wel i for one wil not get it now and i wil wait for a steam release and i do this cous atm i cant pay for it in holland we pay whit ouwer bank card not a credidcard and we use ideal for online banking not paypall on steam i can use ideal so then i wil be able to pay it (im not gonna get a creditcard or paypall for just this game but on steam i would pay 30 euro / 30 dollars what ever for it :-D)
@Messi You did complain that you didn't want another client. I answered that. Read your own post again
Maybe you should learn to read yourself. Beamdog is the name of their store which is the only place to buy this atm.
@Medillen yes, I keep different pw for everything. Basic security rule really!
You're right, I'm sorry! I just now realized that I mixed d3vilsadvocate’s post with yours, as you qouted it together with your statement. It was him who mentions the Client business.
My bad.
But I still won't ever understand this whole fixation on Steam as an all or nothing proposition. If you had it your way, Overhaul/Beamdog would make next to no money on the release. They have to pay Wizards of the Coast, Atari and maybe other license holders, 30% to Applenfor the iOS release, and on top of that, pay Valve for the privelige of being on Steam?
It makes absolutely no sense for them to do that. They're a very small company, Trent Oster using paying out of his own pocket for the development. They have to make a living too.
And it could not be easier to get the game. We don't even have to leave our residence to buy the game like we had to just a few years ago. Having to make a user profile and a password as an excuse for boycotting an effort like this is just,... Well, to be polite, it just doesn't make any sense.
Ok i am a bit extreme with nearly 600 items (roughly 400 Games rest is dlc´s) Now just imagine steam wouldnt exists and all the games would be spread around 30 different accounts.
Problem is not to register an Account the Problem is to Remember after an year that you own the Game and you have an account. With steam this is no Problem and i always find some games in my steam libary that i already have forgotten. But to forget a game you own doesnt mean i dont want to play it anymore.
With this in mind i decided for me that i buy digital Download Games only on Steam. Only exception for me is GOG.com (also own alot of games there) because they sell much oldies which i dont get on steam.
Many other came to the same conclusion as my self even if they dont have so much games as i do. And the final argument. I am the customer and i decide where i buy and what i buy.
If beamdog wont release on steam or GoG its their decision and mine is to not buy it then even so i want it.
Yeah, I have quite a few Steam releases myself, but I have no problem buying from other distributers.
If I forget my account name somewhere, I can always ask them to confirm my purchase and send me my account information via email, as I've had the same mail address for years. It haven't been a problem yet though, as my account name and password is the same everywhere and always have been.
So, yeah, I think you're missing out on a great game here.
Such a shame, I have heard of so many people (several in my own environment, hundreds on-line) not buying this because it won't release on other online platforms. Alot of people already have one or two platforms like Steam, GOG, Origin... And aren't waiting to add more to the list. Me being one of them.
Really hope for myself and all those other people that it will soon release on other online platforms. I also hope so for Overhaul, because they're missing out on alot of turnover due to being Beamdog exclusive... Oh well, we'll see what happens. (in the end the prospect of money always wins, right? If they didn't care about making a profit they would give the game to us practically for free after all )
@HypaH They would lose money if they released it on Steam. Valve wants a percentage for the privilege to release a game on Steam. On top of that, there's several IP holders, amongst them big players like Atari and WoTC that wants a piece of the cake. Apple takes 30 percent for the iOS release.
Not much left for Beamdog/Overhaul, who used their own money to make this game. No backing. If it fails, some of them may go broke.
When the reviews hit, and if they are as positive as I hope and think they'll be, I'm pretty sure a lot of the Steam moaners will buy the game where they can get it.
A lot of people don't seem to understand that buying it from BeamDog isn't "buying from a store you've never heard of"--it's buying it straight from the developer. That's a GOOD thing.
A Steam release would be good too, but for the developer it's better to buy directly from them; they see more of the revenue from the sale, which means that they'll be better equipped to produce more titles in the future. A sale on Steam largely goes to benefit Steam.
Current situation is like releasing a film on vhs only but everyone wants dvd :P Hell there isnt even a boxed Version which i would concider besides Steam or GoG.
Hope they release it in a couple months on other dl platforms.
Current situation is like releasing a film on vhs only but everyone wants dvd :P9 Hell there isnt even a boxed Version which i would concider besides Steam or GoG.
Hope they release it in a couple months on other dl platforms.
I and all the others who pre-ordered must not be part of "everyone"!
I don't really care for steam, so I'm perfectly happy to buy this from elsewhere. Traditionally the only thing I liked about steam was not needing CDs to play. That's not an issue with BGEE.
Current situation is like releasing a film on vhs only but everyone wants dvd :P9 Hell there isnt even a boxed Version which i would concider besides Steam or GoG.
Hope they release it in a couple months on other dl platforms.
