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The most annoying npc

laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
Have you ever had a particularly annoying npc in your game? If so. Please feel free to vent your frustration here! :)
  1. The most annoying npc200 votes
    1. Xan
    2. Quayle
    3. jaheira
    4. aerie
    5. noober....:)
    6. khalid
    7. other


  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    edited February 2014
    that is why i put the other option my friend :)@quartz as everyone will have an npc that they find annoying/dislike. i couldnt list every single option in the game now could i? :P..... perhaps i should add an option for @crevsdaak ..... hahah :)
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    @quartz thats why i didnt make more options than are available lol. it wouldn't be considered, a poll, but rather an open thread
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    @silverstar haha i did the same thing lol. i punched him and left him unconscious and didn't even get any hostile npcs. i guess he had it coming lol
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    CrevsDaak said:

    I just hate her. She is too depressive for me, Xan is, well, funny, but Aerie makes be sick, she makes me feel sad without reason, she wants to turn the PC into a depressive wingless elf like her, SHE'S EVIL!! I never liked her concept, it's like *evil* to make a cute Elf to be a depressive, so I dislike her. A lot. Two lots. Or maybe three. Yeah. Three lots.

    agree 100% about aerie lol

  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Dude Quayle's death sound has me rolling every time. It's amazing.
  • LoubLoub Member Posts: 471
    edited February 2014
    CrevsDaak said:

    I just hate her. She is too depressive for me, Xan is, well, funny, but Aerie makes be sick, she makes me feel sad without reason, she wants to turn the PC into a depressive wingless elf like her, SHE'S EVIL!! I never liked her concept, it's like *evil* to make a cute Elf to be a depressive, so I dislike her. A lot. Two lots. Or maybe three. Yeah. Three lots.


    Yay! I'm not the only one who hates the pissy attention whore! Too bad I didn't see the option to vote for her, otherwise I would.
    Bitch's like "Oh I'm worthless, I'm ugly, I'm so sad *cries*" at every single conversation, just for attention, then when Jaheira is feeling like shit because of Khalid's death, she's like "Serves you well, bitch, I knew you were eyeing your godson since you met him and were just looking for an excuse to make him bang you!" - WHAT THE FUCK? This action pretty much confirms that Aerie is not quite as pure and innocent as she claims, and is instead a pissy little cunt who wants the world to revolve around her fucking navel - were I GMing a game and a "Lawful Good" character made such a statement, I would most definitely roll for both Chaotic and Evil alignment shifts, because not even Viconia, of all people, is so cruel to the recent widow (who, honestly, never did a thing to her). And the worst part is that if you side with Jaheira, Aerie acts as if she were the VICTIM! The nerve of that harlot! "OMG! Stop being so mean to me you assholes, I never did a thing!"
    Stupid bitch.
    Post edited by Loub on
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited February 2014
    Imoen - It's not surprising she was an afterthought. I have no issues with her mechanically, but ugh.
    Drizzt - somehow it's immersion breaking to see him in the games.
    Zeke - "This way good sir, over here!"… "This way good sir, over here!"…etc. My nickname is Zeke, and he gives us a bad name.
    Aerie - I just can't stand her at all. I included her on my first BG2 run. Never again.

    Winner: Imoen, by a longshot.
    Post edited by jackjack on
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Neera, Imoen, then for a while nothing, then Aerie.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Wilson. Seriously that guy never shuts up! He's a bearel of laughs though :p
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,447
    Wow tough audience. Well I adore Imoen and Aerie both. Two beautiful and well conceived characters that I always want around. They always make me laugh ans smile.
    I usually want Minsc around too.

    Really I don't dislike any of the good or Neutral NPCs. Khalid gets on my nerves a little though, and I won't normally use him for an entire game.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Imoen and Nalia deserve for their outstanding annoyance both the gold medal. Aerie, the Queen of Crocodile Tears, closely follows them on second place and claims silver. Whoever earns bronze isn't decided yet, but the masses are cheering for Garrick.

    The Narrator, while not an NPC himself, also gets honourably mentioned for saying "You must gather your party before venturing forth." a myriad times without biting his tongue.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Where is Jan Jansen on this list?
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Minsc. Imoen.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited February 2014
    I honestly don't find any of them annoying... I guess Minsc's "wald and crezzy guy" schtick might wear just a tad thin from time to time. But the character is so well realized and voiced that I can't actually dislike him.

