That's, uh... a lot of thieves. To hell with it, my main is mastering Pick Pockets leaving the rest to everybody else.
Say hello to Maratris!
Seems 75 in Pick Pocket is very lucky in Candlekeep. I suspect the character will die to an unlucky crit from something nasty so I might as well mess around and make her specialize in katanas. And with that, I stole one right from Winthrop O.O I actually thought he was going to call the guards.
Also stole 2 potions of Invisibility, 1 potion of Extra Healing, a +1 dagger and a golden necklace. I probably could have stole more but the priest at the clinic caught me and I ran like hell. I suspect I'll be stealing a lot more to come. Personal note, steal from people you can easily run away from.
A wisdom of 2. I wonder what the equivalent real life example of a Wisdom of 2 would be.
Someone who has so little common sense and on hand understanding of customs that they routinely find themselves in trouble. Past that who knows. The line used in the manual for wisdom is "Wisdom measures a character’s enlightenment, judgment, and common sense" whereas intelligence " measures a character’s memory, reasoning, and learning ability."
I find reasoning and common sense nearly one and the same...
Gotta disagree with you on that one. I've known some very intelligent people in my life, like actually 'genius-level' intellect in terms of the ability of work through logic, reasoning and learn new things. However, some of those same people also had an amazing lack of common sense, in particular their understanding of social norms and how other people might think and act.
In D&D terms, I think of Wisdom more as knowledge, and Intelligence as the potential to learn new things and natural wit and mental flexibility.
Yeah, I think Wisdom is intended to measure both fund of knowledge and judgment. In terms of behavior it's judgment. In the real world we do see plenty of highly intelligent people that have terrible judgment. And similarly there are people that would struggle tremendously to learn calculus but who make sound decisions.
Welp, decided to take another swing at the SCS challenge.
I tried out the WotC rolling system this time, and got a dorf paladin. Unfortunately, shorties can't be divine bringers of justice so my paladin will just have to settle for being an adopted dorf. Stats: 18|84/13/18/9/13/18 Party: Khalid/Edwin/Montaron/Rasaad/Garrick (Hey, at least Rasaad won't be the most useless one for once.)
Since rolling solo at beginning worked pretty well last time, I adopted that strategy again and moseyed around the map picking up all the easily available experience and some magic items, notably the charisma and the con tomes. After hitting level 7, I gathered my party to venture forth, but ran into a hiccup or two. Most of the party was level 6, which was nice, but Montaron was only level 1. So I get to pick his thief skills, but he's also a big fat target for all the upgraded SCS ai. And Garrick managed to die in the very first fight I put him in. I ended after completing the Nashkel Mines, where Montaron died. I'm having a bad feeling about this run in general...
Hello all, and I am Windru (short for Winefiddle's druid...). I have found this thread very interesting, but I did not read all 18 pages; please forgive me if the following was mentioned already. On the first page with the image of Drone's random generator, the #6 was listed twice in the Thief Kits table. 5-6 = Bounty Hunter 6-7 = Swashbuckler
I was making my own spreadsheet with the information from Drone's RCGS, when I came across this.
It's not a bad party (with the exception of quayle) though it's going to be a while before I can add a member. If I choose no reload the game's going to end very quickly.
Two hours in and I'm dead. I had been rejected by Kivan and so went looking for Shar-Teel. I ran into Mutamin who proceeded to cast fear then flaming arrow.
As short as that was, it was fun. I might try it again.
Time to try this once again... I had a Skald game there somewhere around the FAI, but I was already burned out afer all the failures (damn that half-orc kensai).
So, shiny new character, let's see, this is number 6 I guess?
1191, roll 4 for Male human Sun Soul Monk 394, LG, 9 stat rolls, Male 2 voice set
This looks promising so far.
Name: Davdak the Scholar
Party rolls: 4 (Branwen), 4 again.. reroll to 5 (Coran), 3 (Rey Mysterio), 12 (Imoen) and 16 (Kivan).
That's a lot of ranged firepower. Branwen will have to be the tank but I guess it fits her character. This actually looks pretty solid, will have to learn how to play a monk on the go, though...
OOC: That's the pictures, will begin writeup in an hour or two. With 32, my character had just finished pickpocketing all the armed people in the FAI. I'm currently at 22 Days, 17 Hours. Getting ready to leave the friendly Arm Inn.
OOC: So, I'm back, several months later, putting out the story that I never wrote. Note: I'm using alot of artistic add ons
Solo No Reload Role Playing Half Elf Assassin
Now, after my weeks out in the wilderness, I realize that all Gorion did was prepare me for this lifestyle. He honed me into a battle ready edge, one that would pick it's fights and survive. I "aquired" a new short sword recently from a band ofknobgoblers that thought that they were stronger than me, maybe they were, but not nearly as sneaky. I managed to divide them, and kill them one by one...
Then I found the one that the mayor of Beregost had been telling me about. I found out that it was indeed him by a child that was looking for it's mother and father. I revealed the brutal truth to the child and he ran away in tears. Before he was out of noise range, I promised that I would put them to rest. That reward for Basslilus's Holy Symbol was very nice I must add. I charged right into the middle of the campe and poisoned Bassilus right from the start. He fell easily, and the rest of his band of undead fell quickly as well.
I continued North, and saw a chicken being chased by a wolf. I didn't care until the thing started screaming for it's life and speaking the common tongue. Obviously I had snapped, or this chicken would be found as very useful to a powerful archmage somewhere...
Melicamp, as he called himself, told me to see Thalantyr. I was waylaid by a bandit that was trying to steal from Thalantyr, and I called him a fool when he told me what was guarding Thalantyr's suppossed treasures. He was attacked by skeletons, led them to me, and then disappeared. When I was inspecting the bones on the ground, Melicamp insistently yelled at me to grab a skull, to help remind him of what he once was. So, I took him to Thalantyr who told me that talking chickens could not possibly exist, until I told him that this was his apprentice. They bickered back and forth, Thalantyr demanded a skull, and I gave him a slightly altered one. Thalantyr cast the skull, and the room burst into a cloud of feathers...
Melicamp died. I carried that rotten and annoying chicken for ten hours, and did not get paid a single gold coin. I will return Thalantyr, and make you pay up for useless scrolls I find in my journeys!
Thalantyr denied me any payment of any kind. When I tried to insist, he called his flesh golems in, and they stared at me... I was quick to get to the door. Then I decided to get some money out of this trip by visiting the mayor of Beregost. I went around the building hiding in the shadows, and ran into the midst of some gnolls. I have no idea why they were there, yet one was holding a short sword. When a gnoll has a short sword sheathed around it's waist, they obviously took it from someone.
