its late and my battery is dying so im going to say this quickly: it doesnt have to be a sequel to the main story with CHARNAME it could just be another game set in the universe like dragon age 2, just using what happens in the previous games as a base for the third installment. i just have one request / demand
its late and my battery is dying so im going to say this quickly: it doesnt have to be a sequel to the main story with CHARNAME it could just be another game set in the universe like dragon age 2, just using what happens in the previous games as a base for the third installment. i just have one request / demand
Canceling out his request with my own. Use 4E. Use it like mad.
To be honest i would really enjoy and would happily pay full price for good expansion maybe adjacent city to BG or Amn like Iriaebor or something out of Tethyr. I like game mechanics the way they are would just love to see the world expanded.
damn theres no dislike button for this thread... please make a baldurs gate 3. also use any edition, they will all play better than dragon age (which i like, well not the 2nd one) and which is the only similar game made by a big studio.
I think the op is a lil harsh we live in a time where everyone is selling out and trash games are made constantly. I mean omg did you watch game of the year awards what a joke. Are these guys the best people to make bg3.. I have no idea, but I can't think of anyone I would trust more. If someone was going to run a name into the ground for profit I would rather leave the choice to the creators. What I do know is they put some new life into a good game and the fun starts again on the 15th. I also think that bg3 would be more likely to strive mechanically as opposed to graphicly. What I would look forward to is a new round of theory crafting and taking my truly new hero on a path never before walked.
Edit: You guys that talked about funding If bg3 was tossed on a fundraising program im sure it would do well Shadowrun returns was way over budget. While the game was freaking epic I am sure the director or staff got a nice payday.
The devs comments make me think that maybe a BG3 isnt possible. Even if Overhaul-Beamdog is ready for the challenge , the tempation for making it "easily accessible" ,"play it in ps4 and xbox one" "try to get new young players into it" would probably ruin it.
There is a certain charm in a game NOT being inmediatly accesible, NOT being instantly easy to understand, specially in a RPG system with rules of its own that you can learn outside the game.
I dont care if BG3 continues the story or starts a new one, but i do worry about devs making it "a game for everybody" and i particularly hate DLCs.
There are other RPGs out there, so what is special about BG and what would do i need to see in a BG3?
Fixed Isometric Camera Up to 6 pcs Forgotten Realms D&D rules (lets not start the discussion about which ones) Allow the same level of customization and strategy (and then some more) as BG2 Banter Focus on content , not on appereance.
And the big question is: IS this possible in todays videogame environment?
If they do make Baldurs Gate 3, I hope they base it in Waterdeep or some other large city we haven't visited in the series.
Furthermore, I truly hope that whomever makes Baldurs Gate 3 does NOT change the graphics. I remember when NWN came out and I was disgusted with how the "new and improved 3d-graphics" killed the immersion and made the game look terrible. The side-step dancing combat, oh god that game was terrible.
The greatest games ever made where all based on this engine, in 2D with top down view; Fallout 1&2, Baldurs Gate 1&2 and Planescape: Torment. The next Planescape game, Tides of Numenora, will be using 2D as well. It's what fits these roleplaying games better, plus it is MUCH easier to enjoy fantastic scenery through 2D - rather than the cramped, usually terrible camera-angles and what not.
But most of all, if you're even considering making Baldurs Gate 3, you need to bring back most of the Black Isle developers, in particular those in charge of the story for the games. And you can't cheap out on voice actors like you did with Neera either.
you can't cheap out on voice actors like you did with Neera either.
Where do you get that from? You may not have liked the performance, and that's fine, but "cheaping out"? Sorry, no.
He might be referring to Ekandor's classic 'What? Not again.' If he's actually referring to Neera herself then I am at a bit of a loss. I might not like her or her voice much, but she isn't badly acted at all.
Edited, because for some reason I called Neera a him. As far as I am aware that Wild Surge has yet to canonically occur.
Neera's voice/personality is the only reason I have for wanting to keep a low level pure magic user in my group I can't count on to actually cast anything.
