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Unrealistic Fantasy Art



  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963

    Magic "martial arts" tricks (grumble) while it may be possible to break someones eardrum a simple choke can put someone to sleep in 5 seconds and to death in minutes all completely undetectable should you already be mid coitus.

    umm ok. 5 second choke eh? Can't most people hold their breath for at least a minute? Wouldn't it leave a mark that's completely detectable? And I hesitate to ask but what does mid coitus have to do with your 5 second choke of death?

  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    enough of -this- derailing please think of the maybe children that are on this forum
  • Chaotic_GoodChaotic_Good Member Posts: 255
    A choke cuts off the blood flow to the brain it has noting to do with breath... and no it doesn't leave marks. It has to do with being a mid coitus because the situation covers her entrance, exit, sound, and should someone peek in they would see what appeared to be just a sleeping man.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Um… No

    image by E-Guerrero Ridculously spiky *and* half-nude!
    image by Duridya I am trying to figure out if this is a male or a female…
    image by Kengen83 Why the stomach slot? "Insert Sword here for 500 exp"?
    image by G-manbg Breasts chained to groinplate?
    image comedy by Tom Preston
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by DottorFile Another topless male dwarf
    imageby gluengo yet another stomach window….
    image by crescentmoon And another abdomen/stomach window
    image by reel deviant No chest protection at all
    image by Taman88 Yeah… +8 abs of steel
    image by Athayar I'll cover everything but the top of my boobs and my neck!
    image by Ochrejelly Boy, I hope this gal is a battlemage, or that boob window could be an unfortunate choice...
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    LadyRhian said:

    by Kengen83 Why the stomach slot? "Insert Sword here for 500 exp"?

    Actually I could see a small gap in plate armor allowing you to bend at the waist, for a definite increase in mobility. Of course I'd avoid the 'arrow' motif on the edges of the gap, and at least fill the gap with chain mail, or interlocking plates if I had the money.
    LadyRhian said:

    by G-manbg Breasts chained to groinplate?

    Wow, coconut armor? Coated with anti-gravity paint?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @The_Potty_1 Yeah, I'd expect chainmail to cover the gaps in Plate armor. Unless you have Full Plate, Platemail is plates over chain. But having nothing there is tremendously stupid.

    image by genzoman Goodness, that's a lot of spikes near bare skin!
    image by thuyngan bare middle… sigh
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by kikicianjur It's exposed boob window time again!
    image by Maik-Schmidt How do you expect your owlbear to keep you safe when you keep exposing your boobs and chest to harm?
    image by kokomiko Exposed places say "target me to kill wearer".
    image by jorsch Belly AND chest exposed. A twofer whammy
    image by DarianaLoki Lack of armor doesn't make a woman sexier. It CAN make her very dead very quickly, though.
    image by Nightlong86 I'd like to think that Jaheira would have more wisdom than to leave her belly almost completely exposed.
    image by Okha "Don't hate me because I am beautiful…" 'No, I am pretty sure I hate you for your outfit, which makes no sense.'
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    If Skyrim made male armor like female armor:

    image by domirine ;)
  • Chaotic_GoodChaotic_Good Member Posts: 255
    edited December 2013
    That is sweet armor there would be a hand on my junk and boobies all the time... and we all know warriors just want to feel appreciated. I am tired of men being objectified all the time the ninja turtles were always naked nuff said. On a serial note a man body is exploited in every form from labor to entertainment through out our society while it may seem repugnant woman are just recently catching up and if the female sex is lucky it will never be expected to fill some of these positions on any small percentage.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    edited December 2013
    @Chaotic_Good One of your pictures is actually a lady. Just sayin'.

    (It's near the bottom right corner, the one in lots of chainmail and boob-plate.)

    I wanna say the third from the left in the top row is also a lady, though... I can't quite tell with such a small picture.

    Not sure if you knew, but judging from your post, you wanted to share ridiculous male pictures (which you did, and why I'm confused that there're women present. :P ).
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Chaotic_Good. I casn barely tell what some of those pictures are supposed to be, they are so tiny. Could you repost them larger for me, please?! And to be honest, the number of pictures of women posed to be sexy and/or show off their boobs, ass (or both) outnumbers men easily by 10 to 1. Men are posed to look powerful and kick-ass. Women are posed to look sexy and turn men on. Men are almost never posed to turn women (or heavens forfend!) other gay men on in fantasy art. It may be objectification, but it's objectification to appeal to other men. In an "I want to be like that!" rather than a "I would like to hit that!" kind of way.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    LadyRhian said:

    If Skyrim made male armor like female armor:

    image by domirine ;)

