English players will enjoy the improved translations and fixes to voiceover overlap bugs. The new version looks great on high-resolution screens and works in windowed mode.

Here's a longer list of improvements we've made:

Options menu accessable from start screenFeature not present in original PST
Most recent save accessable from start screenFeature not present in original PST
Movies and plot events now work correctily in windowed modeIn original PST, movies would not play in windowed mode, sometimes breaking plot points
Options to adjust text sizeFeature not present in original PST
Fewer clicks to cast spells, change weapons, use items, etc.The right-click menu in original PST required at least one additional click to perform any action
Performing actions no longer obscures game worldBecause the right-click menu in original PST obscured a significant portion of the screen, the player was forced to move the menu around often
More autopause optionsAdditional settings now available
Quick loot availableFeature not present in original PST
Load screens removedOriginal PST had lengthy load times between areas
Smoother area transitionsEntering areas is now a more pleasant experience and provides information to the player
Combat log availableFeature not present in original PST
Option to see health status of creaturesFeature not present in original PST
Chris Avellone editing passChris Avellone requested the chance to review the entire text of Planescape: Torment and made thousands of corrections and improvements
Framerate adjustment optionsThe framerate in original PST was locked to 30 fps
Tooltips easier to readAdjusted the color of tooltips from what original PST had makes them easier to read
Option to cycle through spell descriptionsFeature not present in original PST
Option to make cursors larger (option not available on Windows 7 and Windows 8)Feature not present in original PST (useful for HD displays)
Option to apply sprite outlines and highlight the selected spriteMakes sprites easier to see and interact with
Optional grayscale on pauseMakes viewing sprites in combat easier
Able to zoom out to gain a wider view of the gameZooming was not present in original PST
Heal on rest optionMakes resting more convenient
Max HP on level upMakes game easier for players more focused on story
Option to set language from within gameFeature not present in original PST
Option to read descriptions for special abilitiesThere was no way in original PST to read character abilities like Morte's Litany of Curses (taunt), so Chris Avellone wrote new lines to describe these abilities
Quick item and spell descriptions
Players can now read quick item, spell, and special ability descriptions directly from the main UI
"Affected by" section added to character recordWe show the specific spells cast on the character in addition to any original information supplied by the game
Fixed technical issues with plotsBased off of extensive testing, many technical issues in PST plots have been fixed
In-game helpThe original PST interface was not clearly explained to the player. Now we have a series of help cards
More user interface feedbackPrimarily with stores, but across the board, more details have been exposed to the UI to help players understand how the interface works
Option to see walkable areas in area mapNot present in original PST (helps with obscure areas)
Object highlight modeEasier to see obscure locations in the game world by highlighting interactable objects
Journal / quest log highlights unread entriesEasier to track which plots are active
Option to search the journal and quest textEasier to find information related to obscure plots
Cloud saves (Steam-only)Steam players can use the same save games on different desktops
Keyboard navigation of the UI without overriding user hotkeysOriginal PST had inconsistent keyboard navigation
Aspect ratio support from 5:4 to 21:9The original PST was 4:3, and with mods could go to 16:9
Cheat commands and debug consoleFeature not present in original PST
Steam AchievementsAdded achievements to PST:EE on Steam
Steam trading cardsAdded trading cards to PST:EE on Steam

Now we have a new subforum for PST:EE, where you all are free to discuss everything about this game (but please, use Spoiler tags for discussing story, quests and companions).
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    Will there be pre-ordering on steam, or Beamdog only? (there is currently no pre-order button on the steam page...)
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Oh mah lawd! Why do I have to start work on the 6th! Preordered but probably won't be able to download this until later in the month. Looks like it'll be worth it though!
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462

    I'll take that clairvoyance badge now :sunglasses:

    It's time to do another prediction for the next project :)
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I never played Torment, so maybe the valid excuse to finally do it has arrived. I don't know if I want to pre-order or not, thought.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited March 2017
    Is it possible to import the italian complete fantranslation (supported by the most important mods of the original game like Qwinn's PST Fixpack)? Will it require a skilled modder?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    About Italian translation - we, plus @Aedan and his group are currenly looking for a solution.
  • TheMaskTheMask Member Posts: 8
    I am a native Romanian speaker, and I live in an English-speaking country, thus if Beamdog wants to translate Planescape: Torment in Romanian, I will gladly do it for free.

    I've already posted this in the Romanian part of the forum.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    You forgot the most important FAQ - When is the release date?
  • HadarHadar Member Posts: 171
    TheMask said:

    I am a native Romanian speaker, and I live in an English-speaking country, thus if Beamdog wants to translate Planescape: Torment in Romanian, I will gladly do it for free.

    I've already posted this in the Romanian part of the forum.

    You are saying that you will translate whole game by yourself for free? Do you know how much text PT has?
    kjeron said:

    You forgot the most important FAQ - When is the release date? say that it is 11 April 2017.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2017
    Sweet! Although, I didn't think this was going to happen, so I got the GOG version for Christmas :P. That won't stop me from getting this though!

    Edit: Just bought it on GOG, who had a good deal on pre-order for those who own the original already!
    Post edited by themazingness on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited March 2017
    @Hadar & @JuliusBorisov Thanks, I looked several times and still couldn't find it. Finally found it on one page, the account verification popup was blocking it.
  • HadarHadar Member Posts: 171
    Taking into account what was the biggest problem of original Infinity Engine games I personally believe that Beamdog should (if they want to make their remasters long lasting) adapt all EE games to 8K (7680 × 4320, 8192 × 5120, 10240 × 4320) or even 16K resolutions (especially the interface).

    Nowadays 4K/UHD is becoming a standard and it isn't anything extraordinary to support 4K - it would be a big disappointment if the game lack 4K support.
  • AlexCatgirlAlexCatgirl Member Posts: 2
    I was just looking for my very old CD copy.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Updated my journal!
  • cameosiscameosis Member Posts: 28
    i have to admit that beamdog really managed to drop a train on us!
    first they released the appetizers, baldur's gate and icewind dale, to get us in the mood.
    and now, the most important game of the infinity engine series is here for the grand finale ... time to kick some back!
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    I've never played PST to completion.

    I don't think I've even played it to the first boss.

    Definitely picking this up.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2017
    TheMask said:

    Hadar said:

    You are saying that you will translate whole game by yourself for free? Do you know how much text PT has?

    It'll take me 50 years, but I'll do it. Plus... I'm hoping other of my compatriots will join. haha

    Alright - correction: I will gladly do my best to help with the translation, for free. :D
    The dialogue has been put into novel form by Rhys Hess, which might make this easier. This is different than the novel written based on the book by Ray and Valerie Vallese.'s version of the original Planescape:Torment comes with this in PDF form. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes with the Enhanced Edition if you get it through GOG. I'll know in a few days when it releases (I pre-ordered).
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Only 4K?! Never any love for the Mac users... ;)

    Got to say, the updated visuals look amazing, and I'm really looking forward to picking up and finally progressing on one of the all time classics that I just never managed to get into. Partly the old UI was just a little too zoomed-in for me, so I never felt like I could see a satisfying amount of game to interact with, and partly always picking a bad time to start, so I have played the opening dozens of times, but never got further - and playing that one dungeon over and over gets old fast.

    This time, I am confident that I will proceed!

    (As long as it is eventually released to the Mac App Store)
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