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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Wise_Grimwald: How do I keep Zordral from killing the other mage? I don't mind if the reward is lower; I just want to know how to save her.

    I don't know which quest that werewolf thing is from. I know basically nothing about my install besides the fact that it has SCS and SR and IR. I've never even heard of some of the mods I'm using. But I posted my WeiDu log here, so maybe that has the answer.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @semiticgod Regarding your quote "I would recommend trying it out, with the caveat that you should not install the component that limits your XP rewards" I use the Drizzt Saga part for that which raises the limit without eliminating it. I find that to be optimal.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    2. BWS can bloat your game in terms of memory. Near Infinity takes an extremely long time to load, so looking anything up is harder.

    Just biff your entire override folder with generalized biffing.
    If you aren't on OS X or GNU/Linux there's no reason why you shouldn't be doing this (IMO, and mainly for installs that big).
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    CrevsDaak said:

    Just biff your entire override folder with generalized biffing.
    If you aren't on OS X or GNU/Linux there's no reason why you shouldn't be doing this (IMO, and mainly for installs that big).
    Do I take it that mods that you are likely to want to change should be installed AFTER biffing?

    I am thinking in terms of mods like divine remix where I might want to change the deities available. (Also I am hoping that it won't be long before the bugs in it are ironed out, in which case I will need a total reinstallation of that mod.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    @semiticgod Regarding your quote "I would recommend trying it out, with the caveat that you should not install the component that limits your XP rewards" I use the Drizzt Saga part for that which raises the limit without eliminating it. I find that to be optimal.

    Oh, I'm not talking about the XP cap. I'm talking about a mod that goes through the entire game and reduces all sources of XP, anywhere and everywhere, to a quarter or a third of their normal value. It's not really a limit as I said; it's more of a sky-high tax.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @semiticgod I completely misunderstood what you were saying. I haven't installed a mod such as you are describing. Well perhaps I have, but not installed those parts.

    There are some things that I won't touch. That is one of them.
    Also I will never have a thief wearing plate armour unless it is especially made for thieves, or have clerics using sharp blades or mages casting wearing metal armour.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    @Wise_Grimwald It's only the sphere system in Divine Remix that's completely out of wack: everything else should function fine.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Neverused said:

    @Wise_Grimwald It's only the sphere system in Divine Remix that's completely out of wack: everything else should function fine.

    I'll still want to change the kits that are available. You cannot have them all available simultaneously, unless there is a mod that makes that possible nowadays.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Neverused @Wise_Grimwald: My install has like 20-30 different kits. I assume that's either Divine Remix or Faith and Powers. My install also lets me dual-class into a kit using a special ability that brings up a dialogue that can change my kit, though it doesn't always give all of the abilities when I do.

    The spheres system doesn't appear to work quite perfectly. There are level 1 Aid spells that only affect the caster instead of any target, level 3 Prayer spells that have no discernable effect, and there are so many level 2 cleric spells that I think some are actually missing, because the icons won't fit in the spell selection screen.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    Do I take it that mods that you are likely to want to change should be installed AFTER biffing?

    I am thinking in terms of mods like divine remix where I might want to change the deities available. (Also I am hoping that it won't be long before the bugs in it are ironed out, in which case I will need a total reinstallation of that mod.
    Yes. You can unbiff and rebiff, but it takes a lot of time and it's usually not worth. Anyway if you biff too early on it's worthless because you'll end up having 3 versions of the same file (on the original game's biffs, on the new one and the new version of the file in the override folder). I usually install only level1npcs after biffing so that I can change my npcs to whichever thing I like without having to rebiff my entire install.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited March 2017
    In 2012 @neoesprit wrote:
    Yep I remember being able to scroll the kit list with Tobex... I really don't understand why Beamdog didn't took care of this stupid limitation considering the trillions possibilities for adding kits via modding... They said they'd include Tobex features to BG:EE, but apparently some feature didn't make it.

    What I am wondering is whether since then Beamdog have developed something on the same lines as the Tobex feature, or if some other mod now has that feature.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    edited March 2017

    The spheres system doesn't appear to work quite perfectly.

    If I'm not mistaken, Divine Remix's Sphere System and Spell Revisions are not compatible. The SR readme states it, if I remember correctly. I remember wanting to try them together, but decided not to after a few researches a while ago.

    IWDification and SR can cause similar problem, but only if you install IWDification before SR. It's not a problem for you, though, because you have BWS. I can't use it, because Mac. :)

    Edit : It's sad, because there's a good chance that it will mess up even higher divine spell levels too. Can't quite confirm this, but it's entirely possible...
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    CrevsDaak said:

    Yes. You can unbiff and rebiff, but it takes a lot of time and it's usually not worth. Anyway if you biff too early on it's worthless because you'll end up having 3 versions of the same file (on the original game's biffs, on the new one and the new version of the file in the override folder). I usually install only level1npcs after biffing so that I can change my npcs to whichever thing I like without having to rebiff my entire install.
    I was under the impression that level1npcs wasn't compatible with SoD yet. Am I wrong?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    I was under the impression that level1npcs wasn't compatible with SoD yet. Am I wrong?
    No. It's compatible with BG:EE and BG2:EE, but I haven't updated it to work with SoD yet. I just said level1npcs as an example tho, since I can't biff my EE games anyway (cuz OS X).
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Neverused: Do you not take screenshots? Most of my posts on my runs are based on sessions that took place days or weeks before; I use the screenshots as reminders of what happened during the fight.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    @semiticgod Sometimes I do... It's irritating to, since I'm running Windows 7 on this junkpiece of a laptop, and there's no good way to take full screencaps on Windows 7 that I could find. There was a script that I found, but that saved it into PNG files that I would later have to convert to JPEG to not upload pictures a megabyte large every time. It turns into an hour extra to update, depending on the number of pictures, and as my playing time's already kind of limited...
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    CrevsDaak said:

    No. It's compatible with BG:EE and BG2:EE, but I haven't updated it to work with SoD yet. I just said level1npcs as an example tho, since I can't biff my EE games anyway (cuz OS X).
    I am wondering in what way is it incompatible? Would it cause problems when recruiting party members in SoD or EE? Or is it just that it would have no effect on them?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    I am wondering in what way is it incompatible? Would it cause problems when recruiting party members in SoD or EE? Or is it just that it would have no effect on them?
    It has no effect on them. You aren't even asked to modify them (returning BG1 NPCs in SoD also aren't affected).

    Neverused: Does your computer have no screenshots in the BG/BG2/IWD folder(s) in Documents? Because I didn't even know that folder existed until somebody pointed it out to me. Overnight, I found thousands of screenshots I didn't know had successfully been saved.

    I use Windows 10 and not 7, but on this computer and on Windows 8, EE automatically takes screenshots and puts them in the BG and BG2 folders in Documents; I didn't need to use any external programs to take them. The format is BMP, which I switch to JPEGs using IrfanView's bat function. I can convert 500 screenshots in under 5 minutes with Irfanview.

    What hotkey does it use? PrntScrn?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @CrevsDaak I have Windows 10 and on my keyboard you need to press the shift key to get to PrtScrn. However American keyboards are different so it could be different there. On my computer the screenshots go to the ScrnShot folder which is inside the Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition folder which is in Documents.
    As @semiticgod said: they are produced as bitmaps which I open in Paint to turn into jpegs before posting.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @CrevsDaak: Yes, just PrntScrn.
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