I and all the others who pre-ordered must not be part of "everyone"!
I don't really care for steam, so I'm perfectly happy to buy this from elsewhere. Traditionally the only thing I liked about steam was not needing CDs to play. That's not an issue with BGEE.
I'm Grateful that the game is not on Steam and that it comes a regular download! being a captive customer is not for me.
There are plenty of other online stores, like GoG, of Desura, Humble Store. Steam doesn't have to be the mandatory distribution channel for games. Having other stores is healthy; for players and developers. Yes Steam has good sides, but seriously, it is SO complicated to download a game from Beamdog, especially when you don't need the Beamdog client, even for updates? Yes, you just have to remember on which account is your game. All you have to do is checking your e-mails. Hard work.
wel i for one wil not get it now and i wil wait for a steam release and i do this cous atm i cant pay for it in holland we pay whit ouwer bank card not a credidcard and we use ideal for online banking not paypall on steam i can use ideal so then i wil be able to pay it (im not gonna get a creditcard or paypall for just this game but on steam i would pay 30 euro / 30 dollars what ever for it :-D)
Don't they have Visa or Mastercard gift cards where you are from? That way you don't have to get a "credit card" or even use Paypal. I'm not sure how it works overseas, but my bank cards function not only as atm debit cards, but I can also use them as credit cards for credit transactions.
Current situation is like releasing a film on vhs only but everyone wants dvd :P9 Hell there isnt even a boxed Version which i would concider besides Steam or GoG.
Hope they release it in a couple months on other dl platforms.
I and all the others who pre-ordered must not be part of "everyone"!
I don't really care for steam, so I'm perfectly happy to buy this from elsewhere. Traditionally the only thing I liked about steam was not needing CDs to play. That's not an issue with BGEE.
I'm Grateful that the game is not on Steam and that it comes a regular download! being a captive customer is not for me.
No one said anything about steam exlusive. If you want to buy it here fine but let others buy it where they prefer it.
Exluding other Distrubution Channels (dont mean only steam) just deny´s profit cause there are many willing to wait for a release on their prefered dl platform
Just signed in to say that I will pass for now until it comes out on Steam. If it comes at all of course.
It is the payment conveniences of Steam that I seek. For games I exclusively use Paysafe which is pretty much a code you buy from almost any general store and has no links to your name-bank-account whatsoever.
And Steam supports paysafe.
In any case best wishes to the dev team for a smooth day 1.
How times had changed, I remember back in 2004 most people used to bi... and moan STEAM because they used to like to go to the store and buy their games at retail. Correct me if I'm wrong but does Beandog let you save the game and you don't have to use their client after you DL the first time?
How times had changed, I remember back in 2004 most people used to bi... and moan STEAM because they used to like to go to the store and buy their games at retail. Correct me if I'm wrong but does Beandog let you save the game and you don't have to use their client after you DL the first time?
@ratoa yes, you don't have to use Beamdog Client if you don't want to, you can download as a single download and go offline after installation.
How times had changed, I remember back in 2004 most people used to bi... and moan STEAM because they used to like to go to the store and buy their games at retail. Correct me if I'm wrong but does Beandog let you save the game and you don't have to use their client after you DL the first time?
I still prefer retail version. The smell of a newly opened box can not be beaten by anything else for me. However if I have to buy something digital I prefer to do so without using a credit card. Debit cards and Paysafe are my choices.
I do not whine though. I just balanced my needs and my habits and decided that even if I am a huge fan of BG, still owning the original boxes (BG2 in collector's) and the Boxset (for compatibility reasons), I still do not want to pay via credit card. So I am just logging in to explain my thoughts, using the highly underappreciated these days power that customers have. At the same time I am fully aware that I will not be able to play the game on release date and I do not blame anyone but my own decision for it.
If eventually Beamdog decides to release it on Steam or if it supports a Paysafe method I will run to purchase. And of course if this happens in let us say 6-12 months. I can not make plans for gaming more than a year ahead. A lot of "if"s but still...one has to try.
I'm not about to start juggling yet another online game delivery service. It's the same reason I don't use Origin, GamersGate, or any of the hundred other minor digital delivery sites.
I use Steam because it's convenient, and 99% of the games I want to play (and 90% of the games I own) are right there. Oh, all my friends are right there too. Convenient.
I use GOG because, unlike everyone else, they've been the ONLY place to buy old games that you otherwise wouldn't be able to buy, install, or play on modern PCs. I've bought in, I'm vested, and I'm fairly happy limiting myself to just these two digital platforms.
So those are the ONLY two options I will consider. I'd like to give the developers money for their time and passion, and I'd love to play their game... but once again: no Steam, no GOG, no sale.
