*Anduin's dead and pickled heart starts to beat loudly on the mantelpiece, the jar begins to vibrate and jiggles with each beat, it begins to totter dangerously close to the edge...*
I had a chance? And I blew it!
*The jar falls from the mantelpiece and shatters into a million pieces... Anduin desperately tries to put the parts of his fractured heart back together, clawing, scrabbling and mashing together the pulpy mess... Realising the futility, Anduin slowly comes to a stop, before crushing the remains of his heart between his clenched fists*
If several hundret years old vampired get to date teenage girls without anybody batting an eye, why shouldn't mummies get to date half-orcs in their mid-twenties?
And to do a short summary for those not up-to-date on American politics:
The above pictured judge was running for election as a state senator from Alabama. In the final month of campaigning, numerous allegations surfaced that he was a lecherous jerk 40 years ago, had a thing for dating teenagers, and was reportedly banned from the local shopping mall for being a creep. Running as the "southern family values" guy, he doubled-down and denied absolutely everything.
He did narrowly lose the election last week but still hasn't conceded. The margin was just wide enough that a recount isn't mandatory, so he's pretty much just being a 70-year-old baby about things.
The sad commentary on the whole affair, is that there is a chunk of the country that would rather send a potential pedophile into office instead of voting for the other party. Polarized politics at its worst.
I am creeped out a bit about how this conversation is going...
Being sensitive to these issues... Can I state a half-orc is considered a young adult at 18 and a gnome is considered a young adult at 45.
So... If I chose to cast resurrection on my mummified frame... I would revert to my actual age... This being below 10 of 45...
So... In my belief that @Buttercheese is above 18... A case could be made that @Buttercheese is a consenting adult and that I @Anduin , would be a mere child.
So... You see... @Buttercheese is the actual cradle snatcher here.
*Anduin's dead and pickled heart starts to beat loudly on the mantelpiece, the jar begins to vibrate and jiggles with each beat, it begins to totter dangerously close to the edge...*
I had a chance? And I blew it!
*The jar falls from the mantelpiece and shatters into a million pieces... Anduin desperately tries to put the parts of his fractured heart back together, clawing, scrabbling and mashing together the pulpy mess... Realising the futility, Anduin slowly comes to a stop, before crushing the remains of his heart between his clenched fists*
@Shandaxx this is @Shandaxx's doing!
*Anduin feels the black blood drip from his hands...*
Know this cruel world! I will forever be named Anduin the heartless! And you will rue the day you crossed me!
And to do a short summary for those not up-to-date on American politics:
The above pictured judge was running for election as a state senator from Alabama. In the final month of campaigning, numerous allegations surfaced that he was a lecherous jerk 40 years ago, had a thing for dating teenagers, and was reportedly banned from the local shopping mall for being a creep. Running as the "southern family values" guy, he doubled-down and denied absolutely everything.
He did narrowly lose the election last week but still hasn't conceded. The margin was just wide enough that a recount isn't mandatory, so he's pretty much just being a 70-year-old baby about things.
The sad commentary on the whole affair, is that there is a chunk of the country that would rather send a potential pedophile into office instead of voting for the other party. Polarized politics at its worst.
Being sensitive to these issues... Can I state a half-orc is considered a young adult at 18 and a gnome is considered a young adult at 45.
So... If I chose to cast resurrection on my mummified frame... I would revert to my actual age... This being below 10 of 45...
So... In my belief that @Buttercheese is above 18... A case could be made that @Buttercheese is a consenting adult and that I @Anduin , would be a mere child.
So... You see... @Buttercheese is the actual cradle snatcher here.
Way to suck out the fun.
And if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you, dirt cheap.
where is Dee? i am confused...