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Ascension v1.5 BETA - Enhanced Edition Release UPDATED 6/8/2016 - SCS Fix located on Page 2!



  • SageSage Member Posts: 28
    Cuv said:

    I'll see what I can do when I have the time. The base version they started with was mine, but they did a ton of work on it since that :) Kudos to them!!!!

    That'd be great! :D
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Excellent, I'm glad that this project did not die.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Awesome news!
  • badungubadungu Member Posts: 53
    edited June 2017
    I fixed the slayer bug some time ago locally on my installation by adding the following to SPIN718.spl:

    PATCH_IF GAME_IS ~bg2ee eet~ BEGIN PATCH_FOR_EACH res_slay IN slayer2 slayer3 slayer4 BEGIN LAUNCH_PATCH_FUNCTION ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 321 //Remove effects by resource target = 1 //Self parameter2 = 2 //Timed effects only resist_dispel = 3 //Dispel/Bypass resistance STR_VAR resource = EVALUATE_BUFFER ~%res_slay%~ END END END

    The problem is, this won't work for the nonEE version, I tried to outsource the damage to an extra spell and using opcode 206 against it, but it doesn't work...

    But maybe it's better to add this solution as long as no other solution is found. :)

    Edit: Sent a pull request to the BigWorld Team:
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited June 2017
    @badungu Unless @Cuv or someelse tell me that there is no possible way of fixing this bug for the old engine, I can't accept you PR for now, because BWS use new Ascension also for BG2. I can accept it later and change BG2 to use old Ascension if there will be desire to improve Ascension by using new opcodes or if the bugs can't be fixed unless EE.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • badungubadungu Member Posts: 53
    Nothing is changed if Ascension is installed on BG2 nonEE, that's why I used PATCH_IF GAME_IS ~bg2ee eet~ BEGIN. ;) (I looked through Ascension 1.4.x and the bug should be also in the old version, so why change it back?)

    You don't have to include it, only wanted to help... :)
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    badungu said:

    Nothing is changed if Ascension is installed on BG2 nonEE, that's why I used PATCH_IF GAME_IS ~bg2ee eet~ BEGIN. ;)

    @badungu Indeed I didn't notice, PR accepted, you help is much appreciated :)
  • badungubadungu Member Posts: 53

    has anyone else had that epilouge issue i talked about afew months ago? i still have no idea what caused it and may be avoiding the beta until the official version because of that and other small bugs i had during end game.

    for exmple sometimes the last of the five won't die and the final boss will go on a loop and also won't die even if i cntrl y her.

    Hmm, only one question, was your main character male or female? I think the female end epilogues was bugged out, sent another commit to github... :)
  • Livegood118Livegood118 Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2017
    Hi guys, just wanted to drop in and update you on how my Ascension with SCS playthrough went.

    I installed the game through the BWP installer and that was relatively pain free.

    I used four of the hotfixes from this thread:

    – The SCS fix was necessary and worked fine for me
    – I encountered the slayer bug in my playthrough so had to use the slayer fix
    – The Throne of Blood was a bit of a disaster. First time round the pools didn't work so I installed the pool and the area fix and reloaded. After I defeated the Five I ran in to a bug where Melissan just wouldn't die when she was supposed to summon her demons. I had to Clua Console the solar in to fix it.

    Thanks anyway for all of the hard work put in to making this all work!
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    badungu said:

    has anyone else had that epilouge issue i talked about afew months ago? i still have no idea what caused it and may be avoiding the beta until the official version because of that and other small bugs i had during end game.

    for exmple sometimes the last of the five won't die and the final boss will go on a loop and also won't die even if i cntrl y her.

