JuliusBorisov took a solo no-reload Totemic Druid all the way through the final fight in ToB with SCS and Ascension, but couldn't finish the game. It has not been proven yet that a pure druid, kitted or not, can finish an SCS/Ascension install no-reload. All other archetypes managed to finish the challenge no-reload, from fighters to thieves. It's probably the hardest class to complete the Trilogy with, at least with SCS/Ascension.
Edit : A mage/thief is most probably better than a bard throughout the game, but once you get into HLA territory, their power level is probably about the same, since they both have access to those overpowered HLA traps.
I've said it before : Alesia_BH managed to successfully no-reload the whole BG trilogy with SCS and Ascension (which means a hell lot more difficult than vanilla install) with a Jester. And solo. In like, all alone for the whole trilogy. Go in the no-reload thread (called "Maybe this time..."), look into the Hall of heroes on the first page, you'll find that run here. Look on Youtube what the final fight with ToB Ascension looks like. It's madness : the Ravager is a pushover compared to that. And it was done with a solo no-reload Jester.
Look at speedrun.com : the BG1EE world record was done with a blade. It was done in about 30 min.
Go on Youtube and type BG2 solo bard : you can see videos where solo bards take on the Twisted Runes or Kangaxx. Again, all alone. And the bard destroys those fights. There IS evidence that bards can be really strong. I'll thus say it again, one last time : a bard used right is not weak.
It is SOOO helpful not to get a direct link. Sooo feeeling it... Nah, I'm lazy.
Ah, and u know what? I saw that speedrun. You know what I found strange? The guy at leat once relied on the Wild Surge. Wild Surge for all sake. Because was a wildmage. And because it was faked,
And anyone can do Kangaxx. Bringing that up was stupid. Doubly stupid as my prebious attempt - which was as far as I know the only solo bard attempt for the trilogy - ended right before Melissan. Ye, I got that far. Then I asked somewhere tips of preparatipon, and all I ended up that "bard is the strongest you dumb" (use Ygrenne's voice from Game of Thrones for this). So get lost.
(There's on youtube a series of boss-fights with blade, but that's not an entire playthrough, and did not get further than TorGal).
Someone declared a solo Druid and possibly Beastmaster through SCS was essentially impossible due to having no way to have a fear immunity that was impossible to dispel, as the only item that granted it was a long sword. Some spells could do it as well, but nothing a solo Druid can access.
Fear can be resisted by saving throw with a good chance. I relied on ita couple of times myself too (like in the boss-tent of the bandit camp, see above). And isn't there some mind-shielding potion for sale? I barely use those, but thereshould be. But why blame a home-made mod for anything? If I'd make a mod and make it possible for only a certain kit/build/whatever, that's not the blame of the character options, so I wouldn't dwelve into this too much.
Same for druid. And again, just dual/multi that druid to fighter. Sure, you'll spend the good portion of the day throwing stats, but then it should work. Now dualing a bard...
I cannot find a glitchless speedrun with a bard, but all strategies used on a single class mage, can also be used by a bard. The biggest problem are the Nashkel mines, where you need to rely on mirror images and hope the traps don't kill you.
I keep thinking you are mad because you think you are the first one ever to solo BG1 with a bard.
Teh Strawman Is Strong With Zis 1. Where did I say "first one ever to solo BG1 with a bard"? Show me, oh self-deluded one! §'Cause as far I can remember I can't emphsize enough how much I loath BG1 for being easy for ANY class. Now on the other hand I'm still waiting a full playthrough (description or otherwise) for BG1-BG2-ToB all the way across with a bard. Any kit. No, and empty claim of 1 line and a link to "Error 404", "Forum is offline", "Try come back later" won't serve. Not that that list would say anything that one being solo. It only says "no reload". I assume full party.
And again (I asked this before), show me how you wand away ... dunno, Firkraag? Or something. And would you NOt cite THEORYCRAFTING? I hate those, as they time to time prove false (like DSimpson's walkthrough for BG1 suggesting a simple Stinking Cloud against the boss-mage of Cloakwood Mine to start with). The same is true for the 2nd link, for what I give a bit deeper analysis: - it's only theorycrafting - interesting choice to cite a guide which don't include BG1 when your whole argument is STRICKTLY IN BG1 bard is strong in the endgame... - lore is redundant. Learn spell Identify and go to sleep - pickpocket is... Well, you'll always need save&reload - barbarian rage is better in my book than offensive spin - you can eat your defensive spin w/o tacho or HP. Not being able to hit anything = you'll die when DS runs out. Low HP = you're still oneshot (that's why clvl 1-3 is BS in AD&D) - two weapon style I can assure you is BS. The whole thing icomes from DSimpson's walkthrough and does not fit to reality (in case of Blade). - the guide time to time returns to singing. Thus was created for party-purpose, not solo = lacks some further relevancy. - stats: you NEED dumpstats, and with all the bonuses a natural 24 strength relieves an equipment-slot, while with lower wisdom you loose only a couple of lore-points which you'll have plenty anyway, AND you have the identify-spell. For conversations drink a wisdom-potion - you rarely need if at all conversations depended on wisdom, whil you always wanna carry stuff. Charisma 15 (minimum bard stat) is also way enough (reputation also gives a hugh chunk of discount, and you NEED dumpstats). 100+ points is also not realistic, even 91 requires a lot of rerolls. And definitely avoid the constitution-belt. - proficiencies: shows (s)he started in SoA. And while it's not exactly bad, I'd say pick quaterterstaff (because golems, and because later they are good too). And twohanded swords (because you get some early with ease). AND a bow, because that's a good thing (in SoA it's much more personal preference which kind, you don't need the extra damage that much, and ToB-artefacts are all awesome). - starter choice of spells (SoA): fireball is way better than skull traps, period. - don't mess with vampires in Irenicus dungeon, and though not sure the moment you don't need to mess with the cambion either - munckining for gold seems dumb. Much more satisfying if you play as intended. Especially as I just like to gain some exp before starting Chapter 3 (remember: lotta gold = Chapter 3 and its timed quests start ticking!) - Dak'kon's blade might be good for SoA (although the guid forgot to pick proficiency for it), but bad for ToB, so nah. And doesn't even mention twohanded options (which actually rocks for bard). - while the reward for Planar Prison might sound nice, HOW exactly did he did it? "With some creativity" isn't an answer. Notably also forgets Chapter Three started for 'im/'er. And of course used the sell-for-recharge thing which I stated to avoid myself. - if he's munchkining that lot, why not TWO Ring of Gaxx? - remember me how he found time to cast 2+ Summon undead AFTER started the battle? - ioun stone? How about HELM OF BALDURAN? Oh ye, did not import from BG1... - melodic chain? Ye, theorycrafting for numbers, that's where it led there. - wondrous gloves are a terrible option. - ring of prot-whatever: you'll wear magic armor, won't you? - blackrazor: in the official game, with the official patches, outside EE it DOESN'T WORK. and yet again no twohanded options. With e suxxor thaco bard has, every hit counts. Might as well be them done by a BIG weapon, seen? - cloak of prot-whatever again won't work just like the ring - don't munchkin Unseeing Eye rod out - control circlet no longer work in ToB - wand of summoning is pathetic in ToB, even in SoA - you'd be surprised how small amount of wish-spells are in the game - no section for shields? - bard is way more versatile with spells - don't get time stop trap - don't get ench. song for solo - the person would be in REAL TROUBLE in Watcher's Keep's portal level. To start with. And the Ravager will eat him alive, because he theorycrafted to SoA using ToB-stuff, obviously.
The reason why the links in the Hall of Heroes don't work is because Bioware closed its Baldur's Gate forum some time ago. To make sure these threads don't just vanish into thin air, Serg_Blackstrider amazingly decided to keep the archives on his personal site, thus changing the adress of the link. So, to find the old Bioware Trilogy successes, you kinda have to browse through his archive. But you don't have to, because I did. Just for you. Here is the full Trilogy no-reload by Alesia_BH with a solo Jester. That's an awesome read. Alesia_BH is probably the best no-reloader there is. You can learn a lot by reading her runs. She's no-reloading a solo pure fighter right now in the "Maybe this time..." thread (always with SCS and Ascension) and she's destroying the game. I hope you'll like the run.
Edit : I've updated the links to the run made by Alesia_BH, because Serg_Blackstrider uploaded the full version with all the screenshots. Even better now !
I keep thinking you are mad because you think you are the first one ever to solo BG1 with a bard.
Teh Strawman Is Strong With Zis 1. Where did I say "first one ever to solo BG1 with a bard"? Show me, oh self-deluded one! §'Cause as far I can remember I can't emphsize enough how much I loath BG1 for being easy for ANY class. Now on the other hand I'm still waiting a full playthrough (description or otherwise) for BG1-BG2-ToB all the way across with a bard. Any kit. No, and empty claim of 1 line and a link to "Error 404", "Forum is offline", "Try come back later" won't serve. Not that that list would say anything that one being solo. It only says "no reload". I assume full party.
And again (I asked this before), show me how you wand away ... dunno, Firkraag? Or something. And would you NOt cite THEORYCRAFTING? I hate those, as they time to time prove false (like DSimpson's walkthrough for BG1 suggesting a simple Stinking Cloud against the boss-mage of Cloakwood Mine to start with). The same is true for the 2nd link, for what I give a bit deeper analysis: - it's only theorycrafting - interesting choice to cite a guide which don't include BG1 when your whole argument is STRICKTLY IN BG1 bard is strong in the endgame... - lore is redundant. Learn spell Identify and go to sleep - pickpocket is... Well, you'll always need save&reload - barbarian rage is better in my book than offensive spin - you can eat your defensive spin w/o tacho or HP. Not being able to hit anything = you'll die when DS runs out. Low HP = you're still oneshot (that's why clvl 1-3 is BS in AD&D) - two weapon style I can assure you is BS. The whole thing icomes from DSimpson's walkthrough and does not fit to reality (in case of Blade). - the guide time to time returns to singing. Thus was created for party-purpose, not solo = lacks some further relevancy. - stats: you NEED dumpstats, and with all the bonuses a natural 24 strength relieves an equipment-slot, while with lower wisdom you loose only a couple of lore-points which you'll have plenty anyway, AND you have the identify-spell. For conversations drink a wisdom-potion - you rarely need if at all conversations depended on wisdom, whil you always wanna carry stuff. Charisma 15 (minimum bard stat) is also way enough (reputation also gives a hugh chunk of discount, and you NEED dumpstats). 100+ points is also not realistic, even 91 requires a lot of rerolls. And definitely avoid the constitution-belt. - proficiencies: shows (s)he started in SoA. And while it's not exactly bad, I'd say pick quaterterstaff (because golems, and because later they are good too). And twohanded swords (because you get some early with ease). AND a bow, because that's a good thing (in SoA it's much more personal preference which kind, you don't need the extra damage that much, and ToB-artefacts are all awesome). - starter choice of spells (SoA): fireball is way better than skull traps, period. - don't mess with vampires in Irenicus dungeon, and though not sure the moment you don't need to mess with the cambion either - munckining for gold seems dumb. Much more satisfying if you play as intended. Especially as I just like to gain some exp before starting Chapter 3 (remember: lotta gold = Chapter 3 and its timed quests start ticking!) - Dak'kon's blade might be good for SoA (although the guid forgot to pick proficiency for it), but bad for ToB, so nah. And doesn't even mention twohanded options (which actually rocks for bard). - while the reward for Planar Prison might sound nice, HOW exactly did he did it? "With some creativity" isn't an answer. Notably also forgets Chapter Three started for 'im/'er. And of course used the sell-for-recharge thing which I stated to avoid myself. - if he's munchkining that lot, why not TWO Ring of Gaxx? - remember me how he found time to cast 2+ Summon undead AFTER started the battle? - ioun stone? How about HELM OF BALDURAN? Oh ye, did not import from BG1... - melodic chain? Ye, theorycrafting for numbers, that's where it led there. - wondrous gloves are a terrible option. - ring of prot-whatever: you'll wear magic armor, won't you? - blackrazor: in the official game, with the official patches, outside EE it DOESN'T WORK. and yet again no twohanded options. With e suxxor thaco bard has, every hit counts. Might as well be them done by a BIG weapon, seen? - cloak of prot-whatever again won't work just like the ring - don't munchkin Unseeing Eye rod out - control circlet no longer work in ToB - wand of summoning is pathetic in ToB, even in SoA - you'd be surprised how small amount of wish-spells are in the game - no section for shields? - bard is way more versatile with spells - don't get time stop trap - don't get ench. song for solo - the person would be in REAL TROUBLE in Watcher's Keep's portal level. To start with. And the Ravager will eat him alive, because he theorycrafted to SoA using ToB-stuff, obviously.
