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Bug Reporting Process



  • thebutlerthebutler Member Posts: 7
    not sure if anyone has posted this yet - haven't seen it. Relatively minor all in all...
    I'm playing through as a dual wielding ranger and the inventory stats aren't working correctly. The THACO is only shown for my main weapon, not my off hand weapon, and the off hand weapon name is just a copy of the main weapon; ie i have a longsword +1 equipped as my main weapon and rashad's talon +2 as an offhand weapon, but they're both coming up as longsword +1 in the thaco description. I've tried changing the main weapon and it's the same with whatever i equip. Also, the damage for my main weapon is shown but not for my offhand weapon.

    Current Behaviour:
    1/ main weapon name and offhand weapon name are the same under thaco description when dual wielding, even when different types of weapons are equipped.
    2/ only main weapon thaco shown in box below current/max hit points on inventory screen, not off hand weapon.
    3/ only main weapon damage potential shown in box below current thaco in inventory screen, not off hand weapon.

    Expected Behaviour:
    1/ correct weapon name should be shown for main and offhand weapon in thaco screen
    2/ thaco for main and offhand weapons should be shown
    3/ damage potential for main and offhand weapons should be shown
  • mAMY_SCRATCHmAMY_SCRATCH Member Posts: 4
    Its my second post about that.

    I made a multiplayer game, I fought some basilick and 2 off my character wore petrified.
    I then bought some stone to flesh scroll, brought them back to life but when i talk to them and try to include them back in the party, they just won't speak to me. To busy to talk or have nothing to say to you.

    Current Behavior: Stone to fleshed character can't join back.
    Expected Behavior: They should be able to join again.
  • ducerinoducerino Member Posts: 8
    Bug after last patch (#3):
    The only quest in the journal is "important events", all other have disappeared both in "quests" and "done quests"...
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    edited December 2012
    Minor bug with launcher(bg:ee exe. file). Hard to find any previous bugs relating to this in all this bug mess :-). I can't seem to be able to get the exe. icon to launch the game when i drag it to my desktop. I get an error. But i can launch the game if i simply click on the exe. from it's main 0766 folder. Any ideas why? obviously not many have had this issue so i keep wondering if i'm trying to drag the wrong exe. file to desktop or if it's a win7 problem. As i said, small issue and more annoyance than game breaking.
    I tried sending the dmp. file to the e-mail addy the error report told me to send it to but it came back as undeliverable. So i'm trying to read other posts to see whre i should send it. Is the E-mail address that pops up when i get my launch error wrong? The error said to mail my dmp. to but it came back undeliverable???
    Post edited by Gilgalahad on
  • AzoAzo Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2012
    Many spells such as entangle, stinking cloud, bless, etc causes the game to stutter/slow down so much that the game is unplayable (on my iPad).
  • BattleBattle Member Posts: 3
    ego1ste said:

    I noticed that when i go to Journal Tab in my Journal i can't scroll text there and there's no scroll bar either.

    Expected Behavior: I can scroll through journal to read all the entries.

    Besides that lot of quests don't move to done after completing them
    - A hidden base in the cloakwood
    - Tazok and the bandits - it says i need to find hidden base which i did
    - Troubles in the region - also should dissapear i think
    - Xvart Raids - i think i finished it since i cleared every map besides Durlag's Tower, Baldur's Gate and Ulgoth's Beard
    - A hidden base? - i'm not sure maybe it will dissapear later when i fight Sarevok
    - Investigating the Nashkel mines - also remained in my log
    - Prism the Sculptor
    - Durlag's Tower - Killed Demon , saved Dalton but it's still there
    - Rasaad - finished his quest but it's still in journal

    Even with the latest patch my quests are not moving to the completed section of the journal.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    ducerino said:

    Bug after last patch (#3):
    The only quest in the journal is "important events", all other have disappeared both in "quests" and "done quests"...

    This happened to me too but after reloading a few times and clicking around some they came back lol. Also try picking up another quest and see if they come back then.

  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    OK.. not sure if necessary i repost what i commented under the last v2010 patch thread, but maybe better i put it in there too, more specific 'bug' thread (v2010 so) :

    - FIXED OK: the 'hidden' damages/lvl bonuses for special classes (like kensai, swashbucklers or even offensive bard blade spins), NOW perfectly reported on the inventory/char screens (same with AC/thac0 eventually too) ; nice. :)