While I'd love to replay the game and succumb to my own nostalgia, I've got plenty of other excellent games on my backlog vying for both time and money. Limiting release to one no-name digital delivery outlet is foolish. Not only are they loosing sales from stubborn folks like me (who would otherwise be a built-in audience), they are loosing sales by being completely invisible.
After all, Steam is where PC gamers get their games. If it's not on Steam, then for all practical purposes, it doesn't exist. End of story.
Much like many before me, I won't be buying this on PC unless we receive a Steam release. I will probably pick it up on Android, or maybe iOS (after all, the nostalgia is strong here), but have no desire to spread my PC digital purchases beyond Steam. Convenience comes first for me these days. I'm too old and lazy to to be bothered with multiple PC gaming platforms with multiple log-ins. And given I own iOS devices, Android devices, a PS3, a 360, and more, I always have alternatives that ensures I pretty much never miss a game I want.
Still, I would like to own this on PC. Please give me a Steam release.
Another catch for me is the ability to buy once on Steam and have it on my Mac when I travel and on my gaming PC at home. Right now, I would have to buy from the Apple store and from Beamdog, I'll wait and see what happens rather than buy it twice.
I am really happy to have all of my games in Steam. All in one place and auto updating. I was monitoring this project already for weeks and hoping to be able to buy the game on steam but It's not there :-( I only want to buy it to support the dev's but they should make sure to offer more download platforms. If it is available on steam I will go an buy it, otherwise not!
A few people seem to be confusing the notion that BG:EE should be on Steam with the idea that it should ONLY be on Steam, which I doubt anyone is genuinely arguing.
Steam as an extra distribution channel would have been very useful at launch, considering how the sheer weight of traffic on the only place to get it reduced everyone's download speeds to less than a crawl.
Achievements could have potentially been quite fun, too.
After all, Steam is where PC gamers get their games. If it's not on Steam, then for all practical purposes, it doesn't exist. End of story.
What an ignorant thing to say. Not all PC gamers are Steam fanboys, and Blizzard / EA still sold quite a lot of PC games despite not using Steam. Furthermore, Steam is an inconvinience to people of many countries, as IP restrictions limit what games they can purchase.
It sounds a bit harsh, but I'm sick of having a gazillion different accounts and clients. I'll buy it instantly on steam for 19$. Tell that to your shareholders or whoever is holding back your business potential...
Thanks for reading.
+1 for me.
I keep all my accounts in the one place, the only exceptions are are for regional pricing & other geographic restrictions aka "the Australia tax" +75% price /fail & for EA's Origin only Mass Effect 3 & Battlefield, but I purchased cheaper legit online CD keys to screw EA over $$ wise, cause they cheesed me off doing so.
I'll be waiting till it's out on steam, & if it's not then you've lost a sale, I already own both BG1/2/expansions..
in holland we pay whit ouwer bank card not a credidcard and we use ideal for online banking not paypall
on steam i can use ideal so then i wil be able to pay it
(im not gonna get a creditcard or paypall for just this game but on steam i would pay 30 euro / 30 dollars what ever for it :-D)
My bad.
But I still won't ever understand this whole fixation on Steam as an all or nothing proposition.
If you had it your way, Overhaul/Beamdog would make next to no money on the release.
They have to pay Wizards of the Coast, Atari and maybe other license holders, 30% to Applenfor the iOS release, and on top of that, pay Valve for the privelige of being on Steam?
It makes absolutely no sense for them to do that. They're a very small company, Trent Oster using paying out of his own pocket for the development. They have to make a living too.
And it could not be easier to get the game.
We don't even have to leave our residence to buy the game like we had to just a few years ago.
Having to make a user profile and a password as an excuse for boycotting an effort like this is just,... Well, to be polite, it just doesn't make any sense.
Just registered to say you why.
For example look @ my steamaccount
Ok i am a bit extreme with nearly 600 items (roughly 400 Games rest is dlc´s)
Now just imagine steam wouldnt exists and all the games would be spread around 30 different accounts.
Problem is not to register an Account the Problem is to Remember after an year that you own the Game and you have an account. With steam this is no Problem and i always find some games in my steam libary that i already have forgotten. But to forget a game you own doesnt mean i dont want to play it anymore.
With this in mind i decided for me that i buy digital Download Games only on Steam. Only exception for me is GOG.com (also own alot of games there) because they sell much oldies which i dont get on steam.
Many other came to the same conclusion as my self even if they dont have so much games as i do.
And the final argument. I am the customer and i decide where i buy and what i buy.
If beamdog wont release on steam or GoG its their decision and mine is to not buy it then even so i want it.
See you in game in about a year then. Enjoy not playing in the meantime, I'm sure Steam appreciates it.
If I forget my account name somewhere, I can always ask them to confirm my purchase and send me my account information via email, as I've had the same mail address for years.
It haven't been a problem yet though, as my account name and password is the same everywhere and always have been.