Right. OK. Let's have at it Rage vs Offensive Spin: Fair enough. Too bad Bards can't cast spells or sing or do anything else, right? Pickpocket is literally for one item in BG2 that's not even that necessary. I've never touched it in any playthrough, so I'll give you this. Defensive Spin: Uhm. Too bad you don't get Stoneskin, Mirror Images, Protection from Magic Weapons, or offensive capability with Skull Trap, or even slightly more niche options like dual wielding a speed weapon + anything else + Improved Haste, and Tenser's transformation totally isn't a thing either, if necessary. There's a reason certain players have considered Ha'erdalis as the best tank in either BG1 or BG2. Singing: You literally need to hit the singing action at the last second before a new round for it to take effect. I've used this with a solo Skald to boost my damage and THAC0 by 2 (in BG1) for every single round, throwing three darts, and singing again. Takes a bit of micromanagement, but this is solo we're talking about. Singing does NOT require aura, same as Find Traps and Turn Undead. So singing is totally viable in a solo setup, even without summons. Stats: I often start with 10/18/16/18/10/15 for my bards (and as I've failed many no-reloads with a Skald, I've rolled a lot of them.) This is 87 points, the same as Imoen. You can dump Wisdom as noted to get an 80 point start with max DEX, max useful CON, and max INT. Proficiencies: Um. In what world are 2h options better than 1h options? Not only are you permanently pinned at 2 APR with 2h weapons, vs a possible 6 or even 8 APR with dual wielding, you're also denying yourself the use of a shield. Spells: Skull Trap is 100% better than Fireball, especially since you're a Bard. Skull Trap is uncapped by caster level, while Fireball is, and Bards naturally have the best caster level in the game due to being a casting class with Rogue leveling progression. Skull Trap also does Magic damage whereas Fireball does the highly resisted Fire damage. If you need Fireballs, use a Wand of Fire. Vampire in Irenicus' dungeon: There's a Potion of Firebreath in one of the other chambers, so some people try to snag a free 8k experience with it. Cuz why not? Weapon selections: No comment. Standard setup though is going to be either two Speed weapons (+1 APR), or some power weapon in the main hand and a speed weapon in the offhand for the standard 3 APR. Slings were apparently Alesia's primary damage source for her Jester. Planar Prison: Optional and skipped in SCS due to the terror known as timestop and black blade of disaster. Summon Undead: Because no mage ever successfully completes spells after combat starts, right? That'd be silly. And you totally aren't immune to most forms interruption with Stoneskin and Mirror Image + Improved Invisibility up. Add Pro. Magic Weapons for 4 more free rounds. - Ioun Stones: Bards can't wear helms until UAI. Might as well get crit protection if for some reason your Stoneskins and Mirror Images are down. Or st least headgear as the EE dropped the ioun crit prevention. - Melodic Chain: You can probably live without this, honestly, since the Bracers AC3 exist and... - Ring of Protection: See above. Get better saving throws in the event you're actually vulnerable to stuff and not immune, which you really ought to be through weapon and item immunities and the wonderful Spell Immunity: Divination and Improved Invisibility combination. Throw in SI: Abjuration to avoid being Dispelled as well. - Weapons: Two handed options, are, again, quite awful. See Alesia's posts for her weapon choices by the end of BG2. - Other things: Cheeses listed in the guide that aren't even necessary, as proven above. - Wish spells: You need literally one scroll, and then Simulacrum it. - Shields: Eh, I was actually wrong on this one as well, as you don't get anything better than Bucklers before UAI. Dual wield is the way to go, as there are no useful immunities on any bucklers. - More versatile with spells: .... Yes? This is true and not in your favor, so... - Time Stop Trap: Literally only thieves get this. Are you going to say that any class that's not a Thief is hindered? You still have the cheesy Spike Traps which are enough to break a ton of ToB encounters if they're not nerfed. - Most soloes ignore Watcher's Keep due to not needing the equipment, and the fact that levels after a certain bit stop mattering. Or have hit the EXP cap, one way or the other. - See above to see a Jester defeat both the Ravager and Melissan. Solo.
So...... You yourself are theorycrafting a ton of stuff, like the fact that 2h weapons are going to be usable on a regular basis, and that fireball is better than Skull trap which is true only with nerfs. And he's not a Sorcerer, so he can use fireball anyways, but you shouldn't because it's bad. A bard has Mage spells up to level 6 and UAI and Spike Traps and all the versatility in the world. It's not a stretch to say that Bard is actually the second or third strongest base class in the game, beaten only by Wizards and Sorcerers.
Edited to remove a bit of vitriol; I apologize for that.
Right. OK. Let's have at it Rage vs Offensive Spin: Fair enough. Too bad Bards can't cast spells or sing or do anything else, right?
And the corellation is... NOTHING! None asked comparsion of classes but comparsion of abilities! Thus as your first line is a STRAWMAN, I don't have to go further! Glad you make my job this easy.
Stole a charming cloak from the magick shop dealer, and a lightning wand from Brevlik. Found a tome of dexterity at the thieves - at the cost of doing a job to them. For payment-before-action stole a wand of paralyzation from the questor. Good thing, because his-halruanship seemed very much powerless without it despite the praise from the leader thief.
Ran into two ... Bleak Cabal? Who knows. But no matter how sympathetic they were, I just stole a wand of fire from the quieter one and stepped down.
Broke into a house, but it was a gnome's (Nadine), so it was ok. Got a necklace of magic missile from the deal. Also met an assassin. Not the type already familiar with, this one had some other grudge against me. Whatever, they die the same. But be calm, met the "basic" type of assassins too. Got a book of wisdom out of the bargain.
Got involved in some ... peeping tom business? Thought I'll just rob blind everyone as this-said-that-that-said-this kinda game it was, but in the end hacked down one of the party. Something had to be done, and better fail than sorry. Got a wand of polymorph from it.
You know the joke where the bard goes into this inn, and finds Baldur's Helm? Well, it's funny because it is not a joke, got it?
Delt with Scar's quests (Seven Suns and disappearing people), then slept a little, went back to the SS for that pretty chest (wand of magic missles), and knocked up that pretty tower too (tome of intelligence). No mage at the top, 'cause I did freed the nymph before netering the disttrict).
Sat on the Iron Throne, but felt cold, and soaky by blood. Well, not exactly soaky. You see thatblood fried over it by the fireballs. And that potion of firebreath. Magic Missles were just extra. Boots of Speed is awesome.
In Candlekeep Boots of Speed is still awesome. Bring minal equipment: some potion of absorbtion, ring of fire res., potion of fire res., probably 5 healing potions just to be on the safe side, and aring of free action (also can be found down here). 3 knock spell memorized is advisable for the 2 tomes and the scroll of prot. from magic. The basilisks are a nasty surprise (although getting that inv.10ft can help out, or that invisibility potion you find inthe catacombs if you have no other means).
Freeing the guy from the grip of the Flaming Fist was solved by releasing a couple of fireballs (from wand). Remainig opposition calmed by sleep (from wand). The leader still stood, but alone not that big of a threat. Doppelganger-medic delt with straight, although paralysing it was in the deck.
Destroying the assassin couple was more or less cake. Lure the male away and paralyze 'im. Draw Upon Holy Might gives enough thac0 to hit it in thatstate (using Spider's Bane). Switching the Short Sword of Backstabbing. For the other went close after some healing potion (4), wiated to appear, then offensive spin it to oblivion. Easy. Or could have used Aganzanars' from wands, but that assumes she not invisible.
Ducal Palace preparation: bring wand of paralyze and wand of summoning (cast once in the middle of the group before starting). Drink potion of defense, cast a bunch of defensive spell, drink potion of speed. Use arrows of dispel to lessen the doppelgangers' abilities. Fortunately only 1 duke must stay alive.
As I bet I'll soon be banned, I can as well reply to the previous post: - rage vs offensive spin: your "argument" is a strawman, as wa spointed out - defensive spin: ye. Stone Skin SOOO much helps hitting your target. Right. CENZORED - singing was pointed out above to be frustrating, slow, and more. Sure, on low lvl (as was pointed out before) you need every bit, but later it's just too much hassle (as was pointed out before). - stats: your point is? You definitely not support your source's 100+ requirement. So? - dualwielding: may I ask how you got those numbers? a) you get no prophiciency bonus. b) your offhand'll never hit anything, so you can forget that bonus, and that's with all-three-stars. c) single handed weapon damage is MUCH LOWER then 2h variants. d) you have problem landing a hit even with your prime hand weapon. e) as your AC even isn't great, you can as well leave those shields. Also: spells. And hurry to kill before the duration runs out. Fortunately many 2H weapons also have ABILITIES. Like 1HKO, invisibility and so on. f) +APR stuff are +2-3 mlvl, so at best offhand. And they tend to lack any other ability. - skull tarps is inferior for a long time. To start with lvl 1 bard has eqal level as lvl 1 mage. As was pointed out fireball has advantage AT THE START, ranging from start of BG1 to early BG2. Because of distance and diameter. and spells don't take inventory-slot (neither cost money to recast). And as we're at it, there are scrolls for skull trap. - slings. We're talking 'bout primaly non-modded game, and you bring up slings. Riiight. - Planar Prison: YOU brought it up... - Summon undead: ye. And the same is even true to your summoned creatures, right? And stone skin protects from elemental damage, right? NO. - helm: as the link YOU provided uses ToB, I see UAI as natural occurence for it. So listing a ioun stone where there's better option by common sense, even if it's a standard helm, is problematic and needs further comparative argument to establish. As you majorly throw out any equipment-advice the guide YOU linked I see no reason messing with that section further. - Other things: as was pointed out that "cheese" is NOT cheese, and should the consequences be counted upon. If only the writer had enough mind to sufggest sleep right in the promenade and use the fence there, not suggesting leaving the promenade at all, YOU wouldn't be in trouble, and wouldn't show - again - the lack of experience from the writer. - "more versatile with spells": the writer of the guide suggested to disable spells and play as a fighter, because - according to the guide - the bard is even better warrior than a half-orc barbarian. So ye, this IS ON MY favour. - Time Stop Traps: my point is, NONE should get them. The guide suggest bards pick them. You say thieves get them, but not bards. I say NONE should chose them. - why you run away from challenges, even if "there's no item there"? If bard is "Teh Strongest" as you claimed, why not prove it? And I think there IS good equipment in there. Like Machine of Lum, Deck of Many Things, Gloves of Extraordinary Specialisation (+0.5 attack I think), components... I see walking the WK entirely valid up to the biggest part of the final seal (that has the gloves).
Lastly I do not theorycraft. I speak out of practice. As was pointed out. It's worrysome to point out that things were pointed out before... (Could give link, but didn't wanna distract potential readers. )
PS: mods are problematic for comparsion, because they never just "harder", but rebalancing things. So a build what works under a mod, can be futile in the plain game.
@twillight Can you just continue posting about your run and not try to argue with everything other users say? After all, your thread is in the "Challenges and Playthroughs" section, so it tells a tale of a bard soloing through the game, and not a tale of dismissing opinions of other people.
@twillight Can you just continue posting about your run and not try to argue with everything other users say? After all, your thread is in the "Challenges and Playthroughs" section, so it tells a tale of a bard soloing through the game, and not a tale of dismissing opinions of other people.
This assumes they stop dismissing my opinion. Else it's just cenzorship against me, and pretention they r always right dismissing what I say, 'cause I'm dumb or sg. While I AM the one who does the thing, and they're only cheerleading.
Especially as I never dismissed anything. I ARGUED. That's not dismissing. Pointing out a flawed argument, or even a logical fallacy is not dismissing, seen?
They argue, pointing out your flawed arguments. Don't go personal in your posts, and it won't look like you dismiss everything.
There's no censorship against any users here.
Show me how it is a valid argument brining up spellcasting for the comparsion of rage vs offensive spin. It isn't. It's strawman, and putting to unconnected things to each other (another logical fallacy). It is not an argument. Thus nothing points toward my point being flawed. Thus my argument is NOT flawed. They simply dismissed my opinion. Same obvious example if Watcher's Keep. How Machine of Lum not good enough to go for it, and how "everyone dismiss it, 'cause who needs +1 all stat"?
How about moving on?
PS: last issue: checked out that jester, and it's not useful at all. Too many extreme thing happen (like Chain Lightning in BG1) to provide any info, it lacks details on the go either way so it's not even interesting. Some things are obviously dubious, like Violet Potion in the regular game sticks your DEX to 3, no matter what, while there (s)he runs around with 24 DEX still.
Some things are obviously dubious, like Violet Potion in the regular game sticks your DEX to 3, no matter what, while there (s)he runs around with 24 DEX still.
She probably drank the Violet potion and then drank a bunch of potions of Agility/Mind Focusing to restore the lost DEX.
