2 great reasons are 1) the jokes are almost never funny or tasteful 2) making unfunny racist jokes is a douche move.
I might fell differently if the joke is actually GOOD, but most are pure racist ****. There might be an issue for some that some Muslims don't like the jokes either and react predictably poorly.
2 great reasons are 1) the jokes are almost never funny or tasteful 2) making unfunny racist jokes is a douche move.
I might fell differently if the joke is actually GOOD, but most are pure racist ****. There might be an issue for some that some Muslims don't like the jokes either and react predictably poorly.
1. Religion is not a race. I personally know Muslims of at least four different races. 2. Shooting cartoonists (which I assume the Sean Bean meme was about) isn't really "reacting predictably poorly" 3. Nothing about Bengoshi's meme was even remotely prejudicial or demeaning to Islam. Its a harmless pun, for Christ's sake (oh no... I have now angered Christians!)
Bengoshi's meme was fine but I know from experience that you have to be careful about these things. Stuff can get out of hand quickly whether the joke was offensive or not. It also depends on the person receiving the joke, some people have a good sense of humour and some are just looking for something to be offended about.
Bengoshi's meme was fine but I know from experience that you have to be careful about these things.
That is what I meant too. You don't simply make a joke about the Qoran, because muslims often don't like them and get offended. Thus, you didn't actually make a joke, but instead offended people. So it's not a simple task to make a joke about the Qoran.
Bengoshi's meme was fine but I know from experience that you have to be careful about these things.
That is what I meant too. You don't simply make a joke about the Qoran, because muslims often don't like them and get offended. Thus, you didn't actually make a joke, but instead offended people. So it's not a simple task to make a joke about the Qoran.
Thing is, nobody mentioned anything about religion. It was a joke about Coran, the character. It had nothing to do with the Qoran, and i doubt most people even thought about it.
Darn it, guys, you're driving the English major insane here.
(Alternatively, you could also spell it as Koran. Mind you, these are all romanized versions and totally useless to anyone who reads Arabic. But still.)
Yes, this is a promised neothelid
is scared of
My paint skillz be unparalleled...
I might fell differently if the joke is actually GOOD, but most are pure racist ****. There might be an issue for some that some Muslims don't like the jokes either and react predictably poorly.
2. Shooting cartoonists (which I assume the Sean Bean meme was about) isn't really "reacting predictably poorly"
3. Nothing about Bengoshi's meme was even remotely prejudicial or demeaning to Islam. Its a harmless pun, for Christ's sake (oh no... I have now angered Christians!)
Now in the name of Jehovah let's move on!
Also, let me share this funny BG Boo vs. Squirrel Comics by http://danitheangeldevil.deviantart.com/:
By which I mean throw nuts!
(Alternatively, you could also spell it as Koran. Mind you, these are all romanized versions and totally useless to anyone who reads Arabic. But still.)