    Hmm, only one question, was your main character male or female? I think the female end epilogues was bugged out, sent another commit to github... :)
    yes i was playing as a female elf to see the xan romance. my last run i did not have Ascension installed and that was male.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @badungu One more change and we are ready to go with accepting you last PR
  • YingusXiaousYingusXiaous Member Posts: 10
    I just had a planetar kill Yaga Shura with a vorpal weapon...and EEKeeper shows that he and the rest of the Five do not have Protection from Opcode 13...Is this intended behaviour? (I have SCS30 installed)
  • sersafirsersafir Member Posts: 126
    Can someone tell me what "remove anyone identifier" is? I can't find it in the readmes, can't find it on the forums, no one seems to be talking about it.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    IS it possible to have only the dialogues part and the compatibility with other mods (e.g longer road) without having the cheesy end-fight?
  • FlayerivFlayeriv Member Posts: 23
    Hey, just dropping a line to see how this mod is going? I've seen reading up the page that installing it might require having a fix installed along with it? Mostly just wondering if/when the next update will be, if any, or if that fix has now already been incorporated into the core download.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Flayeriv I am able to download and play it without additional fixes. That being said, I tend to be lucky about these things.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Did anyone try running Ascension on EET ? I'm curious if it works
  • KanathaKanatha Member Posts: 1

    I did tryed out the BP ascension mod (that was also advised to be installed with SCS) on the BG2EE and tried to follow the instruction as well as possible to make this worked out. The game run pretty fine as it is, until i encountered Abazigal and right now he won't trigger his death script. Can somebody kind enough could help me solve this problem ? I tried to seek a solution on several forum but i didn't found any of the awnser i'm looking for. If i need to open a new post for this particular glitch, could someone tell me how i should do it ? I'm pretty new to this forum so i'm not realy used to how it does work and how i should procede with this matter at all.

    Thanks in advance for your awnser.

    Best regards,

  • WayniacWayniac Member Posts: 132
    I know this thread has been out of commission for awhile now, but... *bump*

    What's the status on the most recent update for this? Is it fully compatible with BG2EE yet?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Please, use to install Ascension. And yes, it works nicely (including the 2.5 beta).
  • SavagostroSavagostro Member Posts: 19
    Any info about scs and spell revisions fix after 2.5 release?
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    IS there anywhere an ascension with improved dialogues, the pool giving you powers, but not the summoning of

    both irenicus and bodhi if you don't use "redemption"

    and no five at all?
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    Any info about scs and spell revisions fix after 2.5 release?

    I think both should be fine, but i'd wait a day or two to see if there's any word from modders
  • warwizardwarwizard Member Posts: 11

    This is a guide for windows... ;)

    1. Download the zip file here: or here: (the last one is the current version, which had applied some patches to it... ;))
    2.1 if you used the file attached to the 1st post, copy the setup-ascension.exe and the ascension folder into your game directory (there is the baldur.exe and the chitin.key inside it)
    2.2 If you used the updated github version, copy the ascension folder from the Ascension-master folder in your game directory (there is the baldur.exe and the chitin.key inside it), fetch the latest weidu version: (download the Windows binary), extract the weidu.exe (from the weidu directory) to your game directory and rename it to setup-ascension.exe
    3. start the setup-ascension.exe in your game directory, by double klicking it, if it asks something like "Do you want to allow...", press yes
    4. A black command line window appears
    5. If you didn't have installed a weidu mod before, select the language (this is the language, you want to play in your game) by pressing the number on the keyboard and press enter
    6. Now you need to choose the langauge which you want the mod to install, by pressing the number and enter
    7. Now you could install components, the options are i for "install", n for "not install" and q for "quit", hit enter after you choosed your selection...

    For Mac OSX, there is a guide on the forum how to install mods:
    For installing mods on android, look to these guide:
    If you want install on linux, I think there are currently unsolved problems with tolower (didn't tested it since months)
    If you want it on an iOS device, I can't help you.... :D

    Did this installation guide work for anybody ?

    If I follow the steps, renaming the weidu.exe into setup-ascension.exe after extracting it into the game folder then all I get is an error message and after that all I can do is exit the setup.

    Is there a better/working guide somewhere where they show how to install it?

    Cause this one doesnt work.

    Did exactly what is said here but this wont work. Using win 10.

    How do you really install ascension in a proper way for BG2EE? This guuide no good.

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited September 2018
    @warwizard Guide and files from this thread are outdated. Delete everything which you downloaded, download files from the first page of and take look at the picture at the second page of thread which I've linked to see how it should look.
  • warwizardwarwizard Member Posts: 11
    ALIEN said:

    @warwizard Guide and files from this thread are outdated. Delete everything which you downloaded, download files from the first page of and take look at the picture at the second page of thread which I've linked to see how it should look.

    Bhaal himself sends you.


    Will try that.
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