How do YOU Fighter/Mage?

Ah the Fighter/Mage. We know it, some of us love it, a few of us even consider it the canon class for CHARNAME.
What is your favorite way to combine these two classes? For this poll, I am excluding triple classes.
Mine is the Gnome Fighter/Illusionist. Shorty saves, specialist, HLAs from both classes, loss of Necromancy spells somewhat mitigated by Fighter abilities.
But I want to know what you all think!
What is your favorite way to combine these two classes? For this poll, I am excluding triple classes.
Mine is the Gnome Fighter/Illusionist. Shorty saves, specialist, HLAs from both classes, loss of Necromancy spells somewhat mitigated by Fighter abilities.
But I want to know what you all think!
- How do YOU Fighter/Mage?148 votes
- Wizard Slayer/Mage Dual-class  1.35%
- Berserker/Mage Dual-class  7.43%
- Fighter/Mage Vanilla Multi-class36.49%
- Kensai/Mage Dual-class14.19%
- Fighter/Illusionist Multi-class16.22%
- Specialist Mage/Fighter Dual-class (please specify kit)  0.68%
- Fighter/Mage Vanilla Dual-class  3.38%
- Mage/Fighter Vanilla Dual-class  1.35%
- Did I forget something? Use this option to chastise and/or berate me!  3.38%
- I just wanna dance…Er, that is, see the results!15.54%
(Can't bring myself to play a gnome, and dislike the dual-class options for RP reasons.)
Really, it's my favorite RP *and* powergaming option, you have Enrage for nice immunities, and Wild Mage's NRD and one extra spell per level.
I also dislike the dual-class mechanic (but acknowledge its power). I like to have a character that can fight and cast spells from Lvl1-TOB continuously. Kinda sucks to go through BG1 as a pure fighter type and only start to cast spells in SOA
1) Berserker -> Mage, 13-28. Can wear every item a regular fighter can, has the special berserking ability, is nasty and badass. Only tradeoff? Weakened state after skill expiration, and only one point in ranged weaponry. Sweet deal.
2) Kensai -> Mage, 13-28. Everyone's standard, and favorite. I don't know, i always put this combo in second place for myself. There is an especially exceptional set of fighter gauntlets in TOB, i always like wearing one of those endgame helmets (the endgame ion stone is not too much to my fancy...), and i prefer the resistances/immunities of berserking more, to the attack bonus of kai. But it is a pretty overpowered class on it's own rights.
Both of them, can also be at 9 or 10 fighter, and 30 mage. This way they can reach 2 weapon grandmasteries, but they are going to lack their class specific bonus' peaked ability (berserking and kai get upgraded every 3-4 levels, plus kensai get passive bonuses as an extra, per 3-4 levels; 13 is ideal for getting both an extra fighter melee attack AND the kit's peaked, rounded up, ability bonus).
Finally, berserker/mage are ideal for a no reload game, or hardcore players. Or soloers. Or people who do all these at the same time, and want to be kinky, effortless winners without fails and foolproof-ly.
I'm eventually going to try the kensai/mage combo, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Kensai/cleric was pretty fun though. Dual-wielding flails was kinda awesome.
I've seen the mentioning of their head-canon Charname, and will open a separate thread about it because I think it's interesting and I don't want to derail here...
Although, I am currently attempting my first ever solo run as a FMT... Which is the closest I've ever got... Other than a Blade.
The only way I'll dual-class in BGEE is at Fighter level 3 and typically do so by power/meta-gaming via a visit to the bassilisk map right out of the gate (after a quick trip to High Hedge first). For BG2 I dual immediately at level 7 at character creation. But that's it. I don't care for the mechanics of dual-classing, i.e., the loss of class skills until you reach one level higher in the second class, and starting at level one of the second class.
That said, I'm about to start a run with a Fighter 3/Transmuter which I'll swing by assigning the kit with EE Keeper after I dual to Mage at Fighter 3.
Any time I play a specialist mage anymore I self-impose a roleplaying rule to commit more than half of the spell slots to the specialization school.
Edit: because I'm running this character in a four person non-powergame party with SCS installed I decided to go with Berserker 3/Transmuter.
Never really saw the point of the KenSage. It only has a small damage advantage with Kai (can't think of any notable instance where all that damage meant me killing stuff in notably less rounds) Immunities matter more. Unless you dual really late in which case multis are better since they don't gimp your character for a majority of the game.
BG2 - F(Kensai)/M dual-classed at high level (L17+) from XP farming
Kai, 2 AC Bonus, and the small Kensai THAC0/Damage bonuses are pretty minor. It's an improvement over a vanilla Fighter/Mage dual but not so much.
At high-level duals, the Kensai/Mage has considerably better combat bonuses than the Berserker/Mage, but he is also trapped in his second class for much longer. Advantage Berserker/Mage.
At high-level duals where XP is no issue because of XP farming, the Kensai/Mage beats the Berserker/Mage hands down because rage immunities can be superseded by spell immunities, and then the Kensai/Mage beats the Berserker/Mage soundly with sheer brute force.
For "normal" play, the Berserker/Mage is a more solid choice. But for XP farmers, the Kensai/Mage is decidedly better. It is not even funny.
Patience, perseverance and the will to play one single playthrough over a very long time. I took a year to finish some playthroughs, with 2/3 of the time spent on XP farming and the remaining 1/3 spent on actual play.
It's not rocket science, but this option isn't for most people.
For the early game, before the dual is complete, the multi is obviously stronger.
Later on
- the multi is a much better fighter thanks to HLA
- the dual is barely better at casting than a specialist (illusionist multi).
Overall, you get a character which is significantly weaker at the beginning (potentially for a very long time depending on when you want to dual) while being roughly at the same level for the end-game
It's not to say Berserker or kensai / mage are bad. They are actually very OP. But they do not compare well (unless maybe you are willing to do jacobtan xp farming) with multi.
I would prefer berserker over kensai because, if dualling at 7, 9 or even 13, the kensai bonus will not be significant enough (especially when factoring the gauntets of weap exp).
Let's suppose you're going to dual at lvl13 with Kensai and Berserker.
Then we have a Kensai/Mage that deals +4 dmg due to his passive ability and a Berserker that deals the same: +2 for Rage and +2 for Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization.
PLUS, the Berserker will have +1/2 ApR more than the Kensai... Why? Exactly the same. Aside from the fact that you're probably gonna waste multiple spells to keep up with Rage's immunities,
same can be said for "Kensai's considerably better comber bonuses" and a banal PfMW.