    YET TO BE FIXED (always not, apparently) :
    - keys '1...6' + 'm' (always) not working properly on keyboard azerty/fr
    - bard blades defensive spin seems (always) to be buggy at high levels (lv10 here) ; can move freely and even attack, and with a -24 AC! (seems to work ok at lv1 though) -!
    - not sure if that was already in the original BG1/2 (don't remember), but i noticed also a weird thing, with pure fighters lv7+ (with console) ; they do get the 1/2 weapon speed bonus at lv7+, but _only_ with the weapons they have a 1 profeciency point in (not all - 0 profeciency points = 0 extra speed - weird).. not sure if that was already there, that too. -?! [and personal addition: the same with swashbucklers with 2 profeciency points; they do win +1thac0/+2dam with that **..but not the extra 1/2 speed normally attached to the ** ; and that one could be mainly handy with his dual handling ability: 3/2x2=3, not just 2 with dual..^ Here again, i don't remember the initial BG2 rules or even D&D for them, but i find that weird that could not get a full proficiency 2 points benefice..they are not fighters, and already don't get extra 1/2 speed at lv7 and 13..but nowhere it is written they can't have the 1/2 speed bonus of the 2 proficiencies points investment or that that one was for everyone except swashies if they put 2 points in one weapon.. or maybe i read badly..^].

    ok, all for now.. some progresses noted also for that, so. All in all, nice too. :)

    i also noticed that patch 2009 fixed a little thing that i thought was great for a kenzai, though; initially, i noted that throwing daggers and throwing axes could be used by kenzai -! (and always are).. but also could have strentgh bonuses in their damages, like slings... and for a 18/xx kenzai, could be excellent.. :o*D ..arf, was too good to be true..that one was fixed apparently (no more strength bonuses now) with 2009+... on the other hand, slings (v2010) always have the strength bonuses to their damages (that can, so, be crazy quickly too..), which is very weird in comparison too now.. the kind of things i love and/or don't get sometimes with those old D&D/BG rules, to be honest, arf.. damn, a crazy killer F18/00_19(ending) kenzai with hatchets or throwing daggers could have been fun too... one 'bug'(?) i would have loved not to be fixed so quickly, in comparison, that one... :o*) :)

    k, later)
  • ScottYelichScottYelich Member Posts: 6

    How does one make a new post? I can respond -- but can't seem to make a new post. ANYWAY ...

    iPad version -- long tap on boo in the inventory = crash every time. Just me or a bug to report (or has it already been reported)?

  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82

    How does one make a new post?

    To your left, below the profile picture, is a huge button labeled "New Discussion".

  • XzerostuXzerostu Member Posts: 5
    In terms of multiplayer the game seems to be working great with Tunngle and 3 players. The one and only issue that still occurs is the classic travel area change via the map.

    Current Behavior: Multiplayer of 3 or more with world map travel/area change(not to be confused with normal area changes as they are fine) causes crash.

    Correct Behavior: No Crash.

    Work Arounds: One player leaves, *travel* , player rejoins. I have also heard that you can change all charcter control to Host.

    Only other issue is the characters randomly holding their weapons out. (All npcs and player)
  • BurfiakBurfiak Member Posts: 32
    Identified Adoy's belt can be sold for 1 gold. Should be more gold for it.
  • TejasTejas Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012
    For reference, my machine is a Toshiba Satellite L505D-S5965, running Windows Vista Home Premium with Service Pack 2.

    Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition bugs as of v1.0.2011

    1.-Cutscenes stutter

    2.-When large numbers of creatures are on screen, (via ambush or summoning spells), and in certain areas, (i.e., the "acid pool" tunnels in the 5th level under Durlag's tower), the game becomes sluggish.

    3.-When the party AI is on and a party member auto-attacks with a ranged weapon, said party member moves right up to his/her target before attacking.

    4.-If the "Weapon Unusable" option is enabled in the auto-pause menu, it causes the game to auto-pause when any party member is affected by a Dispel Magic spell, citing that the affected character's weapon is unusable. If multiple characters are affected, it re-pauses the game for each affected character after un-pausing, requiring several un-pauses in order to continue playing.

    5.-Dispel Magic spell appears to have little to no effect in dispelling.

    6.-Clicking certain items in inventory screen causes cursor to disappear. For the sake of clarity, all items listed are the base non-magical items unless otherwise noted. Items found to cause this bug includes (but is not limited to); studded leather armor, quarterstaff +1, normal arrows, composite longbow, halberd, spear, chain mail, helmet (horned, winged, plumed), large shield (light-brown wooden, dark grey wood, reddish wood), medium shield (dark brown), medium shield +1, two-handed sword, Neera's Staff +1, traveler's robe, mage rode of fire resistance, mage robe of cold resistance, mage robe of electrical resistance, bottle of wine ( description text reads "Marsember Blush"), spider body, broken weapon, wand of fear (unidentified AND identified), full plate armor, two-handed sword, cursed berserking +3, longbow, halberd +1, Shield of the Falling Stars +2 (large shield), Cloak of Balduran, Helm of Balduran, The Eyes of Truth (helmet), Relair's Mistake (cloak), mage robe of cold resistance, Gift of Peace (helmet), ankheg shell, ankheg plate mail, robe of the good archmagi, robe of the neutral archmagi, robe of the evil archmagi, Backbiter +3 (spear), Rashad's Talon +2 (scimitar), Fallorain's Plate +1, Spider's Bane +2 (two-handed sword), adventurer's robe, katana +1, spear +2, Mail of the Dead +2, Staff Spear +2 (quarterstaff), chain mail +1, Kiel's Helmet

