New Expansion Pack [Baldur's Gate Path of the Lost Odyssey]

*This Post Will Be Expanded in the Future so Stay Tuned!*
[Spoiler]This is a 'Trajection' of mine that I wish to pursue as an adventure in the undertaking.
*The Finite Details and Problems will be worked out at a later date.*
This is a Compilation of [My Own Unique ('100% Authentic, Real it is!') Ideas / Concepts for my Own Content along with (If everything Works Out my my Content First + Community Negotiations)] Previous Modifications 'Tweaked' and given [Updated + Refined Original and New] Unique Content, e.g. [Updated + New] Unique Maps with [Loads of] Research and T.L.C.
-New Custom Content that I would like in the Game [Baldur's Gate] and Some Optional Features, Quests NPCs etc. e.g Ankheg Matriarch Quest Chain.
Basically this is an Expansion Pack that [Focuses on my Own Content Plus wants to give] the 'A' Quality Mods a Chance to Shine with a New 'Professional' Coat of New Features and Unique 'Twists'. That is my Ambition and I hope that it Works! [There will be Problems; Yes! (That is what Passion is for, Others Quit when 'it' is Not Easy; but the Passionate Stay).]
(Updated: 2:52 PM 21/05/2014)
*Goes to Work*
Stay Tuned Friends![/Spoiler]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update: One (1.1) [??:?? ?? ??/05/2014][Spoiler]
I'm Currently Looking for every great modification to Baldur's Gate and as it stands there is a great chance for these 'Great Mods.' to be implemented into the Expansion Pack.
Please List Other Mods than These:
- Dark Side of the Sword Coast
- Stone of Askavar
- Dark Horizons
- The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candle Light
- BG1 Unfinished Business
- Fields of the Dead
- BG 1 Adventure Pack
- BG 1 CoM Forge/Item Upgrade
- The Vault
- Ease-of-use Pack by Tioma
- Slime Quest
- Team BG's Weapon Pack
- Team BG's Armour Pack
- North Side of the Sword Coast
- Sword Coast Stratagems
- Firewalker by Jason Higgins
- BG Mini-Quests and Encounters
- Russian Bonus for Baldur's Gate I
- BG Mini-Quests and Encounters
- Back to Baldur's Gate
- Drizzt Saga
Also I'm Aware of These Mods:
Revised World Map
Here is the Working File that I'm Personally Using: "Known Great Mods" (As a Download Below).
Take Care Friends and Have Fun!
(Extra: Please Help Me Out on Creating this 'Community' Expansion Pack; I Would Most Like the Support.)
Update: Two (1.2) [9:09 PM 20/05/2014][Spoiler]
I wish to also make my own '100% Custom' content and THEN see if I can get the 'A' quality Mods some time in the sun.
Here are Two Maps that I made Today [Actually one file but I Screenshot'ed and Cropped the two different map 'types' beside one another into more 'bite [or byte] sized' pieces with two different programs]
Baldur's Gate Path of the Lost Odyssey Alpha Map:
-21 New Areas
-Fields of the Dead
-Expanded Gnoll Stronghold [If Beam Dog Does Not]
-The Bronze Mines of the Sword Coast
-The City Arylon
-Mintarn Islands
-More Wilderness Areas
-More Settlements
-More Islands!
-Damn it! I Forgot the Ankheg Matriarch Quest Locations! ARRRRRG! (I guess that is why it is Called the ALPHA Map) Drink Milk Guys; preferably Goat's Milk it is better for you.
Update Two Out... For Now!
Update: Three (1.3) [2:38 PM 21/05/2014][Spoiler]
Production Plan! I'm Coping my Production Plan that I Gave in a Below Comment Reply for Updating here to make Finding Content Easier for my Readers.
"As for Content [A Production Plan] Goes; here is how I Plan for 'it to go' (2:36 PM 21/05/2014):
1.) Research and Conceptualize Original Content / Brainstorm + Play Baldur's Gate + Mods for Inspiration.
2.) Learn, Improve and Research my 'Production' Skills e.g. Blender + Team BG Tools.
3.) [Working Time] Over the coarse of [Insert 'X' Years Here] Time I Will Work and Develop my Original Content
4.) Internally Test and Improve my Content via Adding and Removing Content to make 'It' Better.
5.) Public Beta Release, Q & A, 'Work out Bugs' Time and general Open Mindedness for New or Better Ideas.
6.) More Work 'Ironing Out' my Original ['Improved'] Content. (Community Feed Back = Change / Improvement.)
7.) Ask for Permission to Use, Integrate and or Update ('Good') Modifications via their Original Creators.
- If Allowed: Work With the Original Creators for Inspiration and Refinement.
- If Not Allowed: Ask for a Compatibly Allowance and (if every thing works out) a Recommendation 'Link' Included into My/Our Content as an Optional Feature.
9.) Refine, Refine, Refine; Continue Steps 4 and 5 + 'Resource Dump' of 'Professional Refinement'.
10.) Work at Publishing... Find Monetary, Find Lawyers, Find IP Owners; Negotiation Time.
11.) Publishing Time [Left Blank for now]
12.) Repeat Step 5. + If New Content 'Happens': Repeat Step 3,4,5 and 6. If (A+) Mods Happen repeat Steps: 7,8 and 9.
For now friends, just throw your comments here and ask some critical questions, no matter how harsh; One Cannot see both sides if one always stands on the sunny side of things.
So Please Don't Assume my Abilities nor Claims; for now just Hope and give Inspiration if you Want / Will.
Take care on that Mundane Battlefield!"
Update: Three (1.3) Over and Out... For Now (Dunt-Dunnn).
Update: Four (1.4) [10:29 PM 22/05/2014][Spoiler]
"How in the Nine Hells are you Going to Release this 'Expansion' ahmmn?!"- 'Giving a harsh 'Drogulative' look'.
Here is the plan so Far (10:24 PM 22/05/2014) [Quoted from a Below Comment to Dee]
"I see a few possible ways this 'Expansion' could be Released to the Public:
Step One: [Non-Professional Alpha Release]
A.) Internal Development of 'Roughed Out' Unique Content with Semi-Community Testing. Create Solid Content, 'win over the hearts' of the 'desired' modders, see if I can give them some 'time in the spotlight'.
Add Updated + Improved 'Permission-ed' Mods into the Rough State Release for Rigorous Community Testing.
B.) General Life Altering Bull ca rp Happens and results in Delays with Option A.)
C.) I Die and Nothing Happens.
Step Two: [Rise to Power or Plunder]
A.) Education, Experience and Adventure in the Video Game Industry. Years Later: Create and Expand a Personal 'Video Game Developing' Company for 'Other Projects' of mine + New ones that I 'befriend' along the way. Start Focusing on 'Professional Development' and 'Very Fine Construction' of the 'Expansion'.
B.) General Life Altering Bull ca rp Happens and results in Delays with Option A.)
C.) I Die and No 'Professional Release'; all that is left is an empty, hollow Ambition and a Roughed Out Spine of way could have been...
Step Three: ['Professional' Release]
A.) VERY Do-able: Free Release with Minimal Effort in the 'Law End' of things. Company Non-Resourceful.
'Fair' Near-Professional After Launch Support. No Bonus Net Profit.
B.) Fairly Do-able: Free Release with Fair Effort in the 'Law End' of things. Monetary Resources Semi-Successfully Found; I become in dept but fulfilled. 'Excellent' Near-Professional After Launch Support. No Bonus Net Profit.
C.) Hard, but Do-able: Published Release with Extreme Effort put in the 'Law End' of things. Resources Fully Successful, with or without a Personal Company; Full 'Launch' and Professional After Launch Support. Modders get Fair Percent of Net Profit. The Rest goes Toward Company Expansion.
D.) Option C.) But the 'Law End' of things 'fell through the floor' and was unsuccessful with securing the 'rights' for a Professional Publish. Although the 'Expansion' has Professional Support and my Personal Company is backing the Development; a free Launch happens with Professional After Launch Support. Modders get nothing.
E.) I Die before Full Development and Project is Unfinished. No 'Professional' Release. No Future IPs, Just third party Memories and Mysteries.
F.) Option D.) Around Ten Years after Step Three is Completed: Baldur's Gate becomes 'abandon ware'; Expansion Rights Secured, new non-filler unique excellent quality content is added. New System Compatibly is Included and Packaged with New Features / Content. Full 'Launch'; Professional After Launch Support. Alive Modders get Fair Percent of Net Profit. Dead Modders' Families get Fair Percent.
G.) Free Launch Happens, I die before I can Secure Rights to publish a Full 'Launch' of the 'Expansion'. No 'Professional' Launch. Modders get nothing.
That is what I have going around my head; well the short version that is. I hope that above clears 'things' up, if not please ask questions; I would be more than happy to reply (Hopefully in a timely fashion).
Take care my Friend(s) and Readers alike, and Thank You Dee for the Support. No matter what a person will say to you face to face; we are all Very Emotionally Insecure in our own ways and Any Support goes Miles in the Long Run. Especially with Myself with this 'Bucket List' of an Ambitious Work.
See You Later."
Update: Four Discontinued
Update: Five (1.5) (2:12 PM 23/05/2014)[Spoiler]
Production and Fan Confidence ['Pulled' from a Below Comment]
How I Currently Plan on the 'Production' of the this 'Expansion': (2:10 PM 23/05/2014)
"Picture these Events that I Currently Plan (23/05/2014):
1.) Tinker Around with Concept Art and Design [Internal] with some 'Releases' of 'Roughed Out' Ideas / Concepts to you Guys. [Over all Time Frame (Through out the 'Expansion's' Development.]
2.) Any where from 8 to 20 Months [Time May Vary] from now to start the 'Very Rough, Rough Production' with a 'Sea' of Concept Behind Me. [Internal: with Screenshots, [Videos] and General Progress Reports.]
3.) [Time Unknown] After "Very Rough, Rough Production", Start 'Rough Refinement' either
A.) Do it all myself with 'Open Ended' Change 'Logs'; Community Feed Back Open.
B.) Me and My 'Friends' Do Option A.)
C.) Release Super 'Ca rp' 'Expansion' 'Mod' and let every one down but get new Ideas.
D.) [Open For new Ideas as time 'Chugs' Along.]
4.) Polish, Polish, Polish. [I could Elaborate but I would need specifics of which I plan not to assume; and I will 'Cross that Bridge when it Comes'.] [Internal]
5.) Release 'Roughed Out Version' to the General Public. [Estimated Time of Release: 2-10 years from Now.] [Public]
6.) Professional Support Acquired! [If Not, I will just need more time or I would have 'Kicked the Bucket']
-[Intentionally Left Blank.] (e.g. My Personal Development Company (Other Game Produced Beforehand).
9.) Expansion Gets New 'Professional' Content. [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
8.) Super Professional Polish Time [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
9.) Polish Until "The Time Comes" [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
10.) 'Professional Launch' [Estimated Time of Release: 8-15+ years from Now. (Time may Vary).]
A.) If 'Rights' Secured: Full Professional Launch. Net Profit Divided Fairly: Bonus; not Required.
B.) If 'Rights' Not Secured: Free Professional Launch. Dept: Worth it. [Public]
'This' Is my Current (23/05/2014) 'Idea' of 'Things'.
Note: 'Expansion' Planned (23/05/2014) Development Stages: =
'Rough Unfinished' 'Mod' Release to the General Public for Testing Purposes.
Next: Unknown Amount of Time Passes; Years Even.
Professional Development Resources Acquired [e.g. My Personal Company with Past Experience].
Professional Development Begins and Ends Possibly Years Later.
Time to Ask for 'Rights' with 'Work in Hand'.
Open Beta [Time Unknown].
Professional Launch: With Profit or Not.
Professional After-Launch Support.
Encourages / Supports / Lends Assets to the Modding Community [If there is one].
New Horizons Await!
Does this Make Any Sense? Where is it 'Weak' and or do you have any Questions? I Plan to Replay if So [Hopefully in a timely Manner :P].
Take Care Friend and Have a Nice: Day / Night / Noon / Morning.
[Yes, Yes I Built the 'Great Wall of China' Here...]"
Update: Five Out.
Update: Six (1.6) (2:57 PM 23/05/2014)[Spoiler]
Here is a Progress Report from the Front!
Files Attached:
Unfinished "New Items" Sheet. There is a A Larger Separate 'All Items' One with a Table and More Information and then there is a Third File with Lore and Extra Things but for now it will be the Unfinished One with JUST SOME [Minority] of the New Items.
I know I'm giving the 'Crappy End of The Stick' out First but eh; all in good time.
There is also a Screenshot [Censored] that has the 'Current' actually now out dated 'Expansion' Master File.
Update: Seven (1.7) (6:25 PM 03/01/2015) [Belated][Spoiler]
I have some new progress Images and the links to their 'master threads'.
Resigned Osprey the Fighter / Mage:

