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The most annoying npc



  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    To me, an annoying character is one who basically just won't shut up. No matter what you do, they'll keep pestering you anyway. Aerie isn't annoying because you can be a male and have her in the party and just her when she starts you're not interested in her feelings, and she'll stop talking to you about them. You have to keep encouraging her in order for her to keep confiding in you. It's kind of like going up a physicist, asking a bunch of questions about quantum mechanics, and then at the end going 'oh, you're so boring; is this all you ever go on about?'. But no, I get the distinct impression Aerie is generally rather quiet and introspective.

    Imoen is much more of a pest and more annoying... yet I still kind of like her. Maybe never having a younger sister in real life helps that.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Coutelier said:

    Imoen is much more of a pest and more annoying... yet I still kind of like her. Maybe never having a younger sister in real life helps that.

    Probably no character ever written in any game comes close to being as annoying and frustrating as a little sister... so comparing Imoen to one isn't really all that accurate tbh :)
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Coutelier said:

    Aerie isn't annoying because you can be a male and have her in the party and just her when she starts you're not interested in her feelings, and she'll stop talking to you about them.

    No. Aerie is annoying. She's not annoying you personally, but she's annoying to many others, myself included. She has an annoying personality if she's not romanced. I like party members like Safana, Shar-Teel and Branwen. They sound and act like adventurers. Aerie sounds like a whiny emo kid who should, for all that is good and holy, work out some of her issues before going on a freaking adventure with the future god of murder. Aerie doesn't stop being annoying by just not romancing her. Like pointed out in this topic, she is whiny and sobby in normal banters, too. And that annoys me. Hence Aerie is annoying. To me.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Hm. Minsc is the one that personally makes me twitch, there's only so much of his personality I can take in a small amount of time. I have limits, folks, really. And he presses all up against them.

    But... I'm not sure if even he is annoying enough that I'd vote for him. Honestly, almost any Bioware NPC gets annoying after you've heard their lines twenty or so time. Nature's servant awaits makes me scream "SHUT UP, JAHEIRA" at my PC, and I like poor Jaheira. It's just too much playtime in general.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    So Nalia is Skie
    - after Skie decides to help people (people she also now believes are of a lower class)
    - after Skie decides her family estate is important to her (and no longer wants to blackmail them)
    - after Skie stops complaining of the hardships of travelling
    - after Skie stops wanting to be with arrogant men who treat her like crap?

    In other words... they're really similar assuming either Nalia or Skie undergoes a major change in personality? o_O They come from wealthy families and both have thief levels. That's about it.

    LOL, one of the reasons that I like Nalia is that she's basically the "anti-Skie" - despite coming from a wealthy, sheltered background, she's genuinely strong, brave, and selfless. Nalia is basically what Skie only wishes she was.

  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    jackjack said:

    Pecca said:

    Pecca said:

    Okay, seriously, am I the only person in the world who realized that sleeping with her the first time was a bad idea? I thought it was completely obvious. Maybe because I'm a woman?

    I thought it was a good idea. Oh, women... :)
    Of course you did. *eyeroll*

    Though she had charisma of 20 at the time. Try to say no to that.
    Cast Friends. Problem solved. :P
    Is that like "friend-zoning" someone?

  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    @Coutelier - This is a topic about NPCs we find annoying. You explain why you find Aerie not annoying. I explained why I do find her annoying. This discussion isn't going to change either one's opinion about her. What exactly is the purpose of explaining how she isn't annoying to you, and that it's not right other people reduce her to whining and sobbing?
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited February 2014

    @Coutelier - This is a topic about NPCs we find annoying. You explain why you find Aerie not annoying. I explained why I do find her annoying. This discussion isn't going to change either one's opinion about her. What exactly is the purpose of explaining how she isn't annoying to you, and that it's not right other people reduce her to whining and sobbing?

    Obviously in a thread like this there's going to be disagreement, and it's not like people don't mention Aerie being annoying all the time anyway regardless of the topic, so might as well just say I don't agree to provide a balanced/alternative point of view. Why did you say Anomen was unlikeable, but not annoying?

