Don't forget that people following this thread, as just any other thread on the forum, may not be acquainted with events in other games/books/TV shows etc. yet. The thread title here warns about spoilers in BG only, so I've edited your post, Boo.
Ooh... Summer of 2032...those were the times. Baldur's Gate III was released in June. Lost my virginity in July. Then the Ravagers attacked in August, killing most of the humanity...
Umm, didn't we already have this meme in the thread someway back?
Sorry, I was on break for a while and must have missed it. Or maybe I saw it and forgot.
This is another newer meme going around, but I see it so much that I kinda sorta hate it and find it annoyingly repetitive.... reminds me of a certain disembodied voice
@Jenzafar , I *really* agonize about that when it happens, both in Bioware-style RPGs and Diablo-style action RPGs. Probably especially in the Diablo-style games. What a delightful meme!
@HalfOrcBeastmaster As long as you're not spamming the thread with the same meme, for instance posting it in every page, it's all right. In a 100+ pages thread some repetition is inevitable.
Anyway if this happens moderation will just solve the issue.
And I leveling high with my baby I just left Nashkel, to the Cloakwood Mines with my baby, yeah In shadows I can hide with my baby I be in the sewers backstab the Unseein’ Eye with my baby, yeah And I can ride with my baby
The first part of Athkatla, when you recruit Dorn, crash a wedding and the guard asks you, with whom are you - bride or groom and you reply with "Actually, I'm with this bloodthirsty Blackguard" left me in stitches.
First post. Have been lurking around on this forums for a long time, but after finally finishing reading this 112 page monster of a meme thread, I figured it is my civic duty to make a contribution:
MEME on!
This is another newer meme going around, but I see it so much that I kinda sorta hate it and find it annoyingly repetitive.... reminds me of a certain disembodied voice
Anyway if this happens moderation will just solve the issue.
One year later in Abazigal's lair.
"Overly manly girl" template:
And I leveling high with my baby
I just left Nashkel, to the Cloakwood Mines with my baby, yeah
In shadows I can hide with my baby
I be in the sewers backstab the Unseein’ Eye with my baby, yeah
And I can ride with my baby
I prefer the Ed Sheeran version myself
The first part of Athkatla, when you recruit Dorn, crash a wedding and the guard asks you, with whom are you - bride or groom and you reply with "Actually, I'm with this bloodthirsty Blackguard" left me in stitches.