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Game Update 1.0.2014



  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited February 2013
    Another pretty big change that doesn't seem to have been mentioned, which I think is great, though not everyone will like it:

    All the Familiars have been rebalanced - they only have 12 HP (9 HP in the case of the Imp) and only give the character 6 HP (maybe less for the Imp, though I haven't tested it) and have had their abilities scaled back (usually removing one of their spells or reducing the effectiveness of their main abilities).

    Your existing familiar is stored in the save file, so it won't change with the patch. However, any new familiars you summon in that game will use the updated stats.

    There's a table which shows the new and old familiars available, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it here, but I've asked if I can.

    I think this is a great change, as using the existing familiars was OP in BGEE and felt cheesy, now I can use familiars without feeling guilty, though I suspect some won't like the changes!
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    reposter said:

    Oh well they did not fix unique items disappearing.


    Yep, they cannot fix bugs that don't exist. They are good, but not so good :D
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  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited February 2013
    Bhaaldog said:

    Another pretty big change that doesn't seem to have been mentioned, which I think is great, though not everyone will like it:

    All the Familiars have been rebalanced - they only have 12 HP (9 HP in the case of the Imp) and only give the character 6 HP (maybe less for the Imp, though I haven't tested it) and have had their abilities scaled back (usually removing one of their spells or reducing the effectiveness of their main abilities).

    Your existing familiar is stored in the save file, so it won't change with the patch. However, any new familiars you summon in that game will use the updated stats.

    There's a table which shows the new and old familiars available, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it here, but I've asked if I can.

    I think this is a great change, as using the existing familiars was OP in BGEE and felt cheesy, now I can use familiars without feeling guilty, though I suspect some won't like the changes!
    Not something I have looked into yet but this may make them weak in BG2 though? In PnP they had the ability to gain levels.
    No, the BG2EE ones will be the same as in SoA and upgraded again for ToB, I understand. If @Camdawg lets me share a table he produced showing the progression, all should become clearer.
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  • Valarian25Valarian25 Member Posts: 40
    How do the custom soundset fix work? is there a trick to it?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    You must rename your custom soundset to CUSTOM0a - CUSTOM0m, then CUSTOM1 for another custom soundset all the way to the CUSTOM9.
  • RnRClownRnRClown Member Posts: 182
    I am not sure if the listed Journal fixes correspond to this exact problem, but the quests Mirianne's Husband and Prism the Sculptor are still located in 'Quests' rather than 'Done Quests' after being completed.

    Is there a solution where we (the player) could highlight quests within those categories and select 'Move to:' manually?

    I suppose it depends on how NPC's check the status of quests. I assumed it was somehow tied to which category within the Journal a quest was residing. If it is not, then the Journal is little other than its namesake and would (hopefully) not break the game if we could freely move quests between tabs.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    @RnRClown had you already completed those quests? If so, it's possible that their respective journal bugs are fixed, but the fixes are not retroactive.
  • Dronovich_mskDronovich_msk Member Posts: 45
    And what with the translations? It will be realized in this patch or in the separate one?
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    Wow, I gotta download this patch ASAP. Thank you!
  • deserkdeserk Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013
    Very nice update!

    Hope to see plenty more kits, portraits, quests, companions, etc added through patches like this or DLCs. :)
  • RnRClownRnRClown Member Posts: 182
    @TJ_Hooker both quests were completed prior to this patch, meaning no retroactive fix as you correctly surmised. It's not a major hang-up, really.

    Loving the game thus far and this is the one and only "glitch" I have encountered. The enhancements this edition has brought forth, and continues to release, in the ultimate ease of use has saw me enjoy Baldur's Gate to an extent that I have not experienced since I first installed it all those years ago.

    Keep up the good work, Overhaul/Beamdog!
  • QuinnQuinn Member Posts: 14
    When can we expect the multiplayer lobby?
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Nooooooo! My precious Fairy Dragon! Pufty, what have they done to you!?! Whilst away on holiday they have smited you with a Ray of extra powerful Enfeeblement!

    Please @Camdawg let @Oxford_Guy reveal the terrible infliction you have beset on my poor beast...

    Plus you have crumbled! Nay! Rolled over and allowed your belly to be rubbed in a ticklish fashion by the pro-katana brigade!

    Give back those Ogre Magi the clubs they rightly wish to pummel with!

    Give equality to all weapons so that they can all hit on an equal par! Make daggers bigger and two handed swords smaller! Errrm! Yes! (Or actually just ignore this last comment... haven't worked this one out yet...)

    Lastly, ABSOLUTELY AWESOME UPDATE! (Apart from injuring poor Pufty! I will report you to the proper authorities!)

  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    I decided to not download this patch. It seems two mayor fix caused greater problems as it were before.
    Before the patch there was this "party members do not comply to their orders the first time" topic. They tried to fix this problem but caused a more serious one.

