@HalfOrcBeastmaster Maybe it's because I have encountered so many "I wanna play a dark and brooding badass that can kick everyone's butt, but at the same time I'm gentle and sensitive and just misunderstood because I'm slightly autistic, blah blah blah" type players through my years of tabletop gaming, etc, that I can immediately call him out as a Mary Sue. I guess we are lucky they didn't manage to make him a "Dragonborn" or a "Tiefling"... but anyway, not wanting to incite an argument or step on anyone's toes. I don't agree with the new NPC choices and choose to ignore them when I play. /end
@Yelocessej What do you have against dragonborn, you want to fight bro? Come at me bro!
@Buttercheese furries? really? Just really? Ignoring the fact that the stupid fandom itself cant come up with a actual singular definition for the word, dragons arent considered furries, half of the group dont even consider anthro dragons furries, hence why there is another group name for reptiles in general.
If it's correctly implemented, I believe the heavier armors in the BG-series limit your DEX-bonus? That's one way to work that out. The Dragon Age series also makes a difference between "defence" and "armor". Coincidentally those are also games that don't suffer from Chainmail Bikini Syndrome. But let's get back to the memes.
If it's correctly implemented, I believe the heavier armors in the BG-series limit your DEX-bonus? That's one way to work that out. The Dragon Age series also makes a difference between "defence" and "armor". Coincidentally those are also games that don't suffer from Chainmail Bikini Syndrome. But let's get back to the memes.
The original Star Wars RPG (West End, not Wizards) ruleset was like that. I remember a friend with a particularly munchkin-esque Wookie character that could take blaster hits like a boss....
@brus That's a screenshot from Street Sharks, a super cheesy TMNT rip off. And yes, it was cheesier than even TMNT. The Dragonborn just remind me of them because they are so overly buff. Also furries.
"I look sexy, you can't hurt me."
"Sorry, but it's my job. And you did just set three of my friends on fire, so..."
I posted pictures of a Drow/Dragon half breed and the picture of the random Drow wows you?
I just googled artwork for Viconia and found the image right on these forums.
This is a game sir, and she is a female character. So by logic, the less she wears then the better her AC is.
Game or no game,
What do you have against dragonborn, you want to fight bro? Come at me bro!
furries? really? Just really? Ignoring the fact that the stupid fandom itself cant come up with a actual singular definition for the word, dragons arent considered furries, half of the group dont even consider anthro dragons furries, hence why there is another group name for reptiles in general.
If it's correctly implemented, I believe the heavier armors in the BG-series limit your DEX-bonus? That's one way to work that out. The Dragon Age series also makes a difference between "defence" and "armor". Coincidentally those are also games that don't suffer from Chainmail Bikini Syndrome. But let's get back to the memes.
I actually liked street sharks thank you very much!