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The 2.5 Update Beta is HERE! Test, play, let us know what you think!



  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Any news on when 2.5 will be released? I haven't seen the update yet when I open the client.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286

    Any news on when 2.5 will be released? I haven't seen the update yet when I open the client.

    There is still some bugfixing going on I believe, so it's not released yet.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947

    Any news on when 2.5 will be released? I haven't seen the update yet when I open the client.

    There is still some bugfixing going on I believe, so it's not released yet.
    I wish to know what feedback Beamdog has taken into account.
  • NikomakkosNikomakkos Member Posts: 44
    @JuliusBorisov I would love to know if the journal is being fixed in the 2.5 patch since I decided to delay my playthrough of BG2:EE. I'm playing the game for the first time and I need the journal to work.

    If it won't be fixed I will instead try starting again from Irenicus' dungeon and see if it maybe decides not to bug out this time. So it would be really good to know.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774 is planned for the 2.5 patch.
  • NikomakkosNikomakkos Member Posts: 44 is planned for the 2.5 patch.

    Awesome, thank you.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited January 2018
    thats great news. it's why i needed to use ui mods to fix the journal bug.
  • phrosnitephrosnite Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2018
    Just started a solo fighter/mage/thief run and I noticed that Oil of Speed gives you Improved Haste instead of just Haste? I did see that the description said "Doubles movement and attack" but the way it has always worked was, it doubled your movespeed and gave you 1 attack per round. Now it literally doubles your attacks and even says "Improved Haste" on the status screen. Is this an intended change? I hope it's a bug because Oil of Speed will be a broken item and make the Level 6 spell Improved Haste useless due to the way higher duration of Oil of Speed.

    Edit: Oops, forgot to mention that this happens in BG2: EE. Don't know if that's the case in the other games.
  • Garvin77Garvin77 Member Posts: 52
    @phrosnite: I actually hope it stays this way, as it seems to more closely fit the description the way you describe it. Fighter-mages, Mage-thiefs, Fighter-mage-thiefs, and the like can just use their spell Improved Haste as an emergency backup for when they run out of Oils of Speed. However, I'll leave this up to the devs to decide...
  • Garvin77Garvin77 Member Posts: 52
    ...And spell-casters need only rest to gain back their spell-uses, thus making spells pretty much limitless... provided everyone lives through the night... the Forgotten Realms can be quite a dangerous place, even in the most peaceful of towns and Hamlets and Opheliae -- oh, wait; wrong 'hamlet'... :/
  • phrosnitephrosnite Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2018
    Just reached HLA with my Fighter/Mage/Thief and to my surprise Use Any Item doesn't work as in used to. You can't use companion specific items any more. I guess that ability should be renamed Use Most Items :*

    So you buff Oil of Speed that is available super early and you can easily get 20+ potions but you nerf Use Any Item? I just don't understand the logic behind these changes.
    I get excited replaying my favourite game in higher resolution and updated UI but often all that fun gets ruined by discovering these needless changes to the game. I just don't understand you, guys. Can you stop removing depth from the game, please?

    Time to learn how to mod the game, I guess, in hope to revert these baffling "fixes".

    Very disappointed.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @phrosnite Oil of speed wasn't buffed. It was fixed to match the item description. If you don't like it, then don't use them.

    As for the companion items. It makes sense to me that only the character they were designed for can use them, I always considered UAI allowing you to use them was unintended. But I can understand the frustration of that one, as it does remove options in gameplay.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited February 2018
    phrosnite said:

    Just reached HLA with my Fighter/Mage/Thief and to my surprise Use Any Item doesn't work as in used to. You can't use companion specific items any more. I guess that ability should be renamed Use Most Items :*

    That's not a change by the 2.5 patch. Thieves were never able to equip NPC-specific items with UAI (i.e. items that were using EE-specific features to apply restrictions).

    Btw, there were always cases which UAI didn't cover, even in classic BG2, such as items that require certain minimum stats. A thief with 10 STR can not equip plate mail, and scrolls or wands are still unusable by a thief with less than 9 INT.

    Edit: For some reason it is still possible to equip race or class restricted items. For example, Dragomir's cloak should be restricted to vampires. But thieves with UAI can still wear it. Is this intended?
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    phrosnite said:

    Just reached HLA with my Fighter/Mage/Thief and to my surprise Use Any Item doesn't work as in used to. You can't use companion specific items any more. I guess that ability should be renamed Use Most Items :*

    I'm not sure what you're trying, but in a fresh ToB game my Thief can equip Jan's Flasher Launcher with UAI. The only reason he can't equip Jan's armour or Keldorn's armour is because of inadequate dexterity/charisma.

  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Probably too late to make a useful comment, but my perception is that oil of speed had a bad description, not a broken effect. Improved haste with the duration of the potion does sound broken to me, but then, I never remember to use potions and this would make me more likely to try - but only as it feels broken to me, which is not a great way to fix a game!
  • phrosnitephrosnite Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2018

    I'm not sure what you're trying, but in a fresh ToB game my Thief can equip Jan's Flasher Launcher with UAI. The only reason he can't equip Jan's armour or Keldorn's armour is because of inadequate dexterity/charisma.

