@apple3, did you get that version from the game executable properties rather than in-game? You should be able to find the game version in-game on the main title screen.
Is there another download site for EEKeeper, perhaps? Haven't been able to get to the Sourceforge site for three days now. Only site that won't work. Everything else does.
Can i change a dual-classed character as dual-kit (example; yoshimo or me as kensai-assassin)?
You can dual-class a character that has a kit, but only the Special Abilities form the first kit will remain, so it's only useful if you want to do a Berkserker->whateverotherkit. And nothing else is possible on this, sadly.
Can't i change any npc's class? I tried it on minsc as barbarian but i can't. Can't it be?
The Barbarian class is actually a Fighter kit, so you'll need to change Minsc's class to fighter and then his kit to barbarian. I recommend setting him to level 0, and removing all of his weapon proficiencies, and setting his HP at 1. go back to the game and then level him up, that should work well.
@SneakWalker, it's on the Abilities, where it says 'Levels'. If you have a single class character, then it's the first level you want to adjust, if it's a dual- or multi-class, then it's all three levels.
Question for you guys: So I started as a Paladin but realized the Cavalier kit is way better with barely any drawback. I edited my PC to have the Cav kit but wasn't sure - will the new bonuses such as demon and dragon damage and the immunities automatically update when I load the game or will I have to manually add those? Thanks in advance for the help.
Hey, I noticed a bug. Anytime I open a creature file, it strips the creature of any apparent proficiencies that the possessed. You also cannot add proficiencies to a .cre file as any proficiencies added in the 1st column of the proficiencies tab don't work, and any proficiencies added in the 2nd column disappear upon saving. As a result, loading, editing, and saving any NPC results in breaking the NPC's proficiencies.
Quite the bummer since I was really enjoying EE for editing creatures for my mod.
Actually, I've been tinkering around with it further, 'cause I remembered that some of the NPCs I was tweaking worked just fine. For example, Mulahey is getting the correct proficiencies when I set them, the correct attacks per level, etc. So I decided to open him up and see, and sure enough it's because his proficiencies are set in the 1st column of the proficiency tab. If I try to set proficiencies in his 2nd column, they vanish on save.
Now compare to an NPC such as "Maneira" or a creature such as a Kobold and you'll find that they are absent weapon proficiencies. Points you put in the 1st column do nothing for them, and you cannot place points in the second column. I'm not sure what the issue is, but this should help you replicate the issue. It's most distressing as EE Keeper is otherwise the best program I've found for editing creatures. The only things that would make it better as a modding tool for NPCs would be AI Script and Dialog settings.
Question for you guys: So I started as a Paladin but realized the Cavalier kit is way better with barely any drawback. I edited my PC to have the Cav kit but wasn't sure - will the new bonuses such as demon and dragon damage and the immunities automatically update when I load the game or will I have to manually add those? Thanks in advance for the help.
You'll have to edit your level to 0 (Zero), remove all of your Proficiencies and set your level to 0 and your HP to a value like 2 (you can then return that one to normal with editing if you want).
I've found that if you set your base HP to 0, but current HP to 1, the game treats the current HP like temporary HP in a sense. Basically, you can set base HP to 0, current to 1, and level to 0. Gain your first level and the HP normalizes itself naturally. It's quite beautiful, really.
Hey, I noticed a bug. Anytime I open a creature file, it strips the creature of any apparent proficiencies that the possessed.
I opened Alorgoth (OHRALOR) and he has one point in each of the following: Club, Dagger, Dart, Katana, Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō, Single Weapon Style, and Sling. Do you have a specific example?
You also cannot add proficiencies to a .cre file as any proficiencies added in the 1st column of the proficiencies tab don't work, and any proficiencies added in the 2nd column disappear upon saving.
Adding proficiencies depends on whether or not the character is dual-classed (I think that's what @SneakWalker said (the power of Google Translate )). If a character is dual-classed, then you can put points into either column. If your character is a single or multi-class, then you will only be able to put points into the first column. I haven't had any problem adding points to the first column, though. As I said, though, do you have any specific examples?