'Master Thread':
New Masterwork Armour!

'Master Thread':
Wow, I really should update more often.. But hey I'm working on three projects all at once plus working a job!
Update: Eight (1.8) (2:25 AM 05/01/2015)[Spoiler]
I have been working on some Armour Ideas for Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey. Behold!

"I plan to remodel all of the items to have 3D models for their BAMs [Icons] instead of blurry painted ones. Also I plan to re-sketch and or fix some discrepancies or down right errors with some items in-depth sketch (e.g. Doomplate +3)" -
(This is a lot better pace than one Update Every 6 months..) Also How does one input Spoilers? (I want to compact this 'mega' post).. Also any questions? Please ASK! Away!
Also Larger Parties and Garrisons (Larger Parties MUCH later):
Update: Nine (1.9) (9:53 PM 12/01/2015)[Spoiler]
New BAMs (Icons)!

^[Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1]

^[Redesigned Scimitar +1]
The 'New BAM' Thread found here: Peace for Everyone!
Update: Ten! (1.10?:-P) (10:36 PM 13/01/2015)[Spoiler]
(New Item: Buckler of Unexpected Might)
'Current' Dialog File:
"Buckler of Unexpected Might or also less commonly know as, but rather more controversially The Existentialist's Arm. This particular buckler is very old and began its life as a mere heraldric wall adornment for a particularly wealthy noble family hailing from the trading port city of West Gate. The once proud family crest is now indecipherable from having been angrily dashed and defiled and a new overlaid symbol of the 6th Level Mage Spell Tenser's Transformation has been imprinted upon its boss. As the story goes, of which many noble Westhavian historians disagree and refute with one another for most of the records are blurry, bloodied and rewritten at best; but most can agree upon these following basic details. Around 257 to 260 DR the trading port city of West Gate also knows as the 'Gateway to the west' -from the Inner Sea to the east- was successfully invaded and the ruling powers were seized and violently replaced by pirate forces from the Pirate Isles. The inflicting upheaval of the ruling families brought much turmoil upon the city's wealthiest families of trade for they were forced into extortion and unfair trade laws and heavy taxation upon their family operations. A great deal of sources argue and contradict one another over which noble family's house has this buckler associated with its tumultuous history but most all historians will say that the buckler transformed into its current form soon after the new unfair jurisdiction of the recent self-proclaimed 'Pirate King of West Gate'. Most sources agree upon that after a particularly heavy taxation of trade was placed upon the wealthiest of noble merchant families of West Gate it caused one highly regarded noble to speak out against the heavy taxation. The following high noon the influential nobleman was slain outright by a gang of the King's pirates within the city's market in broad daylight, in view and a stone's throw from most noble trade family's major buildings of operation. This was seen by the trade families as a draconian declaration of unquestioning agreement of the new taxation or a swift heinous death. From here the story begins to fall apart and spiral into a contradiction of major details and heated debate among the leading historians of West Gate. Although a few details remain coherent and concise. Soon after the wicked and untimely death of a particularly charismatic noble of one of West Gate's influential trade families a young noble Half-Elven Mage or Arcane Spellcaster was pressured to align with the corrupt ruling party of the Pirate King or with an outside Cormyrian force wishing to overthrow the ruling party from within. The sources argue fiercely over the next few brief segments of the story but most agree that the Half-Elven Spellcaster did not choose a side and violently departed on bad terms from their noble house of West Gate. As to ask why that was in the wrong places of West Gate could result in heated shouting matches, violent brawls and even facticidal bloodshed in between of some of West Gate's more questionable of noble houses. Many believe that the once young noble Half-Elven Spellcaster is to be of the same blue blood as the last true king of West Gate and the sole survivor of the king's blood after the pirate upheaval. As a result of this violent debate there has been much clandestine bloodshed among some of the long existing noble families from time to time. Some of the noble families argue that they should rule the city of West Gate for they believe fiercely that their blood lineage hearkens back to the Half-Elven Spellcaster whom once owned this particular buckler. As to whether or not the the matter will resolve peacefully or will even subside is unknown but one thing is for certain, the magical enchantment placed upon this tiny shield is very very strong. Many agree that it would certainly make sense that only a very powerful or well trained Spellcaster could have placed the enchantment upon this particularly controversial bulwark. As to why and how such a strange and bizarre set of abilities and requirements were used for the unusual enchantment is an argued mystery. Also unknown is how it was used or how the uncommon magic was placed upon this item. There is a of great debate amongst historians and scholars alike over the usage and endeavours of said item; ranging from tales of great adventure to accountings of meek, cloistered cowardice and evasion. Either way of which one looks upon the history and the controversy of and or over this small yet surprisingly powerful buckler one can be sure that the shield is of surprising value and unexpected might, both physically and politically.
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: No Missile/Piercing Attack Protection
Special: Once Per Day Cast Tenser's Transformation:
Tenser's Transformation changes the caster into a heroic fighter for 1 round per level of the caster. Thus doubling the target's hit points, and giving them a +4 bonus to their armor class. All of the damage that the caster sustains takes away from the bonus hit points first. All of the wizard's attacks have the same chance to hit as a fighter of the same level, additionally the target is allowed to attack twice per round with a +2 damage bonus per attack.
Weight: 1
Not-Usable By:
Everyone except Neutral Aligned Characters.
It is intended to be a quest item / reward for Xan [To make him able to be a 'fighter' that he (supposedly) originally was before he got turned into "The only neutral mage". I 'currently' plan for the Quest to be Activated and Finished by Xan, but the party (You) can kick him after and keep the item: If one wishes:-P). Does Anyone have Suggestions? If so.. Please suggest them?
Mini-Micro Update: 1.10.5 [or what ever] (Who Cares at Irrelevant O' Clock in some time in the year of 2015 ooOoO!)
The Current [above] Buckler can be used by the ('Current') Non-Player Characters:
-> Xan: Lawful Neutral: Elf: Enchanter
-> Quayle: Chaotic Neutral: Gnome: Cleric / Illusionist
-> Neera: Chaotic Neutral: Half-Elf: Wild Mage
-> Deder: True Neutral: Halfling: Thief
Update: Eleven.. (1.11) (3:49 PM 24/01/2015)[Spoiler]
(Osprey Attributes Increase!)

^ Base Attributes.

^ +1 Dexterity Bonus is from her Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1.
"Osprey has now 9 Charisma, Her dexterity is still raised from 9 to 14 but her charisma is no longer 6 for the reasons of staying the same has her ill planned original version. Her 'new charisma is a result of needing to raise her likableness about that of the annoying and repulsive Quayle while also paying homage to her old dexterity value of 9; almost as 'useless' as charisma. Although to be fair if it is not 15 it can be around as low as 7 and still have the same combat effectiveness as 14.
Update: Twelve! (1.12) (1:56 PM 11/05/2015)[Spoiler]I have completed a New Item BAM for Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey! (It is an improved version of a ring found within Icewind Dale).
I christen it: Eye of the Gorgon!

Behold its majesty and splendor?
deviantART Image Source:
+ 'Micro Update': 7:09 AM 11/05/2015 (1.12.2?):-P
Dead Man's Face. (The 6 Hour Perspective Change Helm..)

deviantART Source:
The Infamous Update Thirteen... (1.13) (6:24 AM 15/05/2015)[Spoiler]
[I suppose that one of these posts was to be the 'unlucky' 13th update..]
Here are some Freshly 'Reforged' Maces posted for your entertainment:

The Above Mace is an Actually 'Improved' Item BAM for the Original Baldur's Gate; although it is not intended as a 'BAM Trade' ('Enhanced' Edition's Longbow and Composite Long Bow BAM Swap >.>).