I've been aware of this thread for a few days. Despite the fact that one of my characters, Alisa, has been a topic of discussion, I've refrained from participating, largely because the conversation has had an adversarial and unpleasant tone. I now feel compelled to make a few remarks, since the OP has adopted an ungenerous tone towards me. And, so:
1) Twilight, welcome to the forums, and welcome to the Challenges and Playthroughs section. I look forward to following your character's adventure.
2) Class power is a function of context, including playing style. It is to a significant extent subjective. While I and many other experienced players find bards balanced, powerful, top-tier, eminently suited to solo Trilogy runs, that doesn't mean that everyone else needs to think the same. I'll suggest that we should allow Twilight his opinion. Likewise, Twilight, you should consider the possibility that there are other valid views of the bard class's power curve. You may find people more willing to respect your views if you respect theirs.
3) Twilight, to the extent that your objective here is to get people to engage with your run, learn from your posts, and share in your triumphs and failures, then you may find that civility serves you better than hostility. This is a welcoming place, a friendly place. We accept all who respect the community, its members, and its norms. We'd all like to make a new friend. Consider being one.
She probably drank the Violet potion and then drank a bunch of potions of Agility/Mind Focusing to restore the lost DEX.
Head of the class
If you drink a Potion of Agility and a Potion of Fortitude after drinking the Violet Potion then you can offset the penalties. Drinking a Potion of Mindfocusing and or casting DUHM can raise your dex and con further still
If anyone has any questions about Alisa's run, feel free to ask. I'll be happy to explain anything and everything. For reference, it was a successful SCS/Ascension Trilogy No Reload, one of many Trilogy No Reloads I and my colleagues completed on the Bioware Forums. We also had a bard led party complete the No Reload challenge. In addition, many years ago, we had a blade solo the Ascension battle on insane (with reloads). There's no challenge too big for a bard- at least in this girl's opinion!
She probably drank the Violet potion and then drank a bunch of potions of Agility/Mind Focusing to restore the lost DEX.
Except that doesn't work. As I myself tried that, getting the idea on Sept 7 ("Found a book of charisma which gave such discount could buy Dagger of Venom, and gloves of dexterity which gave me an idea."), but failed under the test on Sept 8 ("Unfortunate fact: Violet Potion overrides everything, can't pump back the dexterity"). Tried to compensate by gloves of dexterity and also potion of agility, but nothing helped. It just doesn't work that way in the original vanilla game (there's a reson why I put the thread not under any of the EE, but General main, playthrough sub).
I am different.
There was a ... actually I'm not sure who they were. I was pretty sure none down there should be there, so if they're there they have malevolent intentions, so I just started to bombard them with fireballs. And aganzanar's when it came to that (I found a wand of fire with 23 charges for both in my stash!). Roast in pieces.
Tamoko... Left. Hopefully no god will able to tell where she went.
And thus the story ends, and another starts, the same continues:
The trick is to paralyze the archer on the left (finish with arrow because AC, thac0 and sharevok issue), then make the ogre thief backstab you so he's revealed. He's slow, so can be executed by arrows. Sharevok shall be lured to the bottom left corner and shall be left there. Somehow I put a mage robe where Ring of Invisibility was supposed to go, but a charge from wand of summoning did the trick. Cast prot. from magic scroll and deal with the mage (aganzanar scorcher mainly from wand). Finally pummel Sharevok with arrows. Just realised all the magic missile thingies were useless, what'd've been better some more piercing arrows. And probably potions. and wands of monster summoning. Whatever. Let's fall into the Abyss.
Awoke. Somewhere. Somehow. Imoen? Imoen is dead. Isn't she? How is she not dead? Why doesn't she go away? She asked shuld she go away, to which I said, "Alright, let's go", but she stayed. Why doesn't she let go? Just like her .. new belt? Doesn't let go either. Shoul I let got? I am ... hurt. Why is she not hurt? I'm the victim here.
Except that doesn't work. ...Tried to compensate by gloves of dexterity and also potion of agility, but nothing helped.
Thank you for sharing your findings, Twilight. I'd be interested in hearing more about your test conditions, perhaps in PM, so as not to distract from your adventure.
I'd encourage others to test this in their install. Drink the Violet Potion first, then the Potion of Agility. Order matters. The Gauntlets of Dexterity will not work.
This has worked for I and others in a variety of installs, including Tutu and EE, both with and without SCS. I've yet to hear of it not working in controlled conditions, although, of course, behavior may still differ across installs.
Thank you for sharing your findings, Twilight. I'd be interested in hearing more about your test conditions
Likely the order was the fault. Oh well. At least now I know. I'd've used it to get the Green Ring of However For His Wife In Nashkel Bringing Up From The Mines quest (that door is locked, and I did not buy spells up to late), so wouldn't make any real difference. The bard passed, but then again it was expected.
The surprising moments of BG1 was - compared to m previous go - the early assassination for which I rolled now very good. But I could spend a god's money in this game, gold is simply never enough. And it seemed I got 20-40 thousands less than with my previous blade, for unknown reason. That had a bit higher wisdom, but less natural strength, same charisma.
System: WeiDu. That's the "mod" which brings BG1 content under BG2 engine, but otherwise does not modify anything. The only notable differences are: - kits are available from the getgo (that was the point) - BG2 proficiency-system from the start, no redistribution at BG1-BG2 transition (makes things a bit harder) - protagonist being charmed in BG1 equals Game Over (makes things harder) - no modification aside a small transition scene between the games, and that you must be able to leave the Undercity (likely minor issue, still worth to know, especially if you can't disarm traps) - the item-transition seems messed up. Needs manual correction.
There are others here. Minsc? Traveling with him? He says so. That's not happened! Must be an illusion. Must leave behind. He's caged fortunately, so he's weak... No, he's strong, but insane. Let him go. He doesn't quarel.
[Where is Jaheira? Well, I didn't want her Harper Pin anyway this time. Isn't romances strange? You can get a bastard baby from Aerie, and you can only marry Anomen. This of course suggests all partner are sterile. Given that the protagonist creates an offspring, that concludes its not his/her fault. Interesting factis, you CAN have same-sex relations in the original game - if you cheatin the Girdle of Opposite Sex that is. Another funny thing the back-to-nature relation provides you material product, while the one from industrialised background results in tree-hugging. Wonder what happens in theEE-romances.]
Imoen meeting a bunch of goblins ran away? Why? Why now? Where's the sense in that? Out of sheer frustration destroyed a clay golem. That quaterstaff +1 proved useful against some othygh lazying around - could reach it from the balcony while it could not attack back. (drinking 4 healing potions, and keep drinking. At the durgars before looting only had 3 medium Hpotions left)
There was a cambion imprisoned. Free it? Why? Those are common knowledge always hostile. I don't want MDK, I want freedom!
Got through a portal. These have limited range - but what does this knowledge worth me? Getting from a place where I'm lost to another place where I'm lost - where's the difference? I'm also running thin of life. When offensive spinning those mephit portals (what kinda id'ot puts those in their lair? Definitely a mad wizard were're dealing with 'ere) ran out of potions entirely, and only had half my strength! To add to the situation: see, got this Sword of Chaos from that jinn. Says it belong to me. Says what?!? And despite its name it is the most straightforward thing here. This whole thing is madness. But whose? Speaking of madness: some mad escaped clone was here too. Costed me m last Hpotions... Not to mention: there was this guy, don't remember his name, never told me - saved 'im from a mephit. Did I get any thanks? No, he attacked me. I said: madness this is! To prevent further damage to me when stumbled into a large group of goblins (and a mephit) used the summoning scroll I found within the complex. Darn, I miss my equipment! Got 2 kobold and an ogre, and they lasted enough to disable a trap on some bridge (well, they're summoned to fight and die. Never gave a though where do they come from, never will), and even to deal with a durgar. And this kept going on. Like with that thing behind the glassed room. When it shaped form, I justwaved: I open the door. When it was open, I attacked it immediately. Even stranger: I keep trying. Laconically offered to join the attackers near the ... entrance to them, exit to me. Of course they didn't know better and attacked.
And you think getting out ended the world going crazy? Imoen was out already, some immense mage-battling happened, and some fanatic mages ported in random dying one after another - then it all ended by Big Bad Boss getting BORED? Whatever. Fine for me. Get lost you all. Just leave me alone!
Entered the circus tent. Heared something insane going on in there. That ogre-elf shapeshifter surprised me - well, don't mess with strangers, that's the leston. I don't believe a second it was an illusion by the way. I mean those orcs, those wear illusin. But that halfogre-halfelf? Nah. She and her gnome friend bites the dust.
But these volks have some good inventions too: containers for stuff. Useful gadgets.
You killed Aerie? She is an elf; the ogre thing was indeed an illusion. If you give her the Ogre's Sword from the illusionary orcs, she turns back into an elf.
You killed Aerie? She is an elf; the ogre thing was indeed an illusion. If you give her the Ogre's Sword from the illusionary orcs, she turns back into an elf.
I know that, but my character would act differently, as she's a bit on the mentally unstable side. And is evil. Sry for the long halt by the way, got distracted by other projects (work, Asimov's Robot/Empire/Foundation series, Discworld...)
I was minding my own business when some beggar force-begged me to some guy who really wnted to "help" me. Right. Nothing suspicious. Right, I have no choice. Ahha. Let me steal that funny-looking glasses you have, 'n onward to drinkin'! At least I hoped so, but some pair of ruffians hit on me. Took two lotions to get rid of 'em.
Do I have "kick me" on my back? Stepping into the tavern just put me into another fight. The brag didn't live to regret it. His friends do. That guy "anomen" too. For the moment. Who is he to judge my way of life? The only court is Life, so you better take what Life gives you, and stop others taking it! Got some quests I practically learnt nothing about, and to be honest of all this establishment the most exciting part was its serwers. Well, that's a +3 sword to me at least. And alevel. Above went to free some slaves because I had nothing better to do, and doing them favour it was themwho obviously ment money. Which I needed for a whole bunch of reasons. The beastmaster had a load of 'im, luckily 2 shot of frost from wand solved that problem.
Went for the 5-finger-discount market, and got some spells, and a staff +3. Nothing that'd help my low number of attacks or better my high AC. Didn't even see anything that could help the problem. Yeah, that sword could provide a free Haste spell per day, but how long that'd last? Maybe as long as it took to find the ghost's teddy. Maybe some much-neglected potions?
Stumbled into the ShadowThieves too, started to work for them half-harted. Jelous of the vampires killing those thieves who make you bleed through the nose. Bugging the Harpers sound more fun.
Walked around disinterested in any of the quests all the people tested on me. Well, some demanded immediate action, like that Uncle Lester, and making a paladin's life uneasy by forcing an orphan to him did worth the laugh, but in the end took a scroll of prot. form undead, destroyed the lich I found at the city gates (considered leaving the city, but nah,yet),and with the remaining time of the scroll looted some of the tombs in the graveyard. Aside a new level it gave me enough gold to stop worrying about the Cowled Wizards when I want to enter to houses. I mean why people have doors? If they don't want people entering, move to a dimension with not magic in it!
Continued on working the thieves guilds. Was hard with my lvl 14 (15 after killed the mage). The kill-the-mage part 1 is about to have enough HP, as most kills will be done by the Fire Mephits. Part 2 has 2 golems (stone I had), and they are a nuisance. Cast Blur + Improved Invisibility. Start with 1 offensive spin, continue with defensive, hope you survive. Have a summon ready for part 3, the mage himself. Go up, pause, cast Magic Missile to soften 'im up. Say you are just looking around, so you can cast a 2nd spell - the bigger the summon the better of course. Monster Summon 3 would work nice, or if you found a conjure lesser elemental that's good too. Whe the thing is summoned GO BACK one stairs and wait 30 ticks (watch the pendulum), THEN go back. Voila, his protection-globe disappeared, otherwise things are the same. Cast Aganzanar's Scorcher ASAP, use the summon as distraction. When the scorcher runs out switch to elementalarrows (fire/acid/whatever) to penetrate his stoneskin and prevent casting. Though work, but after it the quest is a talk-walk. Aside the kill-MaeVar part of course. But as you don't actually have to eliminate the whole guild, I just drank some invisibility-potions to avoid most of the trouble. The reward was... ironic. 10K gold and a Sword of Backstabbing.
With arrows - sword spiders are exception - hacked my way through spiders under the Graveyard, and a scorcher-from-wand destroyed the spawning-spiders at the entrance of the centre. Inside a single Sunfire delt most of the damage -beware as the priestess there has insane magic resistance and strong spells (but not many). Hacking or elemental arrows will do. Result: spider figurine AND Spell Immunity - can go for the berserker statue. Of course have a diamond (actually 2). Hint: one bunchof spiders canactually be eliminated by leading them to the first chest and activating its trap - a cloudkill spell.
