@booinyoureyes You call your girl a prostitute and laugh? Dayumn.
What? I say "I'm a fine looking strumpet, ain't I?" to my significant other all the time. How else am I going to get him away from the computer for a while?
333. Whenever you see an abbreviation that starts with NW, you think of Never Winter.
334. Whenever you see the abbreviation RPG, you read Role-Playing Game, not Rocket-Propel Grenade.
335. You start a Nuzlocke file of Pokemon, and nickname all your catches after Baldur's Gate characters. (I'm seriously contemplating doing this, once I get another laptop to replace my broken one. )
@Nonnahswriter 334: Always. Every time. 335: Oh no! That sounds like a horrible idea! I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of characters dying and being gone for good. It'd be such a shame for Xan the Magikarp to meet a terrible end... (I reason that's what he would be, since most people start out considering him useless, since he's not a damage dealer, and then eventually learn that he's great, since magic is the almighty debuffer of the game, which is a suitable metaphor for his evolution to Gyrados.)
@Nonnahswriter 334: Always. Every time. 335: Oh no! That sounds like a horrible idea! I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of characters dying and being gone for good. It'd be such a shame for Xan the Magikarp to meet a terrible end... (I reason that's what he would be, since most people start out considering him useless, since he's not a damage dealer, and then eventually learn that he's great, since magic is the almighty debuffer of the game, which is a suitable metaphor for his evolution to Gyrados.)
But is this not the reason we condemn ourselves to the trials and tribulations of the ruthless Nuzlocke? Do we not partake in its madness to suffer and grieve? Yes, for it is only through pain that we may see and become ever stronger.
Yes... I can see it now. My starter, a brave Charmander who would someday transform into a noble Charizard, appropriately named Charname... See him in all his splendor and glory, before he is struck down by--oh gods, forgive me--a critical hit. Oh the tears that would fall, the mournful cries that would split the air, and the merciless taunt of the reset button laughing next to my finger... A glorious moment indeed.
TL;DR: I'm usually not a masochist, but when it comes to Pokemon Nuzlocke... Curse me, I can't resist the drama.
On-topic: 336. When you refuse to kill bears in Skyrim, for fear one of them is named Wilson.
336. When playing chess, you prefer to play with the chess set at an angle to create the illusion of an isometric projection...
337. When playing chess, you confuse the other player by first buffing up and then hurling skull traps and fireballs at the other side of the board...
338. When playing chess, you are confused that no dice rolls are required, even when your pawns (halflings) are ambushed by a bishop (cleric), although you feel glad that the Paladins finally get there horse...
339. When playing chess, and the game ends, you are confused as to how the CHARNAME became a king.
340. When your boss tells you to do something and you say "so easy you could almost do it yourself," before realizing you just said that out loud and your boss doesn't play BG.
My friend who also plays bg is starting to get pissed at me becuase I respond to most instruction with a xan impression. None of my other friends play, though they all know who xan is by now. Also, whenever I say "whatever" it comes out as xan involuntarily. This surprised me once, but know I'm used to it.
338. When playing chess, you are confused that no dice rolls are required, even when your pawns (halflings) are ambushed by a bishop (cleric), although you feel glad that the Paladins finally get there horse...
Gawd. This was a genius post. Now if only I choose constructs as my favored enemy, I may finally find a way to deal with those pesky rooks.
339. When you talk to your father in law for his blessing and say -Hand over your ward and no-one will be hurt. If you resist it shall be a waste of your Life.
340. Someone asks you a question and you reply - I've got better things to do than speaking with you.
339. When you talk to your father in law for his blessing and say -Hand over your ward and no-one will be hurt. If you resist it shall be a waste of your Life.
Now that's ballsy, but awesome. Don't forget to call him "old man."
341. After challenging your father-in-law via #339, and succeeding only in prompting him to retrieve his shotgun, you run frantically intoning "brave brave Sir Garrick, Sir Garrick ran away...."
349.You're playing with the sound off, select Yoshimo, hear the words "I am ready, I think" then "I can dance on the head of a pin as well!" when you tell him to do something. You then look down and find out thats exactly what he said.
...Yeah this just happened to me. Except with head phones off
350. You're traveling with a friend, he oversleeps and you shake him saying "Wake up, you! Wake up! Come on, we've got to get out of here!"
351. Someone explains to you a difficult concept that you didn't understand, then you get it, and say "Oooh! Oooh! You are a smart one! I understand now!"
352. You feel irritable and keep saying "Me temper's bad enough without you bothering me!"
353. When you are are in a bar and tell the bartender "I need a swig of strong dwarven ale!"
354. You smell someone farting in a lift and burst out laughing "Now that was a stinker! Hahahaha!"
355. Friends come to visit and you say "Ah, intrepid adventurers at our door."
356. When you're angry at someone and you say "Doom awaits thee! You shall suffer!"
357. You feel snobbish and say "I am one of the few who are chosen."
358. You're trying to explain something to a dense person and he refuses to believe, and you yell "Death! To the disbelievers!"
