408 - While reading this thread you think of yet *another* thing you want to try on your next, next, next, next playthrough 409 - And then you immediately open the game to roll a character for that idea
403: Whenever you read someone saying "ooooh", you read it in Cespenar's voice.
When ever I see something new, like a nice car on the street or some price of clothing I like, I say "....ooo00OO00ooo.... Shiny ones!" In a pitch I didn't know my voice was capable of.
Thanks to @the_spyder and @Lemernis ideas from the other thread I now can continue this thread (and I've counted @meagloth 's and @Heinrich 's ideas to continue the count):
432. When you start imagining the BG NPCs as real life friends.
433. When you spend more time with BG NPCs than real life friends.
and something from me:
434. When you name your pets after BG NPCs, for i.e., Yoshi or Boo:
436. When faced with riddles (like in Spellhold) and you know the dialogue trees so well you don't read them anymore, but use the numpad to speed through them.
440. When you are thinking about party/class composition for your next game even though you have not finished the current one.
441. When you become so distracted by that thought that you end up rerolling and starting a new game, but keeping your old save cause you tell yourself you'll go back and finish it "eventually"
442. When you play rpg with your friends based on the bg world and, as a dm you remember every riddle, area, banter and detail without notes. (And they ask you: "Are you truly remember what this random vase contains on the corner?")
445. When you keep switching back and forth between the BGEE game on your current machine and the unfinished run on your old computer with the CD version.
449. When you're wondering how to convince your wife, your 3y old child and your 78y old grandma to accept, that BG is an awsome way to spend time. (Really, they should try it out. No?)
Hmmm.. speaking of kids and Baldur's Gate, what's a good age to get them started? My daughter will be 5 in Sept. Too soon?
When they asking about it. It gets annoying, because they don't have the patience or literacy. Luckily my dad is a patient fellow so I learned to read on Baldurs Gate, Calvin and Hobbes, Tolkien.
@meagloth well, I learnt that today because some people were taking a test on the last clase (because they didn't came to school the day of the test), and also biology is pretty easy for me and I only thought about that as a joke to make here.
451) when the whole class knows that when you say 'a game' you mean Baldur's Gate.
@CrevsDaak yeah, it's not hard, but we finished that unit... I think 2 weeks ago, so it was right there. A-T G-C is not that hart to remember, it's just two things, really.
453. When your walking the dog along the same route you always take - along a track that runs alongside a light wooded area (with no sign of life in any direction), and you idly imagine your wending your way alongside Cloakwood, looking for an uncharted bandit mine!
409 - And then you immediately open the game to roll a character for that idea
You do your homework, scrap it and then do it again over and over for the extra experience points.
When you are watching a stage play and and see a bad actor, you think, "Who the hell let Biff the Understudy do this?"
When you work for Fedex with much experience upon being hired.
When you get arrested for killing a person in a school mascot of a tiger and keep insisting that you were killing a Rakshasa.
In art class, someone makes in clay sculptor of a person and you respond by hitting it with a blunt object.
When Jehovah's Witnesses come to your house to talk about Jesus and you tell them, "I'm fine with Helm, thank you very much!"
When someone asks you, "Are those steroids?!" you respond, "No, it's a potion of Hill Giant Strength!"
When you get into a bar fight, kill the person and take his leather jacket. No one should tell you to get out of the bar!
When you are a frequent customer at a pawn shop selling various items you find around town.
You have five other friends that help you solve problems all over town.
You end up scalping a man who recently mugged someone.
You use the D&D Intelligence Ability Score as an IQ chart.
You talk to an old man multiple times hoping for $300.
You start eating turnips while tinkering with technology and inventions.
You go psycho on your older and much more athletic brother.
When you are on the Feature Request forum and complain about balance to the point where even Jaheira would smack you.
You start to explore old abandoned buildings hoping to find loot.
You carry up to four weapons with you everywhere you go.
432. When you start imagining the BG NPCs as real life friends.
433. When you spend more time with BG NPCs than real life friends.
and something from me:
434. When you name your pets after BG NPCs, for i.e., Yoshi or Boo:
(what the hell, brain)
438. When you call your dad "Bhaal".
439. When you're angry with the bartender for not giving you any rumors after geting six most expensive drinks in the pub.
443.When you start thinking/discussion the personal Integrity of npc as if they were real people.
444.(I actually did this)when you looks at the NPC's go to prom thread And start assigning characters to people in real life.
446) when you use game language to help your memory in school.
451) when the whole class knows that when you say 'a game' you mean Baldur's Gate.