Remembered there are slaves to conquer ... I mean capture ... I mean liberate. Entering was solved by getting out of the boss' visuals and some Wand of Fear. Then charm the boss, and with him as distraction murder the rest of the slavers.
Remembered the Silver Pantaloons take away some reputation, so went there too. Act 3 starts.
QUESTION: What'd happen if I'd spend my gold and thus not have the money when showing up for the randevou?
So many dead-yet-not-dead people. Xar. Edwin. Khalid. EVERYONE. Viconia*. Well, who cares for a drow to die? One less being threatening meself. Although I bet as they returned once, they'll return yet again. After all, if this is just a dream, and I dream it, as long as I'm not dead, they can eternal lie. Ye, death is a lie. Can death die? Can you murder murder? I sure could murder that tinbox in the sewers. Nice armor he had. Shinier than 'is brain. The raksasha at least had enough mind to have some goons. Even I can have goons. I have a spider, a berserker warrior, this annoying sword, spell-creatures...
*: Actually, where's Viconia? She somehow did not appear this time.
Talking about spell-creatures: there was that imp... Which summoned an earth elemental... And some kobold tried to take advantage of the fight... I think I'd've lost w/o my beserker. Patched up, and to calm down went to see how my report to the authorities payed out. Well, one hand the authority managed to kill himslef. At least his comrades coughed up some money.On the other there was absolutly no reward from reporting that unlicenced hag, his hired goons didn't even have anything iteresting on 'rm! Punny unenchanted stuuf was all! What did they think, those are outlawed too? Preparation Zero. And they call themselves adventurers. Me? I'm prepared. Even wearing that funny-smelling armor found at the Tanner. Not that it has that much use, but looks cool, and does no restrict any of my abilities. That's a plus.
Found a Find Familiar scroll. Learnt it, casted it. I learn every single spell I find. Because then they are MINE. Also finished in a single night Bodhi's first two jobs - the third had no deadline, aside a dead line, so why rush. Didn't even seen the country I'm in. I like new things. And as the 3rd job turned out to bring me the same place as one option form the 2nd would've, I'm glad I chose murder. Did I mention if it depends on me, that Jan Jansen will rot in prison for good? That murder in a way too.
The umber hulks in the serwer lookd though, thus I invested into bracers AC3. Soon a bit regreted, as gaining illithium and melting it with the mace of disruption did cost a hugh chunk of money. Doubly felt cheated as realised Umber Hulks just die from cloudkill, and that's it. Life is hard. #FirstWorldProblems
I give the Thief Guild they had some pretty decent mages. Or just I did not have good enough saves. I needed to use up some random scrolls (Minor Globe of Inv., Minor Spell Turning) to dealwith them. Healing Potions are ever a good thing too, and they had goons with 'em, so Offensive Spin 'em while they were wasting their time on spells of no effect. On the other hand I'll need to come up something against Hold Person - annoying. Then I realised I forgot the key, so went to check out Gaelen. Well, better late then never,after all he DID invite me, although BEFORE accepting Bodhi's deal. What an unfair world, can't have everything. It wasa detraction anway, I was only thining them out, 'casue I still had useful spells&stuff at me after the fight with Neb which took more than I expected out of me. Then I had a weaird dream, where first a demon killed me (huh, it was just a dream, it'd be really inconvinient to be undead), then ... I turned to be an even stronger demon and killed others? What? And smeone calls that power? Power is to have stuff, not ensuring none else has them either!
But this is even more confusing: "Helm is practical" - he said - "Take this Helm of Glory to further yourself" - he said. To a bard. Right. Nextto do their job had to wait, so I decided to investigate a door I found earlier. The pirate of the Sea Bounty were more than I expected. I meanmore difficult. Had normalpirate treasure,what at this point... Enough ro say, we're no longer in Baldur's Gate. But what's the worst that can happen? I have to sleep once more before going after Haer Dhalis to get payed? Anyway, the thieves of Lathander turned out a true insult, so things balanced out, and I went into the conduit. Arrive -> SunFire -> no problem with the welcoming commitee.
I didn't know you can save vs Detect Evil...
[As all things in the city contained beholders at this point one way or another, went to out]
In the De'Arnise Keep (yes, it took "ages" to get there Nalia, sweat girl with a mom who almost made marriage proposal to me) trolls were a nuisance. [The place is bugged to the core, the monsters showing up randomly, getting into permanent not-making-attack-roll loop and so on.] Golems were mostly ok [except when they delt 50+ dmg andI had to reload). With Boots of Speed I simply ouran the hulks. The guard captain could not harm my Air Elemental (from that staff), so all went excelent. Entering the throne room at clvl 20. With invisibility potion, so can lure out bosstroll w/o problem. Needs a good amount of buffs (Mirror Image is much adivsed), but is managebale.
I'm in Act 3 already for a while, So I assume it won't hurt if I make another post.
Prevented a mugging at the city gate. The guards there are entirely usless 'cause corruption. But why, oh why these merchants never have anything useful? Only +1/+2 equipments. And a coupleof spells. Atleast now I can summon Lesser Fire Elementals too, and my words (can) have power too in a way. But please dearreader don't fall asleap! Either way it never cease to amuse me, I can sell people their own stuff. Especially if they are some elite sect of Helm guarding the Imprisoned One - whatever that would be. And the profit can be spent on such things as that Potion Bag. Solves issues. Sadly not all issues. Those things inside the Keep looked too strong, I barely could fetch a book under their nose.
Trademeet is tyring. You go Trademeet. You go Druidic Grove. The spirit trolls can easily suprise you at their mound, so cast offensive spin to deal with them. Stumble into trolls fighting shadow druids. Let the two group weaken [also bring acidic arrows 'cause bug can prevent kiling the trolls either by acid or fire, but not both according to my experience]. Stumble into more shadow druids - they take back from their faces after a cloudkill. Sadly their leader don't stay to die. Then a pair of spore colony can easily overwhelm you with myconids if you don't offensive spin them to blast. (Alternatively try chain lightnings or fireballs.) Fight even more shadow druids. The Flesh Golem holds the two warrior up until you deal with the caster (prevent casting by magic missiles). Go Trademeet. Go Druidic Grove. Buy potions (I think this must be, as when I went with the genie's quest they "smelled" djinns on me and attacked, leaving no chance to buy stuff). Go Trademeet. Go Druidic Grove. Cast Stone Skin + MMM + offensive spin to destroy the raksasha. Go Trademeet. I was no match for the ancients in the crypt, but 3 sunfire wasno match for them. Oh, there's the issue of the skindancers too (you can hold the +1 rep for later in case you need to turn to Slayer). Go Athkatla 'cause theatre. Cast Limited Wish. Go Druidic Grove...
In the meantime took a short visit in Umar Hills - did not like the place. Those shadows annoy me (Hold Person). Aran Linvail also had to have shadows. And somehow shadowfiends can negate sunfire in cases (bug)? Arrows still work. And demons too. That stupid thief brought in an actual demon. Took a look, closed the door. Wait until noises stop. Open door for situation.
There is a fun battle: Tarnor the hatchetman&Co. Bring 2 cloudkill or such, improved invisibility, MMM, stoneskin, some summon(s), wand(s) of lightning, and immunity to electricity. Do the preparation, then go in and cast a cloudkill/incindenary cloud. Back off (preferably wear boots of speed), and shoot lightning form wand to who follows. This is because these wands are bugged, and randomly release number of charges. That's a LOT of damage. If/when they get outof the cloud run through it and cast another. MMM any archer standing in the cloud. Use any summon as meatshield when needed. It's spectacular! Mencar Pebblecrusher wasn't that much, but there gained back the used wand of lightning and more, so it's fine, though preventing the thief from escape is always a hassle. Valygar - what minions he had! Stronger then him! Still, divide and conquer worked, only had to support with defensive spin.
NOTE: my "do I even try to hit?" problemseems to be related wearing the Boots of Speed. With the bard's pathetic 1 attack per round it seems to add too small number of attacks resulting in the problem where sometimes you hit 3 times consequitive, other times not for thirty seconds. Suggestion: remove Boots of Speed when fighting in melee.
If youask this because I said "I'm too weakfor WSK1 shadows", I tell this point I ment in melee. I could have pass even the Chromatic Demon before any HLA - did so in a previous playthrough with another blade. But it's very boring to sunfire*3 -> sleep -> repeat. The trick for Chromatic Demon w/o abosing HLA-traps is Disintegrate or other instant death spells (and probably a handful of reloads).
My normal setup after BG1 is something like this: - lvl 1: magic missiles. Plus 99% I have an identify scroll in my backpack, just in case. - lvl 2: 1 blur, the rest is mirror image. Instead of Resist Fear I use reload when I have to, shame on me. - lvl3: started with Fireballs, but grew them out (not enough damage, instant spell, things becoming immun). Nowdays it is full Melf's Minute Meteors. - lvl 4: 1 fireshield blue, 1 improved invisibility, the rest is stoneskin. - lvl 5: 1 cloudkill, the rest is sunfire - lvl 6: basic setup is 1 chain lighting, 1 deathfog, 1 true sight
I regularly use 1/day summons, mostly in order: Kitthlix, Berserker Warrior, Golem Manual. The spider and the berserker slowly will go out of fashion, the efreeti and elementals will come in instead after Bag of Holdin becomes accessible.
At times go back to potions (healing and speed most often, of insight and other variants when the need arise - all hail metaknowledge) and wands (at very early BG2 fire and cold variant, nowdays lightning and cloudkill, later all will go out of fashion).
Scrolls are used based on what I find, but at this point they are mostly arbitrary. Constantly carrying around 2-3 knock, and 1 prot. from undead though just in case.
Planar Sphere: With the body of Valygar I tookup from Valygar (at this point I justaccept things as they come) opened the Sphere he mentioned. It was obvious, as he insisted he can access it alive, the Cowled Wizards insisted they can when he's dead. And I don't need a phantasm who is me backstabbing me, so he was better to be dead. Inside I shifted, but put together a golem (me?), met a part who was supposed to be long dead and insisted to kill the demon. At least "a" demon. Did so. MMM penetrates all. I must conquere elsewhere as I conquere/d the Sphere. A sphere is a world. I was at the center of this. But it is small, even if it has many wonders making it bigger on the inside. It almost mazes me. But I'm faster!
The journey was an experience though, widened my horizons. Went to the shops and brough marvelous items to wear. Vhailor's Helm, Shield of Valduran amongst others. Onto thee beholders! Those who only watch, reach nothing!
[Liches are dumbly implemented. They havea seqeuencs of spell, and they stick to it. This sequence usually includes Maze, an extremly short distance spell. So if you keep running around, you can arrow them down. Also, it is urban legend that you can't use prot. form undead against Kangaxx. Sure, it won't start conversation - but is ready toreact you trying to talk with it. Even if it would be true, bard has a familiar, and I bet it'd work with summons. Simply seeing the familiar/hostile being kicks in the conversation pattern. Figured out as I went to Shangalar under the spell, and it refused to come down the table. Afer weakening it with arrows called out my dust mephit, then immediately put it back. Instant win. I won't go to the Guarded Compound as that offers nothing to my liking, and don't need the exp.]
Did I mention I destroyed a literal god? Ye, Amanuator is no more.
[At this point there's no real reason to detail the Shadow Lord's tale. Greater Mummies were hard to hit and could hit me, cleared the place using mace of disrupt + shield. Only snared at the dragon 'cause boredom.]
An overlooked opportunity:
Greater Werewolves are serious problem. I could not actually find a solution aside HLA-traps. Maybe this is where 2-3 point in two-weapon-style + extra-attack-weapon + offensive spin would be the "normal" way to deal.