    Expected behaviors;

    1.-Cutscenes should NOT stutter

    2.-Game should NOT become sluggish (not accounting for low system specs)

    3.-Ranged attacking party member should remain at his/her position unless moving is required to keep target in range/line of sight.

    4.-Dispel Magic should NOT cause "Weapon Usuable" auto-pause on affected party members.

    5.-Dispel Magic should have a discernable effect, unless countered by saves, magic resistance, etc.

    6.-Clicking on items (whether listed or not) should NOT cause cursor to disappear from view.

    This is my first ever bug report. Hope I got the syntax right. And I hope this list helps out. I've been able to get by, even with the "hidden cursor" issue, but it DOES get to be a little old hat after a while. At any rate, you guys have done a wonderful job thus far in revitalizing this classic CRPG. Can't wait until BG2:EE is out. And Planescape:Torment Enhanced Edition? Yes? Maybe Pretty please?
    Post edited by Tejas on
  • hook71hook71 Member, Developer Posts: 582
    Tejas said:

    6.-Clicking certain items in inventory screen causes cursor to disappear.

    Have you tried turning off "Hardware Mouse Cursor" in the Graphics options?
  • KaSumatraKaSumatra Member Posts: 1
    Current behaviour: mouse courser disappearing when selecting an item (randomly) can't get it back, have to shut the game down from within task manager
    Expected behaviour: mouse courser no disappearing.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602

    Did you read the post @hook71 made just above yours before you posted this?
    That should be the solution to your problem.

    Just go to the options menu, and turn OFF hardware acceleration of the mouse.
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    OKKKK... patch 2011 just quickly tested , some progresses, some nothingness either :
    I quickly copy/paste my previous 'paragraphes' (np), on the few points i was/am following here) :

    - throwing daggers / throwing axes seem to once again have the strength damages bonuses applied, like slings, very nice and can thus be useful again it seems.. especially with the new ones introduced in BGEE, nice. :)

    YET TO BE FIXED (always not, apparently) :
    - keys '1...6' + 'm' (always) not working properly on keyboard azerty/fr
    - bard blades defensive spin seems (always) to be buggy at high levels (lv10 here) ; can move freely and even attack, and with a -24 AC! (seems to work ok at lv1 though) -!
    - not sure if that was already in the original BG1/2 (don't remember), but i noticed also a weird thing, with pure fighters lv7+ (with console) ; they do get the 1/2 weapon speed bonus at lv7+, but _only_ with the weapons they have a 1 profeciency point in (not all - 0 profeciency points = 0 extra speed - weird).. not sure if that was already there, that too. -?! [and personal addition: the same with swashbucklers with 2 profeciency points; they do win +1thac0/+2dam with that **..but not the extra 1/2 speed normally attached to the ** ; and that one could be mainly handy with his dual handling ability: 3/2x2=3, not just 2 with dual..^ Here again, i don't remember the initial BG2 rules or even D&D for them, but i find that weird that could not get a full proficiency 2 points benefice..they are not fighters, and already don't get extra 1/2 speed at lv7 and 13..but nowhere it is written they can't have the 1/2 speed bonus of the 2 proficiencies points investment or that that one was for everyone except swashies if they put 2 points in one weapon.. or maybe i read badly..^].

    (oh, and obviously, fixing the drop of the elven chain mail, for fighter/mages or bards..for neutral/good aligments, could be very simply sold like archmagi robes, about same prices if not slightly cheaper -no special bonuses either like the robes-, all simply, at the same High Hedge shop... and basta/).

    ps; i hope that is not too 'nerdy' for some brains out there.. but that's there anyway, brighty brains or not ^^ ... :)
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    oops, just noticed today the excellent specific thread (once bugs noticed)
    ..seems for exemple the defensive spin problem has been noticed now.. nice. end of that there so, k..)
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    It's the first time I report a bug so I'm not sure how to do it, I made a new topic about the bug, here:

    Is that enough, even if I didn't get any answer from the developers?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Tiax unique ability bug!
    Current: summon skeleton
    Expected: summon ghast
    It is really important because it is one of his strong planned features.
  • TejasTejas Member Posts: 4
    hook71 said:

    Tejas said:

    6.-Clicking certain items in inventory screen causes cursor to disappear.

