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Phase II: Hardware Compatibility Test



  • SasayakiSasayaki Member Posts: 137
    Sent info! Hopefully I can get into the beta.

    Since I also sometimes play on my laptop, which has different hardware requirements, can I "enter" twice?
  • leeowensoasleeowensoas Member Posts: 81
    Just sent an email! Can't wait for the patch and really can't wait for BGII:EE
  • MonkLoverMonkLover Member Posts: 24
    My heart tingles a little every time I see a new screenshot. MOAR please.
  • joshykinsjoshykins Member Posts: 95
    Email sent, would also test my on board Intel HD 4600 if requested.
  • JaesaJaesa Member Posts: 26
    Email sent. Hope I can get in! :)
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    Oddly beamdog does not seem to have a way to update my e-mail just my password
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Loving the new renderer. Not too sure if its just a placebo but the animations seem to be more fluid, such as falling down/getting up which happened alot during a fireball/stinking cloud/web battle in durlags tower. Which on my laptop being extended to a 1080p display didnt even slightly lower the framerate.

    Other cosmetic choice appreciated like inventory items, ui(transparency yay) menu screens etc. at the moment the only thing ice noticed is going into the multiplayer menu shifts the usually centred menu to the top left corner. A bit odd but that was also in 1080p havent checked on laptop native screen.

    Ill start a new game tomorrow. Thinking shadow dancer :D

  • XzarXzar Member Posts: 215
    Oh, I see that alt+F4 is working again. It was missed.

    Other positives : Spell icons look very smooth in both scaled and non-scaled settings. Inventory icons much improved. Scaling now should satisfy both those who like it big, and those who like it slick. Journal handling improved, although sorting by date is still missing. Fonts much better.

    Cons: black bars I mentioned previously(contrary to poster who replied to me, I dont think it looks better). Initial screen now looks too iPad-ish(never liked vanilla mix-up of 3 pictures, but these flashing pictures are worse, would prefer Archaic's approach - big BG skull, big BP skull, small tutorial and titles bars).
  • notkingnotking Member Posts: 134
    Sent a email,but I haven't received access to the beta yet.
  • greckoboygreckoboy Member Posts: 33
    I think it's also thanks to the replayability of the game. Most of us have definitely played this game before and might continue playing a few more times still. Which is cool because the game's not DoTA or LoL or whatever but a single-player RPG where the experience is (usually) worse once you know the what's going to happen next. I guess having a wide selection of races/classes/allies to choose from always helps.
  • WittandWittand Member Posts: 54
    So far I had no hardware problems whatsoever.

    The game runs great and looks even better, though I personally prefer the old UI. So my only complaints are a matter of taste.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Its a shame im am really busy with other stuff. I really liked to help you on all my computers. But I not even past the Nashkel mines in BGEE :(
  • Starflower2525Starflower2525 Member Posts: 44
    Email sent
  • upi00rupi00r Member Posts: 91
    edited October 2013
    Dee said:

    Try going into Graphics Options and turning off "Scale User Interface". :)
    I know that but you could do it in previous version also so what's the difference? I don't like GUI with disabled scaling because it's too small for me then. Why can't you make GUI in HD with orginal BG1 proportions used for side bars?
    Post edited by upi00r on
  • magpiemagpie Member Posts: 79
    edited October 2013
    It runs fine on my Intel HD 4000 now. No flickering launch screen and missing text (when launched full screen), performance seems great. Had to wait a year for it, but you guys finally supplied me with a properly functioning game :D (no hard feelings, I'm just really happy you've gotten your act together and BG:EE is shaping up to be the game it deserves to be. Looking forward to BG2:EE now).

    I found 1 bug, with the record and inventory screen and pausing:
    -when visiting the record or inventory screen from an unpaused game, the game will pause (intended). If you then click through to any of the other screens (e.g. spells, options), the game will unpause in the background (unintended for any but the main screen and maybe the map)
    -when visiting the record screen (but not the inventory) from a paused game, the same will happen when visiting another screen (not the inventory, though going first to record, then inventory, then another screen still triggers the bug) (unintended)
    Post edited by magpie on
  • JaySee84JaySee84 Member Posts: 52
    Not heard anything back, unfortunately. But, to anyone who suffered with the stuttering audio/video with the movies, has that been resolved? How are they looking?
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    I saw a comment regarding the movies and pixelation, and I can only agree that when you run fullscreen on bigger monitors it a little too close and pixelated. Would have preferred it to be zoomed out a bit.
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    I sent an email too.
  • NeurologicalNeurological Member Posts: 48
    Sadly I can't partecipate on this, my pc is dying. HD slutter, gpu crash, motherboard power goes on and off. I hope it will still live another month to test out multiplayer stuff.
  • dosentti666dosentti666 Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2013
    Still downloading, will comment as soon as able.
    EDIT: Email sent
    Post edited by dosentti666 on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2013
    JaySee84 said:

    Not heard anything back, unfortunately. But, to anyone who suffered with the stuttering audio/video with the movies, has that been resolved? How are they looking?

    I can't speak for anyone else but i'm on a mac with an intel card. The movies don't stutter.
  • geminibrunigeminibruni Member Posts: 276
    First impression very good whit graphic improvement and bugfix, and the compatibility whit my notebook hw is perfect now!!!
    Good work!

    One little bug: the multiplayer screen whit the scaled ui is moved on the left and not correctly centered....
    While whit the unscale graphic option the multipleyer menù is moved on the up-left side of the screen.
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    Has any french player been able to test the beta ?
    There were several problems with the keyboard shortcuts due to the french "AZERTY" keyboard setup, and I'm wondering if these have been fixed.
  • FlashheartFlashheart Member Posts: 125
    Having bought the product via Steam/Amazon, I'm disqualified from testing the beta.

    However I'm interested to hear if the new renderer fixes the problems associated with the Hardware Cursor disappearing when picking up equipment.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    edited October 2013
    Oh, just remembered: despite what I wrote in the e.mail, I do have a very small bug. When I go back to the game after minimizing it (I play on full screen), I can't scroll the screen with the mouse in south and east directions. I have to enter some other screen (inventory, spells...) and then it works again.

    Edit: should I send this in e-mail too, so you will know what hardwares i use?
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Senash said:

    Oh, just remembered: despite what I wrote in the e.mail, I do have a very small bug. When I go back to the game after minimizing it (I play on full screen), I can't scroll the screen with the mouse in south and east directions. I have to enter some other screen (inventory, spells...) and then it works again.

    This actually happened to me but I forgot about it until you mentioned it. I'm hoping it's a small issue that's been done away with by the new renderer, patch or whatever.
  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    Is there a particular configuration which you do not want to know any further? :P Because I got one that is pretty standard and I do not want to flood your mail box -_- Win7 home premium sp1 x64 // Intel r Core tm i5-2500k cpu 3.30ghz// nvidia geforce gtx 560 ti

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