    As I mentioned, I don't find any characters that annoying, so I'm more interested now really in finding out what it would take. There are characters, like Minsc, who wear on me after a while and I have to take a break from them, but I honestly can't think of any I find annoying. Skie a little bit, possibly, but she has so little banter is easily ignored.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    The problem with Aerie is that I expected an old Elven lady instead of what she really is, I took her while in my first run, a short while, I kicked her upon reaching the Adventurer's Mart, because I thought that she was an elder Elf that was wise and had an interesting romance for an elven PC (something more like NOT a "let me cry with you" romance and more like "we're a pair of elder elven spellcasters adventurers and lovers").
    Another characters I don't like much are Skie, I never used her until I fixed @recklessheart's save, so I wasn't aware of her voice set... It's awful, "let's go shopping" "my fee hurt" "I broke a nail" "I hussled my hair", I never liked Minsc much in BG1, but in BG2 he was funnier than annoying, so I took him for a while but dropped him for Anomen, my PC wanted someone more serious and not "Butt-kicking for goodness", Anomen is a little bit more arrogant of what I would like, but he's very well written; it makes you hate him for being so arrogant, anyway my PC wasn't Chaotic because of one reason, he was very arrogant too, so Anomen was like his "little silly student" on the adventuring profession.
    Jan is one of my favorites, by far he has more banters than most of the other NPCs and they are very, very silly indeed, he is a complete liar, but Crevs sympathized with him fast, he was a good inventor, a smart gnome, funny, a mage/thief and completely insane, my PC had him like "his old gnomish friend who drinks a little more than he should" (Jan had an insanely low number of kills, he is the best support-spellcaster in the game but he isn't very good at the offensive).
    Imoen isn't a bad NPC in BG1, but in BG2 she's certainly the worst of all the NPCs, without a single SoA banter and missing more than the half of the game (I do all the quests in Athkatla at Chapter 2 & 3, all of them) and having the worst. soundest. ever. Her BG1 soundset was enjoyable and good, but someone got killed and they couldn't use the same soundset files NOR record some good soundsets again for her, in BG2 she sounds like drugged, all the time, while in BG1 she sounded like a 19 YO ultra-enthusiast women that was sticked to his "sibling" all the time.
    Before playing BG2 entire for the first time I certainly wanted to save Imoen, but the second time it was more like "I WANT REVENGE FOR YOU IRENICUS MADAFU..., DOG WITH RASH!!!"
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited February 2014
    Yeah you know what lol. I'm done with this thread. People are getting waaaaay too pissy about this. Myself included. TTYL!
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    CrevsDaak said:

    Imoen isn't a bad NPC in BG1, but in BG2 she's certainly the worst of all the NPCs, without a single SoA banter and missing more than the half of the game (I do all the quests in Athkatla at Chapter 2 & 3, all of them) and having the worst. soundest. ever. Her BG1 soundset was enjoyable and good, but someone got killed and they couldn't use the same soundset files NOR record some good soundsets again for her, in BG2 she sounds like drugged, all the time, while in BG1 she sounded like a 19 YO ultra-enthusiast women that was sticked to his "sibling" all the time.

    She might well be drugged... who knows. I think the thing with Imoen is because she has so little banter, people can fill it in themselves and make her pretty much whatever they want her to be, similar to a lot of BG1 NPC's. If only you can write everything; just sell a book with a cover and a title, but then just blank pages with a note telling everyone to just make up their own story.

    Personally, I would like to have seen her show a mind of her own and become less dependent on her sibling all the time.

  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Quartz said:

    *Loves Xan, Quayle, Jaheira, Aerie, and Khalid*

    How about a Minsc option?

    Why make an option for people who are wrong?
  • jean1990jean1990 Member Posts: 3
    I am annoyed to Xan
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    I personally can't stand BG1 Jaheira. (Haven't gotten around to BG2 yet) She's bossy, backtalks, and treats her husband in a way I don't like. (Partly because I really like Khalid) I feel like she probably improves in the second game, but in the first, she tops my list of hate. Though I still keep her around a lot, if only so I can have my perfect little canon party.
  • wuthering20wuthering20 Member Posts: 39
    Why I find neither of these listed annoying......

    So far the only NPC I hated instantly was Jan. My paladin just couldn't tolerate those irritatingly long, thus far from funny jokes. However my opinion toward him improved since playing as a hedonist bard. They were quite a match!