^ Above are the Unique 'Blue Headed Maces' of +3 Enchantment. Here is the Quest Plot / Story for the Unique Maces Thus Far: "I should add a quest chain where the player within Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey starts a chain of encounters with a Cleric/Mage Elf and the player can steal two of three Gem stones (Jem parody somewhere?) to stop a ritual and the *Insert sub-race here* Elf takes flight with single remaining gem stone in tow and she clandestinely creates one of three maces +3 that have unique powers depending of which two tones the player took and what sole remaining ritual gem stone she has remaining of which to craft of of three possible weapons. Plot: The *Insert sub-race here* Elf Cleric/Mage want to desperately complete an 'almost summoning ritual' but she is interrupted by the player's party and has to flee. In light of her failed plans she realizes that she cannot reclaim her two missing ritual stones for they are either with the player character or with the foreign helping organization know as the their long name The Black Gaunt Hanging Tree or also they are more 'commonly' know as The Black Knights of the Gaunt Tree or just the abbreviated: Knights of the Gaunt Tree. So she instead re-focuses her efforts into creating a powerful Mace of +3 enchantment with unique power based upon what the player has 'given' her as the 'soul' gemstone in her possession after her failed 'dangerous' ritual; this new powerful mace is of course intended to end your life and any others whom wish to 'Further Interrupt' her 'Unique Ritual and her Cold Calculated Plans' Que: 1980's 'Bad Guy' reference." deviant ART Source:[/Spoiler]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update: Fourteen (1.14) (4:45 AM 18/05/2015)[Spoiler]
*As of (18/05/2015) Animation Restorations are being focused upon.*
I will try my best to be able to add dual wielding into the Original Baldur's Gate Player Animations (I have found a solution with 'animation 3'). Also I may be able to add a new use unused Helm Animation into Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, and I may be able to restore more weapon variety for monster animations. Also I am thinking about a project where both the Original Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II Animation are used. The Armour is speculated to work as such:
-No Armour: To Be Decided / Mix for Non Recruitable Non-Player Characters.
-Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'.
-Studded Leather Armour: Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Leather Animation'.
-Hide Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'.
-Chain Mail Armour: Mostly Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Chain Mail Animation' (Except for Rogues)
-Splint Mail Armour: Case By Case Armour Animation Choice.
-Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Plate Mail Animation'
-Full Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Plate Mail Animation'.
I will try my very best to restore the old helm animations for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. I will need help in 'setting it up' but I am confident that I can complete the laborious task of creating the restored helm assets.[/Spoiler]
With the Best of Intentions:
Within Amnesia
"Spite and Assumption Only Lead to Paths of Self-Inflicted Blight and Destruction" -Within Amnesia 2013.
[Spoiler]This is a 'Trajection' of mine that I wish to pursue as an adventure in the undertaking.
*The Finite Details and Problems will be worked out at a later date.*
This is a Compilation of [My Own Unique ('100% Authentic, Real it is!') Ideas / Concepts for my Own Content along with (If everything Works Out my my Content First + Community Negotiations)] Previous Modifications 'Tweaked' and given [Updated + Refined Original and New] Unique Content, e.g. [Updated + New] Unique Maps with [Loads of] Research and T.L.C.
-New Custom Content that I would like in the Game [Baldur's Gate] and Some Optional Features, Quests NPCs etc. e.g Ankheg Matriarch Quest Chain.
Basically this is an Expansion Pack that [Focuses on my Own Content Plus wants to give] the 'A' Quality Mods a Chance to Shine with a New 'Professional' Coat of New Features and Unique 'Twists'. That is my Ambition and I hope that it Works! [There will be Problems; Yes! (That is what Passion is for, Others Quit when 'it' is Not Easy; but the Passionate Stay).]
(Updated: 2:52 PM 21/05/2014)
*Goes to Work*
Stay Tuned Friends![/Spoiler]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update: One (1.1) [??:?? ?? ??/05/2014][Spoiler]
I'm Currently Looking for every great modification to Baldur's Gate and as it stands there is a great chance for these 'Great Mods.' to be implemented into the Expansion Pack.
Please List Other Mods than These:
- Dark Side of the Sword Coast
- Stone of Askavar
- Dark Horizons
- The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candle Light
- BG1 Unfinished Business
- Fields of the Dead
- BG 1 Adventure Pack
- BG 1 CoM Forge/Item Upgrade
- The Vault
- Ease-of-use Pack by Tioma
- Slime Quest
- Team BG's Weapon Pack
- Team BG's Armour Pack
- North Side of the Sword Coast
- Sword Coast Stratagems
- Firewalker by Jason Higgins
- BG Mini-Quests and Encounters
- Russian Bonus for Baldur's Gate I
- BG Mini-Quests and Encounters
- Back to Baldur's Gate
- Drizzt Saga
Also I'm Aware of These Mods:
Revised World Map
Here is the Working File that I'm Personally Using: "Known Great Mods" (As a Download Below).
Take Care Friends and Have Fun!
(Extra: Please Help Me Out on Creating this 'Community' Expansion Pack; I Would Most Like the Support.)
Update: Two (1.2) [9:09 PM 20/05/2014][Spoiler]
I wish to also make my own '100% Custom' content and THEN see if I can get the 'A' quality Mods some time in the sun.
Here are Two Maps that I made Today [Actually one file but I Screenshot'ed and Cropped the two different map 'types' beside one another into more 'bite [or byte] sized' pieces with two different programs]
Baldur's Gate Path of the Lost Odyssey Alpha Map:
-21 New Areas
-Fields of the Dead
-Expanded Gnoll Stronghold [If Beam Dog Does Not]
-The Bronze Mines of the Sword Coast
-The City Arylon
-Mintarn Islands
-More Wilderness Areas
-More Settlements
-More Islands!
-Damn it! I Forgot the Ankheg Matriarch Quest Locations! ARRRRRG! (I guess that is why it is Called the ALPHA Map) Drink Milk Guys; preferably Goat's Milk it is better for you.
Update Two Out... For Now!
Update: Three (1.3) [2:38 PM 21/05/2014][Spoiler]
Production Plan! I'm Coping my Production Plan that I Gave in a Below Comment Reply for Updating here to make Finding Content Easier for my Readers.
"As for Content [A Production Plan] Goes; here is how I Plan for 'it to go' (2:36 PM 21/05/2014):
1.) Research and Conceptualize Original Content / Brainstorm + Play Baldur's Gate + Mods for Inspiration.
2.) Learn, Improve and Research my 'Production' Skills e.g. Blender + Team BG Tools.
3.) [Working Time] Over the coarse of [Insert 'X' Years Here] Time I Will Work and Develop my Original Content
4.) Internally Test and Improve my Content via Adding and Removing Content to make 'It' Better.
5.) Public Beta Release, Q & A, 'Work out Bugs' Time and general Open Mindedness for New or Better Ideas.
6.) More Work 'Ironing Out' my Original ['Improved'] Content. (Community Feed Back = Change / Improvement.)
7.) Ask for Permission to Use, Integrate and or Update ('Good') Modifications via their Original Creators.
- If Allowed: Work With the Original Creators for Inspiration and Refinement.
- If Not Allowed: Ask for a Compatibly Allowance and (if every thing works out) a Recommendation 'Link' Included into My/Our Content as an Optional Feature.
9.) Refine, Refine, Refine; Continue Steps 4 and 5 + 'Resource Dump' of 'Professional Refinement'.
10.) Work at Publishing... Find Monetary, Find Lawyers, Find IP Owners; Negotiation Time.
