I don't know if this counts as the worst thing I've done to an NPC, but in BG:EE, when I returned to Nashkel from the mines, an assassin called NIMBUL, attacked my PC and his party. I managed to use Dynaheir to both blind him and make him deaf so he can't use his magic or accurately hit anyone. His morale failed and he tried to run away but my PC shot him in the back with an arrow.
What makes this the worst thing I've done to an NPC in my point of view is I can imagine how horrible it must be, being unable to see or hear who is attacking you. Kinda scary when you think about it.
Recently, I have finished my (so far) most elaborate ploy with the duo-that-I-never-really-liked.
I did put up with Jaheira and Khalid long enough to reach Cloakwood. Picked up Eldoth.
Then went to the southern area, where Nashkell mines end out, and had Khalid killed in front of Jaheira. I left Jaheira with Eldoth standing in one of the burrows. Raised Khalid afterwards and left him in the neighbouring burrow, but of course, without them knowing it.
Now Jaheira, thinking, that her husband died and unable to walk out will eventually fall for Eldoth's advances. And Khalid...unable to reach her will hear it. Hear her voice, her moaning. Hear it all...
I think that topped MY Lawful Evil sense and made me feel ... uneasy. Seems that even Evil does have standards and I have just crossed the moral event horizon.
@Southpaw Knowing Jaheira, I find it far more likely Khalid will be hearing Eldoth's begging for mercy, blood curdling screams, and the sound of breaking bones. (no, not like THAT, you perverts :P)
@Malicron, @Chow - well, yes I thought about that too, but then just handwaved it.
If you really want to make it work, think about giving her and him some cursed items. Like the cursed item of 3 intelligence (She wouldn't realize it's Khalid when he's shouting), or some silence spell/curse on Khalid so he can't shout, but can hear. Or, to get really kinky, that zombification curse on Jaheira...do you think Eldoth would still do it?
All the more. She still has all the things he likes in women, with the unpleasant bits like complaining, pillow-talk, and wanting to be something other than a simple housewife, quietly gotten rid of.
the neverwinter nights games and ps:t have much more interesting options to be evil than bg (which is also something unforgivably absent from dragon age origins. the moment where an npc whose life and kingdom etc I had saved DENIED my decision (releasing a prisoner), I was done with that crappy game)
Well, this one time with Aerie and the rabbit died so.....
Seriously (if a bit off topic), one time when my Ex was playing Xcom Apocalypse, one of her soldiers went down. She picked him up and put him in a backpack to cart back to base. After the mission was over, the soldier never showed up in her roster. We figured that he must have gotten stuck in a locker somewhere and eventually died of starvation or something. Till the end of the game, she kept on playing that his ghost was haunting the base. But they couldn't find the body to salt and burn the bones.
there's a little girl who has lost her kitty in a waterfall i find the cat's body, give it back to her, & kill her pretty much every time
No no no, that's FAR too merciful. Her suffering's ended then. Hells, you might have even reunited her with her cat! Here's what you do: one of her possible dialogs is something along the lines of "It's okay [that my cat is dead], he's done this before. Daddy will just have to raise him again." What an Evil CHARNAME must now do is track down and kill her father. That way the cat stays dead, AND the girl's an orphan. See? Much crueler. (Yes, I know her father isn't an actual character in the game, rule of funny, people.)
I once slaughtered Drizzt for his scimitars with cheesy tactics and using my "omnipresent authority figure" powers forced Jaheira to summon hordes of forest creatures during the assassination, all of which perished from multiple fatal scimitar wounds. Afterwords, I forced her to dual wield the bloodied scimitars for the remainder of the game with great effectiveness, much to her chegrin.
Minsc was in the midst of a berserker rage, and he turned on the party for what would be the final time, as I had Jaheira cast 'Entangle' on the buffoon so he could be judged for his crimes. We reverted to the time old punishment of stoning.
Minsc, again, was the odd one out when he went off to face some Gnolls without any armor. I wished for Dynaheir to remain, but she was loyal to Minsc, until his unfortunate demise.
I felt a tad guilty for sending poor Garrick in for a kiss of death from the Nereid!
For my current playthrough as an evil Dwarf Fighter/Cleric I plan to take Viconia in BG2. Normally she won't romance Dwarves so I'll have to Clua the variable that enables the romance.
Imagine the once-proud Drow Female, of the one-proud House DeVir, helplessly in love with a lowly male Dwarf, and being paraded as my mistress throughout the Underdark, right in front of her fellow Drow.