Personally I think the new voices are at least on par with most of the old ones. At least until you get to BG2. Irenicus is hard to top.
lol. I had not seen that thread when it came out apparently (june?!).. well, kinda controversial i would say.. ..tempting but..better to stay diplomatical on that one, maybe..
who knows anyway..if all the usual 'social engineering' (you know what i mean here..the ones you can't never depict in a bad way too..and that always want you to modify your works to share their views (to get their support of course^) .. *)) ^^ (but for sure have to do their lifestyle promotion in every new games/artistic/cultural things released lol..on exactly the same level than any other lifestyles, same proportions of course, no fuss -even in a ultra-medieval-like already well used and proven environments, np too!^) ..would be sooo -*phobic not to do it, etc..)) ^^) pressures of nowadays ).. well, new creators that could really stay FREE of their choices (coherence of the world, story, NPC 'attitudes' in such a world, etc..^), with of course, a GOOD story teller having really something to.. TELL, a new twist to invent, a new surprising story, etc.. (and the talent graphical team to tell it visually again for such a jewel)... even if not directly related to the (now) godlike first charname legend (and all his/her all the same very real and already foreseen early troubles in his/her new godly environment and new 'nice' neighbours..if really the guys think there is nothing epic/never done before with that possibility, etc, etc..), ok, i could even understand 'only' a new 'faerun' game (very loosely related all the same with the first saga^)... if done with coherence and heart..i would be curious, yes.. but if not..^^ anyway, i can only say today i will be curious, and could even be tempted too for sure np.. *)
ps; i see np with a new bg3 with a brand new 3D engine and next gen kick*ss textures (for exemple - that only and simple fact would de facto attract the attention of ALL the techies gamers btw..for a possible large success..) or at least mixed a possibility à la Dragon Age 1 (2 views possible if wished) long as the new 3D graphics are totally beautiful, etc.. could be even great indeed.. if well done - is all that possible in a mainstream game nowaydays anyway? (and with the possibility to resist to some of the typical pressures of nowadays mentionned above for such a market?..^)..or only a niche alternative market (like Project Eternity..that apparently found a way to be the most possibly free in their creative process? -well, even there..we will have to see what that will really produce..i'm curious too for those ones..^)...will see..(either ways) could be fascinating to follow again, that's sure.. )
Please do NOT make BG3 with so called "kick-ass" graphics. Especially no over the top high-fantasy armors and weapons such as most modern RPGs. I would prefer the classic nerdy D&D style which is realistic enough to get sucked into the game but magic enough to get excited.
Oh en first and foremost please do not follow some basic pattern to success based on some out-of-the-box best-practices. Just let the bunch of geeks working on it go loose without restrains and I believe they will exceed our expectations... after all... they did it before!
@IkMarc Well.. right of course, too) .. though, in my little opinion, the main problem with an eventual 'kick-*ss' 3D would not be the 3D itself.. but indeed the fact that some things (or just even items) are indeed too often ridiculously over the top designed in current '3D' RPGs (or even in semi-3D/2D things like D3, that are all over the place nowadays, etc..) ; but if the textures are beautiful, the objects feeling right (a lot of skyrim objects/atmospheres and textures for them are perfectly ok in my book, some even beautifully right.. and one of the rare things skyrim designers did perfectly right here&there imo.. btw..for that - not talking about the most grotesque 'mods' from some non official users..for the most part..well.. i hope *)) - of course, though^).. apart that, yes, i get the point for the 2D 'isometric' concept ; 1. can perfectly be beautiful by itself (SOA..and what Project Eternity already displayed come to mind.. talking of possible aestetical atmospheres/beauty too..with 'only' iso-2D^) 2. Imagination must stay the queen; sometimes indeed far better to have an environment letting the player _imagine_ things too, not giving too much details..than ridiculous 3D designs letting nothing to the imagination..apart caricatures more than once..alas) . 3. would need certainly less crazy investments/money too(!). Well, all in all, a serious 3D could be nice too, why not^.. if well done of course.. and also avoiding the total nightmares that apparently were NWN1&co if i remember well when they were released; but for that, i guess noone is better placed (not to repeat the errors of the past?.. lol.. with some luck*) ).. then someone like Trent O. if i understood well his trajectory.. *) ..i can only hope he is indeed the best one to perfeclty know the errors not to repeat with that (especially 3D+AD&D rules too apparently!