The ending of the story of Windspear Hills remembers me of a book I once read and said: "This is not a fairytale. The final battle is between the dragon and the evil witchqueen. The good knight died at the beginning in syphilis." It was a wonder of wonders, just like that wand... Or the play we're making at the Playhouse. First, I rewrote the script (using the notes Zeran's notes), now I rewrote the music too. Ok, here the intent was to replicate the notes, but perfect memory is only what youhave on Mechanus. And they said it got better maybe!Could have hire that famous musician, but he was already famous, right? Need to think on the future generation. And if Marcus' talent shows because I gave him a chance to use his already developed skills - canyou imagine how grateful he might be in the future? #EvilIsGood
On the second level to note things are easier than they look, as the major threats are bound to their own realms. So arrows are foolproof. Hardest fight was maybe the desert trolls, as they came in group. I hate snakes, especially with ability to stun. Summons can help though. (The chromatic demon costs 3 traps)
WK lvl 3:
room strategy: - 3003 and 3011 are the starting area, no action here - 3008: Do NOT make preparations, all buffs will be removed at arrival as with all Dead Magic Zone. Start hacking the weaker demons, so the big one has time to thin things out. If you are evil - and you should be -, you can't get the Purifier. - 3004: wear Boots of Speed at arrival. Run back to the portal and hope only 1 dmeon follows. Try Ring of Ram(s) if two comes. Use defensive spin. If you come here early, you might wanna try using Staff of Strikings (only loose charges if hit). You also might consider using anti-acid equipment (Shadow Dragon Scale/Corthala Family Armor) for this fight. When the two closes demon is finished, lay down 1-2 traps, and lure the "slayer" on you. Don't forget to kill EVERYTHING in the room. - 3012: this is a very good reason to be evil alignment. Make pact with them. They call themselves tanari (and by race they are), but they are actually baatezu (lawful evil) by behaviour. The other group in 3013 will fight you no matter what (as you'd expect from a chaotic evil group), and these are one of the hardest battles in the entire game! - 3009: pretty impossible room with one "wild" solution. First, wear the Sensate Amulet for prot. from evil. Second, wear the Boots of Speed to give you ANYchance to hit something. Third, and this is important, wait for the "gate" wild surge to occure. The arriving demon will finally make sure work on the quazits (it sees the invisible). - 3005: lay down traps in twos (maximum 7 traps) around the edge and lead them on 'em one-by-one. The highest priority target is the assassin (permanent invisibility, uses assassination HLA). Not getting hurt by whirlwind is actually easy, just run around a second in Boots of Speed. Leave the mage for final, and if you don't suffer held/stun by spell/wild surge, you'll be good. Special abilities work here uneffected. - 3007: find them one by one. Use defensive spin. - 3014: buff heavily. This time I used: blur, improved invisibility, draw upon holy might (specialability), resist fear (flute HLA - the flute is better then it looks, as if you use up any of the charges it does not disappear for running out of the charges of a certain type, unlike fire wands), stone skin, 4*mirror image (alternate casting this and offensive spinas they are running out), offensive spin until wraith is dead. Also: tried using Daystar's ability, with pathetic result. Had to reload. - 3010: more intelligent design than you'd expect. First: go to the bottom left portal. Be cautious, and "peak" out from them to see ONE of the two glaberzu here, so it starts casting. Both can try summoning either a fire elemental, or an ice salamander six times (not always succeed?). Lure those one-by-one to you. When the spells deplet draw the bosses one at a time. You'll need offensive spin OR improved haste (ring of gaxx(es)) to be able to hurt them more than they hurt you. - 3013: with a strong(?) computer this shouldn't pose that hard of a problem. The basic idea would be stone skin + MMM + blur + mirror image, wear Amulet of Power + Robe of Vecna, cast 2-3+ death fog while running around, and everyone dies. There are a fistful of problems though. First, the demons respawn until you kill their "slayer" boss. Second, the game just LOVES to crash. Too many death fog? (sometimes even 2 is too many at me) Crash. Enemy casts too many things the same time (they have lightning bolt, aganzanar's scorcher, and some arrows of erinyes)? Crash. You get HIT too often in a second? Crash. Third: the boss can, and at times do go invisible. So yeah. My current solution was to cast wish for double time stop + improved alactricity option, offensive spin + improved haste, and throw all my MMM on the boss,recast MMM, throw it until time stop goes away. Boss is dead. Run arounda little until game-engine stabilises, finish the rest without problem (bone golems never appeared, only had 2 imps, 1 erinyes archer who obviously do not move around, and some cornugon who are slow thus vulnerable).
lvl 4 is perfectly fine, things to watch out: - anti-paladins hit hard. So focus on them, and don't let more then 1 at the same time. Use Defensive Spin to survive. - if bunch of illithid + umber hulk gets to you, do offensive spin (or improved haste) - against the orcs waste your mirror images - traps against the dragon - you only want to open the lower and upper left seals, 'cause they are the one giving you potentially useful items. This means you don't need to waste time with the pillars/orbs/monsters room. Use traps to kill the priority-targets. You likely don't want to finish all the monsters from the Great Seal, just survive long enough for pickups and leave through the gate, never come back. NOTE: Nalmissra costs 1 trap, Ytossi 2, The Huntress 3. Also, this was when I reached clvl 40.
Ca. this was the time too shown the Sorceror's Bane. QUESTION: out of curiosity said we must cancel the premier. I got entered the theatre,at the entrance, then the game stopped rolling. What should happen? Either way, sold the theatre. Took my money, and even though it was an experience, I no longer need experience. And I have Windspear Hills to retire into. And if all else fails, I still have the deed for the Playhouse... Still, can't help but feel sad for Jenna:
Edit : A mage/thief is most probably better than a bard throughout the game, but once you get into HLA territory, their power level is probably about the same, since they both have access to those overpowered HLA traps.
Ah, and u know what? I saw that speedrun. You know what I found strange? The guy at leat once relied on the Wild Surge. Wild Surge for all sake. Because was a wildmage. And because it was faked,
And anyone can do Kangaxx. Bringing that up was stupid.
Doubly stupid as my prebious attempt - which was as far as I know the only solo bard attempt for the trilogy - ended right before Melissan. Ye, I got that far. Then I asked somewhere tips of preparatipon, and all I ended up that "bard is the strongest you dumb" (use Ygrenne's voice from Game of Thrones for this).
So get lost.
(There's on youtube a series of boss-fights with blade, but that's not an entire playthrough, and did not get further than TorGal).
----------- Fear can be resisted by saving throw with a good chance. I relied on ita couple of times myself too (like in the boss-tent of the bandit camp, see above).
And isn't there some mind-shielding potion for sale? I barely use those, but thereshould be. But why blame a home-made mod for anything? If I'd make a mod and make it possible for only a certain kit/build/whatever, that's not the blame of the character options, so I wouldn't dwelve into this too much.
Same for druid.
And again, just dual/multi that druid to fighter. Sure, you'll spend the good portion of the day throwing stats, but then it should work. Now dualing a bard...
Thief/mage is a bit harder at low level than a bard. Later in the game, they play more easy. Especially the gnome thief/illusionist.
The first solo bard strategy I know of was the bard with wands strategy. You can find it on sorcerers.net
If you say there are no guids for bards
If you say there are no recored bard solo non speedruns
This is the 18-minutes speedrun with a bard that uses glitches
I cannot find a glitchless speedrun with a bard, but all strategies used on a single class mage, can also be used by a bard. The biggest problem are the Nashkel mines, where you need to rely on mirror images and hope the traps don't kill you.
or if you think of BG2
Where did I say "first one ever to solo BG1 with a bard"? Show me, oh self-deluded one! §'Cause as far I can remember I can't emphsize enough how much I loath BG1 for being easy for ANY class. Now on the other hand I'm still waiting a full playthrough (description or otherwise) for BG1-BG2-ToB all the way across with a bard. Any kit.
No, and empty claim of 1 line and a link to "Error 404", "Forum is offline", "Try come back later" won't serve. Not that that list would say anything that one being solo. It only says "no reload". I assume full party.
And again (I asked this before), show me how you wand away ... dunno, Firkraag? Or something.
And would you NOt cite THEORYCRAFTING? I hate those, as they time to time prove false (like DSimpson's walkthrough for BG1 suggesting a simple Stinking Cloud against the boss-mage of Cloakwood Mine to start with).
The same is true for the 2nd link, for what I give a bit deeper analysis:
- it's only theorycrafting
- interesting choice to cite a guide which don't include BG1 when your whole argument is STRICKTLY IN BG1 bard is strong in the endgame...
- lore is redundant. Learn spell Identify and go to sleep
- pickpocket is... Well, you'll always need save&reload
- barbarian rage is better in my book than offensive spin
- you can eat your defensive spin w/o tacho or HP. Not being able to hit anything = you'll die when DS runs out. Low HP = you're still oneshot (that's why clvl 1-3 is BS in AD&D)
- two weapon style I can assure you is BS. The whole thing icomes from DSimpson's walkthrough and does not fit to reality (in case of Blade).
- the guide time to time returns to singing. Thus was created for party-purpose, not solo = lacks some further relevancy.
- stats: you NEED dumpstats, and with all the bonuses a natural 24 strength relieves an equipment-slot, while with lower wisdom you loose only a couple of lore-points which you'll have plenty anyway, AND you have the identify-spell. For conversations drink a wisdom-potion - you rarely need if at all conversations depended on wisdom, whil you always wanna carry stuff. Charisma 15 (minimum bard stat) is also way enough (reputation also gives a hugh chunk of discount, and you NEED dumpstats). 100+ points is also not realistic, even 91 requires a lot of rerolls. And definitely avoid the constitution-belt.
- proficiencies: shows (s)he started in SoA. And while it's not exactly bad, I'd say pick quaterterstaff (because golems, and because later they are good too). And twohanded swords (because you get some early with ease). AND a bow, because that's a good thing (in SoA it's much more personal preference which kind, you don't need the extra damage that much, and ToB-artefacts are all awesome).
- starter choice of spells (SoA): fireball is way better than skull traps, period.
- don't mess with vampires in Irenicus dungeon, and though not sure the moment you don't need to mess with the cambion either
- munckining for gold seems dumb. Much more satisfying if you play as intended. Especially as I just like to gain some exp before starting Chapter 3 (remember: lotta gold = Chapter 3 and its timed quests start ticking!)
- Dak'kon's blade might be good for SoA (although the guid forgot to pick proficiency for it), but bad for ToB, so nah. And doesn't even mention twohanded options (which actually rocks for bard).
- while the reward for Planar Prison might sound nice, HOW exactly did he did it? "With some creativity" isn't an answer. Notably also forgets Chapter Three started for 'im/'er. And of course used the sell-for-recharge thing which I stated to avoid myself.
- if he's munchkining that lot, why not TWO Ring of Gaxx?
- remember me how he found time to cast 2+ Summon undead AFTER started the battle?
- ioun stone? How about HELM OF BALDURAN? Oh ye, did not import from BG1...
- melodic chain? Ye, theorycrafting for numbers, that's where it led there.
- wondrous gloves are a terrible option.
- ring of prot-whatever: you'll wear magic armor, won't you?
- blackrazor: in the official game, with the official patches, outside EE it DOESN'T WORK. and yet again no twohanded options. With e suxxor thaco bard has, every hit counts. Might as well be them done by a BIG weapon, seen?
- cloak of prot-whatever again won't work just like the ring
- don't munchkin Unseeing Eye rod out
- control circlet no longer work in ToB
- wand of summoning is pathetic in ToB, even in SoA
- you'd be surprised how small amount of wish-spells are in the game
- no section for shields?
- bard is way more versatile with spells
- don't get time stop trap
- don't get ench. song for solo
- the person would be in REAL TROUBLE in Watcher's Keep's portal level. To start with. And the Ravager will eat him alive, because he theorycrafted to SoA using ToB-stuff, obviously.
BG1 start : http://blackstrider.net/Archive_Forum_Bioware/bg1-full/baldurs-gate-1-no-reload-challenge_page-1/forum.bioware.com/topic/124374-baldurs-gate-1-no-reload-challenge/page-308.html#entry14826902
BG1 end : http://blackstrider.net/Archive_Forum_Bioware/bg1-full/baldurs-gate-1-no-reload-challenge_page-1/forum.bioware.com/topic/124374-baldurs-gate-1-no-reload-challenge/page-309.html#entry14837088
BG2 start : http://blackstrider.net/Archive_Forum_Bioware/bg2-full/baldurs-gate-2-no-reload-challenge/forum.bioware.com/topic/124277-baldurs-gate-2-no-reload-challenge/page-250.html#entry14837284
BG2 ToB end : http://blackstrider.net/Archive_Forum_Bioware/bg2-full/baldurs-gate-2-no-reload-challenge/forum.bioware.com/topic/124277-baldurs-gate-2-no-reload-challenge/page-270.html#entry15093147
Edit : I've updated the links to the run made by Alesia_BH, because Serg_Blackstrider uploaded the full version with all the screenshots. Even better now !
Rage vs Offensive Spin: Fair enough. Too bad Bards can't cast spells or sing or do anything else, right?
Pickpocket is literally for one item in BG2 that's not even that necessary. I've never touched it in any playthrough, so I'll give you this.
Defensive Spin: Uhm. Too bad you don't get Stoneskin, Mirror Images, Protection from Magic Weapons, or offensive capability with Skull Trap, or even slightly more niche options like dual wielding a speed weapon + anything else + Improved Haste, and Tenser's transformation totally isn't a thing either, if necessary. There's a reason certain players have considered Ha'erdalis as the best tank in either BG1 or BG2.
Singing: You literally need to hit the singing action at the last second before a new round for it to take effect. I've used this with a solo Skald to boost my damage and THAC0 by 2 (in BG1) for every single round, throwing three darts, and singing again. Takes a bit of micromanagement, but this is solo we're talking about. Singing does NOT require aura, same as Find Traps and Turn Undead. So singing is totally viable in a solo setup, even without summons.
