How do your rate that developer's work until now ?

The Christmas holiday is coming , BG-EE succeed available in PC , iOS platforms now,
Most of people enjoy the game ,but still have someone can't work the game well (Due to Intel integrated chip issue)
We had saw 5 update patchs from Overhaul Games , and fix lots of problems , but still have many known issue now.
How do you rate developer's work until now ?
Just share your comment , don't fight / quarrel / argue to much in the thread
Most of people enjoy the game ,but still have someone can't work the game well (Due to Intel integrated chip issue)
We had saw 5 update patchs from Overhaul Games , and fix lots of problems , but still have many known issue now.
How do you rate developer's work until now ?
Just share your comment , don't fight / quarrel / argue to much in the thread
- How do your rate that developer's work until now ?121 votes
- 10 - Amazing Job , nothing can complain ,15.70%
- 9.0 - Nice Work , wait more Mods coming19.83%
- 8.0 - Good , Give me more DLCs31.40%
- 7.0 - What's new features later ? I need more enhanced functions  9.92%
- 6.0 - When no bugs ? This is " Enhanced Edition" ,12.40%
- 5.0 - Too many promise don't become reality at this moment , we need them "work"  7.44%
- 4.0 - Except save / load are fast , nothing more ...  0.83%
- 3.0 - Wide Screen mods with BGT are even better than BG-EE  1.65%
- 2.0 - Slow performace , it's difficult to enjoy this game  0.00%
- 1.0 - What the hell , i pay money , but BG-EE doesn't work in my Laptop / PC  0.83%
Even they are fixed by patchs later , but i don't have much time to replay the game so many times,
Hope we can see the new features and no bugs soon , and BG-EE would be great !
Like this even if over $50 , i can pay for Overhaul Games ,
I just wish somehow they could fix that intro cinematic or at least make an option for the old one.. That's about the only thing that bothers me, so that's a complaint but i didn't like the other options.
i really want to rate 10 score for BG-EE ,
But i feel if BG-EE want to live more longer time , the Graphic / GUI / Mechanic still must be a little adjusted , because original version was 14 years ago, even it's classic but still need to a little bit change.
I feel that, when the remaining scenes are in the game and multiplayer (which I doubt I'll use much anyway) have been properly added, they've kept their promise; a polished BG set in the sequel's engine with some new content. That's what I wanted, that's what I paid for and I'll be thrilled when the day comes. That's a top score in my book.
Now, the game certainly isn't done in its current state. As mentioned, there's cut scenes missing which is part of the original content. Judging by last patch, we're getting them though. That just leaves a load of bugs which they also seem to be serious about removing. They've done a lot of work on that allready which is very promising.
Just hope BG-EE/BG2 become antoher RPG classic,
I just no idea how well they can add new elments into the game in the future , or just keep dig out the bugs , and small new function,
I choose believe Overhual Games in this case until now.
4 patches in less than a month is impressive and there is no indication that they are slowing down.
There are many things that could have been better about BGEE, but for such a small dev team (working under so many legal restrictions and without any of the source materials), they're doing a pretty good job. I was very positively surprised by their constant presence on the forum and the number of updates that came out since release. They'll have my support as long as they keep this level of dedication.
It was good. But it's not what I was hoping for. The improved load/save times were great. Having THAC0 and damage displayed on the inventory screen was a huge improvement for me.
But, the interface is still a disappointment. I was hoping for an interface which was perhaps 70% of its current size - the PC interface is clearly designed to have buttons which are clickable on a tablet. I would have wanted the interface to have high resolution images which were scaled down, not low res ones scaled up so they blurred. I would have hoped for far more quick spell slots to take advantage of the increased space. I would have liked set loadouts so that I can have a sword and shield AND bow equipped and to be able to switch between them without manually doing it in my inventory.
Honestly, I was hoping for a completely redesigned interface to take advantage of the increased width offered by widescreen monitors and high resolutions.
This sounds like a big ask, but Icewind Dale II did almost all of these things on the same engine.
So, I was disappointed. I enjoyed my playthrough, and will likely still buy BG2EE, but it was not what I was expecting.
Old intro-movies were deleted, without any cinematics substitution and the new cinematics themself are not good (C'mon it's 2012 if you have 3dMax and AfterEffects you could do a way better movie).
But the support is great, and they fix-a-lot within 2 weeks or so. It's a very important thing nowadays.
It will be 8 then, IMO.
It will be a 9 in the future, if they continue to polish the game and add some promised DLCs in a month or two :-)
They had quick response for some mainly issues until now ,
Multi Platforms / Languages support , can help them make more sales and profit , i am not sure how big of the Baldur's Gate's potential sales , but i hope it can let us survive or make the money for their hard work,
I still think 14 years later , BG-EE must be more great and impressive in Graphic and gaming feeling , but they still didn't reach this level obviously now, expet they can done it in the future,
At launch, the BGEE was in an inexcusably buggy state, especially given the lengthy delay, and the new content was... extraordinarily sparse. Beamdog has also been... not terribly open with the community (that's us!) and a small developer like them really NEEDS to have a more open dialog.
But for all the flaws BGEE had (and still has), Beamdog seems intent on correcting them... and that earns them a lot of praise from me.
And @everyone who thinks it's fair to criticize Beamdog because the game was not what you were expecting from it... Beamdog has -always- been very upfront and honest about what they were doing. You really have no one to blame but yourselves for harboring unrealistic, unwarranted expectations.
IWD2 and PS:T show that a much improved interface can be done, and it isn't what we got, and I was disappointed. Like I said, though, I still enjoyed my playthrough and liked the enhancements which were made.
I though BG-EE can be better in the future and also know Overhaul Games is small company which has resources / budgets limitation , so it means something they can done , but others can't ,
I don't know how to figure out unwarranted expectations, may i expect Graphic effect become better ? or paper doll system be more nice ? no matter what all of us just only we can enjoy the game for more longer time,
I enjoy the new content, but there is not much of it, and it has an unfinished feel to it. The bugs don't help either.
A lot of things that I tought would be essential for an "enchancement" were not done. (kit rebalancing, spell rebalancing for BG1 etc.)
What has been implemented works, but there is nothing that feels like an actual big improvement over the original. In hindsight I do not think it is worth it's price, if you already own the game.'s fine.
EDIT: Hmm i wanted to vote 5, dunno what went wrong...
I know no matter how developers change the GUI , there are people can't satisfy , becuase original game is too beautiful for all of us , but i think if they really do some impressive work , people will know it and support this project carry on,
Also very much looking forward to the Mac OS X native version and hope this is kept as up to date as the Windows version I'm running via Bootcamp.
I'd also have welcomed extra equipment quickslots and extra spell buttons. I'd hoped that the extra UI space from an extended resolution was put to use in the whole UI rework.
Even i know Baldur's gate doesn't focus on Graphic , but still hope it become a little bit better..