In the next version, probably coming out sooner rather than later with a few minor tweaks, I'll be improving on the kit effect additions in this build and possibly also adding the option to set HP to designated levels (so no more setting HP to 0 and then levelling up in-game).
I opened Alorgoth (OHRALOR) and he has one point in each of the following: Club, Dagger, Dart, Katana, Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō, Single Weapon Style, and Sling. Do you have a specific example?
Absolutely. Open EE Keeper, go to the creature browser for BG:EE. Search for Maneir.cre, and edit her. This is Maneira from the amazon assassins. She is a fighter/thief multiclass. You will find that she loads without proficiencies. Give her some proficiencies in Column 2 and they disappear when you save (they even disappear from EE Keeper). If you give her proficiencies in Column 1, you can run BG:EE, spawn her, and use CTRL+Q to add her to your party to check her stats. Sure enough, she will have no proficiencies and her statistics will reflect this.
She is not the only one, but is one I can remember off the top of my head. I know I've had difficulties with kobolds, hobgoblins, gnolls, and to be honest almost anything that is a monster with weapons.
Oddly enough, I had no issues with Mulahey from the Nashkel mines. I was able to change him from a single classed cleric to a Fighter/Cleric and add proficiencies and everything saved just fine. I'm not entirely certain where the problem is arising, but I wanted you to know about it, since maybe you can figure it out.
Ah, so it's a bug with BG:EE itself? Thanks for the information. That makes me feel better at least. I suppose I might be able to get around it by creating a dummy export of a creature that does use proficiencies properly (Mulahey did, so I could probably start there) and then just change everything about them each time I want to make an NPC. Bummer though, as that's a hassle and a half. :P
Thanks a lot though, and I love EE Keeper. Keep up the great work. Also, if you want to add another feature such as the option to change creature AI (IE - which script, such as standard attack, cleric defensive, etc) and their soundsets, I'd love you forever.
@Ashiel, it's partly a bug with the game but also partly a bug with Keeper. It turns out, from my initial investigation, that the CRE file structure for party creatures and non-party creatures differs. The standard length of the Effects block for party creatures is longer than non-party. I had originally implemented a work-around when reading because I thought it was a side effect of Overhaul working with the original BG creatures—especially since this is/was only something that seemed to affect BG:EE, not BG2:EE. I'll need to take a longer look at this.
Looking back at the original Shadow Keeper, it's something that also affects it when reading BG:EE creature files. I don't know what the standard is for non-party creatures, but there appears to be a combination in the files—which is a pain to try and account for. It'll probably only take a few minutes to fix, but getting to the core/root of the issue is what the problem will be.
I'll work on this issue when I have time. :-)
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
As for sound sets and AI scripts, I did debate about whether or not to include such an option, but ultimately felt that it was too complex for a user who is new and doesn't really know where to start. Simplifying was my goal, making it less intimidating, cut out the unnecessary stuff that the other editors have. I do have the AI scripts in there, though, the text boxes are simply invisible (I may include an option in the config file to make them visible (like Advanced=true to enable some of the stuff I currently have disabled or invisible)).
Thanks Troodon! Glad to help. I also like and support the idea of being able to turn on an advanced option, or even just making an advanced tab or something. I really like EE Keeper's user friendliness and it's a wonderful modding tool for that very reason. I can't think of another program that makes doing things like all of their stats, inventory, spells, and so forth so convenient. I mean, just the simple feature of being able to search spells & items is awesome!
To give an example, I'm working on a mod that is turning out to be fairly big. It initially began with the adjustment of various 2da files, and has bled over into modifying creatures and such and changing the game in some pretty big but hopefully fun ways. EE Keeper made finding and adjusting creature files a piece of cake, especially when it came to assigning equipment and spells!
Seriously, the only thing that's holding up my project is the weapon proficiency thing. When modifying NPCs that don't use proficiencies (such as animals) editing them takes only a minute or less, including saving them. Once the proficiencies thing is worked out nothing will be able to stop the modding! ^_^
Again, I was always a huge fan of the Keepers (GateKeeper, DaleKeeper, Shadowkeeper, etc) and EE Keeper is awesome. Kudos, and thank you!