When I reached Beregost again, I went to the place Mulahey's letter said that one of his benefactors overseers was sleeping, and found him packing his bags for a trip. When I asked him where he was going, he jumped out of his skin, and proclaimed that he wouldn't tell me anything. I told him that his friend was dead, and many people might see Tranzig dead as good as well. Tranzig then began to cast spells at me. I already had varscona out and hacked his left arm off with the first hit... Messy. I'm sure half the town heard his screams before my short sword found his throat, but not all of them were incomprehensible, he spoke of working with a camp of bandits, that were situated within the Woods of the Sharp Teeth. I am now curious as to how deep this really is, and what I have gotten myself into... when I went down the stairs, I immeditaely ducked to the side as Flaming Fist enforcers came onto the scene and swiftly moved up the stairs, to where they were told the disturbance had come from. I slipped out of Beregost and went to the Temple that the mayor resides in. he paid me a hefty sum, as much as he had promised for a symbol etched in gold on a sliver plate.
I then returned to the West, to continue exploring. I ran into some Xvart village that was protected by a Cave Bear! I managed to cut my way through the Xvarts and the cave bears, and then left the village a ghost town. I then met a very rude person that was trying to sell me things for horrid prices, so i decided to steal them, was detected, and the idiot pulled out a short sword and attacked me! I was quick to apply my poison while backing up, and then slashed at his arm. I'm happy I did that though since most of his stuff was cursed anyways.
Then I found the cursed Brage. He asked me a question, one that I had to think about for several minutes, to which point I guessed the answer was war, I was somehow right, and Brage decided to not kill me, disarm himself and surrender! Regardless, once the Helmites had him in their grasp, they gave me gold and sent me on my way. so, i went to the only fortress other than Candlekeep that I knew of on the coast, the Gnoll Stronghold. I fought my way through the troll-like ogrillons, and then went south to find a hidden entrance to the stronghold...
I found. A book. In a cave. Surrounded. By Xvarts...
Regardless, I read the book and felt different after I finished reading, as if my body has shifted slightly and as if reality had bent.
When i found no secret entrances, I went through the front door and barged my way in. No stealth this time, just straight butchery. I chopped my way through their ranks, until I met what was obviously their chieftain. I killed the chieftain, and they all scattered to the moans and groans of a human female in a pit. I went down into the pit by the tree trunk steps the Gnolls had made, and talked to this woman. This woman was not friendly to me, even thoguh I had just rescued her, so I left the ungrateful witch for the Gnolls. I then went North of the Gnoll Fortress and ran into a Paladin of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart. She attacked me on site, simply because of who I am, and with no provocation. How is a paladin a champion of good, when they can attack someone without undue cause? I defended myself and she died as a result of it. I then ran into a failed bandit that was trying to ambush me. I called out his ambush, and the stupid knobgoblers actually revealed their positions! I killed him and his knobgoblins, and thinking of Officer Vai, I cut his scalp off of his head.
I then continued on my rampage, and went back to where I found Brage... I wonder when Brage will become curious about his missing cousin? I went North to an arceological dig, was hired as a guard and was also given a lucrative proposal. I agreed, but when I enterred the cave, the miners began looking at me strangely, as if they were growing to hate me merely due to my presence. They then yelled and charged, and I dispatched the untrained rabble easily. The headman of the dig told me that he was going to seal the dungeon off, and so I grabbed the idol and ran outside. Once outside, a Doomsayer appeared. He charmed the person who hired me to get the artifact, and then we fought for hours. I was obviously the victor.
You will not believe who I met! None other than Drizzt Do'Urden himself! He was happy to see me, and told me he needed help with some Gnolls. I do not understand how he can face thousands of orcs, but have problems with a handful of Gnolls? He was obviously lieing to me though, since he killed about three quarters of them without even a sweat. After my encounter with Drizzt, he told me to look for the bandits further North, and that the Sword Coast was frought with dangers. As if I did not know that already... I then ran into more bandits. These bandits are starting to get on my nerves, since you run into them demanding your iron with every wrong turn. Maybe destroying their camp will cause this to end? Hmm, and Officer Vai had better pay up for these scalps, they are rather horrid.
Then I faced and defeated something that might even raise Drizzt's brow. 4 half Ogres at once. It was interesting, when I was not running for my life and dissappearing behind trees and the like, I managed to isolate them and kill them all one by one. I then went to Officer Vai and accepted her proposal, Then I went to another paladin in the Jovial Juggler, one that had a halberd strung to his back. He congratulated me on my fight, thenI went upstairs. Bad mistake. I ended up getting chased out of the Jugglers with private bodyguards trying to find the prize jewels of the ambassador of Amn. she probably has more where they came from anyways, they proved quite profitable. On my way back North to find this Bandit camp, I ran into an ogre. It was wearing two belts, and I tried both on to see which would go better with my with armor, and the one melded into me and my armor, and changed me... This taught me to never put on an item that has not been properly identified by a priest.
I then ran into a huge bandit party as I moved further North, and ended up being taken to the Bandit Camp. Once there, they had me face off against the meanest and ugliest Half-Ogre I had ever seen, Tazok. I had to be very nimble and also tricked him into overextending his killing blow, which allowed me to slip behind him and deal him a slash across the back with Varscona. Tazok allowed me access to the Bandit Camp, and then left. I then went looting, and ran into a tent full of some very angry Gnolls. I stole from the camp until I could not carry anymore, and then I went to the Friendly Arm Inn for the first time. I was beset upon by knobgoblers right outside the walls of the Fortress, and one was wearing a really shiny ring, I took it, and then went to the Inn itself. I found the owner of the ring and gave it to her once I knew what the barkeeper wanted for it. Oh yes, I almost forgot. Yet another attempt on my life. I think I'm getting used to this now.
I managed to remove the belt, and then I ran into that witch that summoned those Red Wizards again. She scared me so much when I saw her that I accidentally had my blade in her stomach before I realized I had drawn my blade. I found a bag to put some gems in on her body though, and her red tunic made sure that the blood was not noticeable. At least one good thing happened in this bad event. I carried her to an unoccupied bed upstairs, and then left the Inn as swiftly as I could. I better not return for a long time.
OOC: I had to reload due to a quest bug in the Merchant's League since Brandilar killed a Doppleganger and the quest would not complete.
Edit: Once I reach the Sarveok fight, I'll write my write ups and post my screen shots.
Edit 2: Hmmm, I noticed that Husam's Shadow thieves do not take you to Ilmaters Shrine no matter what you say now. They used to walk towards Ilmater's shrine, instead of just standing around out in the open.
