If you're going to have any written text in your mod, I suggest you change your style to Standard English.
I Agree, fear not, I use Regular English when I'm Working on 'Non-Personal' Content. If I did this wacky style of English in my mod it would look 'uncouth' and nonprofessional; So no Worries there. But here on the forums it matters somewhat but not at a 'make or break' level. [So I let loose and have some good fun.]
Take Care and have Good Fun!
[Also I plan on getting editors to edit some of my more advanced progress just for that reason.]
I'm Now Currently 'Flying Under the Radar'. I will be working on the 'Expansion' but with less feed back. I have a myriad of technical problems. Computer, Content, Environment, Limited Resources etc. So don't expect much in a short while. I Need to get a New Computer Guys... And a bazillion other things; it is not like I can just dump time into a 'perfect' setting and give you guys things now. I Must get a 'setting' first.
I Plan on Seeing you guys later, but for now... find other things until I get my sh*t together.
I'm currently Working on 'Non-Resourced' Items' Description Art [e.g. Lamellar Armour] and playing a bunch of Vanilla Baldur's Gate Mods for inspiration until I can start actually going 'full tilt'.
" @WithinAmnesia, I'm old enough to be worried that I won't see anything materialise if it doesn't happen within your 8–15 year forecast. ;-)
There is fan intrigue and confidence in my post.
Start fleshing out those concepts. Add details as required. Think about your characters, about the personalities you want them to have; write character sheets if desired.
Allowance of three months for a basic working model—a demo, a proof of concept. A single new area, perhaps. A single NPC in a pre-existing area, one with a basic set of dialogue instructions.
Notice the absence of 'unknowns,' and notice the absence of the words 'professional,' 'profit,' and 'money.' It also simplifies your 'production.' "
[I messed up your 'big arrows' @Troodon80 and I 'currently' do not know how to fix them :-/. Could some one hlp me if there is a kind enough soul? ]
@Troodon80 Hello my extremely supportive friend! I am 'in the swing' of Baldur's Gate Content! I just got off of a 'swing' of 'Internet Tanks' [B.o.W.] and I just restarted my Google sketch up 3D Modeling learning! Now all I can think of Baldur's Gate! I just finished the 'Mechanical Alpha Version' of a New Planned Non-Player Character: Osprey the Fighter/Mage! http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/37893/new-non-player-character-osprey-the-fighter-mage#latest
My Fellow Canadian [Yes, yes?No, no?] @Elminster [You said the Toronto Subway bit from your mod concept yes? Sea of blood, eve of war, tides of war? (Eve and Tales of War yes, yes?)]
Also thank you for the support with the 'insightfuls', they mean a lot to myself; of which even I find surprising their supportive emotional value. -Just Being Honest.
What are your ideas on this project? Also what would you want to see? Do you have any content plans?
I have a new Version of Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1!
This is how I Created the New BAM for Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1: "I Created the Two-Handed Sword +1's BAM [Item Icon] myself on Bamworkshop and Bamworkshop II plus editing screen shots with Microsoft Paint then scaling the art down into an importable size for Bamworkshop 1.107. Afterwards I imported the new BAM file into [my] Baldur's Gate Override file and hooked it up (via Nearinfinity) with the custom Two-Handed Sword +1 for Osprey tested and tweaked the file into a bug-free format and then Bam! (puns :-P )
Thank You very much, I intend to do it in one form or another as of today I plan to create a new [adjacent] BAM (icon) from the Scimitar +1: Slightly Blue Tinted Blade with a small hold punched in the back spike / blade crest plus also having a slightly off-tinted handle earth green or off/brown-yellow to complement the new blue tinted blade. I may have the Masterwork version of the scimitar have a smallish sharp 'narrowed' tear drop red ruby inlaid within the guard junction to distinguish it from the Fine Scimitar [For they will both have slightly tinted green blades (maybe the master work version will have more gold / adornments and a slightly stronger tint of green to the blade?]