Stats: I often start with 10/18/16/18/10/15 for my bards (and as I've failed many no-reloads with a Skald, I've rolled a lot of them.) This is 87 points, the same as Imoen. You can dump Wisdom as noted to get an 80 point start with max DEX, max useful CON, and max INT.
Proficiencies: Um. In what world are 2h options better than 1h options? Not only are you permanently pinned at 2 APR with 2h weapons, vs a possible 6 or even 8 APR with dual wielding, you're also denying yourself the use of a shield.
Spells: Skull Trap is 100% better than Fireball, especially since you're a Bard. Skull Trap is uncapped by caster level, while Fireball is, and Bards naturally have the best caster level in the game due to being a casting class with Rogue leveling progression. Skull Trap also does Magic damage whereas Fireball does the highly resisted Fire damage. If you need Fireballs, use a Wand of Fire.
Vampire in Irenicus' dungeon: There's a Potion of Firebreath in one of the other chambers, so some people try to snag a free 8k experience with it. Cuz why not?
Weapon selections: No comment. Standard setup though is going to be either two Speed weapons (+1 APR), or some power weapon in the main hand and a speed weapon in the offhand for the standard 3 APR. Slings were apparently Alesia's primary damage source for her Jester.
Planar Prison: Optional and skipped in SCS due to the terror known as timestop and black blade of disaster.
Summon Undead: Because no mage ever successfully completes spells after combat starts, right? That'd be silly. And you totally aren't immune to most forms interruption with Stoneskin and Mirror Image + Improved Invisibility up. Add Pro. Magic Weapons for 4 more free rounds.
- Ioun Stones: Bards can't wear helms until UAI. Might as well get crit protection if for some reason your Stoneskins and Mirror Images are down. Or st least headgear as the EE dropped the ioun crit prevention.
- Melodic Chain: You can probably live without this, honestly, since the Bracers AC3 exist and...
- Ring of Protection: See above. Get better saving throws in the event you're actually vulnerable to stuff and not immune, which you really ought to be through weapon and item immunities and the wonderful Spell Immunity: Divination and Improved Invisibility combination. Throw in SI: Abjuration to avoid being Dispelled as well.
- Weapons: Two handed options, are, again, quite awful. See Alesia's posts for her weapon choices by the end of BG2.
- Other things: Cheeses listed in the guide that aren't even necessary, as proven above.
- Wish spells: You need literally one scroll, and then Simulacrum it.
- Shields: Eh, I was actually wrong on this one as well, as you don't get anything better than Bucklers before UAI. Dual wield is the way to go, as there are no useful immunities on any bucklers.
- More versatile with spells: .... Yes? This is true and not in your favor, so...
- Time Stop Trap: Literally only thieves get this. Are you going to say that any class that's not a Thief is hindered? You still have the cheesy Spike Traps which are enough to break a ton of ToB encounters if they're not nerfed.
- Most soloes ignore Watcher's Keep due to not needing the equipment, and the fact that levels after a certain bit stop mattering. Or have hit the EXP cap, one way or the other.
- See above to see a Jester defeat both the Ravager and Melissan. Solo.
So...... You yourself are theorycrafting a ton of stuff, like the fact that 2h weapons are going to be usable on a regular basis, and that fireball is better than Skull trap which is true only with nerfs. And he's not a Sorcerer, so he can use fireball anyways, but you shouldn't because it's bad. A bard has Mage spells up to level 6 and UAI and Spike Traps and all the versatility in the world. It's not a stretch to say that Bard is actually the second or third strongest base class in the game, beaten only by Wizards and Sorcerers.
Edited to remove a bit of vitriol; I apologize for that.
Stole a charming cloak from the magick shop dealer, and a lightning wand from Brevlik. Found a tome of dexterity at the thieves - at the cost of doing a job to them. For payment-before-action stole a wand of paralyzation from the questor. Good thing, because his-halruanship seemed very much powerless without it despite the praise from the leader thief.
Ran into two ... Bleak Cabal? Who knows. But no matter how sympathetic they were, I just stole a wand of fire from the quieter one and stepped down.
Broke into a house, but it was a gnome's (Nadine), so it was ok. Got a necklace of magic missile from the deal.
Also met an assassin. Not the type already familiar with, this one had some other grudge against me. Whatever, they die the same.
But be calm, met the "basic" type of assassins too. Got a book of wisdom out of the bargain.
Got involved in some ... peeping tom business? Thought I'll just rob blind everyone as this-said-that-that-said-this kinda game it was, but in the end hacked down one of the party. Something had to be done, and better fail than sorry. Got a wand of polymorph from it.
You know the joke where the bard goes into this inn, and finds Baldur's Helm? Well, it's funny because it is not a joke, got it?
Delt with Scar's quests (Seven Suns and disappearing people), then slept a little, went back to the SS for that pretty chest (wand of magic missles), and knocked up that pretty tower too (tome of intelligence). No mage at the top, 'cause I did freed the nymph before netering the disttrict).
Sat on the Iron Throne, but felt cold, and soaky by blood. Well, not exactly soaky. You see thatblood fried over it by the fireballs. And that potion of firebreath. Magic Missles were just extra. Boots of Speed is awesome.
In Candlekeep Boots of Speed is still awesome. Bring minal equipment: some potion of absorbtion, ring of fire res., potion of fire res., probably 5 healing potions just to be on the safe side, and aring of free action (also can be found down here). 3 knock spell memorized is advisable for the 2 tomes and the scroll of prot. from magic. The basilisks are a nasty surprise (although getting that inv.10ft can help out, or that invisibility potion you find inthe catacombs if you have no other means).
Freeing the guy from the grip of the Flaming Fist was solved by releasing a couple of fireballs (from wand). Remainig opposition calmed by sleep (from wand). The leader still stood, but alone not that big of a threat.
Doppelganger-medic delt with straight, although paralysing it was in the deck.
Destroying the assassin couple was more or less cake. Lure the male away and paralyze 'im. Draw Upon Holy Might gives enough thac0 to hit it in thatstate (using Spider's Bane). Switching the Short Sword of Backstabbing.
For the other went close after some healing potion (4), wiated to appear, then offensive spin it to oblivion. Easy. Or could have used Aganzanars' from wands, but that assumes she not invisible.
Ducal Palace preparation: bring wand of paralyze and wand of summoning (cast once in the middle of the group before starting). Drink potion of defense, cast a bunch of defensive spell, drink potion of speed. Use arrows of dispel to lessen the doppelgangers' abilities. Fortunately only 1 duke must stay alive.
Sharevok... seems problematic:
- rage vs offensive spin: your "argument" is a strawman, as wa spointed out
- defensive spin: ye. Stone Skin SOOO much helps hitting your target. Right. CENZORED
- singing was pointed out above to be frustrating, slow, and more. Sure, on low lvl (as was pointed out before) you need every bit, but later it's just too much hassle (as was pointed out before).
- stats: your point is? You definitely not support your source's 100+ requirement. So?
- dualwielding: may I ask how you got those numbers? a) you get no prophiciency bonus. b) your offhand'll never hit anything, so you can forget that bonus, and that's with all-three-stars. c) single handed weapon damage is MUCH LOWER then 2h variants. d) you have problem landing a hit even with your prime hand weapon. e) as your AC even isn't great, you can as well leave those shields. Also: spells. And hurry to kill before the duration runs out. Fortunately many 2H weapons also have ABILITIES. Like 1HKO, invisibility and so on. f) +APR stuff are +2-3 mlvl, so at best offhand. And they tend to lack any other ability.
- skull tarps is inferior for a long time. To start with lvl 1 bard has eqal level as lvl 1 mage. As was pointed out fireball has advantage AT THE START, ranging from start of BG1 to early BG2. Because of distance and diameter. and spells don't take inventory-slot (neither cost money to recast). And as we're at it, there are scrolls for skull trap.
- slings. We're talking 'bout primaly non-modded game, and you bring up slings. Riiight.
- Planar Prison: YOU brought it up...
- Summon undead: ye. And the same is even true to your summoned creatures, right? And stone skin protects from elemental damage, right? NO.
- helm: as the link YOU provided uses ToB, I see UAI as natural occurence for it. So listing a ioun stone where there's better option by common sense, even if it's a standard helm, is problematic and needs further comparative argument to establish. As you majorly throw out any equipment-advice the guide YOU linked I see no reason messing with that section further.
- Other things: as was pointed out that "cheese" is NOT cheese, and should the consequences be counted upon. If only the writer had enough mind to sufggest sleep right in the promenade and use the fence there, not suggesting leaving the promenade at all, YOU wouldn't be in trouble, and wouldn't show - again - the lack of experience from the writer.
- "more versatile with spells": the writer of the guide suggested to disable spells and play as a fighter, because - according to the guide - the bard is even better warrior than a half-orc barbarian. So ye, this IS ON MY favour.
- Time Stop Traps: my point is, NONE should get them. The guide suggest bards pick them. You say thieves get them, but not bards. I say NONE should chose them.
- why you run away from challenges, even if "there's no item there"? If bard is "Teh Strongest" as you claimed, why not prove it? And I think there IS good equipment in there. Like Machine of Lum, Deck of Many Things, Gloves of Extraordinary Specialisation (+0.5 attack I think), components... I see walking the WK entirely valid up to the biggest part of the final seal (that has the gloves).
Lastly I do not theorycraft. I speak out of practice. As was pointed out. It's worrysome to point out that things were pointed out before... (Could give link, but didn't wanna distract potential readers. )
PS: mods are problematic for comparsion, because they never just "harder", but rebalancing things. So a build what works under a mod, can be futile in the plain game.
Be nice, intelligent and respectful to other users, and you'll be fine.
Especially as I never dismissed anything. I ARGUED. That's not dismissing. Pointing out a flawed argument, or even a logical fallacy is not dismissing, seen?
There's no censorship against any users here.
Same obvious example if Watcher's Keep. How Machine of Lum not good enough to go for it, and how "everyone dismiss it, 'cause who needs +1 all stat"?
How about moving on?
PS: last issue: checked out that jester, and it's not useful at all. Too many extreme thing happen (like Chain Lightning in BG1) to provide any info, it lacks details on the go either way so it's not even interesting. Some things are obviously dubious, like Violet Potion in the regular game sticks your DEX to 3, no matter what, while there (s)he runs around with 24 DEX still.
I've been aware of this thread for a few days. Despite the fact that one of my characters, Alisa, has been a topic of discussion, I've refrained from participating, largely because the conversation has had an adversarial and unpleasant tone. I now feel compelled to make a few remarks, since the OP has adopted an ungenerous tone towards me. And, so:
1) Twilight, welcome to the forums, and welcome to the Challenges and Playthroughs section. I look forward to following your character's adventure.
2) Class power is a function of context, including playing style. It is to a significant extent subjective. While I and many other experienced players find bards balanced, powerful, top-tier, eminently suited to solo Trilogy runs, that doesn't mean that everyone else needs to think the same. I'll suggest that we should allow Twilight his opinion. Likewise, Twilight, you should consider the possibility that there are other valid views of the bard class's power curve. You may find people more willing to respect your views if you respect theirs.
3) Twilight, to the extent that your objective here is to get people to engage with your run, learn from your posts, and share in your triumphs and failures, then you may find that civility serves you better than hostility. This is a welcoming place, a friendly place. We accept all who respect the community, its members, and its norms. We'd all like to make a new friend. Consider being one.
Once again, welcome!
Btw. Head of the class
If you drink a Potion of Agility and a Potion of Fortitude after drinking the Violet Potion then you can offset the penalties. Drinking a Potion of Mindfocusing and or casting DUHM can raise your dex and con further still
If anyone has any questions about Alisa's run, feel free to ask. I'll be happy to explain anything and everything. For reference, it was a successful SCS/Ascension Trilogy No Reload, one of many Trilogy No Reloads I and my colleagues completed on the Bioware Forums. We also had a bard led party complete the No Reload challenge. In addition, many years ago, we had a blade solo the Ascension battle on insane (with reloads). There's no challenge too big for a bard- at least in this girl's opinion!
It just doesn't work that way in the original vanilla game (there's a reson why I put the thread not under any of the EE, but General main, playthrough sub).
I am different.
There was a ... actually I'm not sure who they were. I was pretty sure none down there should be there, so if they're there they have malevolent intentions, so I just started to bombard them with fireballs. And aganzanar's when it came to that (I found a wand of fire with 23 charges for both in my stash!). Roast in pieces.
Tamoko... Left. Hopefully no god will able to tell where she went.