    Yes, you can use his Flasher Launcher which has the tag of "Only usable by Jan" but you can't use his armor (Adventurer Wear) which also has the same tag. Enhanced Edition Inconsistency...
    argent77 said:

    Btw, there were always cases which UAI didn't cover, even in classic BG2, such as items that require certain minimum stats. A thief with 10 STR can not equip plate mail, and scrolls or wands are still unusable by a thief with less than 9 INT.

    Of course if you don't have the stats you wouldn't be able to use it. That was never the point of UAI. It was about letting you use items restricted by race, alignment, class and other such AD&D restrictions. Also Jan's Adventurer Wear is not EE specific so it should be usable just like in the original.
    Also what's the point of restricting those items anyway. You have to play with a party of 4 or less to get High Level Abilities before the expansion, not to mention that most of those items aren't even that good. I think some items got falsely flagged when they were restricting the EE companion items or something. All they did was remove depth from the game and ruined it for people who have played the game a million times and want to experiment with different item combinations and whatnot. Just like with the "fixes" in the Hell Trails, they are fixing things 95% of players won't know about or bother doing. Not to mention that people figured out other ways of "exploiting" those trails. "Fans" are also guilty of fixing what ain't broke ie Hell Trails but at least you have the option of not installing the mod.

    One last thing. You can use still use items if you don't have the stats. Just use a potion buff and equip the item. After the buff is over you can still use/wear the item until you manually remove it.

    Probably too late to make a useful comment, but my perception is that oil of speed had a bad description, not a broken effect. Improved haste with the duration of the potion does sound broken to me, but then, I never remember to use potions and this would make me more likely to try - but only as it feels broken to me, which is not a great way to fix a game!

    What they should have done is just update the description to "Gives the drinker the status of hasted, which adds one attack per round, doubling movement rate for 5 minutes".

    Finally, I just want to say that instead of fixing what ain't broke why don't devs focus on fixing stuff like characters getting stuck on each other or geometry in the game instead of just going around it? Or adding a "last known position" so that enemies don't completely abandon chasing you if you go out of their sight range(that is a huge problem for enemies that cast time stop).

    A thing that should be fixed is NPCs not being able to open unlocked closed doors which leads to some hilarious cheese that I don't think anybody felt good about using.
    Post edited by phrosnite on
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    @JuliusBorisov Should I open a ticket to remove "YOU MUST RESTART THE GAME" from language selection now it is not required anymore or is it required by tablets?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @phrosnite " All they did was remove depth from the game and ruined it for people"

    Hyperbole will not make people take you seriously. I understand your frustration, but saying things like this makes you come across as spoiled and entitled. Not trying to rag on you, but give legitimate advice. Tone it back just a tad.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Tagging @Galactygon and @CamDawg to provide more insights into the potion of speed Improved Haste effect update.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    rede9 said:

    @JuliusBorisov Should I open a ticket to remove "YOU MUST RESTART THE GAME" from language selection now it is not required anymore or is it required by tablets?

    Not sure about a tablet difference. If it's not needed on PC at least, you can open a ticket, mentioning that a text fix should require a small investigation first.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    phrosnite said:

    Finally, I just want to say that instead of fixing what ain't broke why don't devs focus on fixing stuff like characters getting stuck on each other or geometry in the game instead of just going around it? Or adding a "last known position" so that enemies don't completely abandon chasing you if you go out of their sight range(that is a huge problem for enemies that cast time stop).

    A thing that should be fixed is NPCs not being able to open unlocked closed doors which leads to some hilarious cheese that I don't think anybody felt good about using.

    Please, log these issues with your explanation on

    If any of them are already on the internal tracker, then your reports will help signalling why fixing these issues is important.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    edited February 2018
    I think the pathfinding issues @phrosnite is talking about are already either fixed in v2.4 (and thus coming to v2.5) or submitted. There are still three pathfinding bug reports open: 22309, 24122 and 24128.
  • Garvin77Garvin77 Member Posts: 52
    Personally, I've always thought that dual-wielding should be over-powered, but maybe I just play too much Skyrim (I'm only 22, and BGEE is really my first experience with D&D video-games that closely resemble the classic pen-and-paper originals; I've also played Chronicles of Mystara and the demo for Daggerdale on the Xbox 360. Unfortunately, I don't think I would enjoy classic tabletop D&D; too much math, and I've never been good at multiplayer games, considering I'm agoraphobic).
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited February 2018
    I think the Oil of Speed change is good, it makes fighters apr more valuable and takes the edge slightly from the mages. To this point Oil of Speed did nothing with Grand Mastery,

    Fighter Specialized 2 apr, 3 apr with Oil of Speed
    Fighter Grand Mastery 2,5 apr, 3 apr with Oil of Speed

    Fighter Specialized 3 apr, 4 apr with Oil of Speed
    Fighter Grand Mastery 3,5 apr, 4 apr with Oil of Speed
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