What does everyone think of that? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Update)! New Scimitar +1 BAM is Here! So what does everyone think of it thus far?
Progress Report (Date:14/01/2014) I have been 'scoping out' items that are in 'need' of improvement from a 'dialog standpoint'. Here is a 'rough' compiled list of 'improvement targets': -Chow!-
Wow.. I just found a speech of mine that I gave to no-one and expected one one to hear it upon a dead mod's forum. My 'silent speech' was all completely full of heart and unbridled substance for in my eyes of the past there would be none to judge it. Although I want to exhume this beautiful speech as to make sure to stave off just a short while bit longer, its status as forgotten.
I wish to say that this is addressed to the 'dead' creator of the Free Miniature Expansion Pack for the Original Baldur's Gate: "The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight". Without further ado my exhumed 'silent speech' "Together as One"
"So, *dust clears* Baronius; 'bossman' it is 2015 *pause - waits* [I don't know what to say?] -First off I think that The Grey Clan: Episode One "In Candlelight" was and is probably one of if not the highest quality unofficial content '[micro-]expansion' that I have played for my favourite game: the Original Baldur's Gate. (Tutu I feel is an engine upgrade rather than a 'content mod'; even then I disliked the segregated weapon proficiencies and the Heads Up Display / User Interface so much that I like 'Vanilla' Baldur's Gate more so.
I am a fan and a supporter of your project and I admire your project's quality and characteristics. I would love to see both Episode II and Episode III come to fruition and when I look at the website exclaiming excitedly and 'ecstatically' over the upcoming 'unofficial content' to soon be release... I feel sad my stranger - friend; I really do. You know I contacted Mike from Mikes R.P.G. Center and I offered to update his website for the new Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Items [Since I loved his style of easy and informative item lists so much]. He replied and said that he does not want my help and he has found a new calling in life (pedal biking) and he likes to work alone and does not have the free time anymore. I went back to my home town around 7 years after I left to see my old friends that I grew up around; and at the time I last saw them when I was 13 or 14.. I came back and some moved away and some were the same but most were transformed into lonely stoners, hard-drug users and alcoholics. I was so deflated from realizing that life changes, and some times old memories fad away like a smile on a child's face when no one picks them up from school. I had severe 'family' problems and I had to relocated myself to a new town by myself to finish my high-school. I found in my new town that there too was so much drug use and young alcoholics and teenage pregnancies with looming families of dysfunction that were doomed their child(ren) to a life a of chaos and to repeat their parents addition. I saw this and I started an Airsoft club for people with nothing else but drugs and booze to consume to forget their poor degraded lives in their spare time. It was a good club, I helped build many people to be strong socially and formed 'brotherly love' for people whom previous did not see eye to eye with the 'other races'. Slowly though that too fell to change, more and more soft + hard drugs and alcohol crept into the young and the restless whom had little direction and no personal support. In the final year I was there I was vice president of the student council to a town I knew nearly nothing about and I had lost a friend whom I knew and played Airsoft with to suicide a few days before Christmas; he was a new uncle. I graduated beside his picture frame and accepted some scholastic awards (that I later then put away with others into a box) and walked out half way through my graduation ceremony to spend time with my distant family whom drove far to see me. I felt so empty knowing how short life is and how all innocent things change eventually. I moved back to my old family and to another town. I realized that change always happens and nothing is innocent forever. I most always grew up fast and I grew grey hairs until I found myself saying 'in my childhood' before I was 18 years of age. I really, really miss the days when the unknown was inviting and the prospects of a clear and set life seemed so real as if they were to waiting in the darkness to be clasped. How wrong I was to assume that I could walk such an easy path. Enough about myself, 'woe is me: boo-hoo and all that'; I merely want to express my relation to how events change, promises fade and past enjoyments get eaten away by time and change. I feel for you if you find your self realizing that life really is 'never' about what you plan for, but rather it is what your plans have for you.
