Two sets of HLAs to play with, larger potential repertoire pre-Use Any Item, similar thieving levels, and the potential to backstab all make a fighter/thief much more enjoyable in my book.
Whether or not they're the superior class is another discussion.
I personally go with Swashbuckler. The thief abilities are a little flexibility, and eventually the bonuses to armor and damage they gain will go beyond what fighters get with heavier armor and more weapon proficiencies (sp).In addition, if you take it through ToB, the use any item perk will allow helmets and heavy armor to be worn as well. I don't think there are any real downsides as opposed to a fighter/thief. Anyone is welcome to correct if I'm wrong however.
@thedamages: Swashbucklers do not gain APR from specialization, and they also do not receive the level-based APR bonuses of fighters. That puts them 2 APR behind, which is quite significant; APR contributes more to damage output than any other stat. Even at very high levels, Swashbucklers have trouble matching fighter damage, particularly if those fighters are kitted. They are practically inferior to Kensai->Thieves in almost every respect.
I found swashbucklers to be fun. Obviously, they're not as ridiculously powerful as Kensai/thieves, but what is? They lose a couple things compared to fighter/thieves, but they do level ridiculously fast in comparison.
@thedamages: Swashbucklers do not gain APR from specialization, and they also do not receive the level-based APR bonuses of fighters. That puts them 2 APR behind, which is quite significant; APR contributes more to damage output than any other stat. Even at very high levels, Swashbucklers have trouble matching fighter damage, particularly if those fighters are kitted. They are practically inferior to Kensai->Thieves in almost every respect.
True, but really anything is inferior to a dual involving Kensai XD
You forgot the option that lets you dual-class out of Swashbuckler INTO fighter. Level 6 at earliest if you want 100 in Open Locks and Find Traps, level 10 if you want more bonuses from swashbuckler and more thieving skills (Detect Illusions comes to mind).
I personally prefer the Fighter/Thief, but that is because I am a closet powergamer. I also have a weird irrational hatred for the name 'swashbuckler', the reasons for which I have yet to discern.
if you wanna play for fun play swashbuckler, but if you like own enemies and make op hero play Fighter/Thief, i suggest you to make first assasin and then give him fighter (if you like play fighter/thief) my friend made some day this hero and when he backstab his hero make so big dmg and some crits.
I'd go F/T tbh.. two reasons; Fighter stronghold and declining Thief stronghold gives you +3 shortsword early in BG2.
i'm addicted to the fighter stronghold.. be a big ol lord and all, it's fun. As opposed to crap thief one
Retaining backstabb is very nice for ganking mages.. both HLA's.. GWW and UAI is good for you.
Specializing in Bastardswords (The one that casts larlochs drain combined with paladin one.. so overpowered it's ridiculous. Heal on hit AND 40% magic resistance? yes please)
Swashbuckler is good though. Perhaps the best and most utility-retaining kit of all the typically weaker classes. (Ranger, Thief, Bard, Druid) Since it's main drawback (no backstab) is a useless skill in ToB anyway
Fighter/Thief for powergamers. Or, if you want to single-handedly kill everything. Swashbucklers for RolePlayers, who want to use all the tricks that a Thief can pull out of a hat. Or wants a single-class thief with it's levelling.
In a complete playthrough... Fighter/Thief might be better endgame (like around ToB)
But Swashbuckler being a singleclass it levels up and gets all the thief skills you will need much faster making them better earlier on in my opinion... Also, Swashbucklers are not too bad in a fight at high levels since they get as a HLA in place of Assassination, due to the lack of backstab, Whirlwind Attack.
If you're playing from BG1 through to TOB, I'd go fighter/thief without hesitation. Swashbucklers are all well and good, but they lack weapon proficiency points early on. Only having 4 points by the end of BG1 sucks badly.
A swashy should be dual-wielding in melee while making smart-aleck remarks. It's difficult to do that with only 2 pips to allocate at level 1.
A swashy should be dual-wielding in melee while making smart-aleck remarks. It's difficult to do that with only 2 pips to allocate at level 1.
Easilly fixed by TOB. But BG1EE swashbuckler strategy is to specialize a preferred weapon (I go scimtar for the 'cutlass' look) at level 1. And use a buckler in the offhand until I get later points. Bucklers perfectly fit the swashbuckling style. Its in the name after all. And the AC bonus is very useful in the early levels.
Then all subsequent pips go into two weapon style. Its better to specialize first so that the hit bonus can help compensate for the eventual second weapon. Plus your Thaco will be higher as well, and you'll probably have the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise as well by then.
With Thief leveling speed, getting that third prof point happens pretty quickly.
I appreciate everyone's input. Can't say I'd want to duel from swashbuckler into fighter, b/c I wouldn't want to cap my thief skills. I might consider it if I could duel from fighter into swashbuckler though.
With the magic of Shadowkeeper you can do just that! And, from personal experience, the end result of a fighter 7/dualed to swashbuckler is AWESOMESAUCE!
Whether or not they're the superior class is another discussion.
Also helms are ugly anyway. :P
i'm addicted to the fighter stronghold.. be a big ol lord and all, it's fun. As opposed to crap thief one
Retaining backstabb is very nice for ganking mages.. both HLA's.. GWW and UAI is good for you.
Specializing in Bastardswords (The one that casts larlochs drain combined with paladin one.. so overpowered it's ridiculous. Heal on hit AND 40% magic resistance? yes please)
Swashbuckler is good though. Perhaps the best and most utility-retaining kit of all the typically weaker classes. (Ranger, Thief, Bard, Druid) Since it's main drawback (no backstab) is a useless skill in ToB anyway
Swashbucklers for RolePlayers, who want to use all the tricks that a Thief can pull out of a hat. Or wants a single-class thief with it's levelling.
But Swashbuckler being a singleclass it levels up and gets all the thief skills you will need much faster making them better earlier on in my opinion... Also, Swashbucklers are not too bad in a fight at high levels since they get as a HLA in place of Assassination, due to the lack of backstab, Whirlwind Attack.
A swashy should be dual-wielding in melee while making smart-aleck remarks. It's difficult to do that with only 2 pips to allocate at level 1.
Then all subsequent pips go into two weapon style. Its better to specialize first so that the hit bonus can help compensate for the eventual second weapon. Plus your Thaco will be higher as well, and you'll probably have the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise as well by then.
With Thief leveling speed, getting that third prof point happens pretty quickly.