Has Redline been brought up yet? It's one of those movies that made me lament the state of cartoons in the west, and the overuse of bloody ugly CGI in everything... sigh.
Watching vanilla DBZ (the english dubs that is) is hilarious enough on it's own and need not be parodied.
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!1
Strangely enough, I liked watching DBZ when I was younger, even though it was actually not to my tastes (referring to the whole over-the-top animation/dialogue and overly bulky male characters).
Vanilla DBZ in english dub? Sorry, but DBZ in funimation dub has nothing in common with the term "vanilla". Background music is different and inferior in comparison to original series. Characters' spoken lines are different, sometimes very drastically in comparison to original/manga version, also they are probably having problem with spelling Goku's saiyan name. Not to mention my favourite antagonist sounding like Freaky Alien Genotype...
That again, the language version I grew up on was even worse... In terms of characters' dialogues and names, that is.
Sooo, since I was encountering so many positive comments about the series Puella Magi Madoka Magica, I decided to give it a try. I read the manga version and I must admit that this is a very good series. I was actually surprised to find out it went against all stereotypes typically present in your average magical girl anime. I would even say that this series, despite looking cute and sugary, is actually very dark. The story is especially mature and not at all oriented at younger girls. At least, that's how I feel. I was kind of disappointed by the ending, though. It wasn't very clear what actually happened to Madoka and Kyuuby (the cat-animal accompanying the girls all through the story). But other than that, I think this manga certainly is worth a try. Might try watching the anime series too when I got time. 8/10 from me.
Sooo, since I was encountering so many positive comments about the series Puella Magi Madoka Magica, I decided to give it a try. I read the manga version and I must admit that this is a very good series. I was actually surprised to find out it went against all stereotypes typically present in your average magical girl anime. I would even say that this series, despite looking cute and sugary, is actually very dark. The story is especially mature and not at all oriented at younger girls. At least, that's how I feel. I was kind of disappointed by the ending, though. It wasn't very clear what actually happened to Madoka and Kyuuby (the cat-animal accompanying the girls all through the story). But other than that, I think this manga certainly is worth a try. Might try watching the anime series too when I got time. 8/10 from me.
In this case, the anime came first and the manga is based off of the anime. I don't read manga myself, so I don't know how much it differs from the anime, but I will always recommend this anime, as it's just awesome.
For those of you watching DBZ Abridged, have you seen Nonepiece?
I don't like Nonepiece to such extent as DBZ Abridged, largely because it is completely ridiculous and has nothing to do with the original anime. That's the thing I love about DBZ Abridged: it actually follows the original canon to large extent, mostly just upping everyone's characteristics to eleven but otherwise perfectly maintaining the canon integrity.
That said, Nonepiece gets a few laughs from me too. Just not anywhere near as much.
Sooo, since I was encountering so many positive comments about the series Puella Magi Madoka Magica, I decided to give it a try. I read the manga version and I must admit that this is a very good series. I was actually surprised to find out it went against all stereotypes typically present in your average magical girl anime. I would even say that this series, despite looking cute and sugary, is actually very dark. The story is especially mature and not at all oriented at younger girls. At least, that's how I feel. I was kind of disappointed by the ending, though. It wasn't very clear what actually happened to Madoka and Kyuuby (the cat-animal accompanying the girls all through the story). But other than that, I think this manga certainly is worth a try. Might try watching the anime series too when I got time. 8/10 from me.
Yeah, I don't think it would be much of a stretch to call the in Evangelion of the magical girl genre in the sense that it subverts a lot of the assumptions of the genre, strikes a darker tone, and leaves you with a head-scratching ending. That said, I do enjoy more straightforward magical girl anime, such as Card Captor Sakura and Princess Tutu (though that one gets pretty dark at times too), though.
@Kaigen: I love Cardcaptor Sakura! In fact, I love any work prodced by CLAMP. Chobits was the manga that really got me into the world of manga, despite me having had some earlier influences from the Legend of Zelda games for the Nintendo64 and Yu-Gi-Oh on TV. Chobits is definitely worth a read. It's got cute and beautiful art typical of CLAMP and the story is really touching at times. Of course it contains this characteristic gentleness and tenderness, traits which are also present in their other works, such as Cardcaptor Sakura. I still need to watch/read most of their other manga/anime, though.
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle is one of my all time favorite animes, and in my opinion the best Clamp has ever written. It's also funny how so many things from it was similar to Cardcaptor Sakura. You could easily tell it was made by the same people. Slightly more adult theme though.
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud I've read the Chobits manga, but never really got into the anime series. I enjoy a lot of CLAMP's work. I think the manga that really got me into manga (as in seeking it out and purchasing it, as opposed to simply borrowing from friends or libraries) was Ouran High School Host Club. If you enjoyed Cardcaptor Sakura, you should definitely give Princess Tutu a look; it's got that same gentleness and tenderness, mixed with a heaping helping of fairy tale and classical music, along with some slightly darker subtext (though not nearly as dark as Puella).
