To what extent will Anomen's quest progress (if at all) if you're a male PC and, consequently, NOT romancing him? (I almost never play male PCs, so I don't know to what extent his quest is intertwined with a romance)
To what extent will Anomen's quest progress (if at all) if you're a male PC and, consequently, NOT romancing him? (I almost never play male PCs, so I don't know to what extent his quest is intertwined with a romance)
Without romance, the quest ends with the trial of Anomen (buffing or debuffing him).
To what extent will Anomen's quest progress (if at all) if you're a male PC and, consequently, NOT romancing him? (I almost never play male PCs, so I don't know to what extent his quest is intertwined with a romance)
Without romance, the quest ends with the trial of Anomen (buffing or debuffing him).
You mean with his trial to become a knight? In other words,
If he kills the family, we don't find out afterword that he was mistaken? And if he doesn't kill the family, we don't learn of his father being killed?
Hello, I'm new to this game and I've been playing with sorcerer as my mc. Problem arises when I can't learn spells from scroll as simple as armor and sleep. When I transferred that scroll to Neera, she can read it noprob so why can't I do it? My int is 11 and people has been telling me that a sorc doesnt need int. Did i fuck up my sorcerer?
Sorcerer's cannot learn spells from scrolls. They choose their spells when leveling up, that's all they get. It's their trade-off for not having to choose which spells to memorize.
To what extent will Anomen's quest progress (if at all) if you're a male PC and, consequently, NOT romancing him? (I almost never play male PCs, so I don't know to what extent his quest is intertwined with a romance)
Without romance, the quest ends with the trial of Anomen (buffing or debuffing him).
You mean with his trial to become a knight? In other words,
If he kills the family, we don't find out afterword that he was mistaken? And if he doesn't kill the family, we don't learn of his father being killed?
Thanks for clarifying.
Nope, it ends after he either succeeds or fails his trial.
I have a general question, and I don't know if this is the place to put it. I am trying to purchase a game. It will not allow me to go to my cart after I click the "Add to Cart" button. The drop-down menu where my user name resides will no descend.
@Stormvessel: I don't think so. The chance of a successful casting on a wild surge is a percentile roll, with an extra +1 for every level the Wild Mage possesses. Landing a roll of 100 or higher means the spell casts normally. The spell level shouldn't have any impact on the chance of a successful casting; a level 1 and level 9 spell are equally difficult to cast during a wild surge.
Wild surges only trigger on 5% of spells, but Nahal's Reckless Dweomer forces a wild surge roll every time it is cast. That means a level 1 character will have a 2% chance of casting any spell via Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. A level 20 Wild Mage will have a 21% chance, and Chaos Shield can increase the chance further.
These percentages aren't exact. There are actually a few percentile rolls below 100 that also result in a successful casting, like the 1% chance of casting the spell and simultaneously regaining all expended spell slots. Also, a Wild Mage's caster level temporarily changes every time he or she casts a spell, increasing or decreasing by 1-5 levels until the next spell is cast. Thus, a level 1 Wild Mage will sometimes cast as if he or she is level 6, and a level 6 Wild Mage will sometimes cast as if he or she is level 1.
Long story short, the odds improve as you gain levels, but wild surges are always unpredictable, even at high levels and with Chaos Shield active. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer is no guarantee of a successful spell casting--in fact, until you reach very high levels, it's actually much more likely to fizzle than cast successfully.
Is it just with level one spells not memorized? Or just with find familiar (pertaining to the following video)? It could very well be a bug if it's not a design choice - but my experience has been a statistically impossible record of success casting level 1, non-memorized spells w/ NRD.
It would not surprise me if it had a hardcoded success chance. It's possible one of the "cast spell +" surges could either cause the game to crash or bypass the "protagonist only" restriction when coupled with Find Familiar.
@kjeron: You are correct that there are certain hardcoded opcodes that are immune to the wild surge effect. Specifically, these opcodes are immune to wild surges:
@kjeron: You are correct that there are certain hardcoded opcodes that are immune to the wild surge effect. Specifically, these opcodes are immune to wild surges:
Well that make's NRD even more broken than it was already: Fire Shields and Spell Immunity can be cast through NRD without consequence. It's even worse though because they actually expend the "forced" surge, unlike spells flagged to ignore surges. Sequencers and Contingencies were already blocked from use through NRD in recent patches.
The good news - you can prevent this behavior by calling the opcode in an external EFF through opcode 177.
Oddly, when I try them, I always get Surge #99 (Cast at double level), in feedback only though - it's still just a "Cast Normally" in function.
Well to hell with wasting higher level spell slots on any of those spells - when playing wild mage I'll always cast contingencies and sequencers as a level one via NRD. I don't feel bad about it in the least bit either. Wild Mage is gimped enough in the Enhanced Editions compared to Tutu and mages in general suck balls compared to Sorcerers so this is just a little extra viability IMO.
I'm playing an Illusionist/Thief. Throught the game bg2 the backstabs missed too often to be relevant at THAC0=9, while Korgan and Mazzy run around hasted with Negative THAC0 killing everything doing x10 times more. How to improve this guy?
I'm playing an Illusionist/Thief. Throught the game bg2 the backstabs missed too often to be relevant at THAC0=9, while Korgan and Mazzy run around hasted with Negative THAC0 killing everything doing x10 times more. How to improve this guy?
Don't focus on backstabbing. Focus on spellcasting/laying traps.