I want to create an Expansion Pack for the Original Baldur's Gate as a life goal, 'screw it' if the game gets 'too old'; for me it won't. Life is so incredibly short, I have seen some of my close friends sit me down and plan their lives in depth and detail with me by their side in the most carefree and relaxed of mindsets; together laughing at our jokes, and laughing our fears away and playing around with the possibilities of what a fresh life can become only for me to hear 'the terrible news' a blink of an eye later and see the considerate yet out-landishly distant face of the gravedigger on how he is to plan their tombstones. I realize that we all have different paths and different struggles in our completely unique lives but.. It really hit me to feel that 'vacuum' to hold a physical memory of a loved one in the palm of your hand realize: 'that is it, this is all that will ever be and ever was of my dear fiend to those who never met him before; oh what possibilities that will never reach fruition: how shallow they all feel, the ghosts of their dreams and ambitions'. I see these dreamers and I look around only to find myself looking back at me. I look at you and I hear my own voice. I look at these empty halls of pages waiting to become dust of a forgotten memory; waiting for the absolute last day of this thread and I hear my own thoughts panging silently in my mind. I look upon your ambition and I feel my own will to live, and to breath, and to fight, and to create what will never die; Even though in the end we all eventually do.. Some unfortunately are taken before their dreams can live, and fight ferociously and then calmly die along with us when we are ready, and have spent ourselves upon a full life, filled with many daunting and painful struggles, challenges, failures and successes. In the end, together we die, equally as one. Although our voice can carry on far beyond what our eyes will give us to become our final sunrise and our final sunset, our last breath and our last memory. We can be heard even though we die and become nothing more than dust in an infinite galaxy, we can carry on, together equally as one; it is just a matter of what language you choose to speak: the physical, the spiritual, and, or, the mental in the hearts and the minds of those whom choose to remember us; together equally as one."
Standing Defensive Argument if need be: I understand that I am showing a great deal of my personal experience here, and I understand that but it is a 'vulnerability' that I wish to show and one that I am proud to have experienced. Yes my above speech may be revealing and I wish to to be that way. I would find it ironic that one who plays a role playing game where one can fight bloodied and battle tempered to become the new lord of murder is yet repulsed by a stranger's honest good will and concentrated perspective of hardship to give a beautiful point to random strangers around himself. My friend we live, we die and most live within fear their whole lives controlled by people's judgement and are afraid to change their tradition of habitually struggling in silence. Most die before the age of 23 but most will not rest until they have become old, enfeebled, brittle in the bone, lost within the inevitable infinite mighty quicksand of time and as their mind's eye cataracts over their final regret of lost past opportunities while their lives were still prime of ability. Although that is a path that we must first choose ourselves, and we always have the freedom to choose the path walked by a brave few.
I am currently working on what Weapons and maybe some Armour that I can import into Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey from these included but not limited to 'titles': Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II and maybe Planescape Torment and maybe even #adventureY when it comes out.
I currently have no ambitions (aside from possibly helping with the housing option), but if you wish for help with 3D models then I am prepared to help in any way I can. I have created a number of basic items from Baldur's Gate over the last year, such as the gatehouse from Durlag's Tower (shown to the right), as well as houses, sections of walls, lamp posts, and bonfires that look somewhat similar to those found in the game. If you should want these items then I can upload at a later date using the OBJ format. You should be able to import them into Blender rather easily.
Hey @Troodon80 I have just recently found some 'tranquility' in my life and I can start working of Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey. I was wondering if you would be up for making some buildings or items but mainly I need some help with areas for I am 'okay' with items at the moment (but not great). I have some concept drawings, area source data / maps and other 'iterations' of the area via older mostly 'gold box' game(s) of areas that I really want to work on. This chiefly / namely The Island of Mintarn: The Pirate Safehaven (of I plan to include an Improved Recruitable Osprey the Fighter/Mage on said location) and The Sea Tower of Balduran (The Sea Tower being possibly worked on now or later with maybe an improved Candlekeep Party Member to found some where within the area.