And thus the story ends, and another starts, the same continues:
The trick is to paralyze the archer on the left (finish with arrow because AC, thac0 and sharevok issue), then make the ogre thief backstab you so he's revealed. He's slow, so can be executed by arrows. Sharevok shall be lured to the bottom left corner and shall be left there. Somehow I put a mage robe where Ring of Invisibility was supposed to go, but a charge from wand of summoning did the trick. Cast prot. from magic scroll and deal with the mage (aganzanar scorcher mainly from wand). Finally pummel Sharevok with arrows. Just realised all the magic missile thingies were useless, what'd've been better some more piercing arrows. And probably potions. and wands of monster summoning. Whatever. Let's fall into the Abyss.
Awoke. Somewhere. Somehow. Imoen? Imoen is dead. Isn't she? How is she not dead? Why doesn't she go away? She asked shuld she go away, to which I said, "Alright, let's go", but she stayed. Why doesn't she let go? Just like her .. new belt? Doesn't let go either. Shoul I let got? I am ... hurt. Why is she not hurt? I'm the victim here.
I'd encourage others to test this in their install. Drink the Violet Potion first, then the Potion of Agility. Order matters. The Gauntlets of Dexterity will not work.
This has worked for I and others in a variety of installs, including Tutu and EE, both with and without SCS. I've yet to hear of it not working in controlled conditions, although, of course, behavior may still differ across installs.
In any case, best of luck, Twilight!
The surprising moments of BG1 was - compared to m previous go - the early assassination for which I rolled now very good.
But I could spend a god's money in this game, gold is simply never enough. And it seemed I got 20-40 thousands less than with my previous blade, for unknown reason. That had a bit higher wisdom, but less natural strength, same charisma.
System: WeiDu. That's the "mod" which brings BG1 content under BG2 engine, but otherwise does not modify anything.
The only notable differences are:
- kits are available from the getgo (that was the point)
- BG2 proficiency-system from the start, no redistribution at BG1-BG2 transition (makes things a bit harder)
- protagonist being charmed in BG1 equals Game Over (makes things harder)
- no modification aside a small transition scene between the games, and that you must be able to leave the Undercity (likely minor issue, still worth to know, especially if you can't disarm traps)
- the item-transition seems messed up. Needs manual correction.
There are others here. Minsc? Traveling with him? He says so. That's not happened! Must be an illusion. Must leave behind. He's caged fortunately, so he's weak... No, he's strong, but insane. Let him go. He doesn't quarel.
[Where is Jaheira? Well, I didn't want her Harper Pin anyway this time. Isn't romances strange? You can get a bastard baby from Aerie, and you can only marry Anomen. This of course suggests all partner are sterile. Given that the protagonist creates an offspring, that concludes its not his/her fault. Interesting factis, you CAN have same-sex relations in the original game - if you cheatin the Girdle of Opposite Sex that is. Another funny thing the back-to-nature relation provides you material product, while the one from industrialised background results in tree-hugging.
Wonder what happens in theEE-romances.]
Imoen meeting a bunch of goblins ran away? Why? Why now? Where's the sense in that?
Out of sheer frustration destroyed a clay golem. That quaterstaff +1 proved useful against some othygh lazying around - could reach it from the balcony while it could not attack back. (drinking 4 healing potions, and keep drinking. At the durgars before looting only had 3 medium Hpotions left)
There was a cambion imprisoned. Free it? Why? Those are common knowledge always hostile. I don't want MDK, I want freedom!
Got through a portal. These have limited range - but what does this knowledge worth me? Getting from a place where I'm lost to another place where I'm lost - where's the difference?
I'm also running thin of life. When offensive spinning those mephit portals (what kinda id'ot puts those in their lair? Definitely a mad wizard were're dealing with 'ere) ran out of potions entirely, and only had half my strength!
To add to the situation: see, got this Sword of Chaos from that jinn. Says it belong to me. Says what?!? And despite its name it is the most straightforward thing here. This whole thing is madness. But whose?
Speaking of madness: some mad escaped clone was here too. Costed me m last Hpotions...
Not to mention: there was this guy, don't remember his name, never told me - saved 'im from a mephit. Did I get any thanks? No, he attacked me. I said: madness this is!
To prevent further damage to me when stumbled into a large group of goblins (and a mephit) used the summoning scroll I found within the complex. Darn, I miss my equipment! Got 2 kobold and an ogre, and they lasted enough to disable a trap on some bridge (well, they're summoned to fight and die. Never gave a though where do they come from, never will), and even to deal with a durgar.
And this kept going on. Like with that thing behind the glassed room. When it shaped form, I justwaved: I open the door. When it was open, I attacked it immediately.
Even stranger: I keep trying. Laconically offered to join the attackers near the ... entrance to them, exit to me. Of course they didn't know better and attacked.
And you think getting out ended the world going crazy? Imoen was out already, some immense mage-battling happened, and some fanatic mages ported in random dying one after another - then it all ended by Big Bad Boss getting BORED?
Whatever. Fine for me. Get lost you all. Just leave me alone!
Have a wonderful journey in Amn!
But these volks have some good inventions too: containers for stuff. Useful gadgets.
Sry for the long halt by the way, got distracted by other projects (work, Asimov's Robot/Empire/Foundation series, Discworld...)
I was minding my own business when some beggar force-begged me to some guy who really wnted to "help" me. Right. Nothing suspicious. Right, I have no choice. Ahha. Let me steal that funny-looking glasses you have, 'n onward to drinkin'!
At least I hoped so, but some pair of ruffians hit on me. Took two lotions to get rid of 'em.
Do I have "kick me" on my back? Stepping into the tavern just put me into another fight. The brag didn't live to regret it. His friends do. That guy "anomen" too. For the moment. Who is he to judge my way of life? The only court is Life, so you better take what Life gives you, and stop others taking it!
Got some quests I practically learnt nothing about, and to be honest of all this establishment the most exciting part was its serwers. Well, that's a +3 sword to me at least. And alevel.
Above went to free some slaves because I had nothing better to do, and doing them favour it was themwho obviously ment money. Which I needed for a whole bunch of reasons. The beastmaster had a load of 'im, luckily 2 shot of frost from wand solved that problem.
Went for the 5-finger-discount market, and got some spells, and a staff +3. Nothing that'd help my low number of attacks or better my high AC. Didn't even see anything that could help the problem. Yeah, that sword could provide a free Haste spell per day, but how long that'd last? Maybe as long as it took to find the ghost's teddy. Maybe some much-neglected potions?
Stumbled into the ShadowThieves too, started to work for them half-harted. Jelous of the vampires killing those thieves who make you bleed through the nose. Bugging the Harpers sound more fun.
Walked around disinterested in any of the quests all the people tested on me. Well, some demanded immediate action, like that Uncle Lester, and making a paladin's life uneasy by forcing an orphan to him did worth the laugh, but in the end took a scroll of prot. form undead, destroyed the lich I found at the city gates (considered leaving the city, but nah,yet),and with the remaining time of the scroll looted some of the tombs in the graveyard. Aside a new level it gave me enough gold to stop worrying about the Cowled Wizards when I want to enter to houses. I mean why people have doors? If they don't want people entering, move to a dimension with not magic in it!
Continued on working the thieves guilds. Was hard with my lvl 14 (15 after killed the mage).
The kill-the-mage part 1 is about to have enough HP, as most kills will be done by the Fire Mephits.
Part 2 has 2 golems (stone I had), and they are a nuisance. Cast Blur + Improved Invisibility. Start with 1 offensive spin, continue with defensive, hope you survive.
Have a summon ready for part 3, the mage himself. Go up, pause, cast Magic Missile to soften 'im up. Say you are just looking around, so you can cast a 2nd spell - the bigger the summon the better of course. Monster Summon 3 would work nice, or if you found a conjure lesser elemental that's good too. Whe the thing is summoned GO BACK one stairs and wait 30 ticks (watch the pendulum), THEN go back. Voila, his protection-globe disappeared, otherwise things are the same. Cast Aganzanar's Scorcher ASAP, use the summon as distraction. When the scorcher runs out switch to elementalarrows (fire/acid/whatever) to penetrate his stoneskin and prevent casting.
Though work, but after it the quest is a talk-walk. Aside the kill-MaeVar part of course. But as you don't actually have to eliminate the whole guild, I just drank some invisibility-potions to avoid most of the trouble.
The reward was... ironic. 10K gold and a Sword of Backstabbing.
With arrows - sword spiders are exception - hacked my way through spiders under the Graveyard, and a scorcher-from-wand destroyed the spawning-spiders at the entrance of the centre. Inside a single Sunfire delt most of the damage -beware as the priestess there has insane magic resistance and strong spells (but not many). Hacking or elemental arrows will do. Result: spider figurine AND Spell Immunity - can go for the berserker statue. Of course have a diamond (actually 2).
Hint: one bunchof spiders canactually be eliminated by leading them to the first chest and activating its trap - a cloudkill spell.
Remembered there are slaves to conquer ... I mean capture ... I mean liberate. Entering was solved by getting out of the boss' visuals and some Wand of Fear. Then charm the boss, and with him as distraction murder the rest of the slavers.
Remembered the Silver Pantaloons take away some reputation, so went there too. Act 3 starts.
QUESTION: What'd happen if I'd spend my gold and thus not have the money when showing up for the randevou?
So many dead-yet-not-dead people. Xar. Edwin. Khalid. EVERYONE. Viconia*. Well, who cares for a drow to die? One less being threatening meself. Although I bet as they returned once, they'll return yet again. After all, if this is just a dream, and I dream it, as long as I'm not dead, they can eternal lie. Ye, death is a lie. Can death die? Can you murder murder?
I sure could murder that tinbox in the sewers. Nice armor he had. Shinier than 'is brain. The raksasha at least had enough mind to have some goons. Even I can have goons. I have a spider, a berserker warrior, this annoying sword, spell-creatures...
*: Actually, where's Viconia? She somehow did not appear this time.
Talking about spell-creatures: there was that imp... Which summoned an earth elemental... And some kobold tried to take advantage of the fight... I think I'd've lost w/o my beserker.
Patched up, and to calm down went to see how my report to the authorities payed out. Well, one hand the authority managed to kill himslef. At least his comrades coughed up some money.On the other there was absolutly no reward from reporting that unlicenced hag, his hired goons didn't even have anything iteresting on 'rm! Punny unenchanted stuuf was all! What did they think, those are outlawed too? Preparation Zero. And they call themselves adventurers.
Me? I'm prepared. Even wearing that funny-smelling armor found at the Tanner. Not that it has that much use, but looks cool, and does no restrict any of my abilities. That's a plus.
Found a Find Familiar scroll. Learnt it, casted it. I learn every single spell I find. Because then they are MINE.
Also finished in a single night Bodhi's first two jobs - the third had no deadline, aside a dead line, so why rush. Didn't even seen the country I'm in. I like new things. And as the 3rd job turned out to bring me the same place as one option form the 2nd would've, I'm glad I chose murder.
Did I mention if it depends on me, that Jan Jansen will rot in prison for good? That murder in a way too.
The umber hulks in the serwer lookd though, thus I invested into bracers AC3. Soon a bit regreted, as gaining illithium and melting it with the mace of disruption did cost a hugh chunk of money. Doubly felt cheated as realised Umber Hulks just die from cloudkill, and that's it. Life is hard. #FirstWorldProblems
I give the Thief Guild they had some pretty decent mages. Or just I did not have good enough saves. I needed to use up some random scrolls (Minor Globe of Inv., Minor Spell Turning) to dealwith them. Healing Potions are ever a good thing too, and they had goons with 'em, so Offensive Spin 'em while they were wasting their time on spells of no effect. On the other hand I'll need to come up something against Hold Person - annoying.
Then I realised I forgot the key, so went to check out Gaelen. Well, better late then never,after all he DID invite me, although BEFORE accepting Bodhi's deal. What an unfair world, can't have everything. It wasa detraction anway, I was only thining them out, 'casue I still had useful spells&stuff at me after the fight with Neb which took more than I expected out of me.
Then I had a weaird dream, where first a demon killed me (huh, it was just a dream, it'd be really inconvinient to be undead), then ... I turned to be an even stronger demon and killed others? What? And smeone calls that power? Power is to have stuff, not ensuring none else has them either!
But this is even more confusing: "Helm is practical" - he said - "Take this Helm of Glory to further yourself" - he said. To a bard. Right. Nextto do their job had to wait, so I decided to investigate a door I found earlier.
The pirate of the Sea Bounty were more than I expected. I meanmore difficult. Had normalpirate treasure,what at this point... Enough ro say, we're no longer in Baldur's Gate. But what's the worst that can happen? I have to sleep once more before going after Haer Dhalis to get payed?
Anyway, the thieves of Lathander turned out a true insult, so things balanced out, and I went into the conduit. Arrive -> SunFire -> no problem with the welcoming commitee.
I didn't know you can save vs Detect Evil...