Edit 3: Had to reload when belt would not talk to me in the Duchal Palace. I sort of pickpocketed one of the greater dopplegangers before they flipped, causing all the Flaming Fist in the area to go hostile, I then dispelled the hastes and blurs of the dopplegangers, and killed everyone but a few nobles, Sarevok, and Belt. I think belt was not talking to me since Sarevok was not in his vision at the end of the fight. Otherwise, this assassin without poison can face 6 greater dopplegangers, plus 10 Flaming Fist Mercenaries and a Nobleman while keeping Belt alive. 1st Duchal Palace picture is glitched win, rest are unglitched win. I will split it up though since I have done alot over the past 3 days. Those are the pictures, now the writeups. With the Cleric I murdered, he wouldn't borrow the tome to me, and my character's life was in danger, so I tried to pick it off of him, I failed and he attacked me. With the Cloak of Balduran, I was told of Quenash from a certain very human-like statue in a nobleman's house.
Problem... I finished chunking tons of Battle Horrors, Tazok, Semaj, and Anjelo in under an hour in game time, and Sarevok will not show himself... That's why... Final dream had not run yet. Ok. I'm just going to cheat him in since i have no saves I can backtrack to now. So... now to find the files to edit...,5d8PXTv,WtNWpNT,TSTICmw,dq8pHHU,RjirHCp,8dU1xuM#0
I'm just beginning a new one instead of writeups since that one had so many glaring game ending glitches at the end.
First Roll: 7463 Female, Elf, Mage, Conjurer(went with Enchantress since it is 3rd available) Second Roll: 881 NE, 8 Rerolls, 1st Voice. Third Roll: 28,24,9,3,18 Xzar, Skie, Eldoth, Baeloth, Montaron Problems: 1. No fighters except Montaron 2. Half the party is late game only.
This is sort of out of order, but I'm going to post this anyways: Instantaneous Bandit Patrol Self-Combustion Spells: Fear Sleep Fireball Sleep hits first, then every creature gets hit by the fireball(sleep victims getting hit by everything), then the survivors get feared.
with 7 re-rolls on his attributes (I did not min-max, I just chose the best of all 7 "natural" rolls) I ended up with...
So far this game has been most interesting. I nearly died on the first assassin in Candlekeep and the fat man at Gorion's death scene-map distracted me so much that I nearly died from a wolf, as well. Not a good start. I can tell you that it won't really get any better, either.
in order to recruit Khalid I had to accept Jaheira as well. I threw her to a band of murderous hobgoblins in order to get her killed. 't was the only way, I swear!
13 = Jaheira (DECEASED)
Khalid proved to be quite a capable fighter, though sometimes he ran away. I have to say though, while running away he did exactly what I wanted him to do: kite the spiders around so I can shoot them with Otikas.
Brave Sir Khalid ran away. Bravely ran away, away! When danger reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Khalid turned about And gallantly he chickened out. Bravely taking to his feet He beat a very brave retreat, Bravest of the brave, Sir Khalid!
Upon exploring Beregost some more, we encountered a Half-Elf wild mage yelling for our help. We gladly obliged of course, yet somewhere in the ensuing struggle said half-elf managed to get herself killed...
19 = Neera (DECEASED)
We encounter another NPC. This one wants to hire us to help his mistress, Silke. Seeing as how this is clearly an evil woman, we decide to kill her. Otikas thought it would be an easy kill, seeing as he and Kivan had the advantage in numbers and Otikas is quite good with the bow. Hower, Silke manages to get off a spell with her last breath, killing not only her intended target...
15 = Khalid (DECEASED)
Whatever. The pool of joinable NPCs is still quite large! A newly generated random number gives 9, Eldoth. I'll pick him up as soon as I can!
Running down to pick up the nearest party member on my list, I manage to make it all the way to the Nashkel Faire. I did nearly get killed by hobgoblin archers. Note to self: avoid ranged battles for now on. Arrows still hit. Also, having leveled up three times, I MANAGED TO ROLL A +1 HP ON EVERY LEVEL UP. Meaning a grand total of 13 HP at level 4 with 15 CON. I guess the gods are not smiling on Otikas. They want him dead. They might just succeed anytime soon now. Shortly after de-stoning Branwen and equipping her with late Khalid's equipment, we find ourselves in a tent with a crazy wizard threatening to kill some other mage chick. In the battle that follows, even though Branwen buffed up herself and Otikas with a protection from fear, they could not kill the mage quickly enough. He Melfs'd her to death.
4 = Branwen (DECEASED)
Reroll! A roll of 16 gives Kivan as a next partner. Yeah, he's a good warrior! Or should I say ranger. Otikas runs all the way back up to Beregost to look for him near that place where the wizard lives. Swiftly dodging the throwing daggers from skeletons and being chased by a wolf, he reaches Kivan. "HitherepleasejoinmypartyimbeingchasedbyMONSTERS!" Otikas screams in his face. Kivan quickly dispatches of the threats, both living and alive. They walk around down to the tower, and are ambushed by gnolls and even more skeletons. In the fight, kivan's hallberd breaks, causing a brief moment of panick, as both he and Otikas are running in seperate directions and have to micromanage themselves to stay out of harm's way and pick off single targets with their bows. As soon as one of the gnolls fall, Kivan is able to pick up the monster's hallberd and he's back in melee action.
Back to Nashkel. Pff, that was a long walk, better rest at an inn. WHAT THE! ASSASSIN! Okay, I think, no big deal, 2 VS 1 and archers are good in this game right, so lets both shoot at the lady while she casts and they should interrupt her to death. Nope. First she stuns Kivan with a spell and then she whacks 'im in the 'ead with a magical hammer.
16 = Kivan (DECEASED)
"To end... like THIS?!" Otikas screams. He resists the Hold Person spell twice (ty shorty saving throws!) then he runs from her still trying to shoot her with his short bow. She entangles him with another spell. He pops a Potion of Defence, his last resort. With an AC of -4 he avoids her attacks until he's free of the entanglement, he runs into one of the hotel rooms and hides himself in the shadows. (it does help that he put all his points into Hide in Shadows, and he's wearing the thief boots he picked off the corpse of some hobgoblin). After a couple of missed swings, more running around and more hiding in the shadows, he scores a hit at the evil cleric. Assassin dead. Otikas still lives.
Well that concludes the first chapter of the adventure of Otikas Millstone, the gnome assassin. A bright future ahead? I do not think so. A reroll for Kivan's replacement landed him with 27, Xan. Shucks. No real fighter left in his pickup list for nps. Which is, at the moment:
4 = Branwen (DECEASED) 7 = Dynaheir 9 = Eldoth 10 = Faldorn 11 = Garrick (Rejected) <-- can this guy still be found somewhere incase i roll his number in the future? 13 = Jaheira (DECEASED) 15 = Khalid (DECEASED) 16 = Kivan (DECEASED) 19 = Neera (DECEASED) 22 = Safana 27 = Xan
Certainly an interesting experience though. I'll keep you posted once Otikas has finished the next chapter of his adventure (or died horrible in the Nashkel mines, most likely!)