Oh and before I forget, here are some of my recently 'Forged' item BAMs: [Spoiler]^ Above are the Unique 'Blue Headed Maces' of +3 Enchantment. Here is the Quest Plot / Story for the Unique Maces Thus Far: "I should add a quest chain where the player within Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey starts a chain of encounters with a Cleric/Mage Elf and the player can steal two of three Gem stones (Jem parody somewhere?) to stop a ritual and the *Insert sub-race here* Elf takes flight with single remaining gem stone in tow and she clandestinely creates one of three maces +3 that have unique powers depending of which two tones the player took and what sole remaining ritual gem stone she has remaining of which to craft of of three possible weapons. Plot: The *Insert sub-race here* Elf Cleric/Mage want to desperately complete an 'almost summoning ritual' but she is interrupted by the player's party and has to flee. In light of her failed plans she realizes that she cannot reclaim her two missing ritual stones for they are either with the player character or with the foreign helping organization know as the their long name The Black Gaunt Hanging Tree or also they are more 'commonly' know as The Black Knights of the Gaunt Tree or just the abbreviated: Knights of the Gaunt Tree. So she instead re-focuses her efforts into creating a powerful Mace of +3 enchantment with unique power based upon what the player has 'given' her as the 'soul' gemstone in her possession after her failed 'dangerous' ritual; this new powerful mace is of course intended to end your life and any others whom wish to 'Further Interrupt' her 'Unique Ritual and her Cold Calculated Plans' Que: 1980's 'Bad Guy' reference.) deviant ART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/Epic-Blued-Mace-Quintuple-Colour-Reforge03-3-532596632?q=gallery:withinamnesia/51118284&qo=13[/Spoiler] [Spoiler]Here is said map of mintarn based from the 1992 released Gold Box Advanced Dugeons and Dragons Computer Game: Treasures of the Savage Frontier: Also here is a video of the area being played in by some random You Tuber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6Y8MpqXXq4 Also I have MUCH more resources but those are the ones that were in 'hand's reach' and easily sharable (that I know of) on the interwebs.[/Spoiler] Thank You Very Much @Troodon80 for giving me support in the early past, I am happy that you like my ambitious expansion project for The Original Baldur's Gate:-).
*Animation Restorations are being focused on* I will try my best to be able to add dual wielding into the Original Baldur's Gate Player Animations (I have found a solution with 'animation 3'). Also I may be able to add a new use unused Helm Animation into Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, and I may be able to restore more weapon variety for monster animations. Also I am thinking about a project where both the Original Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II Animation are used. The Armour is speculated to work as such:
-No Armour: To Be Decided / Mix for Non Recruitable Non-Player Characters. -Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'. -Studded Leather Armour: Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Leather Animation'. -Hide Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'. -Chain Mail Armour: Mostly Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Chain Mail Animation' (Except for Rogues) -Splint Mail Armour: Case By Case Armour Animation Choice. -Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Plate Mail Animation' -Full Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Plate Mail Animation'.
I will try my very best to restore the old helm animations for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. I will need help in 'setting it up' but I am confident that I can complete the laborious task of creating the restored helm assets.
Like "Osprey C" for Example. I Have Screenshots from my 'Dead' Computer.
Take Care Folks!
Take Care.
Bye for Now, Take Care!
Take Care and have Good Fun!
[Also I plan on getting editors to edit some of my more advanced progress just for that reason.]
I Plan on Seeing you guys later, but for now... find other things until I get my sh*t together.
Take Care Everyone!
With the Best of Intentions:
'Within Amnesia'.