^).. but nowadays 3D textures and possibilities have really improved a lot too (and hardware able to really deal with it too!).. so, things could be great too in good hands for that imo... so, if BG3 was the very first game to have a great ruleset (AD&D - much deeper mechanisms than any skyrim mechanisms or DA1/2..) AND a great atmospherical 3D environment, with top notch 'realistic' graphics too - aka simply realistically sober, dark as it fit, etc^- (no (totally out of place^) japanese manga like over the top objects, no especially funny haircuts colors, proportions and the like, indeed..^)..i'd say, yes, why not !! ^ But if not, a well proven 2D isometric with the same creators designers aestetics levels.. would be already very good)) .. but if BG3 was also with state of the art, even fixing a new reference/standard, quality 3D (like it did 15 years ago for iso-2D!)... that would be an assured success phenomenum for sure too.. and another legendary step in a legendary franchise i would say.. )
Now, there is also the story..the core too) for me..even (totally) NEW heroes COULD BE all the same related to the old charname (now god..having to fight for his 'life' too in his own new planes..^^), like, well.. its new disciples/followers (or tricked to be such..all is possible^), charged to fight for him/her (or against him/her even?..^) in the faerun plane.... that they want it or not, are initially aware of it or not.. ^ a little like the plot of the spawn of bhaal we already knew..but not only.. there is also the chosen of mystra (~phonetic) way..and a lot of more possible intereactions 'gods/faerunians'^ paths (multiple way for a god to..'chose' or 'guide' his 'protégés' in the faerun world apparently^ help him/her in his/her own future attack/defense plans..^) ... _that_ could be the link between the 2 stories... even without directly the old charname directly controlled (could even do some cinematics only relating the events in the god plans, vaguely figuring the old charname actions in the shadows too, at the same times.. to go with the new chars the dreams were in BG1..^^), etc.. So, yes, there could be some possibilities, thinking about it.. even without directly playing the old charname now new 'wars' (even the last rulesets, if there was a franchise to follow even for that.. don't cover godlike progressions i can get that would be impossible to do a game only with the god part^.. but with new followers attackers or defenders, even possibly not even knowing at first the old charnames affairs (he/her..or his/her ennemies also btw^^..manipulating them in their back...or even not - openly knowing it..or even indirectly guiding them here&there..things are opened *) ^)..could be possible again imo ^).. and could even give some new funny twists / stories too imo.. even just lore talking, could be interesting imo, revealing new things about the planes, etc.. could be even fascinating imo.. if well told) *)
etc, etc.
anyway..i just hope a bg3 could even emerge..financially..and even juridically wise (seems to be a hell of its own too, nowadays, the funny world of 'games business'..^^) will see. The only thing everyone is agreeing, though, seems to be.. a mediocre bg3 -story wise..or even just technically wise..- (with not even technical innovations like it was for BG1/2..!) would be the worst possible thing..even for the whole saga/franchise.. *\ )
ps; and sorry for the paragraphs/blocs/bla/etc, no time for more formatting..not really important anyway, just another..opinion *)
ps2: right now, i mainly hope to be able to rediscover bg2 via the ee (AND if i will be able to install the damned thing as hoped, firstly) ) ..if i already could pass a few moments with that one as hoped, i would already be happy..the rest...we will see next year i'd say.. and let that to the teams.. for the first real returns..or not.. ))
@Andrew I was talking about Ekandor and his group (Senjak and Dorothea as well, tbh - and Simmeon, which is voiced by the same horrid voice actor as Senjak).
On the Simmeon aspect, I cringe so hard when he says: "Blaggard" for Blackguard, which should be pronounced Black-Guard.
I really dislike Neera's voice actor as well, she just forces the dialogue and it just feels like an addition trying too hard to be funny and ends up being ridiculous.
Actually Blackguard is supposed to be pronounced 'Blaggard' (I never do, because I think it sounds silly, but that is technically how you are supposed to say it).
That's preposterous, why don't we pronounce "vanguard"; "vangrd" then? If Blackguard is Blaggrd, shouldn't also Rearguard be Reargrd? It doesn't even matter if for some magical reason it should be pronounced that way, it shouldn't be - it should be pronounced however which way it sounds best, so players don't need to cringe when they hear the word.
The reason is because the english language rarely makes any sense when it comes to consistency of pronunciation. It does actually seem to have originally had a military reference, much like vanguard and rearguard, but by the time it had become related to low-class criminality (sometime in the 1700s), the pronunciation was closer to 'blaggard'. Thus the reason we pronounce blackguard blaggard and vanguard vanguard is basically just convention, like most of language.
