Big Picture Ascension does work, but I'd recommend only installing the required BP components and the Ascension components. The other mods have caused me all kinds of problems.
So if I do not install the unnecessary components it will work? or does it still have a lot of problems?
It's hard to say for sure. BP-Ascension uses special scripts for a bunch of creatures and I think some of these cause problems, such as the demons you fight in the final Ascension battles. The annoying bug I kept getting was where after killing all those demons, I wouldn't be able to save the game as I would keep getting the "there are monsters about" message despite the clear lack of any.
I'm using SCS and installed the component so that all the Ascension demons use SCS scripting. I haven't tested it yet though to see if this sorts out the problem.
If you could let me know if you do end up testing it out whether it fixes it that would be awesome
It's hard for me to believe that of all mods, Ascension is the one that still didn't get an EE version I mean, literally every more popular mod bar LVL1NPC mod is EE compatible already...
I had been working on it as a modder - but that *may change after Adventure Y and will actually be allotted time to work on it officially That is about all I can say on that subject atm.
Of course, he's been working on it for over a year now, so take that for what it's worth.
But yeah, Saerileth was compatible before Ascension. I feel like there's a point of embarrassment there.
Don't listen to them! You are evil and downright malicious for not sacrificing your own time to provide us with an update for a mod you've already sacrificed your own time for previously. EVIL, I say!
Actually your probably right. I will most likely be cursing you and David W when this is officially finished. It's a good kind of suffering though... sometimes.
Cuv, you keep saying you're working on it, but you post absolutely 0 status updates or ETA or screenshots, nothing. Makes me really wonder if you're actually working on it or just pretending to be. Could you please at least give us some update on how much is done, what needs to be done, how we could help and what's the planned ETA on release? I refuse to play ToB until Ascension is out.
Well you are free to go ahead and make an EE version yourself or use the BP version. I don't take kindly to ultimatums. I am busy working on 'Y'. My own time, remember? Nothing more will be done by me on Ascension until I am free to work on it, thought I had said that many many times above. You want a screenshot? fine
Well you are free to go ahead and make an EE version yourself or use the BP version. I don't take kindly to ultimatums. I am busy working on 'Y'. My own time, remember? Nothing more will be done by me on Ascension until I am free to work on it, thought I had said that many many times above.
Not for nothing, but you could've done right by the people you strung along and handed it over to someone else, same way Esler did with BG1NPC. You chose not to do that. So what exactly are you going aggro here for? No one's forcing you to do this.
Thanks for shoving something Cuv, but you yourself just admitted you are not working on it anymore at least until Adventure Y is out which for all we know won't come out until end of the year. That means we've got to wait at least 6 more months at minimum. Why not just do what Esler did and publish what you have already done and let someone else finish the job? Are you THAT desperate for being "the guy who ported Ascension"? Are you in it only for the fame? You have to understand that people (well I'm sure I'm not the only one) are upset that we've been strung along for what, 2 years now? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you decided to work on it in the first place but it's been so long that I'm turned to frustration now. If you can't do it now due to lack of time or simply not wanting to do it, just hand it over to someone else. Don't be desperate for e-fame.
Baldur's Gate is a fantastic saga. Ascension is the icing on the cake.
We waited fifteen years for the Enhanced Editions, we can wait a few more years for the best mods to be updated. Remember that Cuv is doing this on his free time for free, we should all be happy and thankful to him.
Thank you for the couple screenshots Cuv, and thank you for all your efforts !
Baldur's Gate is a fantastic saga. Ascension is the icing on the cake.
We waited fifteen years for the Enhanced Editions, we can wait a few more years for the best mods to be updated. Remember that Cuv is doing this on his free time for free, we should all be happy and thankful to him.
Thank you for the couple screenshots Cuv, and thank you for all your efforts !
Well you are free to go ahead and make an EE version yourself or use the BP version. I don't take kindly to ultimatums. I am busy working on 'Y'. My own time, remember? Nothing more will be done by me on Ascension until I am free to work on it, thought I had said that many many times above.
Not for nothing, but you could've done right by the people you strung along and handed it over to someone else, same way Esler did with BG1NPC. You chose not to do that. So what exactly are you going aggro here for? No one's forcing you to do this.
At the end of the day you're still asking somebody to do something for nothing, and getting upset with them for not doing it on your schedule is a little disrespectful of their time. Cuv isn't "going aggro"; he's rightly pointing out that getting mad at him isn't going to make the work come any faster.
(See, other people can make snarky comments too. )
Thanks for shoving something Cuv, but you yourself just admitted you are not working on it anymore at least until Adventure Y is out which for all we know won't come out until end of the year. That means we've got to wait at least 6 more months at minimum. Why not just do what Esler did and publish what you have already done and let someone else finish the job? Are you THAT desperate for being "the guy who ported Ascension"? Are you in it only for the fame? You have to understand that people (well I'm sure I'm not the only one) are upset that we've been strung along for what, 2 years now? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you decided to work on it in the first place but it's been so long that I'm turned to frustration now. If you can't do it now due to lack of time or simply not wanting to do it, just hand it over to someone else. Don't be desperate for e-fame.
Are you volunteering to develop an EE version, @Canzah?
There is no reason to sit on assets if he has no intentions of working on it for many more months to come, other than doing it for fame. There is 0 reason for him to refuse to release what he already has so that someone else could finish it. And no, I'm not volunteering myself because I'm a 3D artist, not a programmer besides I never looked into inner workings of BG modding. But I'm sure someone else would be willing to take a look at it, and even if not, it's better than sitting on it. The fact Dee is only defending him because of nepotism to get into the company (as confirmed by Oster himself that they initially hired only 4 people who then told to hire "this, and that, and that, and also that guy") is also pretty disgusting. And I can even cite a source for that, interview with Oster:
Normally I try to stay out of "debates" like this, but @Canzah, I think you're being unduly harsh, critical, and seem to be assuming the worst about both the situation and the people involved in it.
There's so much behind the scenes that we don't know about. Maybe something in Adventure Y will somehow be linked to Ascension (or a lot of other possibilities). Maybe @Cuv is playing his cards close to his chest for a reason, (other than something petty like wanting "e-fame").
And about @Dee defending Cuv (and she's not the only one), to assume the worst and throw out words like "disgusting" is unnecessary and in bad taste. It's of course fine to have your own feelings and opinions on any matter (and others have that same right), but there are ways to express it diplomatically and courteously.
I think that since @Cuv was one of the people who worked on the ascension mod in the first place he should be able to do what he bloody well likes with it. If he say's he's going to get it done then he'll get it done. The man's got his plate full with adventure Y and he probably has other things going on in his life outside of work (personally I like to think he's building a gazebo in his back yard). If someone needs Ascension right this instant they can install BP and use the fix posted a while back, I have it on good authority that it'll work. If someone can't wait for cuv's version then they can shut their trap because complaining and raging isn't going to speed things up.
At the end of the day you're still asking somebody to do something for nothing, and getting upset with them for not doing it on your schedule is a little disrespectful of their time.
That first reply on this thread? November 2013? That's Cuv. Nobody dropped Ascension in his lap and said he had to be the one to bring it through no matter how long it took.
Now here's the thing: he's absolutely right. Official Beamdog stuff should come first, whether it's Adventure Y or IWD:EE or the 1.3 patch before that. He's an employee of the company, and that's the stuff that pays the bills.
But if you don't have the time to work on something you originally promised would be available at launch - something that, for me at least, tipped the scales as to whether I'd even buy BG2:EE in the first place - you could at least have the decency to hand the project off, rather than ask us to wait another year (at minimum). Nobody blamed Liam Esler for backing down when he didn't follow through on BG1NPC. AstroBryGuy and jastey stepped in and did incredible work beta-testing the mod, working with other posters to kick the tires, and now it's done (seriously, go look at the original BG1NPC thread, see how it went down, it's all right there).
