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Worst thing you've done to an NPC



  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I sacrificed her unborn children to a demon of the abyss in exchange for a magical trinket.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002

    Adul said:

    Quartz said:

    Step up your a-game man, come on, I can see it now! ...

    "I dumped Eltan's body into the sewers ... with Skie in my party."

    Wait, isn't Skie Entar Silvershield's daughter? Or do you know something I don't? Perhaps she's a secret Duke Eltan fan and has posters of him in her chest of drawers?
    I also confirm. She's the daugter of Entar, not Eltan :)
    They're still family, though.
    Everyone in Baldur's Gate is. What happens in Baldur's Gate stays in Baldur's Gate.
  • KrypteiaKrypteia Member Posts: 50
    I had Minsc murder Dynahier to make room for Edwin in my party.

    I once gave Minsc the greatsword of beserkering +3, and let him go on a rampage in the Friendly Arms Inn. My PC was upstairs, looting the place.

    I gave Khalid the girdle of femininity, to ruin his marriage with Jahiera.

    Speaking of gender changes, I introduced the Coppor Coronet's finest sleazebag, Salvanas, to a transformed Edwin(a).

    I hold Lady Elgea for ransom....but I neglect to mention when recieving the payment that I painted the walls with her blood a few hours earlier.

    I've kicked Jahiera out of the party for being stupid enough to let herself get cursed by some idiot ex-slaver.

    I let Sarevok join my party in ToB....then killed him....then resurrected him....then killed him....then resurrected get the idea.
  • zwadekzwadek Member Posts: 156
    Krypteia said:

    I let Sarevok join my party in ToB....then killed him....then resurrected him....then killed him....then resurrected get the idea.

    Oh, I had similiar experience ;) When Aerie has chosen "Hairy'Dalis" instead of me I ordered them to fight to death, and when one of them died I used rod of ressurection until I ran out of charges. Then I polyphormed them into squirrels and casted Inprisonment on them. Since they belong to long living races they will spend eternity "together forever".
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    Kill Dynaheir, goto Nashkel, punch Minsc unconscious, watch as he wakes up with 1 HP and gets shot dead by guards, loot and sell his gear.

    Tell Yoshimo to get lost, kill him before he warps out... And I think I sold his sword if it can be sold, either that or it was left out in the streets...
  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225
    Nitpicking, but tieflings have human-length lives. :P
  • zwadekzwadek Member Posts: 156
    that is even better, she will mourn him for couple of hundreds years after he'll die.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Does the BG2 script "ranger - protect wizard" work in BGEE? I would appreciate the irony to give it to Minsc after killing Dynaheir, so he protects her killer instead.
  • Spaceman_SpiffSpaceman_Spiff Member Posts: 40
    regularly send garrick in naked to fight with the rabid chickens in that house in BG. they usually win. sometimes I ask him to cast fireball on himself.. that way I get rid of him and get fried chicken at the same time! win

    use the scroll of stone to flesh on Branwen.. then after joining her and adventuring for a while, go back to the Nashkel Carnival, to the exact same spot and get her to cast cursed scroll of petrification..

  • mrdeluxemrdeluxe Member Posts: 98
    You guys are hilariously evil!

    The only regular thing I do is after Edwin changes back from from Edwina I put the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity and the Ring of Folly on him and cast a petrification spell.

    I also like to give the Two Handed Sword Cursed Berserking +3 to Minsc when rescuing Dynaheir and watch him kill her in his berserking rage. Then I dump him from the party.

    Oh, and once after Jaheira was cursed I just checked-in at an Inn and slept for a month.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Aerie quit on my party because I insulted her, I used Power Word : Reload, Power Word : Insane difficulty and Invisibility on my fighter/thief who then stabbed her to lots of Bolognese sauce :)
  • MalicronMalicron Member Posts: 629
    Evilest thing I've done to an NPC? That would have to be when I made Aerie kill slime-Quayle. Yeah, not that great, I know, but I rarely, if ever, play evil.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I rescued the Dryad in the woods from the hicks who were trying to get her treasure. Then I let Xzar do his thing resulting in a vial of Dryad Blood.

