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State of Ascension



  • JnnJnn Member Posts: 34
    Without meaning to sound rude but, if there's alread a working Ascension out there, what could possibly be causing so much trouble to Cuv, or whoever is working on the version mentioned in this thread.
    Musigny said:

    Meanwhile, I enjoy 90% of the saga.

    Be my guest. As long as this situation persists devs will be enjoying 0% of my money. I made the mistake of buying bgee1 too early, luckily i didn't repeat it with bg2ee.

    There are people, including me, who hold our wallets till the enhanced edition really becomes ''enhanced''.
    That was not meant as a threat but as a reminded. But take it as you wish. Doesnt matter to me.

    I used to visit here daily. Now i visit here weekly. Soon it will monthly, and then not at all.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Jnn said:

    Be my guest. As long as this situation persists devs will be enjoying 0% of my money.


    I used to visit here daily. Now i visit here weekly. Soon it will monthly, and then not at all.

    I feel ya, and I am doing exactly the same. Until Ascension comes out I see no reason to buy BG2:EE, and if it doesn't happen anytime soon I may not even want to anymore.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    For anyone waiting for Ascension to become compatible, just install BP Ascension. You are not required to install anything else from that mod but the Core components that are a modified version of Detectable Spells.

    Actually horredtheplague explained this a few posts back.
  • JnnJnn Member Posts: 34
    Musigny said:


    This is sad. If the initial BGEE experience got you deluded enough into thinking BG2EE is a failure, you may want to reassess your position. Really, there is nothing wrong with BG2EE. Refusing to play because an unofficial tactical component (covering the late 20% of the BG2 game) is missing is beyond my understanding.

    1st of all i never said it was a failure. What is it with posters and exaggeration in this forum.

    If im not mistakes this whole thread is about that specific unofficial tactical component. So that might be why posts and replies here reflect that.

    Likewise its beyond my understanding how some people play it in its vanilla form.

    Some people can never be pleased.

    What exactly have they done to please me. They took an fully working product and slammed enchanced on its title. What except bugs did they enhance. Couple npc's and black pits. There are dozens mods that do the same for free.

    Bugs are now fixed so kudos for that. But even that took whole summer because that atari or whatever mess they had, from which they kept us in complete darkness, and still do.

    Maybe some people can be pleased too easily. Some of us still have our customer pride. Dont get me wrong, or do, same for me, but after bg2ee reaches the state that it exceeds the still working copy of bg1&2 i have as discs in my drawer, i happily and without hesitation buy it.
    mlnevese said:

    For anyone waiting for Ascension to become compatible, just install BP Ascension. You are not required to install anything else from that mod but the Core components that are a modified version of Detectable Spells.

    Thank you. Its nice to see a reply of advice instead of scorn or disdain. But once again if its already compatible, then why are waiting it to be compatible? Damned oxymoron if i've ever seen one. If it works it works right? So Cuv can abandon his project.

    I'l sink some time into this one and check out some forums and such. If it really works then im one happy puppy and im off to play!

  • JnnJnn Member Posts: 34
    Musigny said:

    Oh I see. Too emotional, too aggressive. Bye and have fun.

    Relax a little lad. And by the way! I’m not a complete idiot! ......some parts are missing.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    As I to am waiting for Ascenction mod I must ask Cuv as you are obviously main person behind the project how is it looking atm?
    Yes I know there is a working BP version and that Cuv has other projects but I am just wondering as he is making it for full EE expereince (with new NPC-s and stuff) how far the road is he/you are?
    It's not rushing or anything, it is just to let us know how you're standing with it, and if possible to give us some time frame, not specific one, but aproximate estimate of when can we expect Ascencion mod to be finished.
  • MondoMondo Member Posts: 3
    Damn. I was just going to play BG2EE, looks like I'll wait longer.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Well, that's it for me I guess. I don't think I'll be picking up BG2:EE anytime soon, too much stuff coming up etc. Maybe in a year or two, when I find more time.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited March 2014
    @Mondo @Lord_Tansheron‌ Just download BP mod as detailed a few posts above and have fun with BG2EE...
  • ermaneth2193ermaneth2193 Member Posts: 4
    yeah, read in a couple places that the BP version apparently works perfectly fine with EE - there was a separate topic about it recently here too
  • Lightning_LordLightning_Lord Member Posts: 1
    Yeah, I have a question about Ascension - it only applies to Throne of Bhaal, correct? So if I want to use the same character, is it possible to do a playthrough of Shadows of Amn without it only to install it after that content is done, or is it required to be present from the beginning of SoA?
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I've done that before, @Lightning_Lord. Everything will be fine as long as you're not in ToB when you install it.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Flashburn said:

    I've done that before, @Lightning_Lord. Everything will be fine as long as you're not in ToB when you install it.

    Even then it won't cause much problems.
  • jacobtanjacobtan Member Posts: 655
    Probably shouldn't since it just affects the TOB components. I prefer playing Ascension+SCS/Tactics so since Ascension isn't ready I just install SCS, play, and when Ascension is ready, extract out the saves, do a fresh install, and continue where I left off
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    Guys..I give up. I don't think Ascension for BG:EE2 will ever be released "because the BP version is available" I don't think it was ever planned to be released in the first place

    Thanks for the awesome posters guys have the patience and the politeness that makes this board great. I'm going to just remember Baldurs Gate as one of the best ever and that will be that.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Well, giving up from playing BG because of one mod, especially that it IS compatible with BG2EE via BP-Ascension is way to melodramatic.
    Most of us would like to play fully developed stand-alone version, but playing vanilla Ascension is basically playing BP-Ascension (or am I missing something?), so didn't see any problem atm...the Cuv's version will be just enhanced one as @mlnevese pointed out post above.

    So, really what's the fuzz?
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @mlnevese: Horred says it plainly enough in the BP changelog: "Installs clean on BG2EE. I offer NO guarantees AT ALL, beyond this. Self-support only, be warned." Not exactly a ringing endorsement, especially since there were confirmed game-breaking bugs in the most recent version (something about Sendai and Abazigal not dying because of script errors, I don't recall the specifics).

    @ghostowl: I get how you feel, but I wouldn't go so far as suggesting the devs deliberately misled anyone. It's just not a priority, what with the 1.3 patch, BG:EE's Android launch and "Adventure Y", not to mention the rather significant number of bugs in BG2:EE. I'd say leave it for now and come back in a year or so, maybe things will be different then...
  • lethaltoconcretelethaltoconcrete Member Posts: 27
    A few questions.

    With BP Ascension, if it hasn't been optimized to work with the new characters' content, what will that mean if I'm playing through ToB with Rasaad? Will the Ascension content keep me from encountering/completing Rasaad's quests or whatever? If that's not gonna be an issue, I may just play through with the BP mod. If not, though...

    Also, for @Cuv: how far along are things now? Do you foresee a release of the updated mod soon? No pressure for this to be so, or for any estimate of how long it'll take to be exact. I'm just wondering. I definitely appreciate all you're doing to get this up to date either way! It's truly awesome of you!
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @lethaltoconcrete‌ , I don't believe it would cause any problems. Its more that the new characters wont have any real interactions with Ascension content.
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