[As all things in the city contained beholders at this point one way or another, went to out]
In the De'Arnise Keep (yes, it took "ages" to get there Nalia, sweat girl with a mom who almost made marriage proposal to me) trolls were a nuisance. [The place is bugged to the core, the monsters showing up randomly, getting into permanent not-making-attack-roll loop and so on.] Golems were mostly ok [except when they delt 50+ dmg andI had to reload). With Boots of Speed I simply ouran the hulks. The guard captain could not harm my Air Elemental (from that staff), so all went excelent. Entering the throne room at clvl 20. With invisibility potion, so can lure out bosstroll w/o problem. Needs a good amount of buffs (Mirror Image is much adivsed), but is managebale.
Prevented a mugging at the city gate. The guards there are entirely usless 'cause corruption. But why, oh why these merchants never have anything useful? Only +1/+2 equipments. And a coupleof spells. Atleast now I can summon Lesser Fire Elementals too, and my words (can) have power too in a way. But please dearreader don't fall asleap!
Either way it never cease to amuse me, I can sell people their own stuff. Especially if they are some elite sect of Helm guarding the Imprisoned One - whatever that would be. And the profit can be spent on such things as that Potion Bag. Solves issues.
Sadly not all issues. Those things inside the Keep looked too strong, I barely could fetch a book under their nose.
Trademeet is tyring. You go Trademeet. You go Druidic Grove. The spirit trolls can easily suprise you at their mound, so cast offensive spin to deal with them. Stumble into trolls fighting shadow druids. Let the two group weaken [also bring acidic arrows 'cause bug can prevent kiling the trolls either by acid or fire, but not both according to my experience]. Stumble into more shadow druids - they take back from their faces after a cloudkill. Sadly their leader don't stay to die. Then a pair of spore colony can easily overwhelm you with myconids if you don't offensive spin them to blast. (Alternatively try chain lightnings or fireballs.) Fight even more shadow druids. The Flesh Golem holds the two warrior up until you deal with the caster (prevent casting by magic missiles). Go Trademeet. Go Druidic Grove. Buy potions (I think this must be, as when I went with the genie's quest they "smelled" djinns on me and attacked, leaving no chance to buy stuff). Go Trademeet. Go Druidic Grove. Cast Stone Skin + MMM + offensive spin to destroy the raksasha. Go Trademeet. I was no match for the ancients in the crypt, but 3 sunfire wasno match for them. Oh, there's the issue of the skindancers too (you can hold the +1 rep for later in case you need to turn to Slayer). Go Athkatla 'cause theatre. Cast Limited Wish. Go Druidic Grove...
In the meantime took a short visit in Umar Hills - did not like the place. Those shadows annoy me (Hold Person).
Aran Linvail also had to have shadows. And somehow shadowfiends can negate sunfire in cases (bug)? Arrows still work. And demons too. That stupid thief brought in an actual demon. Took a look, closed the door. Wait until noises stop. Open door for situation.
There is a fun battle: Tarnor the hatchetman&Co. Bring 2 cloudkill or such, improved invisibility, MMM, stoneskin, some summon(s), wand(s) of lightning, and immunity to electricity. Do the preparation, then go in and cast a cloudkill/incindenary cloud. Back off (preferably wear boots of speed), and shoot lightning form wand to who follows. This is because these wands are bugged, and randomly release number of charges. That's a LOT of damage. If/when they get outof the cloud run through it and cast another. MMM any archer standing in the cloud. Use any summon as meatshield when needed.
It's spectacular!
Mencar Pebblecrusher wasn't that much, but there gained back the used wand of lightning and more, so it's fine, though preventing the thief from escape is always a hassle.
Valygar - what minions he had! Stronger then him! Still, divide and conquer worked, only had to support with defensive spin.
NOTE: my "do I even try to hit?" problemseems to be related wearing the Boots of Speed. With the bard's pathetic 1 attack per round it seems to add too small number of attacks resulting in the problem where sometimes you hit 3 times consequitive, other times not for thirty seconds. Suggestion: remove Boots of Speed when fighting in melee.
My normal setup after BG1 is something like this:
- lvl 1: magic missiles. Plus 99% I have an identify scroll in my backpack, just in case.
- lvl 2: 1 blur, the rest is mirror image. Instead of Resist Fear I use reload when I have to, shame on me.
- lvl3: started with Fireballs, but grew them out (not enough damage, instant spell, things becoming immun). Nowdays it is full Melf's Minute Meteors.
- lvl 4: 1 fireshield blue, 1 improved invisibility, the rest is stoneskin.
- lvl 5: 1 cloudkill, the rest is sunfire
- lvl 6: basic setup is 1 chain lighting, 1 deathfog, 1 true sight
I regularly use 1/day summons, mostly in order: Kitthlix, Berserker Warrior, Golem Manual. The spider and the berserker slowly will go out of fashion, the efreeti and elementals will come in instead after Bag of Holdin becomes accessible.
At times go back to potions (healing and speed most often, of insight and other variants when the need arise - all hail metaknowledge) and wands (at very early BG2 fire and cold variant, nowdays lightning and cloudkill, later all will go out of fashion).
Scrolls are used based on what I find, but at this point they are mostly arbitrary. Constantly carrying around 2-3 knock, and 1 prot. from undead though just in case.
Planar Sphere:
With the body of Valygar I tookup from Valygar (at this point I justaccept things as they come) opened the Sphere he mentioned. It was obvious, as he insisted he can access it alive, the Cowled Wizards insisted they can when he's dead. And I don't need a phantasm who is me backstabbing me, so he was better to be dead.
Inside I shifted, but put together a golem (me?), met a part who was supposed to be long dead and insisted to kill the demon. At least "a" demon. Did so. MMM penetrates all. I must conquere elsewhere as I conquere/d the Sphere. A sphere is a world. I was at the center of this. But it is small, even if it has many wonders making it bigger on the inside. It almost mazes me. But I'm faster!
The journey was an experience though, widened my horizons. Went to the shops and brough marvelous items to wear. Vhailor's Helm, Shield of Valduran amongst others. Onto thee beholders! Those who only watch, reach nothing!
[Liches are dumbly implemented. They havea seqeuencs of spell, and they stick to it. This sequence usually includes Maze, an extremly short distance spell. So if you keep running around, you can arrow them down.
Also, it is urban legend that you can't use prot. form undead against Kangaxx. Sure, it won't start conversation - but is ready toreact you trying to talk with it.
Even if it would be true, bard has a familiar, and I bet it'd work with summons. Simply seeing the familiar/hostile being kicks in the conversation pattern. Figured out as I went to Shangalar under the spell, and it refused to come down the table. Afer weakening it with arrows called out my dust mephit, then immediately put it back. Instant win.
I won't go to the Guarded Compound as that offers nothing to my liking, and don't need the exp.]
Did I mention I destroyed a literal god? Ye, Amanuator is no more.
[At this point there's no real reason to detail the Shadow Lord's tale. Greater Mummies were hard to hit and could hit me, cleared the place using mace of disrupt + shield. Only snared at the dragon 'cause boredom.]
An overlooked opportunity:
Greater Werewolves are serious problem. I could not actually find a solution aside HLA-traps. Maybe this is where 2-3 point in two-weapon-style + extra-attack-weapon + offensive spin would be the "normal" way to deal.
The ending of the story of Windspear Hills remembers me of a book I once read and said: "This is not a fairytale. The final battle is between the dragon and the evil witchqueen. The good knight died at the beginning in syphilis."
It was a wonder of wonders, just like that wand... Or the play we're making at the Playhouse. First, I rewrote the script (using the notes Zeran's notes), now I rewrote the music too. Ok, here the intent was to replicate the notes, but perfect memory is only what youhave on Mechanus. And they said it got better maybe!Could have hire that famous musician, but he was already famous, right? Need to think on the future generation. And if Marcus' talent shows because I gave him a chance to use his already developed skills - canyou imagine how grateful he might be in the future?
On the second level to note things are easier than they look, as the major threats are bound to their own realms. So arrows are foolproof. Hardest fight was maybe the desert trolls, as they came in group. I hate snakes, especially with ability to stun. Summons can help though.
(The chromatic demon costs 3 traps)
WK lvl 3:
room strategy:
- 3003 and 3011 are the starting area, no action here
- 3008: Do NOT make preparations, all buffs will be removed at arrival as with all Dead Magic Zone. Start hacking the weaker demons, so the big one has time to thin things out. If you are evil - and you should be -, you can't get the Purifier.
- 3004: wear Boots of Speed at arrival. Run back to the portal and hope only 1 dmeon follows. Try Ring of Ram(s) if two comes. Use defensive spin. If you come here early, you might wanna try using Staff of Strikings (only loose charges if hit). You also might consider using anti-acid equipment (Shadow Dragon Scale/Corthala Family Armor) for this fight. When the two closes demon is finished, lay down 1-2 traps, and lure the "slayer" on you. Don't forget to kill EVERYTHING in the room.
- 3012: this is a very good reason to be evil alignment. Make pact with them. They call themselves tanari (and by race they are), but they are actually baatezu (lawful evil) by behaviour. The other group in 3013 will fight you no matter what (as you'd expect from a chaotic evil group), and these are one of the hardest battles in the entire game!
- 3009: pretty impossible room with one "wild" solution. First, wear the Sensate Amulet for prot. from evil. Second, wear the Boots of Speed to give you ANYchance to hit something. Third, and this is important, wait for the "gate" wild surge to occure. The arriving demon will finally make sure work on the quazits (it sees the invisible).
- 3005: lay down traps in twos (maximum 7 traps) around the edge and lead them on 'em one-by-one. The highest priority target is the assassin (permanent invisibility, uses assassination HLA). Not getting hurt by whirlwind is actually easy, just run around a second in Boots of Speed. Leave the mage for final, and if you don't suffer held/stun by spell/wild surge, you'll be good. Special abilities work here uneffected.
- 3007: find them one by one. Use defensive spin.
- 3014: buff heavily. This time I used: blur, improved invisibility, draw upon holy might (specialability), resist fear (flute HLA - the flute is better then it looks, as if you use up any of the charges it does not disappear for running out of the charges of a certain type, unlike fire wands), stone skin, 4*mirror image (alternate casting this and offensive spinas they are running out), offensive spin until wraith is dead.
Also: tried using Daystar's ability, with pathetic result. Had to reload.
- 3010: more intelligent design than you'd expect. First: go to the bottom left portal. Be cautious, and "peak" out from them to see ONE of the two glaberzu here, so it starts casting. Both can try summoning either a fire elemental, or an ice salamander six times (not always succeed?). Lure those one-by-one to you. When the spells deplet draw the bosses one at a time. You'll need offensive spin OR improved haste (ring of gaxx(es)) to be able to hurt them more than they hurt you.
- 3013: with a strong(?) computer this shouldn't pose that hard of a problem. The basic idea would be stone skin + MMM + blur + mirror image, wear Amulet of Power + Robe of Vecna, cast 2-3+ death fog while running around, and everyone dies.
There are a fistful of problems though.
First, the demons respawn until you kill their "slayer" boss.
Second, the game just LOVES to crash. Too many death fog? (sometimes even 2 is too many at me) Crash. Enemy casts too many things the same time (they have lightning bolt, aganzanar's scorcher, and some arrows of erinyes)? Crash. You get HIT too often in a second? Crash.
Third: the boss can, and at times do go invisible.
So yeah.
My current solution was to cast wish for double time stop + improved alactricity option, offensive spin + improved haste, and throw all my MMM on the boss,recast MMM, throw it until time stop goes away. Boss is dead. Run arounda little until game-engine stabilises, finish the rest without problem (bone golems never appeared, only had 2 imps, 1 erinyes archer who obviously do not move around, and some cornugon who are slow thus vulnerable).
lvl 4 is perfectly fine, things to watch out:
- anti-paladins hit hard. So focus on them, and don't let more then 1 at the same time. Use Defensive Spin to survive.
- if bunch of illithid + umber hulk gets to you, do offensive spin (or improved haste)
- against the orcs waste your mirror images
- traps against the dragon
- you only want to open the lower and upper left seals, 'cause they are the one giving you potentially useful items. This means you don't need to waste time with the pillars/orbs/monsters room. Use traps to kill the priority-targets. You likely don't want to finish all the monsters from the Great Seal, just survive long enough for pickups and leave through the gate, never come back.
NOTE: Nalmissra costs 1 trap, Ytossi 2, The Huntress 3. Also, this was when I reached clvl 40.
Ca. this was the time too shown the Sorceror's Bane.
QUESTION: out of curiosity said we must cancel the premier. I got entered the theatre,at the entrance, then the game stopped rolling. What should happen?
Either way, sold the theatre. Took my money, and even though it was an experience, I no longer need experience. And I have Windspear Hills to retire into. And if all else fails, I still have the deed for the Playhouse... Still, can't help but feel sad for Jenna: