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Bug Reporting Process



  • ankheg said:

    CURRENT BEHAVIOR: Lvl 5 Druid Shapeshifter non-main player in mulitplayer loses base hit points (now down to 11 HP).
    EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Should retain hitpoints after reload, restart or during shapeshift (29 HP base).

    I notice it when we restart our multiplayer. I think it is during the first startup, but I am not totally sure. If there is a way to edit the HP of the save character file I would be willing to do that as well. Thanks.

    Only druid does that? What difficulty?
    I tried to restart, transform and couldn't intentionally trigger the hit point reduction. My character has a con of 14 which bumps up with the lycan morph. It currently goes from 11 base hit points to 16 in werewolf form. Sorry I don't have much other info. Any suggestions? I would prefer not restarting with a different character, but 11 hit points means a stupid kobold with a good roll can almost kill me.
  • Alright, I used shadow keeper and I can play again (I'll just edit the file if I lose HP again). I will check back here every once in a while and update this if I figure out when it's happening. Thanks for the help.
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2013

    Alright, I used shadow keeper and I can play again (I'll just edit the file if I lose HP again). I will check back here every once in a while and update this if I figure out when it's happening. Thanks for the help.

    Sorry, I have no idea then, the old engine had a bad habit of miscalculations especially with the lowest setting by starting a new game.
  • carey_bueltcarey_buelt Member Posts: 3
    Defect. Behavior - Loading up Final Save, game then crashes. Expected Behavior - Load up Final Save, can play the saved game without crashing.
  • carey_bueltcarey_buelt Member Posts: 3
    [iPAD] Defect. Behavior - Loading up Final Save, game then crashes. Expected Behavior - Load up Final Save, can play the saved game without crashing.
  • MasonguitarMasonguitar Member Posts: 35
    Not sure if it is a bug or not but my character has 20 constitution but does not seem to regenerate HP. I had heard that every character with a 20 CON regenerates HP after a few minutes. Just thought I should mention this.
  • JubilexJubilex Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2013
    I thought I had a problem, but then figured things out. Can't delete the post, so have to edit it instead.
    Post edited by Jubilex on
  • Joe_higashiJoe_higashi Member Posts: 1
    Greetings BaldursGate team - I think i have a small bug to report :) - Dagger of Poisoning +2 is not Hurting Musterd Jellies - is it a gameplay issue or do we need +3 weapons to hurt them ?.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    They have 100% piercing resistance and are immune to non-magical weapons. That means you need a magical slashing and/or blunt weapon to hit them.

    The damage type of the Dagger of Venom is piercing. So, this weapon is ineffective against Musterd Jellies.

    It's not a bug!
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    BUG: Two slots in Single-Weapon Style Proficiency DOES NOT add -2 AC. FIX: Two slots in Single-Weapon Style Proficiency SHOULD ADD -2 AC.
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137

    BUG: Two slots in Single-Weapon Style Proficiency DOES NOT add -2 AC. FIX: Two slots in Single-Weapon Style Proficiency SHOULD ADD -2 AC.

    Please disregard
  • medicfourlifemedicfourlife Member Posts: 1
    Not sure if this is in the right place or not.
    Bug: When fighting Simmeon right before entering Baldur's Gate, after killing the first demon on the left, the game stops responding.
  • Thor123Thor123 Member Posts: 1
    The player circles, traps and hidden doors are not shown in the game. The toggle option for coloured markers does not provide any help.

  • DKnightDKnight Member Posts: 307
    Ive been playing as a jester and noticed that their bard song (confusion) doesnt work at all against enemies. It might still be under the regular bard song.
  • ProvostProvost Member Posts: 4
    I just finished the Bandit Camp, read the letters, and the game does not advance to Chapter 4 and reveal Cloakwood. I tried adding the letter with Shadowkeeper, it still does not trigger the next chater. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    You should talk to Ender Sai - an elf that is next to the chest where the letters are. I usually kill the bandits (watch out to not kill Ender Sai accidently), talk to Ender Sai, he leaves, I disarm a trap, open the chest, take everything from there and read letters.

    Talking to Ender Sai is essential - he sheds some light on the bandit groups and their employers, hinting to the fact that their base may be located in the Cloakwood forest. Though, the next chapter starts only after the letters are taken.

    So, if you've done everything and it didn't help, load a save before entering the tent if possible or at least before talking to Ender Sai and opening the chest.

    BTW I've always liked Ender Sai and thought he should have an interesting backstory.

  • heero_gwheero_gw Member Posts: 54
    [OSX] version 2014 App Store. Macbook air version 10.8.3
    I came across some bugs.
    At the beginning of the game, on a mission to pick up a book / scroll Candlekeep In the red wanderer does not activate the mission.

    But the BIGGEST bug is the Journal, scrolling does not work right, diary gets fixed it does not roll.

    Some Glits sound when you release the magic, especially at the end of magic, presents a very strange sound.

    I hope to correct these bugs, the Journal, and Missions.

    Google translator.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,646
    edited March 2013
  • Alastair8330Alastair8330 Member Posts: 3
    So I found a bug tonight least I think it is. After your battle with the mage Tranzig in feldepost in upstair's well part of the time he'll stop mid fight beg for mercy other time he won't thats not what concerns me though. After I update my quest and get near neera she'll try talking but instead of text its just blank with my name and nothing to click it stays there basically making playing the game with her impossible already uninstalled and reinstalled the game didn't help.
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @Alastair8330 Could you upload your save?
  • Alastair8330Alastair8330 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2013
    Sure though can you tell me how? I can take a screenshot or pic of the bug as well if you like. Just was late when I reported that and had been going through it all night long ha ha. Edit-Well it wasn't my level as neera still does it even after making a brand new paladin,game and trying again.
    Post edited by Alastair8330 on
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @Alastair8330 I don't know, I think that you leave save from this bug... I checked scripts but everything was good, we should wait for next person, who report this bug... Enjoy the game!
  • Alastair8330Alastair8330 Member Posts: 3
    I'll try and I found out it was the game itself just Neera I removed her from the party and now up to baldur's gate area with only one other bug (the potion half from marek didn't drop) but it was easily fixed with a reload. I will and have been its a pity though I liked neera ha ha. Its worked wonderfully besides those two incidents.
  • Ben13Ben13 Member Posts: 6
    CURRENT BEHAVIOR: character die when game is loaded while being affected by Energy Drain, no corpse can be found
    EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: when game loaded, character should still be affected by Energy Drain but shouldn't die
  • RazaDelromRazaDelrom Member Posts: 149
    What Level are you?
    Level Drain can kill if the drained levels exceed the current level of said char.
  • apathyguyapathyguy Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2014
    item's placed in Rasaad's pack weigh 10x as much as they should.
  • MaveRadMaveRad Member Posts: 1
    Does it matter if I mention it's for the Mac version?

    CURRENT BEHAVIOR: Travel in any direction prevented, doesn't recognize all living party members are gathered for travel.
    EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Travel in any direction allowed, recognizes all living party members gathered for travel.
  • NokkenbuerNokkenbuer Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2014
    The expected behavior is that Narlen shows up at night so that my thief (in this case, Imoen) can aid him in his heist. The current behavior is that after receiving the quest and traveling to the Splurging Sturgeon Inn, there is no sign of Narlen anywhere near or inside the inn.

    For more information on my problem, check out my separate thread here:

    This is occurring in the Steam version of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (v1.2), using Windows 7.

    EDIT: Narlen has shown up, fashionably late but there nevertheless! I don't know if him being late is a bug (I gave him many nights to show himself), but he has eventually come to the designated meetup location.
    Post edited by Nokkenbuer on
  • NokkenbuerNokkenbuer Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2014
    I have another problem, though I'm not sure if it has already been reported.

    The expected behavior is that after charmed, dire charmed, or confused, any party member attacking another member of the party would cease. The current behavior is that if there was any party-on-party attacking during the time of the spell, it would continue even after the spell is over. As a result, I have to reload and refight the battle, hoping that no team-attacking occurs.

    The only fix to this problem that I've found is to separate controllable party members from the charmed or confused party members by sending them far away or into another area. This usually prevents party-on-party combat, thereby preventing the problem for that one fight.

    This is occurring in the Steam version of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (v1.2), using Windows 7.
  • daveyb_ukdaveyb_uk Member Posts: 3
    Will not work on Galaxy Tab S. Please fix this.
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