I first finished the quests in Candlekeep except that I let Dreppin's cow die. I ran into Xzar and Montaron, and stole everything of value from Imoen before ditching her in the wilderness. I then looted Gorions corpse after leaving Candlekeep, then I went and collected all of the items strewn all over the path to the Friendly Arm Inn. We then ran into Tarnesh. As he died, he realized that he had made the wrong choice. The next goal was to head South. We ran into an ogre, which had two belts... Xzar picked up the golden belt as it looked expensive and montaron picked the other up. Xzar does not seem to mind that much though, as he is still his insane self. I ran into Firebead and got him his book, and received the scroll case. Then I helped Silke kill her attackers. Then I saved an elven mage from red wizards, only to leave her weaponless and itemless in Beregost. We then went South and killed some ogrillons, took the letter and left the road. We ran into some Hobgoblins, one that had a useful pair of boots for Montaron. Then we went West and ran into a Chill hobgoblin and a party of Gnolls. Then we went to Nashkel and talked to Berrun Ghastkill who was not impressed when we demanded that we would get a reward for the "service" of cleaning out the Nashkel Mines. We also spoke to a fat human who though monatron of all people was Greywolf, and then he told us of Prism and Brage. Montaron also found a set of Ankeg armor for his tanking needs. The fair was next, where we ran into the Amazing Oopah. Montaron loved seeing it explode too many times and the ogre went berserk and tried to kill him. We killed Oopah rather fast. Then we ran South to the Nashkel mines, grabbed a frost wand, and then went to collect Prism. Prism was very convincing about the reward he would give us, so I forced Montaron and Xzar to guard him. Greywolf soon came and offering us no reward to backstab this artist, we proceeded to defend Prism. Greywolf lost his vision early in the fight, which caused all three party members to pick him off with slings. He was easy to kill, yet now we had another problem. The matter of Prism's payment. A signal to Montaron sent him to the shadows and prepared him to protect against possible betrayal. Prism didn't want to pay us, yet when Montaron's blade pricked his back, he died of a heart attack. We then went further into the Cloud Peaks. OOC: uploaded wrong pictures the first time from the previous no-reload.
heh, finally decided to have a go at this, a classic unmodded, no-reload run...rolled up Ricorin Wolfswift, a half-elven Chaotic Good Cleric/Ranger (rolled neutral evil first but decided to stick with the class and change alignment as no evil for rangers ;-(). Should be fun as i very rarely play around with dual classes. Decent stats on a first roll- 13 STR, 16 DEX, 14 CON, 13 INT, 14 WIS, 14 CHA...companions will be...Imoen, Edwin, Eldoth, Tiax and Shar-Teel.
Hmmm. an evil run would have been easier with this group, but overall it's a fun little gathering that caters for all skills. starting with Im is a bonus, figure I might have to try risking an early grab for Shar-Teel, then head down to Nashkel for Edwin and run as 4 for quite a while until I can pick up Eldoth and Tiax. Hardest part will probably be keeping the bubbling insanity and egos under check while maintaining rangerly goodness.
Start of Chapter 2, the unlucky adventures of Otikas Millstone, the gnome assassin
After sending five partymembers to their permanent deaths in the first chapter (in addition to permanently rejecting another) Otikas sat down at a table in the Nashkell Inn to think carefully about his next steps. Up to now, he hasn't been traveling in a big safe group, but rather with a single companion at a time. Safety seems to be in numbers, right? So let's first pick up as many npcs as I'm allowed to before moving on in the Nashkel mines! Great, so Dynaheir first. In order to get her, Minsc is needed. Otikas recruits him at Nashkell and then makes a straight beeline for the Gnoll Stronghold. No big problems on the way are encountered, Minsc is actually a great fighter, starting out at level 4. He chunks up many gnolls, xvarts and wolves along the way. After pretty much clearing out the Gnoll stronghold by himself, minsc is reuinted with his Dynaheir. The three of them set off together towards the North, to pick up Safana. Minsc is allowed to stay for now, he makes adventuring a whole lot easier. To be honest, Otikas couldnt find a way to get Minsc killed yet... he was simply too strong for anything they encountered!
Safana seems quite capable alright, she's got most of her points into open locks and detect traps. Great, Otikas is the stealth guy, Safana will be the utility girl.
In order to keep Safana we'll need to get her treasure. North towards the cave it is! On the way however, SIRENES! Within seconds the half-insible sea-witches have everyone dire charmed except for Otikas.
Otikas runs for it, drawing on the attention of three dire wolves in addition to being the target of his friends. running in circles for a while, one by one, Safana, Dynaheir and Minsc come to their senses. Minsc chops up the dire wolves pronto and back towards the sirenes it is... This is the moment in which I find out, that Minsc is immune to charm while being berserker raged! Minsc's broadsword together with Otikas' poisoned arrows make short work of several sirene witches. Dynaheir had to step up once to cure poison on Minsc with her special ability, but that was the only trouble faced.
and there is finally the Sea Cave. "The treasure lies inside!" tells Safana, "protected by traps and monsters!" First, Safana sneaks in to disarm the first trap. She gets spotted by a golem however and has to flee back out. "Let me handle this", Otikas grunts, as now he steps into the cave, dissapearing into the shadows. He sneaks past the golems... who don't see him. He triggers a second trap... but makes a save vs spell (ty shorty saving throws again!) He grabs the loot, which makes him appear. No biggy, right? He can just run past the monsters and he's out again! Tracing back the same way, he dodges a golem's swing, only to encounter another one right around the corner. A swing, a hit, and Otikas his brains are smeared like jelly against the cavern walls.
and thus ends the story of Otikas Millstone, randomly generated gnome assassin.
I dunno. The Sirines were definately not hard after figuring out that a raged Minsc in Ankheg armour is able to beat 3 of them quite on his own. They give a lot of experience, too. The flesh golem incident was just... bad luck, I guess. I could have avoided them had I been more patient. After the succes with the Sirines I was just over-confident I guess!
I'll be playing BG2EE, but am so far ahead in my current Random no reload run of BGEE that I could put about 4 or 5 more post like my previous one up, so I don't have to play that one for a while while I write it all up. So. Let's see... the Cloudpeaks adventures... Forgot about the whole preload but can't play thing.
Now the intrepid band of warbling mages(plus the murderous halfling) moved on into the Cloudpeaks. We were first set upon by a vicious Mountain Bear.
Which we dispatched easily.