11.) Publishing Time [Left Blank for now]
12.) Repeat Step 5. + If New Content 'Happens': Repeat Step 3,4,5 and 6. If (A+) Mods Happen repeat Steps: 7,8 and 9.
For now friends, just throw your comments here and ask some critical questions, no matter how harsh; One Cannot see both sides if one always stands on the sunny side of things.
So Please Don't Assume my Abilities nor Claims; for now just Hope and give Inspiration if you Want / Will.
Take care on that Mundane Battlefield!"
Update: Three (1.3) Over and Out... For Now (Dunt-Dunnn).
Update: Four (1.4) [10:29 PM 22/05/2014][Spoiler]
"How in the Nine Hells are you Going to Release this 'Expansion' ahmmn?!"- 'Giving a harsh 'Drogulative' look'.
Here is the plan so Far (10:24 PM 22/05/2014) [Quoted from a Below Comment to Dee]
"I see a few possible ways this 'Expansion' could be Released to the Public:
Step One: [Non-Professional Alpha Release]
A.) Internal Development of 'Roughed Out' Unique Content with Semi-Community Testing. Create Solid Content, 'win over the hearts' of the 'desired' modders, see if I can give them some 'time in the spotlight'.
Add Updated + Improved 'Permission-ed' Mods into the Rough State Release for Rigorous Community Testing.
B.) General Life Altering Bull ca rp Happens and results in Delays with Option A.)
C.) I Die and Nothing Happens.
Step Two: [Rise to Power or Plunder]
A.) Education, Experience and Adventure in the Video Game Industry. Years Later: Create and Expand a Personal 'Video Game Developing' Company for 'Other Projects' of mine + New ones that I 'befriend' along the way. Start Focusing on 'Professional Development' and 'Very Fine Construction' of the 'Expansion'.
B.) General Life Altering Bull ca rp Happens and results in Delays with Option A.)
C.) I Die and No 'Professional Release'; all that is left is an empty, hollow Ambition and a Roughed Out Spine of way could have been...
Step Three: ['Professional' Release]
A.) VERY Do-able: Free Release with Minimal Effort in the 'Law End' of things. Company Non-Resourceful.
'Fair' Near-Professional After Launch Support. No Bonus Net Profit.
B.) Fairly Do-able: Free Release with Fair Effort in the 'Law End' of things. Monetary Resources Semi-Successfully Found; I become in dept but fulfilled. 'Excellent' Near-Professional After Launch Support. No Bonus Net Profit.
C.) Hard, but Do-able: Published Release with Extreme Effort put in the 'Law End' of things. Resources Fully Successful, with or without a Personal Company; Full 'Launch' and Professional After Launch Support. Modders get Fair Percent of Net Profit. The Rest goes Toward Company Expansion.
D.) Option C.) But the 'Law End' of things 'fell through the floor' and was unsuccessful with securing the 'rights' for a Professional Publish. Although the 'Expansion' has Professional Support and my Personal Company is backing the Development; a free Launch happens with Professional After Launch Support. Modders get nothing.
E.) I Die before Full Development and Project is Unfinished. No 'Professional' Release. No Future IPs, Just third party Memories and Mysteries.
F.) Option D.) Around Ten Years after Step Three is Completed: Baldur's Gate becomes 'abandon ware'; Expansion Rights Secured, new non-filler unique excellent quality content is added. New System Compatibly is Included and Packaged with New Features / Content. Full 'Launch'; Professional After Launch Support. Alive Modders get Fair Percent of Net Profit. Dead Modders' Families get Fair Percent.
G.) Free Launch Happens, I die before I can Secure Rights to publish a Full 'Launch' of the 'Expansion'. No 'Professional' Launch. Modders get nothing.
That is what I have going around my head; well the short version that is. I hope that above clears 'things' up, if not please ask questions; I would be more than happy to reply (Hopefully in a timely fashion).
Take care my Friend(s) and Readers alike, and Thank You Dee for the Support. No matter what a person will say to you face to face; we are all Very Emotionally Insecure in our own ways and Any Support goes Miles in the Long Run. Especially with Myself with this 'Bucket List' of an Ambitious Work.
See You Later."
Update: Four Discontinued
Update: Five (1.5) (2:12 PM 23/05/2014)[Spoiler]
Production and Fan Confidence ['Pulled' from a Below Comment]
How I Currently Plan on the 'Production' of the this 'Expansion': (2:10 PM 23/05/2014)
"Picture these Events that I Currently Plan (23/05/2014):
1.) Tinker Around with Concept Art and Design [Internal] with some 'Releases' of 'Roughed Out' Ideas / Concepts to you Guys. [Over all Time Frame (Through out the 'Expansion's' Development.]
2.) Any where from 8 to 20 Months [Time May Vary] from now to start the 'Very Rough, Rough Production' with a 'Sea' of Concept Behind Me. [Internal: with Screenshots, [Videos] and General Progress Reports.]
3.) [Time Unknown] After "Very Rough, Rough Production", Start 'Rough Refinement' either
A.) Do it all myself with 'Open Ended' Change 'Logs'; Community Feed Back Open.
B.) Me and My 'Friends' Do Option A.)
C.) Release Super 'Ca rp' 'Expansion' 'Mod' and let every one down but get new Ideas.
D.) [Open For new Ideas as time 'Chugs' Along.]
4.) Polish, Polish, Polish. [I could Elaborate but I would need specifics of which I plan not to assume; and I will 'Cross that Bridge when it Comes'.] [Internal]
5.) Release 'Roughed Out Version' to the General Public. [Estimated Time of Release: 2-10 years from Now.] [Public]
6.) Professional Support Acquired! [If Not, I will just need more time or I would have 'Kicked the Bucket']
-[Intentionally Left Blank.] (e.g. My Personal Development Company (Other Game Produced Beforehand).
9.) Expansion Gets New 'Professional' Content. [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
8.) Super Professional Polish Time [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
9.) Polish Until "The Time Comes" [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
10.) 'Professional Launch' [Estimated Time of Release: 8-15+ years from Now. (Time may Vary).]
A.) If 'Rights' Secured: Full Professional Launch. Net Profit Divided Fairly: Bonus; not Required.
B.) If 'Rights' Not Secured: Free Professional Launch. Dept: Worth it. [Public]
'This' Is my Current (23/05/2014) 'Idea' of 'Things'.
Note: 'Expansion' Planned (23/05/2014) Development Stages: =
'Rough Unfinished' 'Mod' Release to the General Public for Testing Purposes.
Next: Unknown Amount of Time Passes; Years Even.
Professional Development Resources Acquired [e.g. My Personal Company with Past Experience].
Professional Development Begins and Ends Possibly Years Later.
Time to Ask for 'Rights' with 'Work in Hand'.
Open Beta [Time Unknown].
Professional Launch: With Profit or Not.
Professional After-Launch Support.
Encourages / Supports / Lends Assets to the Modding Community [If there is one].
New Horizons Await!
Does this Make Any Sense? Where is it 'Weak' and or do you have any Questions? I Plan to Replay if So [Hopefully in a timely Manner :P].
Take Care Friend and Have a Nice: Day / Night / Noon / Morning.
[Yes, Yes I Built the 'Great Wall of China' Here...]"
Update: Five Out.
Update: Six (1.6) (2:57 PM 23/05/2014)[Spoiler]
Here is a Progress Report from the Front!
Files Attached:
Unfinished "New Items" Sheet. There is a A Larger Separate 'All Items' One with a Table and More Information and then there is a Third File with Lore and Extra Things but for now it will be the Unfinished One with JUST SOME [Minority] of the New Items.
I know I'm giving the 'Crappy End of The Stick' out First but eh; all in good time.
There is also a Screenshot [Censored] that has the 'Current' actually now out dated 'Expansion' Master File.
Update: Seven (1.7) (6:25 PM 03/01/2015) [Belated][Spoiler]
I have some new progress Images and the links to their 'master threads'.
Resigned Osprey the Fighter / Mage:

'Master Thread':
New Masterwork Armour!

'Master Thread':
Wow, I really should update more often.. But hey I'm working on three projects all at once plus working a job!
Update: Eight (1.8) (2:25 AM 05/01/2015)[Spoiler]
I have been working on some Armour Ideas for Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey. Behold!

"I plan to remodel all of the items to have 3D models for their BAMs [Icons] instead of blurry painted ones. Also I plan to re-sketch and or fix some discrepancies or down right errors with some items in-depth sketch (e.g. Doomplate +3)" -
(This is a lot better pace than one Update Every 6 months..) Also How does one input Spoilers? (I want to compact this 'mega' post).. Also any questions? Please ASK! Away!
Also Larger Parties and Garrisons (Larger Parties MUCH later):
Update: Nine (1.9) (9:53 PM 12/01/2015)[Spoiler]
New BAMs (Icons)!

^[Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1]

^[Redesigned Scimitar +1]
The 'New BAM' Thread found here: Peace for Everyone!
Update: Ten! (1.10?:-P) (10:36 PM 13/01/2015)[Spoiler]
(New Item: Buckler of Unexpected Might)
'Current' Dialog File:
"Buckler of Unexpected Might or also less commonly know as, but rather more controversially The Existentialist's Arm. This particular buckler is very old and began its life as a mere heraldric wall adornment for a particularly wealthy noble family hailing from the trading port city of West Gate. The once proud family crest is now indecipherable from having been angrily dashed and defiled and a new overlaid symbol of the 6th Level Mage Spell Tenser's Transformation has been imprinted upon its boss. As the story goes, of which many noble Westhavian historians disagree and refute with one another for most of the records are blurry, bloodied and rewritten at best; but most can agree upon these following basic details. Around 257 to 260 DR the trading port city of West Gate also knows as the 'Gateway to the west' -from the Inner Sea to the east- was successfully invaded and the ruling powers were seized and violently replaced by pirate forces from the Pirate Isles. The inflicting upheaval of the ruling families brought much turmoil upon the city's wealthiest families of trade for they were forced into extortion and unfair trade laws and heavy taxation upon their family operations. A great deal of sources argue and contradict one another over which noble family's house has this buckler associated with its tumultuous history but most all historians will say that the buckler transformed into its current form soon after the new unfair jurisdiction of the recent self-proclaimed 'Pirate King of West Gate'. Most sources agree upon that after a particularly heavy taxation of trade was placed upon the wealthiest of noble merchant families of West Gate it caused one highly regarded noble to speak out against the heavy taxation. The following high noon the influential nobleman was slain outright by a gang of the King's pirates within the city's market in broad daylight, in view and a stone's throw from most noble trade family's major buildings of operation. This was seen by the trade families as a draconian declaration of unquestioning agreement of the new taxation or a swift heinous death. From here the story begins to fall apart and spiral into a contradiction of major details and heated debate among the leading historians of West Gate. Although a few details remain coherent and concise. Soon after the wicked and untimely death of a particularly charismatic noble of one of West Gate's influential trade families a young noble Half-Elven Mage or Arcane Spellcaster was pressured to align with the corrupt ruling party of the Pirate King or with an outside Cormyrian force wishing to overthrow the ruling party from within. The sources argue fiercely over the next few brief segments of the story but most agree that the Half-Elven Spellcaster did not choose a side and violently departed on bad terms from their noble house of West Gate. As to ask why that was in the wrong places of West Gate could result in heated shouting matches, violent brawls and even facticidal bloodshed in between of some of West Gate's more questionable of noble houses. Many believe that the once young noble Half-Elven Spellcaster is to be of the same blue blood as the last true king of West Gate and the sole survivor of the king's blood after the pirate upheaval. As a result of this violent debate there has been much clandestine bloodshed among some of the long existing noble families from time to time. Some of the noble families argue that they should rule the city of West Gate for they believe fiercely that their blood lineage hearkens back to the Half-Elven Spellcaster whom once owned this particular buckler. As to whether or not the the matter will resolve peacefully or will even subside is unknown but one thing is for certain, the magical enchantment placed upon this tiny shield is very very strong. Many agree that it would certainly make sense that only a very powerful or well trained Spellcaster could have placed the enchantment upon this particularly controversial bulwark. As to why and how such a strange and bizarre set of abilities and requirements were used for the unusual enchantment is an argued mystery. Also unknown is how it was used or how the uncommon magic was placed upon this item. There is a of great debate amongst historians and scholars alike over the usage and endeavours of said item; ranging from tales of great adventure to accountings of meek, cloistered cowardice and evasion. Either way of which one looks upon the history and the controversy of and or over this small yet surprisingly powerful buckler one can be sure that the shield is of surprising value and unexpected might, both physically and politically.
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: No Missile/Piercing Attack Protection
Special: Once Per Day Cast Tenser's Transformation:
Tenser's Transformation changes the caster into a heroic fighter for 1 round per level of the caster. Thus doubling the target's hit points, and giving them a +4 bonus to their armor class. All of the damage that the caster sustains takes away from the bonus hit points first. All of the wizard's attacks have the same chance to hit as a fighter of the same level, additionally the target is allowed to attack twice per round with a +2 damage bonus per attack.
Weight: 1
Not-Usable By:
Everyone except Neutral Aligned Characters.
It is intended to be a quest item / reward for Xan [To make him able to be a 'fighter' that he (supposedly) originally was before he got turned into "The only neutral mage". I 'currently' plan for the Quest to be Activated and Finished by Xan, but the party (You) can kick him after and keep the item: If one wishes:-P). Does Anyone have Suggestions? If so.. Please suggest them?
Mini-Micro Update: 1.10.5 [or what ever] (Who Cares at Irrelevant O' Clock in some time in the year of 2015 ooOoO!)
The Current [above] Buckler can be used by the ('Current') Non-Player Characters:
-> Xan: Lawful Neutral: Elf: Enchanter
-> Quayle: Chaotic Neutral: Gnome: Cleric / Illusionist
-> Neera: Chaotic Neutral: Half-Elf: Wild Mage
-> Deder: True Neutral: Halfling: Thief
Update: Eleven.. (1.11) (3:49 PM 24/01/2015)[Spoiler]
(Osprey Attributes Increase!)