I'm sure Cuv's a great programmer. He gets credit for being one of the last active curators of the original mod. But there's no reason - no reason - for him to be getting angry over a year later, talking about "My own time, remember?" Beamdog is always going to have another project, another patch, something more important that demands his attention. And that's fine, because like he said, that's his job.
There's no shortage of talented modders on this very forum who would step in if Cuv asked them to. So maybe instead of having Ascension take longer to come out than BG2:EE itself, there's a better way to deal with this situation that doesn't involve everybody - him, you, us - getting upset and having it drag on and on. Maybe that's something worth considering.
(See, other people can make snarky comments too. )
Protip: snark requires a minimum of effort. Copy-pasting my own gif? I'm sure you can do better than that.
Isn't that the way things work when you want good people involved with the products you make? Involve the people who have been going at it for years. I assume you believe that it should have been an objective, formal procedure instead of relying on people's knowledge of the modding community. Might be true for a big company but if you're starting small it seems to me the logical way to go. Nothing 'disgusting' about that. I'm not even sure why you come up with such a word for this situation.
Because it still objectively is nepotism, no matter how hard you try to spin it as something else. They planned to hire 4 people, and they did. Then those 4 people persuaded them to hire their friends who the company originally didn't plan to hire because they wanted only 4 according to that interview which is a very shameful face of nepotism.
And Ascension was promised before release, it's why I bought the damn game. Had I known they'd be stringing us along I'd never have bought this in the first place, especially if I knew what a bug broken garbage it would be on release. After patch 1.3 the game STILL has bugs.
And if you don't believe me because you didn't initially get to experience it, then see the reviews on Steam or GOG from around the release. The EE games have a stigma following them that they're a broken buggy mess, because that's precisely what they were on release, products vastly inferior to the original versions with limitations that weren't originally there and bugs that weren't originally there. It took them years to fix BG1 and over a year to fix BG2 and even now they still aren't perfect.
I can't help but be disappointed that I have to wait so long and using the generic "I've got real life problems" excuse doesn't help it. If you have matters with real life that's fully understandable and fine, but don't sit on the assets you've already made, instead pass them onto new generation of talented people that has the time that you lack.
Icewind Dale EE promised to have the extra content and it did, on release. It was also a lot more polished than the BG EE releases. The fact we still don't have Ascension for ToB over a year later is a very sad state of affairs and no matter how you look at it, it's because nobody wants to start over from scratch when Cuv already announced that "he's working on it". People don't want to double the work, or worse yet, start working on something only for someone else to do it faster. That's why Cuv should do the most sensible thing of releasing what he already has and passing it into other modders to finish the job.
By the way, shouldn't you use to term cronyism? Nepotism is appointing relatives whereas cronyism means appointing friends to positions regardless of qualifications. Or maybe use the broad term favoritism.
I'm using SCS and installed the component so that all the Ascension demons use SCS scripting. I haven't tested it yet though to see if this sorts out the problem.
If you could let me know if you do end up testing it out whether it fixes it that would be awesome
Spell revisions
then SCS
then ascension
then G3 tweak pack
G3 tweak pack
Spell revisions
I mean, literally every more popular mod bar LVL1NPC mod is EE compatible already...
Is any modder even working on this?
But yeah, Saerileth was compatible before Ascension. I feel like there's a point of embarrassment there.
And now to apologize for losing my temper
If you can't do it now due to lack of time or simply not wanting to do it, just hand it over to someone else. Don't be desperate for e-fame.
We waited fifteen years for the Enhanced Editions, we can wait a few more years for the best mods to be updated. Remember that Cuv is doing this on his free time for free, we should all be happy and thankful to him.
Thank you for the couple screenshots Cuv, and thank you for all your efforts !
Please don't let a few criticisms deter you @Cuv.
(See, other people can make snarky comments too.
Oh and "are you in it only for the fame?" Wha?