    Now I'm bit annoyed to Minsc and Neera. Both are interesting characters. Yet Minsc's loudy comments easily grew to tiring; as for Neera, she has some of the most brilliant lines, but her romance doesn't appear as good as I hoped.
  • BlucherBlucher Member Posts: 110
    No "most annoying" poll is complete without Jan.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    Maybe Eldoth?
  • EffinyEffiny Member Posts: 378
    Anomen. I tried to romance him once...Just once....
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Anomen is arrogant and talks down to charname and some (if not most) NPCs. But other than that, I wouldn't call him annoying. His selection lines even partly overlap with Valygar's, who is usually called boring and forgettable. Hard to annoy someone you bore to death. Anomen's normal voiceset is rather bland, too. If you'd export it and use it for charname or an "NPC" made in multiplayer, so his actual conversations with the party don't trigger, I doubt it would stand out much between "Default" and "Male 5" or other non-specific soundsets. It would be as specific and exciting as "Male Thief 3"; some class flavor in the battlecries and that's it.

    I find NPCs annoying who either force a roleplay choice - Imoen, Neera - or have voices that make you hestitate to click them because you don't know if you can stand hearing them again. Minsc would be an example; his lines are long and lose their humor soon and he seems like your slightly drunk dad on a family party who just won't stop telling jokes. Jan is a mix of both; he has more banters than the other NPCs and usually long ones. If you don't like this type of wacky humor and just need a thief or mage, I can see how it is annoying to have him barge in on many occassions. (Neera is partly guilty of overly long banter lines, too.) They still remain likable, just like you don't stop liking your dad (hopefully) because he drank a little too much on grandma's birthday.

    There are NPCs I find annoying - Alora, Skie - but still like them. I just grow tired of hearing their voice after a while. And there are NPCs I don't like - Jaheira, Cernd - but who aren't annoying because there's nothing wrong with their voiceset or the way they interact with others. Simple dislike of the personality. Then there are NPCs that combine a grating voice with a personality I dislike - Imoen, Aerie - and have something else going against them. Imoen's force-joining and the game insisting on her relevance in the story and then not having basic banters; Aerie's derpface portrait, adventure-unsuited personality and jailbait flair. But to me, only Neera truly takes the triple crown: grating voice, awful personality, making a rp decision with no chance for me to do something different (and more logical).
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited February 2014
    Damn, I voted wrong. Should have voted "Other" for Minsc.

    Edwin. Arrogant.
    Anomen. Arrogant.

    Saemon... :|

    The game makes up for Saemon being a douche by letting you have the satisfaction of killing him several times.
    Quartz said:

    @Tarlugn Yup as I have said before Nalia is basically Skie 2.0

    I really like Skie, but never really liked Nalia. I find Nalia really condescending while Skie just whines about being uncomfortable (which I find kind of funny).
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    If I had to choose a most annoying, I think it would be Skie right now. I don't hate her at all, but basically she is actually all the things people accuse Aerie of being. But even when Aerie does complain, it's about slavery and being abused. Not being used to walking, once, but overall I'd say Aerie better prepared for adventuring than the bhaalspawn and Imoen were since her life in the circus she's used to doing without much comfort. Definitely better prepared than Skie who just constantly complains about nothing. I don't mind complaining, so long as it's about something. Similar to the reason I didn't like Bella Swan in the Twilight movies, 'oh no; everyone is nice to me and wants to help me fit in... the pain!' But it's just unfortunate Skie never got to grow in the game and realize her mistake.

    Doctor Smith... I mean, Xan, is like that I suppose. Somehow with him it's quite funny though, I guess because it's just a general feeling of dread that we all get sometimes.

  • uglyducklynnuglyducklynn Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014
    I rather like all of the npc's in the game. I think they do a good job of making them individuals, which I can really appreciate. Noober would stop your gameplay every three seconds to tell you he stepped in something. It doesn't get more annoying than that, to me.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    I rather like all of the npc's in the game. I think they do a good job of making them individuals, which I can really appreciate. Noober would stop your gameplay every three seconds to tell you he stepped in something. It doesn't get more annoying than that, to me.

    We need a Noober companion mod. Just think how much party banter there will be!
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