^ Base Attributes.

^ +1 Dexterity Bonus is from her Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1.
"Osprey has now 9 Charisma, Her dexterity is still raised from 9 to 14 but her charisma is no longer 6 for the reasons of staying the same has her ill planned original version. Her 'new charisma is a result of needing to raise her likableness about that of the annoying and repulsive Quayle while also paying homage to her old dexterity value of 9; almost as 'useless' as charisma. Although to be fair if it is not 15 it can be around as low as 7 and still have the same combat effectiveness as 14.
Update: Twelve! (1.12) (1:56 PM 11/05/2015)[Spoiler]I have completed a New Item BAM for Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey! (It is an improved version of a ring found within Icewind Dale).
I christen it: Eye of the Gorgon!

Behold its majesty and splendor?
deviantART Image Source:
+ 'Micro Update': 7:09 AM 11/05/2015 (1.12.2?):-P
Dead Man's Face. (The 6 Hour Perspective Change Helm..)

deviantART Source:
The Infamous Update Thirteen... (1.13) (6:24 AM 15/05/2015)[Spoiler]
[I suppose that one of these posts was to be the 'unlucky' 13th update..]
Here are some Freshly 'Reforged' Maces posted for your entertainment:

The Above Mace is an Actually 'Improved' Item BAM for the Original Baldur's Gate; although it is not intended as a 'BAM Trade' ('Enhanced' Edition's Longbow and Composite Long Bow BAM Swap >.>).