And no, I'm not volunteering myself because I'm a 3D artist, not a programmer besides I never looked into inner workings of BG modding. But I'm sure someone else would be willing to take a look at it, and even if not, it's better than sitting on it.
The fact Dee is only defending him because of nepotism to get into the company (as confirmed by Oster himself that they initially hired only 4 people who then told to hire "this, and that, and that, and also that guy") is also pretty disgusting.
And I can even cite a source for that, interview with Oster:
There's so much behind the scenes that we don't know about. Maybe something in Adventure Y will somehow be linked to Ascension (or a lot of other possibilities). Maybe @Cuv is playing his cards close to his chest for a reason, (other than something petty like wanting "e-fame").
And about @Dee defending Cuv (and she's not the only one), to assume the worst and throw out words like "disgusting" is unnecessary and in bad taste. It's of course fine to have your own feelings and opinions on any matter (and others have that same right), but there are ways to express it diplomatically and courteously.
That first reply on this thread? November 2013? That's Cuv. Nobody dropped Ascension in his lap and said he had to be the one to bring it through no matter how long it took.
Now here's the thing: he's absolutely right. Official Beamdog stuff should come first, whether it's Adventure Y or IWD:EE or the 1.3 patch before that. He's an employee of the company, and that's the stuff that pays the bills.
But if you don't have the time to work on something you originally promised would be available at launch - something that, for me at least, tipped the scales as to whether I'd even buy BG2:EE in the first place - you could at least have the decency to hand the project off, rather than ask us to wait another year (at minimum). Nobody blamed Liam Esler for backing down when he didn't follow through on BG1NPC. AstroBryGuy and jastey stepped in and did incredible work beta-testing the mod, working with other posters to kick the tires, and now it's done (seriously, go look at the original BG1NPC thread, see how it went down, it's all right there).
I'm sure Cuv's a great programmer. He gets credit for being one of the last active curators of the original mod. But there's no reason - no reason - for him to be getting angry over a year later, talking about "My own time, remember?" Beamdog is always going to have another project, another patch, something more important that demands his attention. And that's fine, because like he said, that's his job.
There's no shortage of talented modders on this very forum who would step in if Cuv asked them to. So maybe instead of having Ascension take longer to come out than BG2:EE itself, there's a better way to deal with this situation that doesn't involve everybody - him, you, us - getting upset and having it drag on and on. Maybe that's something worth considering. Protip: snark requires a minimum of effort. Copy-pasting my own gif? I'm sure you can do better than that.
They planned to hire 4 people, and they did.
Then those 4 people persuaded them to hire their friends who the company originally didn't plan to hire because they wanted only 4 according to that interview which is a very shameful face of nepotism.
And Ascension was promised before release, it's why I bought the damn game. Had I known they'd be stringing us along I'd never have bought this in the first place, especially if I knew what a bug broken garbage it would be on release.
After patch 1.3 the game STILL has bugs.
And if you don't believe me because you didn't initially get to experience it, then see the reviews on Steam or GOG from around the release. The EE games have a stigma following them that they're a broken buggy mess, because that's precisely what they were on release, products vastly inferior to the original versions with limitations that weren't originally there and bugs that weren't originally there. It took them years to fix BG1 and over a year to fix BG2 and even now they still aren't perfect.
I can't help but be disappointed that I have to wait so long and using the generic "I've got real life problems" excuse doesn't help it. If you have matters with real life that's fully understandable and fine, but don't sit on the assets you've already made, instead pass them onto new generation of talented people that has the time that you lack.
Icewind Dale EE promised to have the extra content and it did, on release. It was also a lot more polished than the BG EE releases. The fact we still don't have Ascension for ToB over a year later is a very sad state of affairs and no matter how you look at it, it's because nobody wants to start over from scratch when Cuv already announced that "he's working on it". People don't want to double the work, or worse yet, start working on something only for someone else to do it faster. That's why Cuv should do the most sensible thing of releasing what he already has and passing it into other modders to finish the job.