Osprey's Own Thread: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/37893/new-non-player-character-osprey-the-fighter-mage?new=1
@Troodon80 Hello my extremely supportive friend! I am 'in the swing' of Baldur's Gate Content! I just got off of a 'swing' of 'Internet Tanks' [B.o.W.] and I just restarted my Google sketch up 3D Modeling learning! Now all I can think of Baldur's Gate! I just finished the 'Mechanical Alpha Version' of a New Planned Non-Player Character: Osprey the Fighter/Mage! http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/37893/new-non-player-character-osprey-the-fighter-mage#latest
Extra: Here is a big 'swath' of the stuff that I have been up to and how I have evolved through different 'swings': http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/gallery/
Also thank you for the support with the 'insightfuls', they mean a lot to myself; of which even I find surprising their supportive emotional value. -Just Being Honest.
What are your ideas on this project? Also what would you want to see? Do you have any content plans?
Here is the image that I wish to 'showcase':
What do you here guys think? (I would love to know your thoughts on the subject of suggestion).
This is how I Created the New BAM for Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1:
"I Created the Two-Handed Sword +1's BAM [Item Icon] myself on Bamworkshop and Bamworkshop II plus editing screen shots with Microsoft Paint then scaling the art down into an importable size for Bamworkshop 1.107. Afterwards I imported the new BAM file into [my] Baldur's Gate Override file and hooked it up (via Nearinfinity) with the custom Two-Handed Sword +1 for Osprey tested and tweaked the file into a bug-free format and then Bam! (puns :-P )
That is the 'short' story of ISW2HO05, or also know as Osprey's Two-Handed Sword +1!"
From DeviantART: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/New-Sword-BAM-Osprey-Level-6-6-II-506556368?ga_submit_new=10%3A1421043946&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1
Take Care Everyone and Create many, many more BAMs!
Osprey Level 2-1(III)
Osprey Level 2 Fighter, Level 1 Mage: 4001 Experience.
-Inventory Items List-
Item 0: Leather Armour (LEAT01)
Item 1: War Hammer (IHAMM01)
Item 2: [Osprey's Unique Purple-Hilted] Two-Handed Sword +1 [Dexterity bonus +1] (ISW2HO05)
Item 3: Medium Shield (ISHLD03)
Item 4: Wand of Fire [x3 Charges](WAND05)
Item 5: Osprey's Magic Candle (MISCO01)
Item 6: Potion of Fortitude [x3](POTN28)
Gold Wealth: 155
Innate Spell Memorization:
1 - Invisibility
Wizard Spell Memorization:
[Level One Spells]
2 - Magic Missile
1 - Identify
0 - Shield
0 - Friends
Osprey Level 4-2(III)
Osprey Level 4 Fighter, Level 3 Mage: 16001 Experience.
-Inventory Items List-
Item 0: Hide Armour (LEAT10)
Item 1: War Hammer (IHAMM01)
Item 2: [Osprey's Unique Purple-Hilted] Two-Handed Sword +1 [Dexterity bonus +1] (ISW2HO05)
Item 3: Medium Shield (ISHLD03)
Item 4: Wand of Fire [x3 Charges](WAND05)
Item 5: Osprey's Magic Candle (MISCO01)
Item 6: Potion of Fortitude [x3](POTN28)
Item 7: Light Crossbow (XBOW04)
Item 8: Bolt [x20](BOLT01)
Gold Wealth: 155
Innate Spell Memorization:
1 - Invisibility
Wizard Spell Memorization:
[Level One Spells]
2 - Magic Missile
1 - Identify
1 - Shield
0 - Friends
[Level Two Spells]
1 - Horror
0 - Melf's Acid Arrow
Osprey Level 6-6(III)
Osprey Level 6 Fighter, Level 6 Mage: 40001 Experience.