^ Above are the Unique 'Blue Headed Maces' of +3 Enchantment. Here is the Quest Plot / Story for the Unique Maces Thus Far: "I should add a quest chain where the player within Baldur's Gate: Path of the Lost Odyssey starts a chain of encounters with a Cleric/Mage Elf and the player can steal two of three Gem stones (Jem parody somewhere?) to stop a ritual and the *Insert sub-race here* Elf takes flight with single remaining gem stone in tow and she clandestinely creates one of three maces +3 that have unique powers depending of which two tones the player took and what sole remaining ritual gem stone she has remaining of which to craft of of three possible weapons. Plot: The *Insert sub-race here* Elf Cleric/Mage want to desperately complete an 'almost summoning ritual' but she is interrupted by the player's party and has to flee. In light of her failed plans she realizes that she cannot reclaim her two missing ritual stones for they are either with the player character or with the foreign helping organization know as the their long name The Black Gaunt Hanging Tree or also they are more 'commonly' know as The Black Knights of the Gaunt Tree or just the abbreviated: Knights of the Gaunt Tree. So she instead re-focuses her efforts into creating a powerful Mace of +3 enchantment with unique power based upon what the player has 'given' her as the 'soul' gemstone in her possession after her failed 'dangerous' ritual; this new powerful mace is of course intended to end your life and any others whom wish to 'Further Interrupt' her 'Unique Ritual and her Cold Calculated Plans' Que: 1980's 'Bad Guy' reference." deviant ART Source:[/Spoiler]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update: Fourteen (1.14) (4:45 AM 18/05/2015)[Spoiler]
*As of (18/05/2015) Animation Restorations are being focused upon.*
I will try my best to be able to add dual wielding into the Original Baldur's Gate Player Animations (I have found a solution with 'animation 3'). Also I may be able to add a new use unused Helm Animation into Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, and I may be able to restore more weapon variety for monster animations. Also I am thinking about a project where both the Original Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II Animation are used. The Armour is speculated to work as such:
-No Armour: To Be Decided / Mix for Non Recruitable Non-Player Characters.
-Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'.
-Studded Leather Armour: Leather Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Leather Animation'.
-Hide Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Leather Animation'.
-Chain Mail Armour: Mostly Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Chain Mail Animation' (Except for Rogues)
-Splint Mail Armour: Case By Case Armour Animation Choice.
-Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 'Plate Mail Animation'
-Full Plate Mail Armour: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal 'Plate Mail Animation'.
I will try my very best to restore the old helm animations for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. I will need help in 'setting it up' but I am confident that I can complete the laborious task of creating the restored helm assets.[/Spoiler]
With the Best of Intentions:
Within Amnesia
"Spite and Assumption Only Lead to Paths of Self-Inflicted Blight and Destruction" -Within Amnesia 2013.
Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
If yes, that would be great. If no please make sure that you are allowed to use these mods.
Besides, some of the mods listed are either obsolete (e.g. Easy of Use, replaced by BG2 Tweaks) or incompatible with BG:EE (e.g. Tutu).
Edit: @WithinAmnesia you can find here info on how to use other people's work.
If I were you, I wouldn't do an expansion like this, but instead I'd make a mod list of these mods and any other favorites you have. Describe the mods a bit, and link to each of their websites, so that people can download them from their proper place and be sure to get the latest updates.
Mod lists are always helpful to people looking for mod recommodations, and you wouldn't be doing anything rude that way.
I'm planning on making custom content, 100% new Ideas based 85% on Original Faerun Content.
Although I would very much like to see if I can get permission from some of the Modders and friends to use their modifications and or give them an 'official' release years from now. By that Time I would have created my own Game Intellectual Properties and will also have some more experience in the Video Game Industry. You see friends, this is a work of passion of mine that I wish to create and give new life to Baldur's Gate [Hopefully] publish it years down the road, but by that time I plan on "ASKING" [not taking] if I can Use and Update (with close communication for it is THEIR work; not mine) their modification(s) along side my own content. I do this for I want the real gems of the community's content to shine. I think it would really suck for all these great Ideas that I and many others have played and enjoyed to be lost and forgotten when they could be released with a 'final' expansion to Baldur's Gate. I do not do this for a 'labour saving' bull ca rp technique because I'm lazy; rather I want the Modders to get some time in the spotlight.
If I do not get Permission from a Modder I WILL NOT use their content, although I will ask if I could have a recommended download link and ask if their mod could be updated to be compatible with my own content. For as I have said before; I want the Modders to get some time in the Spotlight. They are my inspiration and the real driving reason for this 'Expansion Pack'.
If Years from now, by some great fortune that I can get this 'Expansion Pack' Published; I would give the Modders a Fair percent of the Net Profit. (If it even has a legal version to sell *fingers crossed*)
I Hope that this makes sense; and if I'm a tad bit slow on the replies, it is just me being scatter-brained everywhere at once. I listen and check up on this, trust me; I will tell you if this does change too.
Although for Now, What do you guys think? Too Ambitious? Not Enough? Over My Head? Good Comment? Bad? What do have to say friend?
(Here are Two Maps attached that I Just Made [20/05/2014] of the Planned New Areas that I hope to create.)
Anyway back to the topic; I Plan on making my Own Content and then once that is all 'Fine and Dandy' I will see to if can Use and Update the 'A' Quality Works of the Community via the Modders Permission(s). [For People New to the Party: The Comment that I'm Replying to did not have access to 'Update Two' of my original post when 'It'[?] (he/she) posted their comment. So Fair Play and well stated.]
I hope that Answers you question(s)
Short Answer: NO I have not perused the Modders yet, I have just started this Project Last Weekend (Stated on: 20/05/2014; the Day that I missed Garbage Day :[ ); But I will 'Swing the Bat' the best I can to Ask for the Modders Permission and Support / Help with the 'Updates/Revisions [Don't think of "Nerfing" here]' in the future once I have 'Built my House' for say.
Take Care my Friend(s) and Best of Luck into your Travels!
Thank You for Improving my Understanding of the Situation of the 'Compatibility' of some of the above Listed Mods. Although I mostly Hope to Make a New Expansion Pack with all the 'A+' Quality Details in Listed Mods [That's not generic at all!] with some Obsolete / Incompatible features not found in the New Expansion Pack.
Think: New Custom House/Addition, made from 'Scratch'; Drawing on Inspiration of other Cool Houses/Additions and with 'Duplicated Parts/Designs with help from their Original Creators' built into the Major House and or Complex/Addition.
I Hope that analogy Works more or less to keep things understandable. As in anyone can make something deep and complex with only a handful of minds understanding 'it', but it takes a 'true' genius to make something deep and yet readily simple to understand.
Take Care by the [G]alls my Friend(s)
Thank You for the Inspiration; Enjoy the Feed Back!
What makes you think you're capable of improving the A+ Quality Details (???) of all these mods anyway? Your writing and "maps" aren't filling me with confidence here. Make your own damn mod and show people what you can do before asking to fiddle with theirs.
Yes, I'm not good at Video Game 'Production', Yet. Although I plan on Making a Rough [Crappy] Version, test it, improve it and add to it; maybe even release it as a mod and run it through the community to find where it sucks and where it needs to improve and also what could be added to it. Then I plan on a large Dump of Resources into it as a final Polish. If this Takes Ten Years; Fine. I'm not rushed. I Just Want a Solid Classic Experience.
Does this Make Sense? Where are the Problems? What Could I do Better?
Take Care Folks!
Does this Make Sense?
You see I sort of 'Gambled' Here when I started this thread. I Took risks but I Could Not let such a Monumental Moment go 'Unrecorded' if I were to Accomplish my Dreams, Goals and Ambitions.
As for Content Goes; here is how I plan for 'it to go' (2:36 PM 21/05/2014):
1.) Research and Conceptualize Original Content / Brainstorm + Play Baldur's Gate + Mods for Inspiration.
2.) Learn, Improve and Research my 'Production' Skills e.g. Blender + Team BG Tools.
3.) [Workin' Time] Over the coarse of [Insert 'X' Years Here] Time I Will Work and Develop my Original Content
4.) Internally Test and Improve my Content via Adding and Removing Content to make 'It' Better.
5.) Public Beta Release, Q & A, 'Work out Bugs' Time and general Open Mindedness for New or Better Ideas.
6.) More Work 'Ironing Out' my Original ['Improved'] Content. (Community Feed Back = Change / Improvement.)
7.) Ask for Permission to Use, Integrate and or Update ('Good') Modifications via their Original Creators.
- If Allowed: Work With the Original Creators for Inspiration and Refinement.
- If Not Allowed: Ask for a Compatibly Allowance and (if every thing works out) a Recommendation 'Link' Included into My/Our Content as an Optional Feature.
9.) Refine, Refine, Refine; Continue Steps 4 and 5 + 'Resource Dump' of 'Professional Refinement'.
10.) Work at Publishing... Find Monetary, Find Lawyers, Find IP Owners; Negotiation Time.
11.) Publishing Time [Left Blank for now]
12.) Repeat Step 5. + If New Content 'Happens': Repeat Step 3,4,5 and 6. If (A+) Mods Happen repeat Steps: 7,8 and 9.
For now friends, just throw your comments here and ask some critical questions, no matter how harsh; One Cannot see both sides if one always stands on the sunny side of things.
So Please Don't Assume my Abilities nor Claims; for now just Hope and give Inspiration if you Want / Will.
Take care on that Mundane Battlefield!
I would abandon right away the plan to sell it, though; that's a fast way to get your project shut down. You'll also want to make absolutely certain that what you create is a modification of an existing installation, and not a fully playable game by itself, or you'll open yourself up to charges of piracy and copyright infringement.
I love the enthusiasm. Just make sure you do things by the books.