Then we ran into a nymph of the woods. She stated that people were cutting her tree down, and we didn't care, until she offered us knowledge of a local treasure.
The two brutes died fast. Very fast.
She kept to her promise and then disappeared.
We ran into a fearsome winterwolf, who was killed by Montaron being aiding by Gorion Belt.
Then we met a talking Gnoll near the Gnoll Fortress that did not want to kill us. We attacked before I looked at the beasts weapon... When does a Gnoll have a +2 weapon?
while Xzar carried Montaron's dead corpse(I do not know what nefarious schemes Xzar had planned for the body if the resurrection failed) and we were ambushed by a winter wolf which was burnt by multiple magic missiles at once.
We then raised Montaron from the dead, and even Xzar agreed that he is more useful alive than dead. We decided to enter the inn to rest for once and were attacked by a cleric... She did not manage to fire off a single piece of her diety's wrath.
We then stumbled upon an Xvart village and chopped our way through it. Fun times.
Brage was found and we decided to take him to the temple.((I've never given Brage to the guard even though I've been playing since 1999))
We then went out to the Gnoll Fortress, killed the giants at the bridge...
and then gained a tome of Charisma which might help my enchantress.
We went North and killed a Polar Bear of all creatures, and were given the Boots of the North.
Now: the character sheet and inventory of the main char:
I dunno. The Sirines were definately not hard after figuring out that a raged Minsc in Ankheg armour is able to beat 3 of them quite on his own. They give a lot of experience, too. The flesh golem incident was just... bad luck, I guess. I could have avoided them had I been more patient. After the succes with the Sirines I was just over-confident I guess!
Probably well over 50% of no-reload game-over scenes can no doubt be attributed to over confidence - usually after a few stunning victories! Another thing I constantly chide myself for is taking my main into the thick of battle instead of creating a character that can lead from the rear...LOL
Maratris Duskwalker
7076 = Female (Pick: Elf) Swashbuckler
571 = True Neutral, 7 rerolls Female1
13, 18, 12, 14, 22 = Jaheira, Montaron, Imoen, Kagain, Safana
That's, uh... a lot of thieves. To hell with it, my main is mastering Pick Pockets leaving the rest to everybody else.
Say hello to Maratris!
Seems 75 in Pick Pocket is very lucky in Candlekeep. I suspect the character will die to an unlucky crit from something nasty so I might as well mess around and make her specialize in katanas. And with that, I stole one right from Winthrop O.O I actually thought he was going to call the guards.
Also stole 2 potions of Invisibility, 1 potion of Extra Healing, a +1 dagger and a golden necklace. I probably could have stole more but the priest at the clinic caught me and I ran like hell. I suspect I'll be stealing a lot more to come. Personal note, steal from people you can easily run away from.
Rolled a 5717 and 460. So a Female lawful neutral halfling kensai. Rolled an 83 on the 4th try (I did min-max the heck out of her as you can see
In D&D terms, I think of Wisdom more as knowledge, and Intelligence as the potential to learn new things and natural wit and mental flexibility.
I tried out the WotC rolling system this time, and got a dorf paladin. Unfortunately, shorties can't be divine bringers of justice so my paladin will just have to settle for being an adopted dorf.
Khalid/Edwin/Montaron/Rasaad/Garrick (Hey, at least Rasaad won't be the most useless one for once.)
Since rolling solo at beginning worked pretty well last time, I adopted that strategy again and moseyed around the map picking up all the easily available experience and some magic items, notably the charisma and the con tomes. After hitting level 7, I gathered my party to venture forth, but ran into a hiccup or two. Most of the party was level 6, which was nice, but Montaron was only level 1. So I get to pick his thief skills, but he's also a big fat target for all the upgraded SCS ai. And Garrick managed to die in the very first fight I put him in. I ended after completing the Nashkel Mines, where Montaron died. I'm having a bad feeling about this run in general...
On the first page with the image of Drone's random generator, the #6 was listed twice in the Thief Kits table.
5-6 = Bounty Hunter
6-7 = Swashbuckler
I was making my own spreadsheet with the information from Drone's RCGS, when I came across this.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.
Race: Gnome
Class: Fighter/Illusionist
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Rerolls: 9
Strength: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 14
Charisma: 8
Voice: Female 1
Random Name: Arwen Shortcloak
It's not a bad party (with the exception of quayle) though it's going to be a while before I can add a member. If I choose no reload the game's going to end very quickly.
As short as that was, it was fun. I might try it again.
So, shiny new character, let's see, this is number 6 I guess?
1191, roll 4 for Male human Sun Soul Monk
394, LG, 9 stat rolls, Male 2 voice set
This looks promising so far.
Name: Davdak the Scholar
Party rolls: 4 (Branwen), 4 again.. reroll to 5 (Coran), 3 (Rey Mysterio), 12 (Imoen) and 16 (Kivan).
That's a lot of ranged firepower. Branwen will have to be the tank but I guess it fits her character. This actually looks pretty solid, will have to learn how to play a monk on the go, though...
Edit: Took a wrong turn at Nashkel mines.
Solo No Reload Role Playing Half Elf Assassin
Now, after my weeks out in the wilderness, I realize that all Gorion did was prepare me for this lifestyle. He honed me into a battle ready edge, one that would pick it's fights and survive. I "aquired" a new short sword recently from a band ofknobgoblers that thought that they were stronger than me, maybe they were, but not nearly as sneaky. I managed to divide them, and kill them one by one...
Then I found the one that the mayor of Beregost had been telling me about. I found out that it was indeed him by a child that was looking for it's mother and father. I revealed the brutal truth to the child and he ran away in tears. Before he was out of noise range, I promised that I would put them to rest. That reward for Basslilus's Holy Symbol was very nice I must add. I charged right into the middle of the campe and poisoned Bassilus right from the start. He fell easily, and the rest of his band of undead fell quickly as well.
I continued North, and saw a chicken being chased by a wolf. I didn't care until the thing started screaming for it's life and speaking the common tongue. Obviously I had snapped, or this chicken would be found as very useful to a powerful archmage somewhere...
Melicamp, as he called himself, told me to see Thalantyr. I was waylaid by a bandit that was trying to steal from Thalantyr, and I called him a fool when he told me what was guarding Thalantyr's suppossed treasures. He was attacked by skeletons, led them to me, and then disappeared. When I was inspecting the bones on the ground, Melicamp insistently yelled at me to grab a skull, to help remind him of what he once was. So, I took him to Thalantyr who told me that talking chickens could not possibly exist, until I told him that this was his apprentice. They bickered back and forth, Thalantyr demanded a skull, and I gave him a slightly altered one. Thalantyr cast the skull, and the room burst into a cloud of feathers...