-Inventory Items List-
Item 0: Chainmail Armour (ICHAN01)
Item 1: War Hammer (IHAMM01)
Item 2: [Osprey's Unique Purple-Hilted] Two-Handed Sword +1 [Dexterity bonus +1] (ISW2HO05)
Item 3: Medium Shield (ISHLD03)
Item 4: Wand of Fire [x3 Charges](WAND05)
Item 5: Osprey's Magic Candle (MISCO01)
Item 6: Potion of Fortitude [x3](POTN28)
Item 7: Light Crossbow (XBOW04)
Item 8: Bolt [x20, x20](BOLT01)
Gold Wealth: 155
Innate Spell Memorization:
1 - Invisibility
Wizard Spell Memorization:
[Level One Spells]
4 - Magic Missile
1 - Identify
1 - Shield
0 - Friends
[Level Two Spells]
1 - Horror
1 - Melf's Acid Arrow
0 - Mirror Image
[Level Three Spells]
1 - Monster Summoning I
1 - Ghost Armour
I hope that you enjoy the New Improved Osprey!
What does everyone think of that?
New Scimitar +1 BAM is Here!
So what does everyone think of it thus far?
I have been 'scoping out' items that are in 'need' of improvement from a 'dialog standpoint'.
Here is a 'rough' compiled list of 'improvement targets':
I wish to say that this is addressed to the 'dead' creator of the Free Miniature Expansion Pack for the Original Baldur's Gate: "The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight".
Without further ado my exhumed 'silent speech' "Together as One"
-First off I think that The Grey Clan: Episode One "In Candlelight" was and is probably one of if not the highest quality unofficial content '[micro-]expansion' that I have played for my favourite game: the Original Baldur's Gate. (Tutu I feel is an engine upgrade rather than a 'content mod'; even then I disliked the segregated weapon proficiencies and the Heads Up Display / User Interface so much that I like 'Vanilla' Baldur's Gate more so.
I am a fan and a supporter of your project and I admire your project's quality and characteristics. I would love to see both Episode II and Episode III come to fruition and when I look at the website exclaiming excitedly and 'ecstatically' over the upcoming 'unofficial content' to soon be release... I feel sad my stranger - friend; I really do. You know I contacted Mike from Mikes R.P.G. Center and I offered to update his website for the new Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Items [Since I loved his style of easy and informative item lists so much]. He replied and said that he does not want my help and he has found a new calling in life (pedal biking) and he likes to work alone and does not have the free time anymore. I went back to my home town around 7 years after I left to see my old friends that I grew up around; and at the time I last saw them when I was 13 or 14.. I came back and some moved away and some were the same but most were transformed into lonely stoners, hard-drug users and alcoholics. I was so deflated from realizing that life changes, and some times old memories fad away like a smile on a child's face when no one picks them up from school. I had severe 'family' problems and I had to relocated myself to a new town by myself to finish my high-school. I found in my new town that there too was so much drug use and young alcoholics and teenage pregnancies with looming families of dysfunction that were doomed their child(ren) to a life a of chaos and to repeat their parents addition. I saw this and I started an Airsoft club for people with nothing else but drugs and booze to consume to forget their poor degraded lives in their spare time. It was a good club, I helped build many people to be strong socially and formed 'brotherly love' for people whom previous did not see eye to eye with the 'other races'. Slowly though that too fell to change, more and more soft + hard drugs and alcohol crept into the young and the restless whom had little direction and no personal support. In the final year I was there I was vice president of the student council to a town I knew nearly nothing about and I had lost a friend whom I knew and played Airsoft with to suicide a few days before Christmas; he was a new uncle. I graduated beside his picture frame and accepted some scholastic awards (that I later then put away with others into a box) and walked out half way through my graduation ceremony to spend time with my distant family whom drove far to see me. I felt so empty knowing how short life is and how all innocent things change eventually. I moved back to my old family and to another town. I realized that change always happens and nothing is innocent forever. I most always grew up fast and I grew grey hairs until I found myself saying 'in my childhood' before I was 18 years of age. I really, really miss the days when the unknown was inviting and the prospects of a clear and set life seemed so real as if they were to waiting in the darkness to be clasped. How wrong I was to assume that I could walk such an easy path. Enough about myself, 'woe is me: boo-hoo and all that'; I merely want to express my relation to how events change, promises fade and past enjoyments get eaten away by time and change. I feel for you if you find your self realizing that life really is 'never' about what you plan for, but rather it is what your plans have for you.