    Have you tried turning off "Hardware Mouse Cursor" in the Graphics options?
    Thanks for that tip, Hook71. Tried it and it fixed that problem. The drawback is that now, when I go from the map screen to the main game screen, there is a half-second of "black-out" before I can see anything. Not a major hindrance, just a minor annoyance. Still, it would probably be best if they worked out that hardware cursor bug. Anyway, thanks again, Hook. I should have thought of that myself. I'll facepalm when I have the time. Like, when I've finished every possible side-quest and explore every dungeon. Should only be another week or so.

  • AcropolisAcropolis Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2012
    Playing multiplayer BG:EE on PC version with one friend who is also on PC version. Our game is bugged and neither of our characters will die. Both characters were exported from a Black Pits session and imported into a new game of BG. We get down to 1 HP and continue to take damage without dying. In some situations, the character will reach 1 HP and become paralyzed but game does not end.

    We tried several earlier saves and characters remain invincible. In a brand new game and they seem to die as normal. Also imported characters into Black Pits and they die as normal.

    **2nd edit
    All of my characters that have been exported from Black Pits and imported into a regular BG game have this bug. They will reach 0 HP and continue taking damage.

    Current behavior: Our characters cannot reach 0 HP and are invincible. In some instances, the character will become paralyzed but remains alive and game doesn't end.

    Expected behavior: Characters can reach 0 HP and die, game ends.
    Post edited by Acropolis on
  • Tamerlan777Tamerlan777 Member Posts: 4
    Having exported my character (fighter/mage) with items, I started to play anew, but faced such problems:

    1. Mithril Armour of Drizzt disappears, as well as the bag of portions
    2. After Gorions murder the ring of Koveras vanishes too. When Imoen comes, the game crushes to the deckstop, but before I suddenly get -1 to AC (-9 instead of -8)
    3. I reload this save, meet Imoen, get the bonus again (-9 AC instead of -8, not bad for a fighter/mage, yeah!) But the items I have mentioned are still missing.
    4. On the corpse of Gorions murderer I actually find a ring, which turnes out to be... the ring of Koveras, after being identified. Funny?
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546

    Having exported my character (fighter/mage) with items, I started to play anew, but faced such problems:

    1. Mithril Armour of Drizzt disappears, as well as the bag of portions
    2. After Gorions murder the ring of Koveras vanishes too. When Imoen comes, the game crushes to the deckstop, but before I suddenly get -1 to AC (-9 instead of -8)
    3. I reload this save, meet Imoen, get the bonus again (-9 AC instead of -8, not bad for a fighter/mage, yeah!) But the items I have mentioned are still missing.
    4. On the corpse of Gorions murderer I actually find a ring, which turnes out to be... the ring of Koveras, after being identified. Funny?

    report this in a new topic!
  • Tamerlan777Tamerlan777 Member Posts: 4
    Sorry, I do not Know how to do it, just getting used to the forum :))))
  • rauthikrauthik Member Posts: 7
    I am finishing the quest where you return Ruffie to Albert (on the PC) and the game crashes when Albert talks to me. The main window takes up the whole screen (eliminates the side and bottom panels) and Albert changes, but then the game freezes.
    Anyone else have this issue? Is there a fix?
  • CURRENT BEHAVIOR: Lvl 5 Druid Shapeshifter non-main player in mulitplayer loses base hit points (now down to 11 HP).
    EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Should retain hitpoints after reload, restart or during shapeshift (29 HP base).

    I notice it when we restart our multiplayer. I think it is during the first startup, but I am not totally sure. If there is a way to edit the HP of the save character file I would be willing to do that as well. Thanks.
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546

    CURRENT BEHAVIOR: Lvl 5 Druid Shapeshifter non-main player in mulitplayer loses base hit points (now down to 11 HP).
    EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Should retain hitpoints after reload, restart or during shapeshift (29 HP base).

    I notice it when we restart our multiplayer. I think it is during the first startup, but I am not totally sure. If there is a way to edit the HP of the save character file I would be willing to do that as well. Thanks.

    Only druid does that? What difficulty?
  • ankheg said:

    CURRENT BEHAVIOR: Lvl 5 Druid Shapeshifter non-main player in mulitplayer loses base hit points (now down to 11 HP).
    EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Should retain hitpoints after reload, restart or during shapeshift (29 HP base).

    I notice it when we restart our multiplayer. I think it is during the first startup, but I am not totally sure. If there is a way to edit the HP of the save character file I would be willing to do that as well. Thanks.

    Only druid does that? What difficulty?
    Only the druid. All other characters retain hitpoints.
    All game settings at default (download game on two computers - roll up characters - play)
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