I'll see if I can get a fix in for the proficiencies/effects as soon as possible. No idea how soon that'll be, though, but I'll tag you as soon as I have something.
Hey, someone just pointed out in this thread that Near Infinity can successfully edit the BG:EE creature files. I managed to get Maneira to have proficiencies in darts & short sword, and it worked in the game; though NI is far less user friendly than EE Keeper.
I thought you'd want to know, 'cause you might be able to check NI and identify where the issue is a little easier.
With a bit of fiddling, I've added a rudimentary effect version switcher.
I need to test it out to make sure it doesn't break anything, but the worst part about it, I think, is that it's not fully automated. I've set it to V2.0 as default, but most creature files you open from BG/BG:EE (not BG2/BG2:EE) will be V1.0—that means you will need to manually switch before making any edits. I may include more checks in the future as it does reduce user friendliness overall. Kits can still be added, but the user must convert to V2.0 before adding them. I will also include legacy proficiencies; the slots that were in BG, but were unused in BG2, are still being used in BG:EE apparently. My current version (not uploaded) can now apply proficiencies, but needs to be set to V1.0, so it's a step in the right direction. :-)
@Troodon80 actually, the BG1 proficiencies are used nowhere but BG1 and BG2 (and PS:T, but doesn't matter now), so I don't think it's needed to include them. That is why, in BG:EE (and BG2:EE when they launch the next patch for it) creatures will receive proficiencies (adding around 60 bytes per creature with new Proficiencies) as the BG2 style.
Regarding Effects and their versions... I think you could add a check and change the editor automatically... But yeah, don't even I know how to do that (I should ask myself, do I know something else than printf("%d",var)?? :P).
@CrevsDaak, they are used in BG:EE—it's why the game was apparently bugged.
Open up MANEIR.cre, as mentioned by @Ashiel, in NearInfinity and note at offset 6F and 75, there are three proficiency points in each. The latest public beta makes use of those. As for the effect version, there is something I can use: BYTE m_effectVersion. Not sure what the values are just yet, but if I'm right I could probably just make it a bool for the purpose of simplifying things.
@rakanishu, the PDF has been more or less replaced by the SourceForge project wiki. It is in no way complete (and I would accept any offer of help from anyone with spare time), but the PDF is made somewhat redundant by that. The PDF also only covered the most barest and basic introduction to the program. I'll update the link, though.
As for the code, you should only need to log in to SourceForge in order to view. Note that it's the Qt code and not the MFC code; i.e. the one that I am dedicated to here on the forum—I am chipping away at the Qt version in my spare time, but since it is basically from the ground up, it gets less attention than the one that is tried and tested (whether it works or not is a different thing ). I have done more on the Qt version but haven't bothered updating the repository since mattinm apparently left (probably too busy).
EDIT: never mind, I just figured out that EEKeeper treats barbarian as a fighter kit. Sorry.
Can i change a dual-classed character as dual-kit (example; yoshimo or me as kensai-assassin)?
Another question; what effects put 5 pips to combat styles?
edit: how can i set class level?
Quite the bummer since I was really enjoying EE for editing creatures for my mod.
Now compare to an NPC such as "Maneira" or a creature such as a Kobold and you'll find that they are absent weapon proficiencies. Points you put in the 1st column do nothing for them, and you cannot place points in the second column. I'm not sure what the issue is, but this should help you replicate the issue. It's most distressing as EE Keeper is otherwise the best program I've found for editing creatures. The only things that would make it better as a modding tool for NPCs would be AI Script and Dialog settings.
Also, I'm using EEKeeper v1.0.2.4.
In the next version, probably coming out sooner rather than later with a few minor tweaks, I'll be improving on the kit effect additions in this build and possibly also adding the option to set HP to designated levels (so no more setting HP to 0 and then levelling up in-game).
She is not the only one, but is one I can remember off the top of my head. I know I've had difficulties with kobolds, hobgoblins, gnolls, and to be honest almost anything that is a monster with weapons.
