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State of Ascension



  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    @Cuv Any insight into what's currently causing issues with the conversion? I'm sure a lot of people would be willing to test and/or take a look.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @Dee already gave answer to this Here
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    @kamuizin Thanks, though I was looking for a little more technical insight, i.e. if there are any snags in the conversion process. I'm guessing that if it were just a matter of renaming files and references, it wouldn't have to be done by only one person.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Cuv is DS (detecteable spells) working in BG:EE and in BG2:EE (you've said it worked n BG2:EE, but you haven't mentioned BG:EE, so I wanted to know).
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    @CrevsDaak Yes, DS is in BGII:EE already. It was included to support the Black Pits 2 and Neera. The problem is that Ascension is the very first DS... so it needs to be patched. that isn't a problem though.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2014
    @Cuv do it is in BG:EE, since I am enhancing some enemies to make solo runs a real threat instead of the park walk they are in BG1. Mainly, using better AI, undeable items and that stuff for enemies who are under powered (aka, they are easily killed in melee by a 30 THAC0 Wizard with 1 STR :S maybe something like that), so, as I said, BG:EE gets more difficult enemies and that funny stuff I won't be able to beat.
    EDIT: I didn't read very well, well, I'll try to see how it is patched in the vanilla BG2 w/Ascension and see if I can replicate it, if I can't I'll make a Feature Request.
  • mister_ennuimister_ennui Member Posts: 98
    Apologies for this being somewhat off topic, but does anyone know whether using the BG2 Fixpack with vanilla BG2 and Ascension still breaks the upgraded slayer forms or was this dealt with in the most recent version of the Fixpack? (Maybe @CamDawg will know the answer, as he was project lead on the Fixpack?).

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I would be happy if the BG2:EE allowed me to use the slayer form more than once, as the transformation is bugged at this time.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Cuv I haven't check in here for a very long time, but I most know if you have some kind of estimate as to when this will actually be ready. I am pretty much wrapping up all the chapter 2 content right now, which is pretty much saying I am going to kill Hexxat and move on, and would hope I could use Ascension when I get to TOB this playthrough. Considering I expect a lot of reloading and I have been playing so many games alongside BG lately (steam sales) I would hope to have the time to beat ascension before my multiplayer game gets to BG2 where my mods will cause problems. Even then I have time before that happens so no real rush because of that but I would love to see it ready soon :)
  • CimekCimek Member Posts: 1
    A status update would be really appreciated since I'm slowly moving towards the end of bg1:ee with my multiplayer team.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    considering I am done spellhold I hope it is soon :) especially when I have a multiplayer game going that I don't want to hit BG2 while I still have my mods. If that happens then I will likely use beta and release versions both to have a modded and a non-modded.
  • RenfieldRenfield Member Posts: 1
    Apologies for dragging this up again, given @Cuv's understandable exasperation with all the pestering; but I just registered to say that a BG2:EE compatible Ascension would make many of us hugely grateful, as a rather core feature of the game.

    And no matter the whining or impatience vented, most of us immensely appreciate that this is happening.

    So any progress updates would indeed be very welcome. I'm certainly waiting for Ascension to start BG2:EE ToB at all!
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited January 2014
    As @Cuv and @horredtheplague pointed out in another thread, BP-Ascension, part of the Big Picture mod, does work with the EE and is an alternative while Ascension is being updated.

    The mod can be downloaded at
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    I'd like to know the differences too. :)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The Big Picture mod is basically a large collection of popular mods that resolves a lot of inter mod compatibility and AI issues. Listing everything included would take up waaaaaaaay to much time and space as it is so large. The readme file lists everything.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    edited January 2014
    As @thedamages says, TBP has a lot of components, including a version of Ascension that has been reported as mostly working for BG2EE as per this thread.

    TBP is modular and you certainly don't have to install all components. However, I don't know which ones (if any) you end up being forced to install in order to get Ascension up and running.

    Having said that, it might well be possible to edit the current, regular Ascension tp2 file in order to make it install as well, but I haven't tried it yet.
  • SageSage Member Posts: 28
    I've been following this thread from the start, but never did post methinks. I'd just like to say I'm one of the people waiting for Ascension to start my first (EE) (coop) playthrough of the Saga. We really appreciate the work being done to assure compatibility. We'd like to start asap, but ofc, take all the time you need to get it right <3
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    edited January 2014
    Cuv said:

    @CrevsDaak Yes, DS is in BGII:EE already. It was included to support the Black Pits 2 and Neera. The problem is that Ascension is the very first DS... so it needs to be patched. that isn't a problem though.

    What is the problem with the patch?? Can u update us on how it's going?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2014
    @ghostowl he was talking about Detectable Spells, a component added with Ascension, but it was included in BG2:EE originally because they've used in in Neera's storyline and the Black Pits 2.
    He was saying that to make Detectable Spells work with BG:EE you'll need to patch it yourself with WeiDU or using an editor if you know what you are doing.
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    Shin said:

    As @thedamages says, TBP has a lot of components, including a version of Ascension that has been reported as mostly working for BG2EE as per this thread.

    TBP is modular and you certainly don't have to install all components. However, I don't know which ones (if any) you end up being forced to install in order to get Ascension up and running.

    Having said that, it might well be possible to edit the current, regular Ascension tp2 file in order to make it install as well, but I haven't tried it yet.

    To get BP-Ascension to work, you just need the BP Core (which is little more than Detectable Spells v3.1) and the Ascension component. To add the Improved components, you need BP Core and Asecension installed. Nothing more is required, though you may find a few of the other options enjoyable?

    I've got a cleaner version on my own computer, the results of reported bug-fixes and testing. I meant to release it already but got caught up with work for a few. I won't have time to finish my tests for a while, but what I have is stable and may as well be released. I'll post about it later in one of the threads related to the mod.
  • halobobhalobob Member Posts: 5
    @horredtheplague, as a long time BP user from the beginning, much appreciate your immense (hopefully continued) contributions to making this game so much more fun to (re-)play. Lot's of heavy code-lifting on your end made/makes for lot's of great playtime on ours. Know you have plenty of other things to do, but appreciate making BP-Ascension avbl. Grateful.

    Likewise grateful for Cuv, etc for your time and energy (and only when you can spare it). Cheers!
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Is there anything we of the unwashed masses could do to help Ascension along? Any tests, or grunt coding, or anything? Just asking- I know I would be glad to help if I could.
  • kiryamokiryamo Member Posts: 12
    It will never be finished.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    What an optimistic statement !
    What about playing a wonderfully renewed Ascension running on a modern BG2(EE) engine ?
    I am eagerly waiting for it too. However it is better to get it as bugfree as possible, the player crowd has so (too) high expectations. Let's give those guys the time they need.
    Let's roleplay it a bit : we, faithful believers, strenghten their dev's godpower.

    Meanwhile, I enjoy 90% of the saga.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    If you really can't wait, the Big Picture Ascension is currently compatible with EE
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    What is the difference content-wise between BP-Ascension and original Ascension? I'm more interested to enjoy enhanced story than fighting impossible final battle.
  • vangoatvangoat Member Posts: 212
    kiryamo said:

    It will never be finished.

    yeah, i'd have to agree with this. or if it is finally made compatible it will be user done rather than anything to do with beamdog.

    so i'm nearing the end of SoA, can i install big picture ascension over the top of SCS (the only mod I have installed atm)?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The Ascension component should be the same.
This discussion has been closed.