What got me into anime, on the other hand, was this weird combination of Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon, Slayers, and Digimon.
Ones that I dug, but aren't listed yet: Darker Than Black Samurai Champloon Witchblade Desert Punk Gunslinger Girl Heroic Age Last Exile X'amed East of Eden Paprika Serial Experiments Lain old Tenchi Muyo - 1 of the original harem animes Trigun - loved the cheesy dubs Akira - original dub voice, back in the VHS days, redub didn't feel right Gilgamesh - was good till the end, rather anti- climactic ending
There's three that I can't remember the name of...
One is about a guy (I think he is saved from death) they have a teenage girl train him as an assassin and call them Ein and Zwei. Then double crosses ensue and the organization falls apart.
Another is about a street thug that joins the mob with his friend to watch over his 'girl-friend' who's taken in by the boss. Then the two climb the ranks, one as the leader type and the other the best trigger man. Again double crosses ensue and crap gets weird, with zombies or some crap.
The last is a recent one I can't name about a guy who drops out of college and becomes a 'neet' (?) who can barely leave the house. He signs a 'psychology' contract with some out-of-high school girl to get over it and wacko stuff begins. He tries to make a 'girl game' with his neighbor to validate his wierd lifestyle, among other things.
There's more but I've naught the patience nor inclination to look them up.
...Hm. My favorite (The Slayers, I love that show more than I can even say) has already been listed and referenced on here multiple times, so instead, I'm going to go with my second favorite and just tell everyone they should go and watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. the 2012 TV series, not the earlier OVA's or the movie. . -c . Seriously that show is simultaneously the most manly and the most fabulous thing I have seen in my entire life. Go read the manga too if you can find it.
The last is a recent one I can't name about a guy who drops out of college and becomes a 'neet' (?) who can barely leave the house. He signs a 'psychology' contract with some out-of-high school girl to get over it and wacko stuff begins. He tries to make a 'girl game' with his neighbor to validate his wierd lifestyle, among other things.
This one kinda sounds like Heaven's Memo Pad, though I can't remember if he dropped out of college or high school on that one... Is that perhaps the name you were looking for?
Kanazuki no Miko Shattered Angels Rumbling Hearts School Days Sword Art Online Romeo x Juliet Sailor Moon Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty (I felt so very...bad after watching the English dub for comparative purposes...) Code Geass
...That's all I can really think of at the top of my head.
Letter: To end..... Like This ?
That again, the language version I grew up on was even worse... In terms of characters' dialogues and names, that is.
I don't read manga myself, so I don't know how much it differs from the anime, but I will always recommend this anime, as it's just awesome.
That said, Nonepiece gets a few laughs from me too. Just not anywhere near as much.
Slightly more adult theme though.
What got me into anime, on the other hand, was this weird combination of Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon, Slayers, and Digimon.
Ones that I dug, but aren't listed yet:
Darker Than Black
Samurai Champloon
Desert Punk
Gunslinger Girl
Heroic Age
Last Exile
East of Eden
Serial Experiments Lain
old Tenchi Muyo - 1 of the original harem animes
Trigun - loved the cheesy dubs
Akira - original dub voice, back in the VHS days, redub didn't feel right
Gilgamesh - was good till the end, rather anti- climactic ending
There's three that I can't remember the name of...
One is about a guy (I think he is saved from death) they have a teenage girl train him as an assassin and call them Ein and Zwei. Then double crosses ensue and the organization falls apart.
Another is about a street thug that joins the mob with his friend to watch over his 'girl-friend' who's taken in by the boss. Then the two climb the ranks, one as the leader type and the other the best trigger man. Again double crosses ensue and crap gets weird, with zombies or some crap.
The last is a recent one I can't name about a guy who drops out of college and becomes a 'neet' (?) who can barely leave the house. He signs a 'psychology' contract with some out-of-high school girl to get over it and wacko stuff begins. He tries to make a 'girl game' with his neighbor to validate his wierd lifestyle, among other things.
There's more but I've naught the patience nor inclination to look them up.
Seriously that show is simultaneously the most manly and the most fabulous thing I have seen in my entire life.
Go read the manga too if you can find it.
The other two are Phantom and Gungrave.
I also forgot Kaze No Stigma.
Kanazuki no Miko
Shattered Angels
Rumbling Hearts
School Days
Sword Art Online
Romeo x Juliet
Sailor Moon
Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty (I felt so very...bad after watching the English dub for comparative purposes...)
Code Geass
...That's all I can really think of at the top of my head.
And here's the first look at the new antagonist for Season 3 of Phi-Brain: Puzzle of God!
That means we're totes twinsies when it comes to taste in anime!
Watch A Little Snow Fairy Sugar on Anime Network Online
It's a very beautiful and touching series and is completely family friendly.
Here's the old Geneon USA trailer.