So, yeah, I think you're missing out on a great game here.
Really hope for myself and all those other people that it will soon release on other online platforms. I also hope so for Overhaul, because they're missing out on alot of turnover due to being Beamdog exclusive... Oh well, we'll see what happens. (in the end the prospect of money always wins, right? If they didn't care about making a profit they would give the game to us practically for free after all
They would lose money if they released it on Steam. Valve wants a percentage for the privilege to release a game on Steam.
On top of that, there's several IP holders, amongst them big players like Atari and WoTC that wants a piece of the cake.
Apple takes 30 percent for the iOS release.
Not much left for Beamdog/Overhaul, who used their own money to make this game. No backing.
If it fails, some of them may go broke.
When the reviews hit, and if they are as positive as I hope and think they'll be, I'm pretty sure a lot of the Steam moaners will buy the game where they can get it.
A Steam release would be good too, but for the developer it's better to buy directly from them; they see more of the revenue from the sale, which means that they'll be better equipped to produce more titles in the future. A sale on Steam largely goes to benefit Steam.
Hell there isnt even a boxed Version which i would concider besides Steam or GoG.
Hope they release it in a couple months on other dl platforms.
I don't really care for steam, so I'm perfectly happy to buy this from elsewhere. Traditionally the only thing I liked about steam was not needing CDs to play. That's not an issue with BGEE.
I'm Grateful that the game is not on Steam and that it comes a regular download! being a captive customer is not for me.
Yes Steam has good sides, but seriously, it is SO complicated to download a game from Beamdog, especially when you don't need the Beamdog client, even for updates?
Yes, you just have to remember on which account is your game. All you have to do is checking your e-mails. Hard work.
No one said anything about steam exlusive.
If you want to buy it here fine but let others buy it where they prefer it.
Exluding other Distrubution Channels (dont mean only steam) just deny´s profit cause there are many willing to wait for a release on their prefered dl platform
It is the payment conveniences of Steam that I seek. For games I exclusively use Paysafe which is pretty much a code you buy from almost any general store and has no links to your name-bank-account whatsoever.
And Steam supports paysafe.
In any case best wishes to the dev team for a smooth day 1.
It's probably more likely to go to GoG first simply from a DRM morality point of view.
I do not whine though. I just balanced my needs and my habits and decided that even if I am a huge fan of BG, still owning the original boxes (BG2 in collector's) and the Boxset (for compatibility reasons), I still do not want to pay via credit card. So I am just logging in to explain my thoughts, using the highly underappreciated these days power that customers have. At the same time I am fully aware that I will not be able to play the game on release date and I do not blame anyone but my own decision for it.
If eventually Beamdog decides to release it on Steam or if it supports a Paysafe method I will run to purchase. And of course if this happens in let us say 6-12 months. I can not make plans for gaming more than a year ahead. A lot of "if"s but still...one has to try.
No Steam, no GOG, no sale.
I'm not about to start juggling yet another online game delivery service. It's the same reason I don't use Origin, GamersGate, or any of the hundred other minor digital delivery sites.
I use Steam because it's convenient, and 99% of the games I want to play (and 90% of the games I own) are right there. Oh, all my friends are right there too. Convenient.
I use GOG because, unlike everyone else, they've been the ONLY place to buy old games that you otherwise wouldn't be able to buy, install, or play on modern PCs. I've bought in, I'm vested, and I'm fairly happy limiting myself to just these two digital platforms.
So those are the ONLY two options I will consider. I'd like to give the developers money for their time and passion, and I'd love to play their game... but once again: no Steam, no GOG, no sale.
While I'd love to replay the game and succumb to my own nostalgia, I've got plenty of other excellent games on my backlog vying for both time and money. Limiting release to one no-name digital delivery outlet is foolish. Not only are they loosing sales from stubborn folks like me (who would otherwise be a built-in audience), they are loosing sales by being completely invisible.
After all, Steam is where PC gamers get their games. If it's not on Steam, then for all practical purposes, it doesn't exist. End of story.
Still, I would like to own this on PC. Please give me a Steam release.
I only want to buy it to support the dev's but they should make sure to offer more download platforms.
If it is available on steam I will go an buy it, otherwise not!
Steam as an extra distribution channel would have been very useful at launch, considering how the sheer weight of traffic on the only place to get it reduced everyone's download speeds to less than a crawl.
Achievements could have potentially been quite fun, too.
I keep all my accounts in the one place, the only exceptions are are for regional pricing & other geographic restrictions aka "the Australia tax" +75% price /fail & for EA's Origin only Mass Effect 3 & Battlefield, but I purchased cheaper legit online CD keys to screw EA over $$ wise, cause they cheesed me off doing so.
I'll be waiting till it's out on steam, & if it's not then you've lost a sale, I already own both BG1/2/expansions..