I want to create an Expansion Pack for the Original Baldur's Gate as a life goal, 'screw it' if the game gets 'too old'; for me it won't. Life is so incredibly short, I have seen some of my close friends sit me down and plan their lives in depth and detail with me by their side in the most carefree and relaxed of mindsets; together laughing at our jokes, and laughing our fears away and playing around with the possibilities of what a fresh life can become only for me to hear 'the terrible news' a blink of an eye later and see the considerate yet out-landishly distant face of the gravedigger on how he is to plan their tombstones. I realize that we all have different paths and different struggles in our completely unique lives but.. It really hit me to feel that 'vacuum' to hold a physical memory of a loved one in the palm of your hand realize: 'that is it, this is all that will ever be and ever was of my dear fiend to those who never met him before; oh what possibilities that will never reach fruition: how shallow they all feel, the ghosts of their dreams and ambitions'. I see these dreamers and I look around only to find myself looking back at me. I look at you and I hear my own voice. I look at these empty halls of pages waiting to become dust of a forgotten memory; waiting for the absolute last day of this thread and I hear my own thoughts panging silently in my mind. I look upon your ambition and I feel my own will to live, and to breath, and to fight, and to create what will never die; Even though in the end we all eventually do.. Some unfortunately are taken before their dreams can live, and fight ferociously and then calmly die along with us when we are ready, and have spent ourselves upon a full life, filled with many daunting and painful struggles, challenges, failures and successes. In the end, together we die, equally as one. Although our voice can carry on far beyond what our eyes will give us to become our final sunrise and our final sunset, our last breath and our last memory. We can be heard even though we die and become nothing more than dust in an infinite galaxy, we can carry on, together equally as one; it is just a matter of what language you choose to speak: the physical, the spiritual, and, or, the mental in the hearts and the minds of those whom choose to remember us; together equally as one."
Original Post's Source: http://forums.blackwyrmlair.net/index.php?showtopic=1619&st=40
Oh and before I forget, here are some of my recently 'Forged' item BAMs:
deviant ART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/Epic-Blued-Mace-Quintuple-Colour-Reforge03-3-532596632?q=gallery:withinamnesia/51118284&qo=13[/Spoiler]
[Spoiler]Here is said map of mintarn based from the 1992 released Gold Box Advanced Dugeons and Dragons Computer Game:
Treasures of the Savage Frontier:
Also here is a video of the area being played in by some random You Tuber:
Also I have MUCH more resources but those are the ones that were in 'hand's reach' and easily sharable (that I know of) on the interwebs.[/Spoiler]
Thank You Very Much @Troodon80 for giving me support in the early past, I am happy that you like my ambitious expansion project for The Original Baldur's Gate:-).
I will try my best to be able to add dual wielding into the Original Baldur's Gate Player Animations (I have found a solution with 'animation 3'). Also I may be able to add a new use unused Helm Animation into Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, and I may be able to restore more weapon variety for monster animations. Also I am thinking about a project where both the Original Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II Animation are used. The Armour is speculated to work as such:
-No Armour: To Be Decided / Mix for Non Recruitable Non-Player Characters.
-Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'.
-Studded Leather Armour: Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Leather Animation'.
-Hide Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'.
-Chain Mail Armour: Mostly Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Chain Mail Animation' (Except for Rogues)
-Splint Mail Armour: Case By Case Armour Animation Choice.
-Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Plate Mail Animation'
-Full Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Plate Mail Animation'.
I will try my very best to restore the old helm animations for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. I will need help in 'setting it up' but I am confident that I can complete the laborious task of creating the restored helm assets.