(Too bad we'll be disguised when entering Ust Natha but I suppose I can hang around a bit after the egg ceremony until the illusion wears off.)
I don't quite remember what was the worst thing I've ever done to a Npc's, but... I usually when I'm bored, click Ctrl+I with Keldorn-CN Anomen and Minsc-Edwin in my party, to make their conflictive banters appear, and record the fight. Or well, I also use fighters in my party as guinea pigs in order to prove the new spells I got from updating level... xD Hm, this is not exactly bad, but I often use Anomen with Speed Boots as some kind of bait, to attract monsters and hostile people around to the rest of my party; It's always him, if I ever use somebody else, I feel somewhat uncomfortable. xD
Just yesterday I solved Wenril's zombie problem (area north of Wyrm's Crossing), accepted his reward, and then thoroughly looted his house before wasting his chickens and cows. I then left him to starve.
I feel HUGELY guilty about forgetting I have Keldorn as leader and automatically sending him search corpses for the spoils. It's just so unseemly for a paladin (but y'know, aside from Minsc he's the strongest *shrug* And if it means flogging their gear gets me to Imoen quicker all the better).
EDIT: Compared to you lot I'm a saint, I'm going to open a refuge for abused NPCs!
Just because.
What makes this the worst thing I've done to an NPC in my point of view is I can imagine how horrible it must be, being unable to see or hear who is attacking you. Kinda scary when you think about it.
I did put up with Jaheira and Khalid long enough to reach Cloakwood.
Picked up Eldoth.
Then went to the southern area, where Nashkell mines end out, and had Khalid killed in front of Jaheira.
I left Jaheira with Eldoth standing in one of the burrows. Raised Khalid afterwards and left him in the neighbouring burrow, but of course, without them knowing it.
Now Jaheira, thinking, that her husband died and unable to walk out will eventually fall for Eldoth's advances. And Khalid...unable to reach her will hear it. Hear her voice, her moaning.
Hear it all...
I think that topped MY Lawful Evil sense and made me feel ... uneasy. Seems that even Evil does have standards and I have just crossed the moral event horizon.
Knowing Jaheira, I find it far more likely Khalid will be hearing Eldoth's begging for mercy, blood curdling screams, and the sound of breaking bones. (no, not like THAT, you perverts :P)
If you really want to make it work, think about giving her and him some cursed items. Like the cursed item of 3 intelligence (She wouldn't realize it's Khalid when he's shouting), or some silence spell/curse on Khalid so he can't shout, but can hear.
Or, to get really kinky, that zombification curse on Jaheira...do you think Eldoth would still do it?
Seriously (if a bit off topic), one time when my Ex was playing Xcom Apocalypse, one of her soldiers went down. She picked him up and put him in a backpack to cart back to base. After the mission was over, the soldier never showed up in her roster. We figured that he must have gotten stuck in a locker somewhere and eventually died of starvation or something. Till the end of the game, she kept on playing that his ghost was haunting the base. But they couldn't find the body to salt and burn the bones.
i find the cat's body, give it back to her, & kill her
pretty much every time
(Yes, I know her father isn't an actual character in the game, rule of funny, people.)
I tell you, that chicken was FOWL!
Minsc, again, was the odd one out when he went off to face some Gnolls without any armor. I wished for Dynaheir to remain, but she was loyal to Minsc, until his unfortunate demise.
I felt a tad guilty for sending poor Garrick in for a kiss of death from the Nereid!
Imagine the once-proud Drow Female, of the one-proud House DeVir, helplessly in love with a lowly male Dwarf, and being paraded as my mistress throughout the Underdark, right in front of her fellow Drow.
(Too bad we'll be disguised when entering Ust Natha but I suppose I can hang around a bit after the egg ceremony until the illusion wears off.)
I usually when I'm bored, click Ctrl+I with Keldorn-CN Anomen and Minsc-Edwin in my party, to make their conflictive banters appear, and record the fight. Or well, I also use fighters in my party as guinea pigs in order to prove the new spells I got from updating level...
Hm, this is not exactly bad, but I often use Anomen with Speed Boots as some kind of bait, to attract monsters and hostile people around to the rest of my party; It's always him, if I ever use somebody else, I feel somewhat uncomfortable. xD
EDIT: Compared to you lot I'm a saint, I'm going to open a refuge for abused NPCs!