What weapon type would you prefer BG2EE had a new badass magical weapon.

Only have 10 options so i had to put a few together! I hope i arranged them in an apropriate way.
- What weapon type would you prefer BG2EE had a new badass magical weapon.213 votes
- Axes  7.04%
- Halberd, Spear , Two Handed Sword11.74%
- Flail , Mace , Warhammer, Morning star  5.16%
- Staff, Club  9.39%
- Bastard Sword10.80%
- Long Sword  4.69%
- Katana , Scimitar, Wakizashi , Ninjato15.96%
- Short sword - Dagger13.15%
- Sling, Dart, throwing axe, throwing hammer , throwing dagger  4.23%
- Bows and crossbows17.84%
I would create the Skull Crusher. A +3 magical flail that has a X5 crit multiplier, on 25% of it's hits. No save.
There's been several discussions about the shortage of good long bows for the later stages of the game (on several sites and at different time):
1, 2, 3, 4
I believe we'll have a solid long bow in BG2:EE.
And it would be great to have a bow or a xbow that shoots it's own arrows (bolts) and they count at least like +4 (so that a character with this weapon will be able to hit some enemies who require a high level weapon).
Katanas do probably need a bit of love. Celestial Fury is badass but gets outclassed in TOB and the only other option is the very boring Hindo's Doom.
It would be good to have an intermediate enchantment (+3) Scimitar usable by Druids before the Underdark too. As it is the only +3 or above Scimitars are deep in Watchers Keep or Ust'Natha.
In retrospect, I suppose a good Katana is actually not a bad idea, and I'm glad they are (reputedly) putting one in. Celestial Fury is amazing for SoA, but as mentioned before its low enchantment level and fairly low damage lead to it being outclassed fairly quickly.
Daggers are sort of fundamentally flawed, given that there is no reason to use them with their low base damage over swords with higher damage. In BG1 there's the poison dagger which makes up for low base damage by having an amazing proc, but even the best best BEST dagger in SoA/ToB is completely blown out of the water by other weapons.
Because so far, there is little incentive for them to use anything smaller than scimitars (due to the dmg potential). Also, some crazy powergamers tend to use 2m long staves to backstab (instead of small and conceivable daggers)
I AM EVIL! E-V-I-L ! ! ! Mwhahahaha!
*Greenpeace ship magically dimension doors above Anduin's mummified head*
Looks like our work here is done, back to saving planet earth!
*Greenpeace ship magically dimension doors away*