My only gripe about Claymore is that they utterly ruined the series in the last couple episodes, making a 2nd season completely impossible, despite having the perfect place to end the series without derailing the possibility of a 2nd season.
Man, Imaishi is just one of those directors you either love or hate. All of his waaaay over-the-top stuff (like this) that I've seen, I've never really liked.
I love it. Nice see more Gurren Lagann
Really hope I don't see a particular cosplay this year.
From this season until one I like 'Strike the blood' and 'Blazblue - Alter Memory' best. Though Alter memory is really vague up till now and the coin can still fall other way.
Also I've seen Tenga Gurren Lagan mentioned more often, but I absolutely hate it.
After I believe Simon let's Kamina die over jealousy/emo over some random chick, I became so disgusted with the character that I watched for 1 or 2 more episodes, when I saw he wasn't going to suffer horribly I stopped watching.
My only gripe about Claymore is that they utterly ruined the series in the last couple episodes, making a 2nd season completely impossible, despite having the perfect place to end the series without derailing the possibility of a 2nd season.
i believe thats because they didnt have any money for a 2nd season and got canceled so they had to end it some how, lack of story in ending aside its a good ending that has everything still true
This is an interesting precedent. Not only is it going to air on Toonami dubbed, but according to the Toonami tumblr the block will be expanded to 11:30pm and Space Dandy will air on U.S. TV BEFORE it airs on JP TV.
From this season until one I like 'Strike the blood' and 'Blazblue - Alter Memory' best. Though Alter memory is really vague up till now and the coin can still fall other way.
Also I've seen Tenga Gurren Lagan mentioned more often, but I absolutely hate it.
After I believe Simon let's Kamina die over jealousy/emo over some random chick, I became so disgusted with the character that I watched for 1 or 2 more episodes, when I saw he wasn't going to suffer horribly I stopped watching.
What a bizarre theory.
Kamina died fighting a ridonkulous amount of bad guys, as I recall. That is in no way Simon's fault.
My sister has me watching k-on. I've only seen the first episode so far. It reminds me a lot of lucky star
As I mentioned before I'm not much of an anime person but I'm giving it a go. I think slice of life genre is my cup of tea. Can anyone please make recommendations along those lines?
Also I've seen Tenga Gurren Lagan mentioned more often, but I absolutely hate it.
After I believe Simon let's Kamina die over jealousy/emo over some random chick, I became so disgusted with the character that I watched for 1 or 2 more episodes, when I saw he wasn't going to suffer horribly I stopped watching.
What a bizarre theory.
Kamina died fighting a ridonkulous amount of bad guys, as I recall. That is in no way Simon's fault.
He kind of got hit by a giant beam when they were not combined into Gurren Lagann... And it pretty much just straight out killed him... Not really Simon's fault that their plan required him being elsewhere at the time... Kamina did come back for a while to kick the ass of the one who did it though and that's the kind of stuff that makes Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann fun to watch...
As I mentioned before I'm not much of an anime person but I'm giving it a go. I think slice of life genre is my cup of tea. Can anyone please make recommendations along those lines?
Someone asked a similar question a few pages back and I answered them, so I'll just repost what I posted before, with an added addition of Kinmoza! (from last season) and Non Non Biyori (from this season).
I'm actually rather impressed FUNi is putting so much effort into this series. It'll be aired on Toonami along side the Japanese TV airing and it'll be dubbed.
My sister has me watching k-on. I've only seen the first episode so far. It reminds me a lot of lucky star
As I mentioned before I'm not much of an anime person but I'm giving it a go. I think slice of life genre is my cup of tea. Can anyone please make recommendations along those lines?
People tend to quite like Azumanga Daioh. I've only seen the first couple of episodes, but Nichijou might be up your alley as well. If you don't mind an older show and like the concept of shows where everyone's basically a nice person, then To Heart is the classic of the genre.
It's a little further from those type of shows (less moeblobby), but His & Her Circumstances (AKA Karekano) might be worth checking out. It's got some animation budget problems (particularly in the latter half of the series, where "problems" becomes far too generous a term), but it's a compelling and interesting story about flawed characters, with a far more realistic romance than most anime ever has. I haven't seen the manga, so I can't speak for it.
If someone already said this one sorry Metropolis (2001).