    I also let Imoen rot in Spellhold for 50+days one time until I was good and ready to go save her. Then let her stay behind as I already had Jan and didn't need a second rate thief around.

    I can't say how many times I let Yoshimo rot in Irenicus' dungeon.
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2013
    I let the Flaming Fist guy kill Viconia. I didn't even bat an eye when he chunked her
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I shook down that one miner's wife for that ring I found in the mines.
  • WolkWolk Member Posts: 279
    edited May 2013
    In BG2: I've left Imoen in Spellhold(with a paladin)
    I've left Jan to die to keep my dex point in hell(with a paladin)
    I've killed Aerie the ogre( with a paladin)
    I've made Anomen fail his test(with a paladin)
    I've killed Valygar to open the sphere (with a paladin)
    I've brought Nalia in her keep, got killed by Thorgal, used PW RELOAD, ledt her there saying I would come back (with a paladin)

    In BG1(EE): I've given both zombie rings to Xzar and Montaron, leaving a cute zombie couple to infect the FAI, I had to stop the infestation with fire...
    I've sent Imoen in the flesh golems cave at lvl 1, she got the tome wich magically teleported in my inventory, then she got chunked!
    I've left Imoen, Minsc, Dynaer, Khalid, Jaheira, Faldorn, Garrick and Rasaad in the mines...

    Edit: when I played a TOB only playthrough with an evil party, I had problems with the demi-lich in WK, so I sent all the good NPCs while bashing her with my PC until they were all imprisonned ( or dead by my axe)
  • SylphSylph Member Posts: 210
    In BG1 (before EE, so no gem bag) I was reorganizing my inventory and moving clutter about, when I realized I had dropped a fortune worth of gems at the foot of a beggar. Poor guy couldn't seem to bend over to pick them up, so I grabbed them and skipped merrily away to the general store.

    I know, I'm weaksauce evil :(
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    etagloc said:

    not sure this counts as an NPC... but when dealing with the werewolfs, I forgot to turn in the baby quest..before leaving the island. so at som point later, I noticed that I was carrying around a baby in my inventory.
    At this point i nice item had droped, so i left the baby in the sewers ;P

    Random+1 sword > baby

    Eh, plenty of people things in the sewer to care for the youngster!
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Chow said:

    Eh, plenty of people things in the sewer to care for the youngster!

    Some twenty years later, the sewer workers will meet the king of the sewers, who was raised by carrion crawlers!
    Will he be recruitable?
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208

    Chow said:

    Eh, plenty of people things in the sewer to care for the youngster!

    Some twenty years later, the sewer workers will meet the king of the sewers, who was raised by carrion crawlers!
    Will he be recruitable?
    No, but you can talk your way out of a fight fight your way out of the smalltalk. ;-)
  • Urd1enUrd1en Member Posts: 84
    put on the girdle of sex change
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    It isn't really a bad thing but I am currently having Safana wear Relair's Mistake. A sort of irony in a way.
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    Can't say what I've done to a single NPC, but I think I've evacuated Naskel, Beregost, and the city of Baldur's Gate of all non-essential residents. And by evacuated, I mean chunked, run-through, burned to a cinder, poisoned, disintegrated, and petrified.

    All in the name of science.
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 422
    edited May 2013
    Dynaheir has had the unfortunate occasions to read certain cursed scrolls on my watch. On the upside this freed Minsc from the burden of dragging her everywhere and allowed him to heroically assist me in saving Baldur's Gate and saved her from the gruesome torture and death from Job Irenicus... at least that's what I tell myself as she reads the scroll...
  • dementeddemented Member Posts: 388
    I really really don't like Minsc. And so I've done all manner of nasty things to him; petrified him, burned him alive, backstabbed him to death, had him go beserk and attack The Order of the Radiant Heart, poisoned him, cursed him, had him equip the girdle of masculinity/femininity and abandoned him in Baldur's Gate where I imagine him working as a prostitute, forced him to kill Dynaheir, forced him to kill Aerie after he chose her as his witch, etc. etc.

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