    Tiax is humorous, but from a RP vantage I really would not want to have someone like that around if I was actually there.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Dorn. Even though I immediately purge the land of his presence every time I meet him, his existence until that point annoys me.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    I'm torn between the unignoreable Melissan (ToBs awesome railroading...) and Hexxat...
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited February 2014


    There is just no pleasing that elf. Oh, sorry. Half-elf. *eyeroll*

    She's realistic I've known women like that :P
    Coutelier said:

    Aerie hate is a complete nonsense anyway; she's a quiet and introspective character. It's only in her romance she opens up, and then after getting it all off her chest, she stops. Imoen just isn't around enough to be annoying.

    I'm gonna point out that there are a LOT of people in this world who don't like to hear about other peoples' problems, even if their complaining about it is 100% legitimate. People like you and me will never understand that, we actually like to help people get things off their chest and find the insight into their minds genuinely interesting, but not everyone operates that way.

    (Not implying Aerie's complaints are "100% legitimate" -- she certainly has reasons to be upset but does indeed need to move on, and she does)
  • LesseLesse Member Posts: 81
    None, really. Even the characters I don't like too much are interesting as they're *meant* to get a reaction. Anomen, Aerie and Jaheria seem to be good examples of these. The fact their personalities polarise people so much with the "you like or hate them" adge to me shows they're well written. Granted if I was going to call anyone annoying it would be Anomen, but it's sort of a moot point where his personality is interesting and the personality changes he undergoes.

    More than that though I'd probably say Neera. Not because she herself irritates me at all, but her language and slang is rather too modern and immersion-breaking in a game like this for me.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited February 2014
    Rhaella said:

    4. Yeah, her treatment of Jaheira during the romance is a problem. Honestly, I think the romance conflicts are disgusting in general and I don't like the fact that women who should be supporting each other (Jaheira and Aerie, not Viconia) suddenly turn into catty harpies because a man is suddenly in the picture.

    Jealousy makes some of the nicest people suddenly very scary.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Rhaella said:

    Coutelier said:

    Aerie hate is a complete nonsense anyway; she's a quiet and introspective character. It's only in her romance she opens up, and then after getting it all off her chest, she stops. Imoen just isn't around enough to be annoying.

    It seems like it takes a lot more energy to get really annoyed by made-up people than it does to just like them, so I can never be bothered.

    Aerie hate isn't complete nonsense. Unreasonable, passionate loathing for her (and any character, honestly) doesn't make much sense, but there are reasons to dislike her.
    I'm sure there are, but the general complaints about her is that constantly whines about her wings, which she just doesn't. She only starts talking about it in her romance. She never brings it up with another NPC, for example; sometimes they do with her, but all the dialogues she initiates are usually her asking questions about them and they way they think and feel about the world. So that's really all I mean.

    I don't think she's suicidal at all; she wants to feel better and become stronger. She just has to work through her feelings, because you can't really just choose not to be unhappy.

    I definitely agree though there are parts of her romance that are badly written. It should be clearer when she offers to sleep with you that she's really uncomfortable and not sure about it, for example. At the start when you first meet her she's not playing a typical damsel; she is in distress, but her first thought is warning you to get out and if you persist she lets you help. She doesn't get many chances to really show that courage and determination after that though.

    She's nasty to Jaheira, yes, but Viconia is just as nasty and not just in the romance. It's just more shocking from Aerie because it's so unusual and out of character. The catfights seem pretty forced and silly anyway, but I guess the problem is Aerie has to stand her ground and Jaheira just doesn't really have any other vulnerability for the others to attack.

    I agree about her alignment as well; I think it's just her background has conditioned to be obedient and deferential, but certainly as she grows in confidence and belief in herself she's really more Neutral Good. And if it were up to me I would rewrite all of her ToB romance.
  • TarlugnTarlugn Member Posts: 209
    Other - SoA

    1st: Qaelan Bayle
    2nd: Saemon Havarian

    Ages ago, Irenicus probably would have been a first pick, but I´ve gained a new view of him entirely after watching the anime serie Naruto and being somehow tantalized by the villain, renegade ninja Orochimaru, and fascinated by his ambition which he achieved by experiments. Orochimaru´s tale of exile and seeking revenge on his homeland, or rather, hometown, seems much, much like the tale of Jon Irenicus.

    Other - BG:EE

    When I began my adventurous career as a dwarf in the original BG1, I was always interested in the mines various people were telling me about, but as of late, I´ve had a hard time to overcome the bother that is Nashkel mines - until my weapon broke. Then I became very motivated to find out the quilty and punish him/her/it for interrupting my highly succesful battles with mundane weapons.

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