>comes up with dragonborn meme and gets made fun of.
>watches people come up with their own meme and gets liked.
Don't take it badly, man. Your memes were great. Hell, I pressed the "like" button on many of them myself. That said, they're mostly about the same thing; the shared subject matter is obvious.
I suggest you create a meme or two about something in the game that doesn't involve dragons - no disrespect meant, obviously, but I guess we like us some variety here in the meme thread. It's as simple as picking out a meme you like, finding a generator that supports it and inputting a witty joke that fits the meme. Here, I'll give you an example.
It doesn't have to be terribly original or funny - as long as it's humorous and rings true with something involved in the game or is a witty remark about something that just happened, there's a good chance at least someone will enjoy it. Not every meme I've ever posted has been a big hit, and a meme or two making fun at my expense has appeared once or twice, but it's no big deal; the main purpose of this exercise is to have fun. The other purpose is to fish for likes, agrees & insightfuls.
And if you want, you can go back to making completely original memes which don't follow an existing one. And you don't have to reinvent the wheel - existing memes in homebrews can make the joke more recognisable. This meme I made about Gromnir, Yaga-Shura and Saradush is as good an example as any.
And even then, these aren't rules that you have to follow on pain of losing your head. If you still want to make a meme about dragons/dragonborn/something dragon-related, you totally can, and it's the same for creating memes which don't use or mention existing ones. What I'm saying is that, conversely, you can't make people care about your memes just because you post them (and likewise for pre-existing memes you find elsewhere and share here) or just because there are dragons involved.
As a comment-closer, everyone feel free to gawk at this picture I found and subsequently turned into a meme. Gods know it's the closest thing conventional D&D gets to half-orc eye-candy.
"A Mary Sue or, in case of a male, Gary Stu or Marty Stu is an idealized fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through extraordinary abilities. Often but not necessarily this character is recognized as an author insert and/or wish-fulfillment."
@HalfOrcBeastmaster Maybe it's because I have encountered so many "I wanna play a dark and brooding badass that can kick everyone's butt, but at the same time I'm gentle and sensitive and just misunderstood because I'm slightly autistic, blah blah blah" type players through my years of tabletop gaming, etc, that I can immediately call him out as a Mary Sue. I guess we are lucky they didn't manage to make him a "Dragonborn" or a "Tiefling"... but anyway, not wanting to incite an argument or step on anyone's toes. I don't agree with the new NPC choices and choose to ignore them when I play. /end
@Abi_Dalzim@Yelocessej Hey, don't worry; it's no skin off my nose. I just asked because I was curious what was meant by "Mary Sue" since he never struck me as one.
Though might I point out, without meaning to derail the thread, that for one thing, there were recruitable companions who broke the rules all the way back in the original first game (Kagain with his 20 Constitution, Coran with his 20 Dexterity and Mastery in Longbows) and others with illegal race-class combinations (Aerie is a cleric/mage, as is Sendai actually, and Mazzy is a Fighter with some Paladin abilities, giving her the best parts of paladinhood without the proficiency penalties) since the original second one. Dorn's not doing anything new in that regard.
I suggest you create a meme or two about something in the game that doesn't involve dragons - no disrespect meant, obviously, but I guess we like us some variety here in the meme thread. It's as simple as picking out a meme you like, finding a generator that supports it and inputting a witty joke that fits the meme. Here, I'll give you an example.
It doesn't have to be terribly original or funny - as long as it's humorous and rings true with something involved in the game or is a witty remark about something that just happened, there's a good chance at least someone will enjoy it. Not every meme I've ever posted has been a big hit, and a meme or two making fun at my expense has appeared once or twice, but it's no big deal; the main purpose of this exercise is to have fun. The other purpose is to fish for likes, agrees & insightfuls.
And if you want, you can go back to making completely original memes which don't follow an existing one. And you don't have to reinvent the wheel - existing memes in homebrews can make the joke more recognisable. This meme I made about Gromnir, Yaga-Shura and Saradush is as good an example as any.
And even then, these aren't rules that you have to follow on pain of losing your head. If you still want to make a meme about dragons/dragonborn/something dragon-related, you totally can, and it's the same for creating memes which don't use or mention existing ones. What I'm saying is that, conversely, you can't make people care about your memes just because you post them (and likewise for pre-existing memes you find elsewhere and share here) or just because there are dragons involved.
As a comment-closer, everyone feel free to gawk at this picture I found and subsequently turned into a meme. Gods know it's the closest thing conventional D&D gets to half-orc eye-candy.
True story.
Wait a minute! You planned for Imoen to get turned to stone?! You MONSTER!
(Image by @jakaminski from here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/16864/new-stylized-portrait-pack/p1)
Trying to keep the text manageable is always a challenge for this meme.
"A Mary Sue or, in case of a male, Gary Stu or Marty Stu is an idealized fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through extraordinary abilities. Often but not necessarily this character is recognized as an author insert and/or wish-fulfillment."
Though might I point out, without meaning to derail the thread, that for one thing, there were recruitable companions who broke the rules all the way back in the original first game (Kagain with his 20 Constitution, Coran with his 20 Dexterity and Mastery in Longbows) and others with illegal race-class combinations (Aerie is a cleric/mage, as is Sendai actually, and Mazzy is a Fighter with some Paladin abilities, giving her the best parts of paladinhood without the proficiency penalties) since the original second one. Dorn's not doing anything new in that regard. Awesomesause.