Oddly enough, I had no issues with Mulahey from the Nashkel mines. I was able to change him from a single classed cleric to a Fighter/Cleric and add proficiencies and everything saved just fine. I'm not entirely certain where the problem is arising, but I wanted you to know about it, since maybe you can figure it out.
They use the actual in-built creature proficiencies rather than adding them via effects. I'll need to look into that. :-)
Thanks a lot though, and I love EE Keeper. Keep up the great work. Also, if you want to add another feature such as the option to change creature AI (IE - which script, such as standard attack, cleric defensive, etc) and their soundsets, I'd love you forever.
Looking back at the original Shadow Keeper, it's something that also affects it when reading BG:EE creature files. I don't know what the standard is for non-party creatures, but there appears to be a combination in the files—which is a pain to try and account for. It'll probably only take a few minutes to fix, but getting to the core/root of the issue is what the problem will be.
I'll work on this issue when I have time. :-)
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
As for sound sets and AI scripts, I did debate about whether or not to include such an option, but ultimately felt that it was too complex for a user who is new and doesn't really know where to start. Simplifying was my goal, making it less intimidating, cut out the unnecessary stuff that the other editors have. I do have the AI scripts in there, though, the text boxes are simply invisible (I may include an option in the config file to make them visible (like Advanced=true to enable some of the stuff I currently have disabled or invisible)).
To give an example, I'm working on a mod that is turning out to be fairly big. It initially began with the adjustment of various 2da files, and has bled over into modifying creatures and such and changing the game in some pretty big but hopefully fun ways. EE Keeper made finding and adjusting creature files a piece of cake, especially when it came to assigning equipment and spells!
Seriously, the only thing that's holding up my project is the weapon proficiency thing. When modifying NPCs that don't use proficiencies (such as animals) editing them takes only a minute or less, including saving them. Once the proficiencies thing is worked out nothing will be able to stop the modding! ^_^
Again, I was always a huge fan of the Keepers (GateKeeper, DaleKeeper, Shadowkeeper, etc) and EE Keeper is awesome. Kudos, and thank you!
I'll see if I can get a fix in for the proficiencies/effects as soon as possible. No idea how soon that'll be, though, but I'll tag you as soon as I have something.
I thought you'd want to know, 'cause you might be able to check NI and identify where the issue is a little easier.
I need to test it out to make sure it doesn't break anything, but the worst part about it, I think, is that it's not fully automated. I've set it to V2.0 as default, but most creature files you open from BG/BG:EE (not BG2/BG2:EE) will be V1.0—that means you will need to manually switch before making any edits. I may include more checks in the future as it does reduce user friendliness overall. Kits can still be added, but the user must convert to V2.0 before adding them. I will also include legacy proficiencies; the slots that were in BG, but were unused in BG2, are still being used in BG:EE apparently. My current version (not uploaded) can now apply proficiencies, but needs to be set to V1.0, so it's a step in the right direction. :-)
Regarding Effects and their versions... I think you could add a check and change the editor automatically... But yeah, don't even I know how to do that (I should ask myself, do I know something else than printf("%d",var)?? :P).
Open up MANEIR.cre, as mentioned by @Ashiel, in NearInfinity and note at offset 6F and 75, there are three proficiency points in each. The latest public beta makes use of those. As for the effect version, there is something I can use: BYTE m_effectVersion. Not sure what the values are just yet, but if I'm right I could probably just make it a bool for the purpose of simplifying things.
I'm playing again BG2 and EE Keeper is an invaluable tool
In the initial post there are 2 links that don't work for me:
The PDF file (does not exist)
The source code (error 403: read access required)
Can you please update them? thanks a lot in advance!
As for the code, you should only need to log in to SourceForge in order to view. Note that it's the Qt code and not the MFC code; i.e. the one that I am dedicated to here on the forum—I am chipping away at the Qt version in my spare time, but since it is basically from the ground up, it gets less attention than the one that is tried and tested (whether it works or not is a different thing