Step One: [Non-Professional Alpha Release]
A.) Internal Development of 'Roughed Out' Unique Content with Semi-Community Testing. Create Solid Content, 'win over the hearts' of the 'desired' modders, see if I can give them some 'time in the spotlight'.
Add Updated + Improved 'Permission-ed' Mods into the Rough State Release for Rigorous Community Testing.
B.) General Life Altering Bull ca rp Happens and results in Delays with Option A.)
C.) I Die and Nothing Happens.
Step Two: [Rise to Power or Plunder]
A.) Education, Experience and Adventure in the Video Game Industry. Years Later: Create and Expand a Personal 'Video Game Developing' Company for 'Other Projects' of mine + New ones that I 'befriend' along the way. Start Focusing on 'Professional Development' and 'Very Fine Construction' of the 'Expansion'.
B.) General Life Altering Bull ca rp Happens and results in Delays with Option A.)
C.) I Die and No 'Professional Release'; all that is left is an empty, hollow Ambition and a Roughed Out Spine of way could have been...
Step Three: ['Professional' Release]
A.) VERY Do-able: Free Release with Minimal Effort in the 'Law End' of things. Company Non-Resourceful.
'Fair' Near-Professional After Launch Support. No Bonus Net Profit.
B.) Fairly Do-able: Free Release with Fair Effort in the 'Law End' of things. Monetary Resources Semi-Successfully Found; I become in dept but fulfilled. 'Excellent' Near-Professional After Launch Support. No Bonus Net Profit.
C.) Hard, but Do-able: Published Release with Extreme Effort put in the 'Law End' of things. Resources Fully Successful, with or without a Personal Company; Full 'Launch' and Professional After Launch Support. Modders get Fair Percent of Net Profit. The Rest goes Toward Company Expansion.
D.) Option C.) But the 'Law End' of things 'fell through the floor' and was unsuccessful with securing the 'rights' for a Professional Publish. Although the 'Expansion' has Professional Support and my Personal Company is backing the Development; a free Launch happens with Professional After Launch Support. Modders get nothing.
E.) I Die before Full Development and Project is Unfinished. No 'Professional' Release. No Future IPs, Just third party Memories and Mysteries.
F.) Option D.) Around Ten Years after Step Three is Completed: Baldur's Gate becomes 'abandon ware'; Expansion Rights Secured, new non-filler unique excellent quality content is added. New System Compatibly is Included and Packaged with New Features / Content. Full 'Launch'; Professional After Launch Support. Alive Modders get Fair Percent of Net Profit. Dead Modders' Families get Fair Percent.
G.) Free Launch Happens, I die before I can Secure Rights to publish a Full 'Launch' of the 'Expansion'. No 'Professional' Launch. Modders get nothing.
That is what I have going around my head; well the short version that is. I hope that above clears 'things' up, if not please ask questions; I would be more than happy to reply (Hopefully in a timely fashion).
Take care my Friend(s) and Readers alike, and Thank You Dee for the Support. No matter what a person will say to you face to face; we are all Very Emotionally Insecure in our own ways and Any Support goes Miles in the Long Run. Especially with Myself with this 'Bucket List' of an Ambitious Work.
See You Later.
Take Care and stay Silly Friend.
[Where is the From and the Actor has quite the neck :P)
"Thank You [Insert "TJ_Hooker" here] for the Support. No matter what a person will say to you face to face; we are all Very Emotionally Insecure in our own ways and Any Support goes Miles in the Long Run." [-Author Reuses content like a boss.]
(I Googled the Definition of "Amiable" before I wrote you back; and also "OP" but not Kudos :P)
[Aren't We Silly?]
+10 Insightful.
Take Care Friend!
Anyway Take Care!
I highly doubt you will get the rights to sell this, but, as modifications to the game, the potential for additional content via your own original ideas sound interesting. It's not really a saleable idea as other mods add substantial amounts of content already. Think of it this way: some people are complaining that the Enhanced Editions are a money grab, and that a completely modded vanilla game does most of what the Enhanced Editions can do. Now imagine you release a mod and charge people for it. Even if you somehow got the rights to sell/distribute a mod or expansion, unless it is something that no other modder can do (like adding a zoom feature as per the Enhanced Editions) then you're wasting your time thinking about profits.
If I were you, I think I would aim a little lower and then build on an expectation. I think that is probably one of the problems that the initial BG:EE release had; there was some hype and talk of new features, and many people thought it was going to be a completely new 3D remake. It's all about expectations. Whatever your own expectations are, ensure your readers' and potential fans' expectations are firmly set in the near-future reality. I know you're talking about it being 'years,' but if it takes too long people are going to lose interest.
Get a mod out, show the community what you can do. An NPC mod, perhaps. Then, if the community seems to like it (your talent), build on that. Put some new NPCs together with some scripts and dialogue, create the first of your 21 new areas to place them within, write out a quest concept with stages on some paper, start to implement it, test it bit by bit, finish it off and test the final version, and then release it. Remember that each new area you add to the world map is also going to need people to start a new game since the world map is copied to the save game itself, so if you plan on actually including 21 areas then you will need to either release them all at once (after the initial demo area) or ensure people know what needs to be done in order to make them work.
From small beginnings come great things. Look at what you know you can accomplish in the foreseeable future, and then aim a little higher. :-)
Well Spoken! [A fellow 'Wall Builder'! Welcome, Welcome; come in have some 'Tea'! Let me take your coat. 'Stay a while and Listen'.]
First Off, Death! (Dun Dunt Dunnn!), I have shown this Option to be 'Reasonable', for I plan this a 'Bucket List' 'Activity', Even if I get ZERO Money or Profits nor even break even say 15 Years from now; All I wish to achieve is an 'Expansion' for my Favorite Game: Baldur's Gate. I realize that the only way that this 'Expansion' will be Cancelled is if I become 'Cancelled'. I Do not like to make a Promise and Cheat my Friends and more over Myself with False Expectations. I simply want to do this and it is going to be 'One Hell of a Ride', and I realize that only fools assume the future; how safe do you feel? (On with the Play!) I plan to live as long as I can, hopefully reach old age without 'Accidents' and 'Untimely Demises' but hey, life is a Delicate thing; it only takes a split second for it to Vanish. So being realistic here, I included the option of an 'Untimely Demise'. Odd to say but I'm fairly sure here that there is a Profound Irony somewhere here in this Baldur's Gate forum with Commenters and Silent Readers alike not realizing how delicate life is. I find it especially odd for a fan base behind a game like Baldur's Gate where most of the Game Revolves Around 'Untimely Demises; think how many times that you loaded your game the first play through around because of an 'Untimely Demise'? I'm not Saying Real Life = Baldur's Gate, I'm saying that we are mostly 'Young' here and have not seen the Delicate Nature of life; thus it would make a 'Boat Load' of sense to be Puzzled and even a bit worried about a 'Death Option' for a simple 'mod' if I didn't know 'better'[; not that I'm pointing fingers here]. But hey I'm just being Open Minded to all possibilities; not that I'm worried nor Paranoid.
Does this make Clear Sense? ['Wall of Text', I know...]
Okay on with that Other thing! (whatever it is)
*Re-Reads Comment* Ah Yes! Production and Fan Confidence! [I hope, It would be embarrassing if not :P]
Okay First Off; Picture these Events that I Currently Plan (23/05/2014):
1.) Tinker Around with Concept Art and Design [Internal] with some 'Releases' of 'Roughed Out' Ideas / Concepts to you Guys. [Over all Time Frame (Through out the 'Expansion's' Development.]
2.) Any where from 8 to 20 Months [Time May Vary] from now to start the 'Very Rough, Rough Production' with a 'Sea' of Concept Behind Me. [Internal: with Screenshots, [Videos] and General Progress Reports.]
3.) [Time Unknown] After "Very Rough, Rough Production", Start 'Rough Refinement' either
A.) Do it all myself with 'Open Ended' Change 'Logs'; Community Feed Back Open.
B.) Me and My 'Friends' Do Option A.)
C.) Release Super 'Ca rp' 'Expansion' 'Mod' and let every one down but get new Ideas.
D.) [Open For new Ideas as time 'Chugs' Along.]
4.) Polish, Polish, Polish. [I could Elaborate but I would need specifics of which I plan not to assume; and I will 'Cross that Bridge when it Comes'.] [Internal]
5.) Release 'Roughed Out Version' to the General Public. [Estimated Time of Release: 2-10 years from Now.] [Public]
6.) Professional Support Acquired! [If Not, I will just need more time or I would have 'Kicked the Bucket']
-[Intentionally Left Blank.] (e.g. My Personal Development Company (Other Game Produced Beforehand).
9.) Expansion Gets New 'Professional' Content. [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
8.) Super Professional Polish Time [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
9.) Polish Until "The Time Comes" [Intentionally Left Blank.] [Internal]
10.) 'Professional Launch' [Estimated Time of Release: 8-15+ years from Now. (Time may Vary).]
A.) If 'Rights' Secured: Full Professional Launch. Net Profit Divided Fairly: Bonus; not Required.
B.) If 'Rights' Not Secured: Free Professional Launch. Dept: Worth it. [Public]
'This' Is my Current (23/05/2014) 'Idea' of 'Things'.
Note: 'Expansion' Planned (23/05/2014) Development Stages: =
'Rough Unfinished' 'Mod' Release to the General Public for Testing Purposes.
Next: Unknown Amount of Time Passes; Years Even.
Professional Development Resources Acquired [e.g. My Personal Company with Past Experience].
Professional Development Begins and Ends Possibly Years Later.
Time to Ask for 'Rights' with 'Work in Hand'.
Open Beta [Time Unknown].
Professional Launch: With Profit or Not.
Professional After-Launch Support.
Encourages / Supports / Lends Assets to the Modding Community [If there is one].
New Horizons Await!
Does this Make Any Sense? Where is it 'Weak' and or do you have any Questions? I Plan to Replay if So [Hopefully in a timely Manner :P].
Take Care Friend and Have a Nice: Day / Night / Noon / Morning.
[Yes, Yes I Built the 'Great Wall of China' Here...]
I Personally Believe Not, but Others may Argue the 'Other Argument' with Sound Cause. Although I think it 'Stems From' Myself Being: 'Very Ambitious and Determined within My Areas of Passion where Others Quit Far Short of Where my Personal Goals Tend to Lie'; As People Tell me More or Less.
Does this Answer Your Question? If Not Please Feel Free to ask More Questions. I Plan to Replay If So [Hopefully within Your Convenience of Timing].
Take Care Friend.