Melicamp died. I carried that rotten and annoying chicken for ten hours, and did not get paid a single gold coin. I will return Thalantyr, and make you pay up for useless scrolls I find in my journeys!
Thalantyr denied me any payment of any kind. When I tried to insist, he called his flesh golems in, and they stared at me... I was quick to get to the door. Then I decided to get some money out of this trip by visiting the mayor of Beregost. I went around the building hiding in the shadows, and ran into the midst of some gnolls. I have no idea why they were there, yet one was holding a short sword. When a gnoll has a short sword sheathed around it's waist, they obviously took it from someone.
When I reached Beregost again, I went to the place Mulahey's letter said that one of his benefactors overseers was sleeping, and found him packing his bags for a trip. When I asked him where he was going, he jumped out of his skin, and proclaimed that he wouldn't tell me anything. I told him that his friend was dead, and many people might see Tranzig dead as good as well. Tranzig then began to cast spells at me. I already had varscona out and hacked his left arm off with the first hit... Messy. I'm sure half the town heard his screams before my short sword found his throat, but not all of them were incomprehensible, he spoke of working with a camp of bandits, that were situated within the Woods of the Sharp Teeth. I am now curious as to how deep this really is, and what I have gotten myself into... when I went down the stairs, I immeditaely ducked to the side as Flaming Fist enforcers came onto the scene and swiftly moved up the stairs, to where they were told the disturbance had come from. I slipped out of Beregost and went to the Temple that the mayor resides in. he paid me a hefty sum, as much as he had promised for a symbol etched in gold on a sliver plate.
I then returned to the West, to continue exploring. I ran into some Xvart village that was protected by a Cave Bear! I managed to cut my way through the Xvarts and the cave bears, and then left the village a ghost town. I then met a very rude person that was trying to sell me things for horrid prices, so i decided to steal them, was detected, and the idiot pulled out a short sword and attacked me! I was quick to apply my poison while backing up, and then slashed at his arm. I'm happy I did that though since most of his stuff was cursed anyways.
Then I found the cursed Brage. He asked me a question, one that I had to think about for several minutes, to which point I guessed the answer was war, I was somehow right, and Brage decided to not kill me, disarm himself and surrender! Regardless, once the Helmites had him in their grasp, they gave me gold and sent me on my way. so, i went to the only fortress other than Candlekeep that I knew of on the coast, the Gnoll Stronghold. I fought my way through the troll-like ogrillons, and then went south to find a hidden entrance to the stronghold...
I found. A book. In a cave. Surrounded. By Xvarts...
Regardless, I read the book and felt different after I finished reading, as if my body has shifted slightly and as if reality had bent.
When i found no secret entrances, I went through the front door and barged my way in. No stealth this time, just straight butchery. I chopped my way through their ranks, until I met what was obviously their chieftain. I killed the chieftain, and they all scattered to the moans and groans of a human female in a pit. I went down into the pit by the tree trunk steps the Gnolls had made, and talked to this woman. This woman was not friendly to me, even thoguh I had just rescued her, so I left the ungrateful witch for the Gnolls. I then went North of the Gnoll Fortress and ran into a Paladin of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart. She attacked me on site, simply because of who I am, and with no provocation. How is a paladin a champion of good, when they can attack someone without undue cause? I defended myself and she died as a result of it. I then ran into a failed bandit that was trying to ambush me. I called out his ambush, and the stupid knobgoblers actually revealed their positions! I killed him and his knobgoblins, and thinking of Officer Vai, I cut his scalp off of his head.
I then continued on my rampage, and went back to where I found Brage... I wonder when Brage will become curious about his missing cousin? I went North to an arceological dig, was hired as a guard and was also given a lucrative proposal. I agreed, but when I enterred the cave, the miners began looking at me strangely, as if they were growing to hate me merely due to my presence. They then yelled and charged, and I dispatched the untrained rabble easily. The headman of the dig told me that he was going to seal the dungeon off, and so I grabbed the idol and ran outside. Once outside, a Doomsayer appeared. He charmed the person who hired me to get the artifact, and then we fought for hours. I was obviously the victor.
You will not believe who I met! None other than Drizzt Do'Urden himself! He was happy to see me, and told me he needed help with some Gnolls. I do not understand how he can face thousands of orcs, but have problems with a handful of Gnolls? He was obviously lieing to me though, since he killed about three quarters of them without even a sweat.
After my encounter with Drizzt, he told me to look for the bandits further North, and that the Sword Coast was frought with dangers. As if I did not know that already... I then ran into more bandits. These bandits are starting to get on my nerves, since you run into them demanding your iron with every wrong turn. Maybe destroying their camp will cause this to end? Hmm, and Officer Vai had better pay up for these scalps, they are rather horrid.
Then I faced and defeated something that might even raise Drizzt's brow. 4 half Ogres at once. It was interesting, when I was not running for my life and dissappearing behind trees and the like, I managed to isolate them and kill them all one by one. I then went to Officer Vai and accepted her proposal, Then I went to another paladin in the Jovial Juggler, one that had a halberd strung to his back. He congratulated me on my fight, thenI went upstairs. Bad mistake. I ended up getting chased out of the Jugglers with private bodyguards trying to find the prize jewels of the ambassador of Amn. she probably has more where they came from anyways, they proved quite profitable. On my way back North to find this Bandit camp, I ran into an ogre. It was wearing two belts, and I tried both on to see which would go better with my with armor, and the one melded into me and my armor, and changed me... This taught me to never put on an item that has not been properly identified by a priest.
I then ran into a huge bandit party as I moved further North, and ended up being taken to the Bandit Camp. Once there, they had me face off against the meanest and ugliest Half-Ogre I had ever seen, Tazok. I had to be very nimble and also tricked him into overextending his killing blow, which allowed me to slip behind him and deal him a slash across the back with Varscona. Tazok allowed me access to the Bandit Camp, and then left. I then went looting, and ran into a tent full of some very angry Gnolls. I stole from the camp until I could not carry anymore, and then I went to the Friendly Arm Inn for the first time. I was beset upon by knobgoblers right outside the walls of the Fortress, and one was wearing a really shiny ring, I took it, and then went to the Inn itself. I found the owner of the ring and gave it to her once I knew what the barkeeper wanted for it. Oh yes, I almost forgot. Yet another attempt on my life. I think I'm getting used to this now.
I managed to remove the belt, and then I ran into that witch that summoned those Red Wizards again. She scared me so much when I saw her that I accidentally had my blade in her stomach before I realized I had drawn my blade. I found a bag to put some gems in on her body though, and her red tunic made sure that the blood was not noticeable. At least one good thing happened in this bad event. I carried her to an unoccupied bed upstairs, and then left the Inn as swiftly as I could. I better not return for a long time.
