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Worst thing you've done to an NPC

What's one of the worst thing's you've done to an NPC? You know, leave Imoen in Spellhold (don't deny it, you wanted to leave her at least once), ask Maple Willow Aspen about her parents' tree fixation, that sort of thing.


  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I chunked Minsc multiple times. I told Yoshimo to take a hike in Irenicus' dungeon, then hunted him down and killed him in the Copper Coronet because I knew he was going to betray me.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited December 2012
    Worst thing I ever did to an NPC? I added Jaheira and Khalid to the party and forced Jahiera by sword point to kill Khalid, and then killed her. I'd say that was pretty bad.

    Another thing I do almost every game, is go to Xzar and Montaron, and during the night, pay them each 100 gold to fight each other. The one who survives, joins us until he gets eaten by a monster.
  • MurrayConfederacyMurrayConfederacy Member Posts: 188
    I killed all of Shandalar's daughters.
  • VittorVittor Member Posts: 18
    Dr_Atomic said:

    - In the government district of Athkatla, I watched as the mob was about to burn Viconia at the stake. Not wanting to wait, I charged in and stabbed Viconia to death myself, at which point the crowd dispersed, apparently thinking "Gee, that was over quicker than we thought!"
    - Nalia has just given me control of her keep...excellent. Now I shall proceed to backstab her for massive damage, splattering the walls with her innards.
    - Had Viconia equip the Girdle of Masculinity and Feminity, then booted her from the party. Let's see how you like being a "lowly male," you trollop.

    I lold
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    Fireball+Lighting Bolt+Wand of Heavens+Arrows of piercing.

    All for The Blight of Sword Coast... Noober!

    BTW @Dr_Atomic, Vicky can cast remove curse :)
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Made Anomen seek revenge for his sister, then when he was rejected by the Order and wanted to kill them all, I jokingly told him, "What a splendid idea!". He got p****d off and turned on me, giving me a perfect excuse for ridding Athkatla of his presence permanently. For all I know, his corpse is still rotting on the steps of the Order's headquarters.

    Cheered on the guards in Saradush while they hunted down those idiotic elves.

    Not to forget the time I had the Temple of Talos as my stronghold. Love those stronghold quests! >;-}
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Lol, I can't even bring myself to equip Rasaad with the cursed belt!
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    I usually kill Imoen right after Gorion dies. I also play multiplayer by myself with however many premade characters I feel like using.
  • catfishcatfish Member Posts: 31
    Dr_Atomic said:

    - Had Viconia equip the Girdle of Masculinity and Feminity, then booted her from the party. Let's see how you like being a "lowly male," you trollop.

    I really gotta equip that girdle on Shar-teel lol....

  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Jalily said:

    I stabbed Lothander as he walked away with the scroll that would free him from his geas.
    I do that as well.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    i stabbed that brat as well... and @Jalily your second listing was too funny... and wrong... just wrong...

    I think the worst thing I've done was take Minsc AND Edwin to save Dynaheir, then kill Minsc and aforementioned witch. Made Edwin happy at least.
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172
    the neverwinter nights games and ps:t have much more interesting options to be evil than bg (which is also something unforgivably absent from dragon age origins. the moment where an npc whose life and kingdom etc I had saved DENIED my decision (releasing a prisoner), I was done with that crappy game)
  • GruloGrulo Member Posts: 109
    I sent Neera towards that trap in Durlag's tower, the one where the walls crush you.
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    i hope never to meet some (okay most) of the people in this forum guys are just.....
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    You're a nasty lot! :-)

    Although I do often send Khalid into melee without his armour so that I can keep Jaheira in the party without him. But surely we've all done (or been very tempted to do) the same to that irritating whiny coward?
    Zarely said:

    ... leave Imoen in Spellhold (don't deny it, you wanted to leave her at least once)

    Actually I do deny it, I like Immy and always want to rescue her.
    Zarely said:

    ... ask Maple Willow Aspen about her parents' tree fixation

    Ah yes, I confess I've done that to see what happened (and she merely disappears in a huff). It's hardly a "worst thing", though.
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