Set in the future, Metropolis is a grand city-state populated by humans and robots, the co-habitants of a strictly segmented society. Amidst the chaos created by anti-robot factions, detective Shunsaku Ban and his sidekick Kenichi are searching for rebel scientist, Dr. Laughton, to arrest him and seize his latest creation, a beautiful young girl named Tima. When they locate them, Shunsaku quickly comes to realize that the eccentric scientist is beyond their reach, protected by a powerful man and his fierce desire to reclaim a tragic figure from his past.
There is a black and white live action silent film version of this movie Metropolis (1927) that is a little hard to understand and another remake with a 70-80s rock music soundtrack.
I've only seen two Bakshi films (Fritz the Cat and Cool World) and thought they both sucked. Sexist, racist snooze-fests with ugly animation. Cool World had pretty sweet backgrounds though. Are his other works better?
For favorite anime:
Mine is Detroit Metal City and Sailor Moon
Favorite manga:
ANY JUNJI ITO. He's so delightfully grotesque.
Uzumaki, Glyceride, Junji Ito's Cat Diary, Gyo
Bonus mention: Shintaro Kago's Abstraction (this is the only Shintaro Kago story I've read so I don't know about his other works)
I have only seen wizards on that list I really enjoyed it and just have not gotten around to downloading that version of lord of the rings; but I can't wait.
I have only seen wizards on that list I really enjoyed it and just have not gotten around to downloading that version of lord of the rings; but I can't wait.
(sigh) I miss the days when people actually had to buy (or rent) things when they wanted to watch them.
I have since watched lord of the rings from that video I don't really enjoy lotr but enjoyed this version. Its animations were uniqe and the story felt much more natural opposed to the movies. I will likely watch fire and ice in the next few days.
attack on titan made me so invested in the main character that when eren deals with the titans (trying to keep it spoiler free) and the way people react around eren i just couldn't stop watching and i was rooting for him. ive only had two other anime series do that, Claymore and Elfen Leid, the others i watch and like i just watch them, like rosario vampire, hell even the avatar series (some dont count it as anime, i do and its damn good) and the sacred blacksmith are all animes that i enjoy but usually its just i enjoy it. but attack on titan, claymore and elfen leid are the three anime series i can watch again and again and still get the same emotional responses.
my sister is watching the 2nd season of Legend of Kora. does that count as anime? she also got the soundtrack. i think it's very good
I would count it. Its made in the west but it is visually and spiritually anime.
I can see why some people prefer the original, its more coherent in the plot but I really, really love Korra. I can send anyone to sleep with my we-need-more-female-rolemodel-protagonist speeches. Apparently, the next season is going to have a lot more Lin Beifong and I can't wait.
Personal favourite animes not including Avatar:
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit One Piece Attack on Titan (though I'm not super crazy about it as some people are) The Devil is a Part Timer/ Overlord at Work! was pretty cute, nice style animation
Most of the art I've been consuming lately is mangas/webcomics. There's a manwa called Kubera and a western comic called Unsounded that both make waiting for each new viewing very difficult.
I just started watching record of lodoss war. I wonder what I'm letting myself into. Seems a bit D&D-like to me
There's a reason for that. It was based on D&D on a world called Forcelia, and the game world was created by Ryo Mizuno, the creator of the series. Originally published as a "Replay" a transcription of a game session, its popularity led to it becoming a series of high-fantasy novels also written by Mizuno. And from there the anime and manga. There are two sequels, Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight, which follows the hero Spark and his love interest, Neese, the daughter of Slayn and Leylia from the original series. And then there is "The Legend of Crystania" which has Ashram (another, villain character from the original series) under a seal by a God-Beast of Crystania, and the efforts of his dark elven lover, Pirotesse, to free him from the curse and restore him to life.
warning contains HIGH levels of gore and i think swearing so young people beware the english rating for this anime is 15+
this is one of the final fights of my favorite series (claymore)
Really hope I don't see a particular cosplay this year.
Ep. 03
This series rules!
Ep. 03 was so awesome.
KyoAni sure knows how to do action well.
Also I've seen Tenga Gurren Lagan mentioned more often, but I absolutely hate it.