    Check here:
    And now here:
    And here:
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    And the still missing movie sunrise / sunset is still causing game freeze in all Multiplayer games at all the towns and near town Areas (Beregost, Nashkel, Temple, Carnival, etc.). Despite of announced and advertised "all movies were replaced with new ones".
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  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Sese79 I have also taken pause on downloading due to the bug with doors etc... but I am desperate to look at the kits... Ooooh, the pain of the decision is giving me a brain aneurism.

    @Bhaaldog Pufty, was given to me by Gorion. At the time he was an egg. I nearly popped him in the pan and boiled him for breakfast, bless him!

    I do like the fact that we can now progress together... but everyone knows that Fairy Dragons reach adolescence much quicker than us elves...

    They have returned Pufty to the level of a hatchling! His only chance of actual use in combat forever removed!

    Well actually I don't know if this true, cause I'm waiting for @Oxford_Guy to publish the results on the mass familiar enfeeblement project created by the evil arch mage @CamDawg Perhaps this evil archmage believes familiars should be out of sight and in the bag... Dastardly I'd say, dastardly!
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    And my archers are still walking up to enemies... I know that I can avoid this by using some of existing scripts for characters, but original BG developer team managed to do this part right in the very first release of the game. So what's wrong, Overhaul?

    Besides, I still have to use workarounds to add custom sundset, to have dub in non-english language version, etc. I hope that Overhaul will finally do something with it, sine it all should have been avaliable withouth any workarounds. Using thrid-parties programs and files feels wrong.

    On the other hand, good from Overhaul to include some nice fixes and new features like new kits. You have done a good job, but don't ever forget that you still have to fix/include some basics. Hope you'll do so before releasing DLCs
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    @Anduin You shouldn't have any dilemma I think. This new kits were not part of the vanilla so they are not woven into the game: the game don't recognize them as kits, they don't have any special quests, conversation lines, special items or clothing, or anything I guess. And they will have a lot of bugs (as read already about the Dwarfen Defender stats and the Shadowdancer abilities) too as it seems nobody beta tests the game or the patches (or they do it too few) before the release. They announced too much again.
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  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Sese79 we ARE the beta testers! We moan or clap and they act accordingly. Don't worry to much over it. A patch is on it's way. Just make sure they know what the bugs are so they can sort it!
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    A very very nice patch. Thank you Overhaul.
  • MelicampMelicamp Member Posts: 243
    Anybody figure out the surprise yet for this patch? I hate surprises. I'm a chicken. We don't handle such things well.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    After reading back my own post... I AM GOING TO DOWNLOAD. Overhaul need to know about the bugs!

    On a completely different side note...

    I also want to see if shadowkeeper will allow me to produce a Fighter / wildmage / shadowdancer multiclass...

    Anduin (self confessed kit junky) and Pufty (the hatchling) will adventure anew!
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Anduin said:

    @Sese79 I have also taken pause on downloading due to the bug with doors etc... but I am desperate to look at the kits... Ooooh, the pain of the decision is giving me a brain aneurism.

    @Bhaaldog Pufty, was given to me by Gorion. At the time he was an egg. I nearly popped him in the pan and boiled him for breakfast, bless him!

    I do like the fact that we can now progress together... but everyone knows that Fairy Dragons reach adolescence much quicker than us elves...

    They have returned Pufty to the level of a hatchling! His only chance of actual use in combat forever removed!

    Well actually I don't know if this true, cause I'm waiting for @Oxford_Guy to publish the results on the mass familiar enfeeblement project created by the evil arch mage @CamDawg Perhaps this evil archmage believes familiars should be out of sight and in the bag... Dastardly I'd say, dastardly!

    BTW AFAIK the changes won't affect familiars already created, unless you want them to
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Familiars are one of the items on the externalization list--right now there's not really a good way to do level-ups or any of the other good ideas that constantly get thrown around. We have to pick one creature per alignment that lasts the entire game, so it's a bit limiting.

    As for katanas and ogre magi, let's just say I didn't get everything I wanted. Only two were actually added; one was simply moved. If you've played my Exotic Item Pack from Tweaks you know how rare I think they should be.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    edited February 2013
    @Oxford_Guy I know. Just want to give my opinion.

    I actually have no argument to give, as yes, the current familiars are overpowered.

    At the same time. Give wizards a break! They are soft and squishy and taste better to monsters at lower levels. Don't make their familiars the starters to the main course!

    I was really pleased you could actually USE them outside the back pack.

    Now they are simply a back pack item to be discarded when their spells are used *sigh*

    As for the cats... Why change the speed? Have you ever tried to catch a cat? They are super quick agile tree climbers... Now in BG:EE they tie there legs together so they cannot keep up to the walking pace of a human mage... They really do need to be put in the back pack... worst familiar now by a very long shot!

    Is this what the game is condoning!?! Is this what Overhaul wants to preach!?!
    That all cats should be thrown into bags and be FORGOTTEN!





    @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Are you with me? PEOPLE ARE YOU WITH ME!


    Just for the record... Great patch guys... loving it... Apart from a few small issues...

    EDIT: Typo.
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