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Baldurs Gate Meme Thread II: Enhanced Edition (Careful, everyone, SPOILERS!)



  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857

    Forget about funny. I just don't see how it is in any way relevant to the thread.

    Doesn't one of the portly people say something about being big boned?? When clicked?
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Ah, yes. That does occur. So its just in poor taste, not entirely off topic.

  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @dreamrider‌ it is in reference to a quote many of the large human peasants say when you talk to them.
    kaguana said:

    Sorry @Anduin‌ but I don't think it funny at all.

    It's not funny.

    It's amazing and scary. Pretty much reminds you to look after the only body you have. No quick reload for real life! (Although maybe a dedicated, and committed save, can reverse things...)
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    People that actually have higher than BMI recommended look rather different than normal range, and even then, its still not healthy to go too much past, even if lean. The recommended weight from BMI is a pretty big window though, so unless you've either been very obese and still active, few people are even limited to the higher end. 6'3 is recommended from 150-200lbs, assuming you arent a regular weight lifter, probably 170-220lb if you're dense and still fit. I look pretty bulky, but even I am probably best ~200lb. Note, I can get lighter than that, but it requires very significant activity and very strict dieting. 200ish I can manage normal living, but thats still pretty skinny. I do look a bit unusual though, regardless of weight, so there you go!
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    edited October 2014
    BG3: Boo's Revenge. Watch your ferrets, he might eat them.
    Post edited by Nimran on
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