Haven't ye got nothin' better to do? Go on, everybody, shuffle about the Prime Material! Off of the crystal balls, away from the scrying mirrors, and go curb some bandit activity! Pester dragons! I hear Orcus is looking to start some trouble, maybe go box his cronies about the ears!
@Abi_Dalzim I found that meme most untruthful. Most of these memes give an insight into the mind of the poster and the intrigues in the game. The meme is regarded as modern high art and literature, combined in code, algorithms and culture...
Anyway check out my dualing kickboxing ninja monks!
You appear to have offended someone with big bones...
What? No, of course I'm not saying Ms. Kaguana is anything but svelte and considerately compassionate.
I was refering to Mons. Tillet here... If you stsrt running, you MIGHT get away, he doesn't look fleet of foot. I wouldn't bet on him ever failing a constitution check, and he clearly has shorty save boni!
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Did she freeze the squirrel in carbonite and then sharpen its bushy tail to a deadly spike?
Grab the squirrels head use its teeth and prize out each eyeball?
Or did she pay the squirrel to stab the husband?
Anyway check out my dualing kickboxing ninja monks!
It can keep that ring...
A cleric in the wild magic area:
An alternative interpretation (although equally silly) is that the husband eloped with a squirrel, thus making the wife stab him in a jealour rage.
So I went and looked it up... AND FOUND THIS!
What? No, of course I'm not saying Ms. Kaguana is anything but svelte and considerately compassionate.
I was refering to Mons. Tillet here...
If you stsrt running, you MIGHT get away, he doesn't look fleet of foot. I wouldn't bet on him ever failing a constitution check, and he clearly has shorty save boni!