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What game are you playing while you wait.

wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
I'm playing a lot of Skyrim as a wood elf archer/Dual Wielder. Can you sense a pattern in the style of character I play. lol.

Also thinking of a quick playthrough of ToEE with Co8 mod.


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Guild wars 2 betas. But I've copied some of the bg combat music into the sound folder so it plays during the game :)
  • maldrenmaldren Member Posts: 4
    I'm playing Civ V but I got a sudden urge to play IWD 2.
  • raclariuraclariu Member Posts: 56
    Football manager :) one of my fave's
  • WinterstormWinterstorm Member Posts: 19
    Honestly, ive been running through BG2 on classes i have never really given a thought to. Loving it, cant wait for BG:EE
  • DreamDream Member Posts: 52
    Replaying Darksiders until the second one comes out, then gonna play that until GW2. That should hold me over 'till BG:EE and Borderlands 2 (god damn same day release dates). The worst part is a week after that MoP comes out.

    Need more time!
  • DecayOfSoulsDecayOfSouls Member Posts: 21
    I've been playing Dragon's Dogma off and on. And Crusader Kings 2.
  • TheCoffeeGodTheCoffeeGod Member Posts: 618
    Let's see, there's only two currently:

    Fate: The Traitor Soul
    Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    CK2, BG1 and I'm playing Fallout 1 for the first time, trying to complete the whole series (I never played any of the Fallout games).
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Totally playing Planescape: Torment :)
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Finished off Dawnguard, and am now playing Kingdoms of Amalur. I should also try to finish off The Witcher 1&2, Fallout: New Vegas, Lego PotC, Lego HP 1-4&5-7. Maybe load up a Football Manager save as well.
  • DecayOfSoulsDecayOfSouls Member Posts: 21
    @Communard, Fallout 1 is awesome. Fallout 2 is probably tied with BG2 as my favorite game of all time.
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113
    Just finished IWD2...

    Also thinking of a quick playthrough of ToEE with Co8 mod.

    Just started this today...GRRRR..I hate radial the combat system and 3rd ed rules though :-)

  • James_MJames_M Member Posts: 145
    Not having much time for games I have to be very selective, so my gaming time right now goes mostly to BG2 playing as usual Cleric/Ranger but this time giving Anomen a try. I did nearly two BG1 playthroughs in the first 6 months of this year so have to leave that alone until BGEE or risk burn-out!
  • AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139
    Civilization 5 is handling my strategy addiction and Fallout New Vegas does story pretty well, so I'm still playing that. I haven't forgiven ME3 for what she did to met in the last ten minutes. Not yet...
  • Bobby_SingerBobby_Singer Member Posts: 65
    Communard said:

    CK2, BG1 and I'm playing Fallout 1 for the first time, trying to complete the whole series (I never played any of the Fallout games).

    I wish I could play Fallout 1 for the first time again. *sigh* Love those games. Brotherhood of Steel is my fav, but its way more tactical than the Fallout 1 and 2. Welcome to the fold, Vault Dweller.

    While I'm running two different characters in Skyrim, lately I've been playing a lot of Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank. Great turn based tactical game of modern combat... if that sort of thing appeals to you.

    Anyway, its free at Shrapnel game if anyone is interested.

  • AlderonAlderon Member Posts: 53
    The Secret World. A surprisingly entertaining and well-told MMO from Funcom. Primarily decent thanks to the guy responsible for The Longest Journey being heavily involved.

    I love me some story-based gaming, clearly... since I'm here psyched for BGEE. But for pure story-line, The Longest Journey / Dreamfall takes the cake. For that reason I had to check out TSW and I've not been disappointed, it's really a fun game provided you don't hammer it for 6 hours a day and burn out on the content.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    BG2 with classes never used before (cleric,druid and ranger) with and without kits.
  • Sick_BoySick_Boy Member Posts: 20
    I'm doing a wizard solo bg2 playthrough. After getting some levels itbecame too easy, I just summon a Planetar and it kills everything. Hope things get harded in ToB.
  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    I'm trying to finish the Assassin's Creed series before Bg:EE comes out. I want to have played through it again before I start ACIII.
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Skyrim battle Mage!
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Skyrim, Warrior (though I start new games on a regular basis, too fickle)
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Fallout: New Vegas :).. Played the 1st and 2nd, not the third. Am I missing anything?
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Aside the games I've been LPing on youtube, which are Shadows of Amn, No One Lives Forever and Minecraft, I play some Binding of Isaac here and there (damn addictive game, 180 hours in it and still playing it like crazy) and Kerbal Space Program (most bizarre game in the world. But bizarre is good!)
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    At the moment, I'm playing Crusader Kings 2 and really enjoying it. I'm also playing through Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, and Metro 2033. Occasionally, I'll play Mass Effect 3's multiplayer while I wait for the DLC.
  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    Right now its Hitman : Sniper challenge, Fallout : New Vegas and a little Civ 5.

    Got lots of good games in the next months, so the future for geeks are looking bright :)
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    edited August 2012
    Tales of Phantasia, Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 6 and maybe Chrono Trigger.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @ShapiroKeatsDarkMage, wich reminds me, Final Fantasy IX deserves to be remastered.
  • LorfeanLorfean Member Posts: 43
    Fallout. I finished Fallout: New Vegas and all its DLC's -- using the JSawyer Mod and a few other minor mods -- a couple of weeks ago and it was easily one of the best CRPG experiences I've had in the last ten years, so that made me hungry for more Fallout... And although I have played F1 and F2 before, I have never finished them which is something I figured I should remedy :) Nearing the end of F1 now and it's awesome.

    But, actually, that's just what I'm playing and not what I'm "playing while waiting", because yesterday I came to the decision the BGEE is not for me. The details that were announced last week didn't excite me as much as I hoped they would and just looking at the project as a whole, it seems to be heading in a direction that will cause the final product to have a number of issues/features that will bother me and/or feel out of place in the BG that I know and love. I respect what they're trying to do here, but I'm one of those people who took the better part of a decade before even considering trying a single mod for the game, and even now I pick and apply those modifications very carefully to make sure I stay as true to the original experience as possible. So, to me, this edition takes a few too many steps away from that original experience and that's just not something I'm interested in.

    No, IMO you're not missing anything by skipping F3. It lacks the charm and great writing of 1, 2 and NV, and generally just feels "off" compared to the rest of the series.

  • FateAscendsFateAscends Member Posts: 63
    The Secret World! I have a Let's Play of that game going on at fatesascension on youtube. Also, Baldur's Gate. I know, what can I say, I'm playing the original, unmodded game just for one last run before BG:EE comes back out. Might start a no-pause let's play for that as well.
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