daigledopple: "#BGEE #BG2EE Status Update: Adventure Y gets better with each passing day. News soon. Further letters have been reserved for future use."
daigledopple: "#BGEE #BG2EE Status Update: Adventure Y gets better with each passing day. News soon. Further letters have been reserved for future use."
Perhaps this is confirming Adventure D[ee], which includes the addition of a wombat NPC.
@Scooter - I'm fairly certain @Adul is referring to the "Further letters have been reserved for future use" part, not the hashtags
Aahh haha righto my bad. Though I took that as simply meaning- more information to come, as in saving twitter characters for future tweets so to speak, but you could be right and let's hope you are!
This story with lights comes from the Star Trek: The next Generation episode "Chain of Command". According to the plot, Picard is tortured by Madred, a Cardasian who forces Picard to tell him there are 5 lights, when in fact the real number is four. It's a tactic to force Picard to accept what Madred tells him is reality rather than what his senses tell him is reality. (In short, to break Picard to Madred's will.) If Picard breaks willingly, then he has given in and succumbed in the contest of wills.
I'm almost certain this scene is a direct copy of the scene in George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984" where the protagonist is tortured and forced to accept a false reality in the face of Big Brother.
This is pretty irrelevant, but I thought some of you might find this interesting.
Reminiscent of an episode in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. The protagonist Winston Smith at one point has said that, "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. Once that is granted, everything else follows." The Party tortures him to say that 2 + 2 = 5, thus giving up his right to speak the truth.
So... how likely would you guys deem it that Adventure Y introduces us to brand-new monsters? Me, I certainly hope that Black Puddings of Doom make their oozey appearance somwhere!
Obviously they were all simultaneously hit by a giant casting of Bigby's Crushing Foot
Nah, the only spell old Bigby came up with foot related was Bigby's Stinking foot, and he could only cast it after being out hiking in the woods for weeks.
That's the Python's divine foot of crushing silliness. It's a totally different spell.
Wow, you guys are good at compiling information. You don't realize the joy Phil would have pulled from someone catching his Star Trek reference. I think Phil is actually a symbiote, part Star Trek TNG repository, part human. We've made a big shift leading into the 1.3 patch. We've come to the realization that shipping quickly in the Infinity Engine means bugs. To combat that we've increased our bug vigilance at the cost of time. It will take us longer to execute, but we will deliver higher quality. We've brought this focus to Adventure Y and we'll be working on it and any other future projects until we are happy with the quality.
Best, -Trent
While I like the 'Release With Fewer Bugs Principle', I think it also comes with the realization that any add-on is going to take a long while. Personally, I sort of lost interest. The time to release a 'between stories' expansion was while BG2:EE was in development. Maybe that's just me.
So... how likely would you guys deem it that Adventure Y introduces us to brand-new monsters? Me, I certainly hope that Black Puddings of Doom make their oozey appearance somwhere!
I will never forget my first time trying black pudding.... I was visiting Oxford for a summer program two years ago and one of the tutors told me to try what looked like a chocolate chip cookie made out of meat. I took a few bites, and it wasn't bad, but was not exactly tasty either.
Once I found out the ingredients I made a pledge to myself to never again trust the British when it came to food. The Indian and Italian restaurants in town had a very lucrative week.
Overall, I'd say this creature is underpowered. Perhaps if you added a morale penalty when fighting/eating it...
So... how likely would you guys deem it that Adventure Y introduces us to brand-new monsters? Me, I certainly hope that Black Puddings of Doom make their oozey appearance somwhere!
I will never forget my first time trying black pudding.... I was visiting Oxford for a summer program two years ago and one of the tutors told me to try what looked like a chocolate chip cookie made out of meat. I took a few bites, and it wasn't bad, but was not exactly tasty either.
Once I found out the ingredients I made a pledge to myself to never again trust the British when it came to food. The Indian and Italian restaurants in town had a very lucrative week.
Overall, I'd say this creature is underpowered. Perhaps if you added a morale penalty when fighting/eating it...
So... how likely would you guys deem it that Adventure Y introduces us to brand-new monsters? Me, I certainly hope that Black Puddings of Doom make their oozey appearance somwhere!
I will never forget my first time trying black pudding.... I was visiting Oxford for a summer program two years ago and one of the tutors told me to try what looked like a chocolate chip cookie made out of meat. I took a few bites, and it wasn't bad, but was not exactly tasty either.
Once I found out the ingredients I made a pledge to myself to never again trust the British when it came to food. The Indian and Italian restaurants in town had a very lucrative week.
Overall, I'd say this creature is underpowered. Perhaps if you added a morale penalty when fighting/eating it...
Black pudding, along with white pudding, bread and butter pudding and angel delight pudding are the best puddings there be!
Black pudding is great with a fried kipper.
Did you not try any jellied eels or cheese served with apple pie?
Are eels a possible monster? Rumour has it adventure y is set on a bridge...
From Twitter: DaigleDopple:daigledopple: "#BGEE #BG2EE dust off your eyeballs and break out the news-receiving-wine, we're showing off some stuff soon. cool stuff." Admittedly could be patch stuff but… eh!
That said: adjust your expectations, people. Last year's presentation wasn't exactly overflowing with new information, although it did give us this gem from Trent Oster:
"We've learned some good lessons. One of the big lessons is when you're rushed, you ship a game out, there's bugs in it, it doesn't make the best opportunity for people to enjoy the game. Baldur's Gate 2, we're committed, we're going to work our butts off to make sure this goes off flawless."
daigledopple: "#BGEE #BG2EE Status Update: Adventure Y gets better with each passing day. News soon. Further letters have been reserved for future use."
They exist in 3.x... well, not the lyc of it.
This is pretty irrelevant, but I thought some of you might find this interesting.
Me, I certainly hope that Black Puddings of Doom make their oozey appearance somwhere!
That's the Python's divine foot of crushing silliness. It's a totally different spell.
Once I found out the ingredients I made a pledge to myself to never again trust the British when it came to food. The Indian and Italian restaurants in town had a very lucrative week.
Overall, I'd say this creature is underpowered. Perhaps if you added a morale penalty when fighting/eating it...
Black pudding is great with a fried kipper.
Did you not try any jellied eels or cheese served with apple pie?
Are eels a possible monster? Rumour has it adventure y is set on a bridge...
Tread carefully in there adventures, lest they'll eat you for Burns Night!
DaigleDopple:daigledopple: "#BGEE #BG2EE dust off your eyeballs and break out the news-receiving-wine, we're showing off some stuff soon. cool stuff."
Admittedly could be patch stuff but… eh!
That said: adjust your expectations, people. Last year's presentation wasn't exactly overflowing with new information, although it did give us this gem from Trent Oster:
"We've learned some good lessons. One of the big lessons is when you're rushed, you ship a game out, there's bugs in it, it doesn't make the best opportunity for people to enjoy the game. Baldur's Gate 2, we're committed, we're going to work our butts off to make sure this goes off flawless."