@Lorfean Im doing the same with NV, without the JSawyer mod (though I did consider it). Did you try the Newvegus uncut mods? The open freeside mod makes freeside alot better imo. Love the game though.
Shame you arent going to get BGEE. I have the same experience as you and barely ever modded BG, but the EE I think is a good choice for me as I was considering going through a modded BG sometime soon. The enhanced version is an already modded version with new content added ontop of that.
Oh well, you have to remember that the original BG will always be there
@Excalibur_2102 No, I haven't tried the NV uncut mods -- in addition to the JSawyer Mod I only used MTUI and Centered 3rd Person Camera. Oh, and I obviously played with Hardcore Mode enabled. I honestly can't describe the impact of the JSawyer mod and do it justice, so you're gonna have to try that for yourself... but It's like everything just falls into place. It's makes the game into what it should've been on release, and what (I think) Fallout fans have been looking for ever since Black Isle's F3 was cancelled. Just brilliant, awesome stuff.
League of Legends, Dark Souls, and, after the weekend is over, Persona 4 Arena. Want to squeeze in some Blood Bowl as well. Not to mention all the board games and such I love.
I gave some thought to playing BG1/BG2 but, realistically, at the rate I play, especially when my plate is full? BG1EE would be out before I even finished BG1.
Interesting note though: not a lot of console games on this forum, are there?
Im playing civ 5 and trine. But I'm stuck on my mac at the moment other wise i think i would be playing neverwinter nights again (i know there a mac version but I'm not paying for the same game twice, apart for the BG:EE obviously)
Personal favorite. Still surprised how popular that game is even to this day with its various flaws. I got that game the day it came out. Ah, love at first play.
No, IMO you're not missing anything by skipping F3. It lacks the charm and great writing of 1, 2 and NV, and generally just feels "off" compared to the rest of the series.
One of the games I'm playing atm is Fallout3. It's the only Fallout game I know yet, though I already bought 1,2, tactics & New Vegas. Looking forward to play them, but I've just got too many games already going right now. I like Fallout3 a lot, myself. It's a great game, even though there's not much dialogue. There's so much to explore!
Other games at the moment: 3 BG Tutu campaigns (a Fighter>Mage, a Doomblade (Sword & Fist mod), a Gypsy (Song & Silence mod)), 4 BG 2 campaigns with vanilla classes: a Blade, a Totemic Druid, a Fighter/Mage multi and a Cleric/Mage multi. Dark Messiah Might & Magic as it's been so long on the shelf, doesn't feel very related to the other Might & Magic games though. Company of Heroes, though the Tiger Tanks attacking Carentan have been parked for two months now waiting for me to pick up the game again. And started Planescape Torment finally!
I'm a bit too much of a multi-tasker, or tapas-dish-gamer.
Starcraft 2 as usual and a bit of Icewind Dale 1. The 1PP mod for ToTLM that restores all the original animations is awesome.
Icewind Dale! part of my 'tapas dish of games at the moment' as well. One party of 4 already in Lower Dorn's Deep, one party, with deliberately gimped stats, only just cleaning out the Vale of Shadows.
Fallout: New Vegas .. Played the 1st and 2nd, not the third. Am I missing anything?
You're missing what might be my favorite game. Fallout 3 has an incredible story that often makes you feel vulnerable as well as excited. New Vegas wasn't nearly as good. For a comparison of the games, I wrote one on my blog. Here: http://paulsifer.blogspot.com/2012/06/fallout-3-vs-fallout-new-vegas.html
I'm playing Civ V but I got a sudden urge to play IWD 2.
Just started playing IW2 right now! Party is as follows: -Drow Stormlord of Talos (leader) -Aasimar Paladin of Helm/Fighter -Human Fighter/Barb -Human Rogue/Fighter -Tiefling Illusionist -Moon Elf Druid
Im doing the same with NV, without the JSawyer mod (though I did consider it). Did you try the Newvegus uncut mods? The open freeside mod makes freeside alot better imo. Love the game though.
Shame you arent going to get BGEE. I have the same experience as you and barely ever modded BG, but the EE I think is a good choice for me as I was considering going through a modded BG sometime soon. The enhanced version is an already modded version with new content added ontop of that.
Oh well, you have to remember that the original BG will always be there
No, I haven't tried the NV uncut mods -- in addition to the JSawyer Mod I only used MTUI and Centered 3rd Person Camera. Oh, and I obviously played with Hardcore Mode enabled. I honestly can't describe the impact of the JSawyer mod and do it justice, so you're gonna have to try that for yourself... but It's like everything just falls into place. It's makes the game into what it should've been on release, and what (I think) Fallout fans have been looking for ever since Black Isle's F3 was cancelled. Just brilliant, awesome stuff.
Great game : city is huge, car modeling is perfect, it's just fun while waiting for serious battles in BG:EE :-)
I gave some thought to playing BG1/BG2 but, realistically, at the rate I play, especially when my plate is full? BG1EE would be out before I even finished BG1.
Interesting note though: not a lot of console games on this forum, are there?
I've been craving som IE action for a while, and I finally had a chance to dig my IWD2 discs out of storage about a week ago.
Other games at the moment: 3 BG Tutu campaigns (a Fighter>Mage, a Doomblade (Sword & Fist mod), a Gypsy (Song & Silence mod)), 4 BG 2 campaigns with vanilla classes: a Blade, a Totemic Druid, a Fighter/Mage multi and a Cleric/Mage multi. Dark Messiah Might & Magic as it's been so long on the shelf, doesn't feel very related to the other Might & Magic games though. Company of Heroes, though the Tiger Tanks attacking Carentan have been parked for two months now waiting for me to pick up the game again. And started Planescape Torment finally!
I'm a bit too much of a multi-tasker, or tapas-dish-gamer.
Party is as follows:
-Drow Stormlord of Talos (leader)
-Aasimar Paladin of Helm/Fighter
-Human Fighter/Barb
-Human Rogue/Fighter
-Tiefling Illusionist
-Moon Elf Druid
rock on!