After I believe Simon let's Kamina die over jealousy/emo over some random chick, I became so disgusted with the character that I watched for 1 or 2 more episodes, when I saw he wasn't going to suffer horribly I stopped watching.
Two at this point have caught my attention, Kill la Kill and Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova.
Though the CG takes a bit of getting use to.
This is an interesting precedent.
Not only is it going to air on Toonami dubbed, but according to the Toonami tumblr the block will be expanded to 11:30pm and Space Dandy will air on U.S. TV BEFORE it airs on JP TV.
Watch Log Horizon on CrunchyRoll
Ep. 01
Just started on this today and I have to say, it seems like it'll be rather fun.
But what I really like about it is the OST... man is it ever awesome!
As I mentioned before I'm not much of an anime person but I'm giving it a go. I think slice of life genre is my cup of tea. Can anyone please make recommendations along those lines?
My Ordinary Life
Non Non Biyori
Watch Non Non Biyori on CrunchyRoll
Since I mentioned it in my previous post...
Been enjoying this one quite a bit.
This series is just ungodly moe and Renge is just so unbelievably enduring!
It'll be aired on Toonami along side the Japanese TV airing and it'll be dubbed.
It's a little further from those type of shows (less moeblobby), but His & Her Circumstances (AKA Karekano) might be worth checking out. It's got some animation budget problems (particularly in the latter half of the series, where "problems" becomes far too generous a term), but it's a compelling and interesting story about flawed characters, with a far more realistic romance than most anime ever has. I haven't seen the manga, so I can't speak for it.
If someone already said this one sorry Metropolis (2001).
Set in the future, Metropolis is a grand city-state populated by humans and robots, the co-habitants of a strictly segmented society. Amidst the chaos created by anti-robot factions, detective Shunsaku Ban and his sidekick Kenichi are searching for rebel scientist, Dr. Laughton, to arrest him and seize his latest creation, a beautiful young girl named Tima. When they locate them, Shunsaku quickly comes to realize that the eccentric scientist is beyond their reach, protected by a powerful man and his fierce desire to reclaim a tragic figure from his past.
There is a black and white live action silent film version of this movie Metropolis (1927) that is a little hard to understand and another remake with a 70-80s rock music soundtrack.
I can't believe I actually missed mentioning Azu, but yeah, that definitely should be on the list as well.
For favorite anime:
Mine is Detroit Metal City and Sailor Moon
Favorite manga:
ANY JUNJI ITO. He's so delightfully grotesque.
Uzumaki, Glyceride, Junji Ito's Cat Diary, Gyo
Bonus mention: Shintaro Kago's Abstraction (this is the only Shintaro Kago story I've read so I don't know about his other works)
Okay, so she looks more like a bunny, but if anyone knows anything about the .hack lore... Cats are way up her alley too.
(Don't get me wrong, the cat's awesome and all... But that is literally all I see when I look at him.
attack on titan made me so invested in the main character that when eren deals with the titans (trying to keep it spoiler free) and the way people react around eren i just couldn't stop watching and i was rooting for him. ive only had two other anime series do that, Claymore and Elfen Leid, the others i watch and like i just watch them, like rosario vampire, hell even the avatar series (some dont count it as anime, i do and its damn good) and the sacred blacksmith are all animes that i enjoy but usually its just i enjoy it. but attack on titan, claymore and elfen leid are the three anime series i can watch again and again and still get the same emotional responses.
In other news, I started watching Trigun again. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL.
I can see why some people prefer the original, its more coherent in the plot but I really, really love Korra. I can send anyone to sleep with my we-need-more-female-rolemodel-protagonist speeches. Apparently, the next season is going to have a lot more Lin Beifong and I can't wait.
Personal favourite animes not including Avatar:
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
One Piece
Attack on Titan (though I'm not super crazy about it as some people are)
The Devil is a Part Timer/ Overlord at Work! was pretty cute, nice style animation
Most of the art I've been consuming lately is mangas/webcomics. There's a manwa called Kubera and a western comic called Unsounded that both make waiting for each new viewing very difficult.
Looks like SAO is getting a second season!
Watch Space Dandy on Adult Swim Online
Watch Space Dandy on FUNi Online
Finished up the second episode tonight on Toonami, and all I will say is this:
I will be grateful when it's over.
Some may like it, it's not for me though.