I personally pronounce it Black-Guard, because I think it sounds better, but never around English professors.
That's preposterous, why don't we pronounce "vanguard"; "vangrd" then? If Blackguard is Blaggrd, shouldn't also Rearguard be Reargrd? It doesn't even matter if for some magical reason it should be pronounced that way, it shouldn't be - it should be pronounced however which way it sounds best, so players don't need to cringe when they hear the word.
You might have to take that up with the 16th century.
Aye, Black-Guard would be the only way to pronounce it properly. I'ts not like armor is pronounced "armah" - the rest of the game uses american voice actors.
That reminds me, the three new male and female voices for characters are complete rubbish as well.
Sry this is a lil off topic but someone brought up d3. If you guys like diablo check out drakensang online It is a free to play mmo. It has global players, uniqe drops,crafting, and much more needless to say it is really fun and will put togather. Best of all you can play it in your browser.
Zucchini, mushroom, eggplant, pepper, sun-dried tomatoes, corn, pitted black olives, spinach, sautéed chicory, capers, asparagus tips, and raw onion... for me. Thanks
also use any edition, they will all play better than dragon age (which i like, well not the 2nd one) and which is the only similar game made by a big studio.
Edit: You guys that talked about funding If bg3 was tossed on a fundraising program im sure it would do well Shadowrun returns was way over budget. While the game was freaking epic I am sure the director or staff got a nice payday.
There is a certain charm in a game NOT being inmediatly accesible, NOT being instantly easy to understand, specially in a RPG system with rules of its own that you can learn outside the game.
I dont care if BG3 continues the story or starts a new one, but i do worry about devs making it "a game for everybody" and i particularly hate DLCs.
There are other RPGs out there, so what is special about BG and what would do i need to see in a BG3?
Fixed Isometric Camera
Up to 6 pcs
Forgotten Realms
D&D rules (lets not start the discussion about which ones)
Allow the same level of customization and strategy (and then some more) as BG2
Focus on content , not on appereance.
And the big question is: IS this possible in todays videogame environment?
Furthermore, I truly hope that whomever makes Baldurs Gate 3 does NOT change the graphics. I remember when NWN came out and I was disgusted with how the "new and improved 3d-graphics" killed the immersion and made the game look terrible. The side-step dancing combat, oh god that game was terrible.
The greatest games ever made where all based on this engine, in 2D with top down view; Fallout 1&2, Baldurs Gate 1&2 and Planescape: Torment. The next Planescape game, Tides of Numenora, will be using 2D as well. It's what fits these roleplaying games better, plus it is MUCH easier to enjoy fantastic scenery through 2D - rather than the cramped, usually terrible camera-angles and what not.
But most of all, if you're even considering making Baldurs Gate 3, you need to bring back most of the Black Isle developers, in particular those in charge of the story for the games. And you can't cheap out on voice actors like you did with Neera either.
Edited, because for some reason I called Neera a him. As far as I am aware that Wild Surge has yet to canonically occur.
Personally I think the new voices are at least on par with most of the old ones. At least until you get to BG2. Irenicus is hard to top.