    But...Skyrim is actually really good about female armor.
  • Chaotic_GoodChaotic_Good Member Posts: 255
    edited December 2013
    @Nonnahswriter Yes I was aware the android was female also they were very nice pics. @LadyRhian Sorry my browser was bugged and my attempt to search them out again was perverted by earlier searches of ninja turtles, final fantasy, and assassins creed, but I was able to find some. As for the pictures they each have two sides as any piece of art does what the artist attempts to project, and what we perceive... what do you consider powerful? A large bulging gladiator was still just a slave, a soldier in the mightiest army just a servant, and the leader of them all only one bad choice away from death; much the same as today. Whether domination is derived from weakness or strength in mind or body power is power though some times It can be hard to see.
  • Chaotic_GoodChaotic_Good Member Posts: 255
    Hmm.. I don't know how to post large picture here but if you click on them they are much larger.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by Jorsch Yeah, you'd better run. That armor doesn't cover ANYTHING.
    image Elf, why your middle so bare?
    image by green-feline You know, except for the boob window, this isn't bad.
    image by Esther-sanz Chest not bad, the rest, WTF?!
    image by Uryenn That is definitely Anime Armor. Armor. How does it work?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by NathaliaGomes I sincerely hope those are Bracers of ACX, because otherwise, that armor is just wack.
    image by ninarcomics This one doesn't even have the Bracers to (hopefully) explain it.
    image by Terra42Nova How does she see with her hair in her face like that? And what is that supposed to be on her legs?
    image by bunnystick This is armor?
    image by Carolina-Eade Okay, bare stomach
    image by Okha "I only need to protect the half of my body facing my target."
  • TvrtkoSvrdlarTvrtkoSvrdlar Member Posts: 353
    You fools, don't you know that the amount of armor on a female in a fantasy setting is inversely proportional to the amount of resistance said female enjoys against incoming damage?

    I think there's even a name for that law...
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    LadyRhian said:

    image by Kengen83 Why the stomach slot? "Insert Sword here for 500 exp"?

    Another instance of extreme frustration. Close up that stomach slot and this guy's armor would be pretty great.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Schneidend Pretty much. Le Sigh.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    Looking at how slender she is, I doubt she would be able to hold that shield for a long length of time.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Wow, look at that shoulder protection!
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    Indeed, have to protect those shoulders. Never mind about the midsection being a critical area to protect.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Sigh. Yes, there are more.

    image by Anotherwanderer Lady, if you are going to battle in a plate mail bikini, you are doing it wrong.
    image by HELMUTTT "My qualifications to be a enchantress? They should be perfectly obvious."
    image by renegarj With all those lacerations, you should be rethinking your armor
    image by vladimirdrak Lovely armor ruined by the need to show off her boobs
    image by flipation Archers don't need armor- just to show off their chests
    image by Taurina Another character whose protection is less important than BEWBS
    image by sannamy I don't even understand this armor. WHY?!
    image by Arteche Cool, but a few too many gaps for me
    image by Ochrejelly A Mage, naked but for a drape. Really?!
    image by DavidHakobian "Let me protect everything BUT my chest." :|
    image by doctor-korr Yeah, not a fantasy character, but that's just outrageous!
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by Sakimichan One of these armors is not like the other. One of these armors does not protect…
    image by foxlau Armor- how does it work? OR DOES IT? ;)
    image by APetruk How about 'No'?
    image by melaniemaier I know it's everquest, but it just seems… like bad CGI or something. And hella over the top.
    image Wondergirl in a fantasy universe, anyone? And eep- no armor at all. Tube or bikini tops are just egregious, artists. And I can't help thinking that the neck scarf/cape is an open invitation to a broken neck.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by digitalhadz #1- Her boobs are watching me. #2 how does that armor protect ANYTHING but the boobs in question?
    image by digitalhadz Obviously, this woman is more concerned about her shoulders being injured than her internal organs.
    imageby Anderssoth Went adventuring in your swimwear, I see…
    image by gopalinski Bustier from hell
    image by manzanedo Boob window ruins armor again. :|
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited December 2013
    LadyRhian said:

    image by digitalhadz #1- Her boobs are watching me. #2 how does that armor protect ANYTHING but the boobs in question?

    My boobs sees all, know that, and look at them!
    It gives nice protection against Dwarves, Halflings and Gnomes, technically, Elves are shorter than humans but not so much, so lets hope @Awong124 is a short Elf while playing as Kivan.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    LadyRhian said:

    Went adventuring in your swimwear, I see…

    LOL. Made my morning. XD
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Nonnahswriter I aim to please. ::bows.:: :)
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    More official artwork that does fit here, apparently.

    "Ellesime? My boob-eehh... queen?!"

    Here you can see Ellesime wearing nothing but an open robe/cape and bikini with boots.
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