359. You think there are only two army commands. "Forward march!" and "Spare no one!"
360? Always. Good practice for if you want to be a voice actor. And who knows when you might need to speak like a younger sister at one point and a brute half-orc the next?
360. Whenever someone asks you a question you don't have the answer to, you clear your throat and say "Forgive me, but I have meditations to attend to." (I think Gorion says this, as did Chanthalas Ulbright the last my charname spoke to him.)
361. When you go shopping, at the counter you offer to pay for a bag of holding so you don't have to walk around with different bags in your hands, but somehow you never obtain one.
Edit: 362. When in 2000 on New Year's Eve rather than joining your housemates to celebrate somewhere in town, you stayed in to do more interesting things as Charname.
362. When in 2000 on New Year's Eve rather than joining your housemates to celebrate somewhere in town, you stayed in to do more interesting things as Charname.
@meagloth, I know, I wasn't (and still am not) proud of it, even though in my defense getting piss drunk as my mates used to do never really was my thing either...
363. Your girlfriend dumps you after the fifth time you call her Viconia and are unable to come up with a satisfactory explanation as to who this "Viconia" is. ("Yeah right! Just a woman in a computer game! You want me to believe that??")
364. You find yourself strangely indifferent, as Viconia is more sexy anyway, and you now have more time to woo her.
365. Your favorite part of watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail is identifying the BG-related Easter eggs in the movie. (Like the black knight quoting Branwen: 'Tis just a flesh wound!)
362. When in 2000 on New Year's Eve rather than joining your housemates to celebrate somewhere in town, you stayed in to do more interesting things as Charname.
331. When you think this haircut attracts women:
332. When you get distracted and procrastinate you whine about how crummy your Will saving throws are
334. Whenever you see the abbreviation RPG, you read Role-Playing Game, not Rocket-Propel Grenade.
335. You start a Nuzlocke file of Pokemon, and nickname all your catches after Baldur's Gate characters. (I'm seriously contemplating doing this, once I get another laptop to replace my broken one.
Yes... I can see it now. My starter, a brave Charmander who would someday transform into a noble Charizard, appropriately named Charname... See him in all his splendor and glory, before he is struck down by--oh gods, forgive me--a critical hit. Oh the tears that would fall, the mournful cries that would split the air, and the merciless taunt of the reset button laughing next to my finger... A glorious moment indeed.
TL;DR: I'm usually not a masochist, but when it comes to Pokemon Nuzlocke... Curse me, I can't resist the drama.
On-topic: 336. When you refuse to kill bears in Skyrim, for fear one of them is named Wilson.
"Strumpet? Sounds like a pastry. You are just too sweet Boo"
337. When playing chess, you confuse the other player by first buffing up and then hurling skull traps and fireballs at the other side of the board...
338. When playing chess, you are confused that no dice rolls are required, even when your pawns (halflings) are ambushed by a bishop (cleric), although you feel glad that the Paladins finally get there horse...
339. When playing chess, and the game ends, you are confused as to how the CHARNAME became a king.
...I have to admit. I did this.
Now if only I choose constructs as my favored enemy, I may finally find a way to deal with those pesky rooks.
340. Someone asks you a question and you reply - I've got better things to do than speaking with you.
343) when someone hurries you up, you reply "You have to learn to be patient child!"
345. You look for half-ogres South, South-west of town.
346. You always do people's requests for a turnip.
...Yeah this just happened to me. Except with head phones off
351. Someone explains to you a difficult concept that you didn't understand, then you get it, and say "Oooh! Oooh! You are a smart one! I understand now!"
352. You feel irritable and keep saying "Me temper's bad enough without you bothering me!"
353. When you are are in a bar and tell the bartender "I need a swig of strong dwarven ale!"
354. You smell someone farting in a lift and burst out laughing "Now that was a stinker! Hahahaha!"
355. Friends come to visit and you say "Ah, intrepid adventurers at our door."
356. When you're angry at someone and you say "Doom awaits thee! You shall suffer!"
357. You feel snobbish and say "I am one of the few who are chosen."
358. You're trying to explain something to a dense person and he refuses to believe, and you yell "Death! To the disbelievers!"
359. You think there are only two army commands. "Forward march!" and "Spare no one!"
(I think Gorion says this, as did Chanthalas Ulbright the last my charname spoke to him.)
361. When you go shopping, at the counter you offer to pay for a bag of holding so you don't have to walk around with different bags in your hands, but somehow you never obtain one.
362. When in 2000 on New Year's Eve rather than joining your housemates to celebrate somewhere in town, you stayed in to do more interesting things as Charname.
364. You find yourself strangely indifferent, as Viconia is more sexy anyway, and you now have more time to woo her.
365. Your favorite part of watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail is identifying the BG-related Easter eggs in the movie. (Like the black knight quoting Branwen: 'Tis just a flesh wound!)
367. You always want to cast stone to flesh on statues of people.
I think its awesome