OOC: Now I am caught up with my game.
Edit: Once I reach the Sarveok fight, I'll write my write ups and post my screen shots.
Edit 2: Hmmm, I noticed that Husam's Shadow thieves do not take you to Ilmaters Shrine no matter what you say now. They used to walk towards Ilmater's shrine, instead of just standing around out in the open.
Edit 3: Had to reload when belt would not talk to me in the Duchal Palace. I sort of pickpocketed one of the greater dopplegangers before they flipped, causing all the Flaming Fist in the area to go hostile, I then dispelled the hastes and blurs of the dopplegangers, and killed everyone but a few nobles, Sarevok, and Belt. I think belt was not talking to me since Sarevok was not in his vision at the end of the fight. Otherwise, this assassin without poison can face 6 greater dopplegangers, plus 10 Flaming Fist Mercenaries and a Nobleman while keeping Belt alive.
Those are the pictures, now the writeups. With the Cleric I murdered, he wouldn't borrow the tome to me, and my character's life was in danger, so I tried to pick it off of him, I failed and he attacked me. With the Cloak of Balduran, I was told of Quenash from a certain very human-like statue in a nobleman's house.,5d8PXTv,WtNWpNT,TSTICmw,dq8pHHU,RjirHCp,8dU1xuM#0
First Roll:
Female, Elf, Mage, Conjurer(went with Enchantress since it is 3rd available)
Second Roll:
NE, 8 Rerolls, 1st Voice.
Third Roll:
Xzar, Skie, Eldoth, Baeloth, Montaron
1. No fighters except Montaron
2. Half the party is late game only.
Instantaneous Bandit Patrol Self-Combustion
Sleep hits first, then every creature gets hit by the fireball(sleep victims getting hit by everything), then the survivors get feared.
1674 577
Otikas Millstone, the male Gnome Assassin, True Neutral.
His companions:
4 = Branwen
7 = Dynaheir
10 = Faldorn
15 = Khalid
22 = Safana
with 7 re-rolls on his attributes (I did not min-max, I just chose the best of all 7 "natural" rolls) I ended up with...
So far this game has been most interesting. I nearly died on the first assassin in Candlekeep and the fat man at Gorion's death scene-map distracted me so much that I nearly died from a wolf, as well. Not a good start. I can tell you that it won't really get any better, either.
in order to recruit Khalid I had to accept Jaheira as well. I threw her to a band of murderous hobgoblins in order to get her killed. 't was the only way, I swear!
13 = Jaheira (DECEASED)
Khalid proved to be quite a capable fighter, though sometimes he ran away. I have to say though, while running away he did exactly what I wanted him to do: kite the spiders around so I can shoot them with Otikas.
Brave Sir Khalid ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Khalid turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir Khalid!
Upon exploring Beregost some more, we encountered a Half-Elf wild mage yelling for our help. We gladly obliged of course, yet somewhere in the ensuing struggle said half-elf managed to get herself killed...
19 = Neera (DECEASED)
We encounter another NPC. This one wants to hire us to help his mistress, Silke. Seeing as how this is clearly an evil woman, we decide to kill her. Otikas thought it would be an easy kill, seeing as he and Kivan had the advantage in numbers and Otikas is quite good with the bow. Hower, Silke manages to get off a spell with her last breath, killing not only her intended target...
15 = Khalid (DECEASED)
Whatever. The pool of joinable NPCs is still quite large! A newly generated random number gives 9, Eldoth. I'll pick him up as soon as I can!
Running down to pick up the nearest party member on my list, I manage to make it all the way to the Nashkel Faire. I did nearly get killed by hobgoblin archers. Note to self: avoid ranged battles for now on. Arrows still hit. Also, having leveled up three times, I MANAGED TO ROLL A +1 HP ON EVERY LEVEL UP. Meaning a grand total of 13 HP at level 4 with 15 CON. I guess the gods are not smiling on Otikas. They want him dead. They might just succeed anytime soon now. Shortly after de-stoning Branwen and equipping her with late Khalid's equipment, we find ourselves in a tent with a crazy wizard threatening to kill some other mage chick. In the battle that follows, even though Branwen buffed up herself and Otikas with a protection from fear, they could not kill the mage quickly enough. He Melfs'd her to death.
4 = Branwen (DECEASED)
Reroll! A roll of 16 gives Kivan as a next partner. Yeah, he's a good warrior! Or should I say ranger. Otikas runs all the way back up to Beregost to look for him near that place where the wizard lives. Swiftly dodging the throwing daggers from skeletons and being chased by a wolf, he reaches Kivan. "HitherepleasejoinmypartyimbeingchasedbyMONSTERS!" Otikas screams in his face. Kivan quickly dispatches of the threats, both living and alive. They walk around down to the tower, and are ambushed by gnolls and even more skeletons. In the fight, kivan's hallberd breaks, causing a brief moment of panick, as both he and Otikas are running in seperate directions and have to micromanage themselves to stay out of harm's way and pick off single targets with their bows. As soon as one of the gnolls fall, Kivan is able to pick up the monster's hallberd and he's back in melee action.
Back to Nashkel. Pff, that was a long walk, better rest at an inn. WHAT THE! ASSASSIN! Okay, I think, no big deal, 2 VS 1 and archers are good in this game right, so lets both shoot at the lady while she casts and they should interrupt her to death. Nope. First she stuns Kivan with a spell and then she whacks 'im in the 'ead with a magical hammer.
16 = Kivan (DECEASED)
"To end... like THIS?!" Otikas screams. He resists the Hold Person spell twice (ty shorty saving throws!) then he runs from her still trying to shoot her with his short bow. She entangles him with another spell. He pops a Potion of Defence, his last resort. With an AC of -4 he avoids her attacks until he's free of the entanglement, he runs into one of the hotel rooms and hides himself in the shadows. (it does help that he put all his points into Hide in Shadows, and he's wearing the thief boots he picked off the corpse of some hobgoblin). After a couple of missed swings, more running around and more hiding in the shadows, he scores a hit at the evil cleric. Assassin dead. Otikas still lives.
Well that concludes the first chapter of the adventure of Otikas Millstone, the gnome assassin. A bright future ahead? I do not think so. A reroll for Kivan's replacement landed him with 27, Xan. Shucks. No real fighter left in his pickup list for nps. Which is, at the moment:
4 = Branwen (DECEASED)
7 = Dynaheir
9 = Eldoth
10 = Faldorn
11 = Garrick (Rejected) <-- can this guy still be found somewhere incase i roll his number in the future?