who knows anyway..if all the usual 'social engineering' (you know what i mean here..the ones you can't never depict in a bad way too..and that always want you to modify your works to share their views (to get their support of course^) .. *)) ^^ (but for sure have to do their lifestyle promotion in every new games/artistic/cultural things released lol..on exactly the same level than any other lifestyles, same proportions of course, no fuss -even in a ultra-medieval-like already well used and proven environments, np too!^) ..would be sooo -*phobic not to do it, etc..)) ^^) pressures of nowadays ).. well, new creators that could really stay FREE of their choices (coherence of the world, story, NPC 'attitudes' in such a world, etc..^), with of course, a GOOD story teller having really something to.. TELL, a new twist to invent, a new surprising story, etc.. (and the talent graphical team to tell it visually again for such a jewel)... even if not directly related to the (now) godlike first charname legend (and all his/her all the same very real and already foreseen early troubles in his/her new godly environment and new 'nice' neighbours..if really the guys think there is nothing epic/never done before with that possibility, etc, etc..), ok, i could even understand 'only' a new 'faerun' game (very loosely related all the same with the first saga^)... if done with coherence and heart..i would be curious, yes.. but if not..^^ anyway, i can only say today i will be curious, and could even be tempted too for sure np.. *)
ps; i see np with a new bg3 with a brand new 3D engine and next gen kick*ss textures (for exemple - that only and simple fact would de facto attract the attention of ALL the techies gamers btw..for a possible large success..) or at least mixed a possibility à la Dragon Age 1 (2 views possible if wished) long as the new 3D graphics are totally beautiful, etc.. could be even great indeed.. if well done - is all that possible in a mainstream game nowaydays anyway? (and with the possibility to resist to some of the typical pressures of nowadays mentionned above for such a market?..^)..or only a niche alternative market (like Project Eternity..that apparently found a way to be the most possibly free in their creative process? -well, even there..we will have to see what that will really produce..i'm curious too for those ones..^)...will see..(either ways) could be fascinating to follow again, that's sure.. )
Oh en first and foremost please do not follow some basic pattern to success based on some out-of-the-box best-practices. Just let the bunch of geeks working on it go loose without restrains and I believe they will exceed our expectations... after all... they did it before!
And for everything else I agree with @Cowled_wizard
Beamdog is listening to BG's die-hard fans, thats the best thing ever. Most companies listen to money, and sales figures
Now, there is also the story..the core too) for me..even (totally) NEW heroes COULD BE all the same related to the old charname (now god..having to fight for his 'life' too in his own new planes..^^), like, well.. its new disciples/followers (or tricked to be such..all is possible^), charged to fight for him/her (or against him/her even?..^) in the faerun plane.... that they want it or not, are initially aware of it or not.. ^ a little like the plot of the spawn of bhaal we already knew..but not only.. there is also the chosen of mystra (~phonetic) way..and a lot of more possible intereactions 'gods/faerunians'^ paths (multiple way for a god to..'chose' or 'guide' his 'protégés' in the faerun world apparently^ help him/her in his/her own future attack/defense plans..^) ... _that_ could be the link between the 2 stories... even without directly the old charname directly controlled (could even do some cinematics only relating the events in the god plans, vaguely figuring the old charname actions in the shadows too, at the same times.. to go with the new chars the dreams were in BG1..^^), etc.. So, yes, there could be some possibilities, thinking about it.. even without directly playing the old charname now new 'wars' (even the last rulesets, if there was a franchise to follow even for that.. don't cover godlike progressions i can get that would be impossible to do a game only with the god part^.. but with new followers attackers or defenders, even possibly not even knowing at first the old charnames affairs (he/her..or his/her ennemies also btw^^..manipulating them in their back...or even not - openly knowing it..or even indirectly guiding them here&there..things are opened *) ^)..could be possible again imo ^).. and could even give some new funny twists / stories too imo.. even just lore talking, could be interesting imo, revealing new things about the planes, etc.. could be even fascinating imo.. if well told) *)
etc, etc.
anyway..i just hope a bg3 could even emerge..financially..and even juridically wise (seems to be a hell of its own too, nowadays, the funny world of 'games business'..^^) will see. The only thing everyone is agreeing, though, seems to be.. a mediocre bg3 -story wise..or even just technically wise..- (with not even technical innovations like it was for BG1/2..!) would be the worst possible thing..even for the whole saga/franchise.. *\ )
ps; and sorry for the paragraphs/blocs/bla/etc, no time for more formatting..not really important anyway, just another..opinion *)
ps2: right now, i mainly hope to be able to rediscover bg2 via the ee (AND if i will be able to install the damned thing as hoped, firstly) ) ..if i already could pass a few moments with that one as hoped, i would already be happy..the rest...we will see next year i'd say.. and let that to the teams.. for the first real returns..or not.. ))
and bye as for me (for that thread&subject)) )
On the Simmeon aspect, I cringe so hard when he says: "Blaggard" for Blackguard, which should be pronounced Black-Guard.
I really dislike Neera's voice actor as well, she just forces the dialogue and it just feels like an addition trying too hard to be funny and ends up being ridiculous.
I personally pronounce it Black-Guard, because I think it sounds better, but never around English professors.
That reminds me, the three new male and female voices for characters are complete rubbish as well.