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The most annoying npc



  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    "" Hey Its Me Imoen""

    "Hey, its ME. Imoen" Bang!
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    tried him out once to see what he was like and he annoyed me to hell the full fifteen minutes I had him in my party. I don't find his megalomania funny, just very grating on the nerves.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318

    Viconia. Cespenar.

    I'm not a Cespenar fan either, whose cuteness (to me) is sometimes nearly cringe-worthy.

    Some of Viconia's voiced lines are over-the-top dramatic, and elicit an eye-roll from me. But I still sort of like her.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    I personally hate it when any tv show or movie has a character speak in a foreign language and does not provide subtitles. For all I know Viconia could be saying the most ridiculous thing.

    OT: Lol. I remember when the Gungnam Style song came out. I thought it would be hilarious if the number one hit song in America had Korean lyrics that actually translate into "Americans so stupid. They buy anything. dopes dopes dopes, Opa gangnum style!"
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    edited March 2014
    @ZaknafeinBaenre‌ Thank you. I was informed swear words were invented by William the Conquer who banned the Anglo-saxons from shouting certain words at him such as
    **ck off and **stard.
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    Anduin said:

    @ZaknafeinBaenre‌ Thank you. I was informed swear words were invented by William the Conquer who banned the Anglo-saxons from shouting certain words at him such as

    **ck off and **stard.
    I dated a korean girl (michin!)...and a spanish girl (loco!)...I've yet to go out with a drow girl but one can dream. That would complete my circuit of craziness
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    What was wrong with your Korean girls chin?

    Maybe the Spanish girl just liked trains! People always hear the worst sometimes...

    *Anduin awaits prize for most annoying poster*
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,447
    Anduin said:

    @ZaknafeinBaenre‌ Thank you. I was informed swear words were invented by William the Conquer who banned the Anglo-saxons from shouting certain words at him such as

    **ck off and **stard.
    Actually I think William was quite proud of the "bastard" name, it was literally true in his case!

    Cursing and profanity go way back. Its been observed in Ancient Roman public restrooms, and we have examples from Ancient Greek and even the Bible (hint, "Baalzebub" wasn't the Canaanite Deity's proper name; that actually translates as "God of Poop" errr, or something like that).
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    What is so bad about "back off" and "custard"?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    Anduin said:

    @ZaknafeinBaenre‌ Thank you. I was informed swear words were invented by William the Conquer who banned the Anglo-saxons from shouting certain words at him such as

    **ck off and **stard.
    I dated a korean girl (michin!)...and a spanish girl (loco!)...I've yet to go out with a drow girl but one can dream. That would complete my circuit of craziness
    Yeah, most argentinians don't call you dude, they call you b***do or other curses in a friendly way.
    Lots of words are used the other way they should be used (so lots of people say 'maaaaal' (which means bad with lots os As) when something is cool).
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    To answer what was wrong with the korean girl, everything! She was ultra controlling and manipulative, and about once a week she would have crazy freak-outs where she'd yell and throw things at me, and then follow it up with sobbing, crying apologies and passionate lovemaking.

    It was a lot to go through and if it wasn't for that last part it wouldn't have lasted the whole 6 months.

    Her chin was gorgeous.
    Anduin said:

    What was wrong with your Korean girls chin?

    Maybe the Spanish girl just liked trains! People always hear the worst sometimes...

    *Anduin awaits prize for most annoying poster*

  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    edited March 2014

    What is so bad about "back off" and "custard"?

    William was a touchy guy who didn't like custard...

    @ZaknafeinBaenre‌ Glad the chin was gorgeous... Must admit its not what I look for in a girl...
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    I don't remember if I posted on this thread yet, or what I voted for(it says I did), but I hope it's other. I can not stand nalia's voice set. Had her for all of 15 minutes. For all the character depth, splendid writing, or utility she may have, I will have to turn the sound off if I am to play her. :/
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Korgan's a caricature and an unpleasant one at that
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    tough choice, there are some really annoying NPCs in the game.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I probably wouldn't mind Viconia if all the other NPCs from foreign places did the same. I can picture Edwin mumbling in Thayvian to himself (which would likely be the language he casts in, too). Same for Dynaheir, and Minsc - who would likely have a harder time to learn a new language as fluently as he speaks common than the mages; and - as said above, rage/anger often makes people slip back into their native language. Minsc rages more than anyone. Haer'Dalis would be someone to use exotic words to show off or add to his poetry. None of them ever does; not a single word. Yet Viconia, the one who tries to fit in, goes on and on in drow. That simply seems forced to me.
  • CatoblepasCatoblepas Member Posts: 96
    Well if memory serves, common is an automatic language for Thayans and Rashemani, this is not the case for Drow. So I don't think it would stretch credulity too much for her to use elven words now and again. Plus, she's a bit of a social pariah-so I don't think she gets as time to practice common as Haer'Dalis does, for instance.
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    drow are so much more disconnected from the surface world than any of the other NPC's, that they have no such familiarity with their languages. Besides, Viconia's drow curses are sexy.
  • OllmerOllmer Member Posts: 73

    drow are so much more disconnected from the surface world than any of the other NPC's, that they have no such familiarity with their languages. Besides, Viconia's drow curses are sexy.

    And her battle cries are the best. I simply cant imagine BG without her "Lil alur! for Shar!", "Ultrenen!' and "Vitoss!"
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I can accept that in BG1, but in BG2, she's been on the surface for quite a while. It should at least be toned down.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    atcDave said:

    Anduin said:

    @ZaknafeinBaenre‌ Thank you. I was informed swear words were invented by William the Conquer who banned the Anglo-saxons from shouting certain words at him such as

    **ck off and **stard.
    "Baalzebub" wasn't the Canaanite Deity's proper name; that actually translates as "God of Poop" errr, or something like that).
    Its 'Lord of Flies', the original that the Hebrews were ripping on being closer to 'Baal Zebul', or 'Lord of the High House'. Molech/Moloch is another one. It takes the word for King, Melek, and adds in the vowel sounds for the word for shame, 'boshet'. Dem Hebrews loved their insulting wordplays XD
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    It used to be thought that people always swore in their native tongue, so if you wanted to catch a soviet spy you had to do something that would make them swear. Something sudden or that would cause them considerable pain, they'd naturally cry out in their own tongue.

    It's odd that you never hear Aerie speak elven, since she is very much an alien character in that world. Given how isolated Avariel are, it probably was never a requirement for her to learn common as a child...

    [spoiler]But then when you romance her into ToB the screen fades as she's giving birth, so who knows what extremely colorful metaphors she was coming out with then. But it would have been in elven, so probably would still sounded lyrical and nice if you didn't know what she was saying.[/quote]
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @Coutelier‌ I would imagine it's because she's spent so much time in the realm of humans. She was abducted as a child, after all.
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