13 = Jaheira (DECEASED)
15 = Khalid (DECEASED)
16 = Kivan (DECEASED)
19 = Neera (DECEASED)
22 = Safana
27 = Xan
Certainly an interesting experience though. I'll keep you posted once Otikas has finished the next chapter of his adventure (or died horrible in the Nashkel mines, most likely!)
I ran into Xzar and Montaron, and stole everything of value from Imoen before ditching her in the wilderness.
I then looted Gorions corpse after leaving Candlekeep, then I went and collected all of the items strewn all over the path to the Friendly Arm Inn.
We then ran into Tarnesh. As he died, he realized that he had made the wrong choice.
The next goal was to head South. We ran into an ogre, which had two belts... Xzar picked up the golden belt as it looked expensive and montaron picked the other up. Xzar does not seem to mind that much though, as he is still his insane self.
I ran into Firebead and got him his book, and received the scroll case.
Then I helped Silke kill her attackers.
Then I saved an elven mage from red wizards, only to leave her weaponless and itemless in Beregost.
We then went South and killed some ogrillons, took the letter and left the road.
We ran into some Hobgoblins, one that had a useful pair of boots for Montaron.
Then we went West and ran into a Chill hobgoblin and a party of Gnolls.
Then we went to Nashkel and talked to Berrun Ghastkill who was not impressed when we demanded that we would get a reward for the "service" of cleaning out the Nashkel Mines. We also spoke to a fat human who though monatron of all people was Greywolf, and then he told us of Prism and Brage.
Montaron also found a set of Ankeg armor for his tanking needs.
The fair was next, where we ran into the Amazing Oopah. Montaron loved seeing it explode too many times and the ogre went berserk and tried to kill him.
We killed Oopah rather fast.
Then we ran South to the Nashkel mines, grabbed a frost wand, and then went to collect Prism. Prism was very convincing about the reward he would give us, so I forced Montaron and Xzar to guard him.
Greywolf soon came and offering us no reward to backstab this artist, we proceeded to defend Prism.
Greywolf lost his vision early in the fight, which caused all three party members to pick him off with slings.
He was easy to kill, yet now we had another problem. The matter of Prism's payment.
A signal to Montaron sent him to the shadows and prepared him to protect against possible betrayal.
Prism didn't want to pay us, yet when Montaron's blade pricked his back, he died of a heart attack. We then went further into the Cloud Peaks.
OOC: uploaded wrong pictures the first time from the previous no-reload.
Hmmm. an evil run would have been easier with this group, but overall it's a fun little gathering that caters for all skills. starting with Im is a bonus, figure I might have to try risking an early grab for Shar-Teel, then head down to Nashkel for Edwin and run as 4 for quite a while until I can pick up Eldoth and Tiax. Hardest part will probably be keeping the bubbling insanity and egos under check while maintaining rangerly goodness.
After sending five partymembers to their permanent deaths in the first chapter (in addition to permanently rejecting another) Otikas sat down at a table in the Nashkell Inn to think carefully about his next steps. Up to now, he hasn't been traveling in a big safe group, but rather with a single companion at a time. Safety seems to be in numbers, right? So let's first pick up as many npcs as I'm allowed to before moving on in the Nashkel mines! Great, so Dynaheir first. In order to get her, Minsc is needed. Otikas recruits him at Nashkell and then makes a straight beeline for the Gnoll Stronghold. No big problems on the way are encountered, Minsc is actually a great fighter, starting out at level 4. He chunks up many gnolls, xvarts and wolves along the way. After pretty much clearing out the Gnoll stronghold by himself, minsc is reuinted with his Dynaheir. The three of them set off together towards the North, to pick up Safana. Minsc is allowed to stay for now, he makes adventuring a whole lot easier. To be honest, Otikas couldnt find a way to get Minsc killed yet... he was simply too strong for anything they encountered!
Safana seems quite capable alright, she's got most of her points into open locks and detect traps. Great, Otikas is the stealth guy, Safana will be the utility girl.
In order to keep Safana we'll need to get her treasure. North towards the cave it is! On the way however, SIRENES! Within seconds the half-insible sea-witches have everyone dire charmed except for Otikas.
Otikas runs for it, drawing on the attention of three dire wolves in addition to being the target of his friends. running in circles for a while, one by one, Safana, Dynaheir and Minsc come to their senses. Minsc chops up the dire wolves pronto and back towards the sirenes it is... This is the moment in which I find out, that Minsc is immune to charm while being berserker raged! Minsc's broadsword together with Otikas' poisoned arrows make short work of several sirene witches. Dynaheir had to step up once to cure poison on Minsc with her special ability, but that was the only trouble faced.
and there is finally the Sea Cave. "The treasure lies inside!" tells Safana, "protected by traps and monsters!" First, Safana sneaks in to disarm the first trap. She gets spotted by a golem however and has to flee back out. "Let me handle this", Otikas grunts, as now he steps into the cave, dissapearing into the shadows. He sneaks past the golems... who don't see him. He triggers a second trap... but makes a save vs spell (ty shorty saving throws again!) He grabs the loot, which makes him appear. No biggy, right? He can just run past the monsters and he's out again! Tracing back the same way, he dodges a golem's swing, only to encounter another one right around the corner. A swing, a hit, and Otikas his brains are smeared like jelly against the cavern walls.
and thus ends the story of Otikas Millstone, randomly generated gnome assassin.
Maybe you went for the Flesh Golems and Sirines too early?
Which we dispatched easily.
Then we ran into a nymph of the woods. She stated that people were cutting her tree down, and we didn't care, until she offered us knowledge of a local treasure.
The two brutes died fast. Very fast.
She kept to her promise and then disappeared.
We ran into a fearsome winterwolf, who was killed by Montaron being aiding by Gorion Belt.
Then we met a talking Gnoll near the Gnoll Fortress that did not want to kill us. We attacked before I looked at the beasts weapon... When does a Gnoll have a +2 weapon?
while Xzar carried Montaron's dead corpse(I do not know what nefarious schemes Xzar had planned for the body if the resurrection failed) and we were ambushed by a winter wolf which was burnt by multiple magic missiles at once.
We then raised Montaron from the dead, and even Xzar agreed that he is more useful alive than dead. We decided to enter the inn to rest for once and were attacked by a cleric... She did not manage to fire off a single piece of her diety's wrath.
We then stumbled upon an Xvart village and chopped our way through it. Fun times.
Brage was found and we decided to take him to the temple.((I've never given Brage to the guard even though I've been playing since 1999))
We then went out to the Gnoll Fortress, killed the giants at the bridge...
and then gained a tome of Charisma which might help my enchantress.
We went North and killed a Polar Bear of all creatures, and were given the Boots of the North.
Now: the character sheet and inventory of the main char:
Good luck on your next one!