If you have only one, the game will scale it, so you don't need anything else. I like having the large and medium, because I make the large a full body or waist-up picture, then make the medium a close-up of the face. As long as they're both named the same (like MFightL.bmp and MFightM.bmp), the game will use the large portrait for the character sheet and the medium for the sidebar.
I set Large and Medium formats but I see only the Large one in the sheet and in the game screen.
EDIT: I renamed the files from mucha01X to m01X and they work. Why not before?
If you have only one, the game will scale it, so you don't need anything else. I like having the large and medium, because I make the large a full body or waist-up picture, then make the medium a close-up of the face. As long as they're both named the same (like MFightL.bmp and MFightM.bmp), the game will use the large portrait for the character sheet and the medium for the sidebar.
I set Large and Medium formats but I see only the Large one in the sheet and in the game screen.
EDIT: I renamed the files from mucha01X to m01X and they work. Why not before?
I've tried again: only mucha0xM is not recognized. What is the syntax error? @JuliusBorisov@BillyYank
No idea. Please, report it at for investigation.
I seem to remember something about a bug that involved portraits not displaying if the name used the entire 8 characters. @rede9 , try just cutting one letter to see if it works when the name is 7 letters long. Maybe that old bug has cropped up again.
The S/M/L character is only read in positions up to 7, whereas it should be read in positions up to 8. e.g. 1234567M.BMP used to be recognised as a medium portrait but is not now recognised, but 123456M.BMP is recognised.
Custom portrait documentation states that the name can be up to 7 characters plus the sizing character, so the game does not correctly handle existing custom portraits which use the full name length.
This bug is logged in, but a fix won't be a part of the 2.5 patch.
The S/M/L character is only read in positions up to 7, whereas it should be read in positions up to 8. e.g. 1234567M.BMP used to be recognised as a medium portrait but is not now recognised, but 123456M.BMP is recognised.
Custom portrait documentation states that the name can be up to 7 characters plus the sizing character, so the game does not correctly handle existing custom portraits which use the full name length.
This bug is logged in, but a fix won't be a part of the 2.5 patch.
@BlackLinx Devi modificare la tua guida che ho seguito. 7 lettere anziché 8 almeno per ora. @Davide Può modificare un post in una discussione chiusa?
Can a thi/fig dual or multi backstab with a 2h weapon?
Can the HLAs Set time trap to freeze time for 10 seconds, following by assassination and whirlwind be used consecutively for 10 attacks that deal backstab damage?
Your name starting with a lowercase L makes you a hard man to tag.
The backstab is available only for those weapons that a (single-class) thief can use, so the only 2H weapon that can be used for this is the quarterstaff. Using the Staff of Striking to backstab key-targets (like Sarevok or Davaeorn) is a well known-tactic here in the community - especially in the hands of a F/T Half-Orc with ** in Two-Handed Weapon Style, ** in Quarterstaff and 20 STR. Nasty.
Never used Assassination + Whirlwind, but I don't see why not.
Your name starting with a lowercase L makes you a hard man to tag.
The backstab is available only for those weapons that a (single-class) thief can use, so the only 2H weapon that can be used for this is the quarterstaff. Using the Staff of Striking to backstab key-targets (like Sarevok or Davaeorn) is a well known-tactic here in the community - especially in the hands of a F/T Half-Orc with ** in Two-Handed Weapon Style, ** in Quarterstaff and 20 STR. Nasty.
Never used Assassination + Whirlwind, but I don't see why not.
Thank you for the tips. I can't login my usual username because the twitter login is broken.
To what extent will Anomen's quest progress (if at all) if you're a male PC and, consequently, NOT romancing him? (I almost never play male PCs, so I don't know to what extent his quest is intertwined with a romance)
Thanks for clarifying.
They choose their spells when leveling up, that's all they get.
It's their trade-off for not having to choose which spells to memorize.
An example from that list:
My favourite, but it's for advanced players:
I am trying to purchase a game. It will not allow me to go to my cart after I click the "Add to Cart" button.
The drop-down menu where my user name resides will no descend.
0xC0 (192) - Spell Effect: Find Familiar
0x20 (32) - Cure: Death (Raise Dead)
0xEA (234) - Spell Effect: Contingency Creation
0xE8 (232) - Spell Effect: Cast Spell on Condition
0x101 (257) - Spell: Spell Sequencer Creation
0x100 (256) - Spell: Spell Sequencer Active
0xD6 (214) - Spell Effect: Select Spell
Fire Shields and Spell Immunity can be cast through NRD without consequence. It's even worse though because they actually expend the "forced" surge, unlike spells flagged to ignore surges. Sequencers and Contingencies were already blocked from use through NRD in recent patches.
The good news - you can prevent this behavior by calling the opcode in an external EFF through opcode 177.
Oddly, when I try them, I always get Surge #99 (Cast at double level), in feedback only though - it's still just a "Cast Normally" in function.
EDIT: I renamed the files from mucha01X to m01X and they work. Why not before?
The S/M/L character is only read in positions up to 7, whereas it should be read in positions up to 8. e.g. 1234567M.BMP used to be recognised as a medium portrait but is not now recognised, but 123456M.BMP is recognised.
Custom portrait documentation states that the name can be up to 7 characters plus the sizing character, so the game does not correctly handle existing custom portraits which use the full name length.
This bug is logged in, but a fix won't be a part of the 2.5 patch.
Can the HLAs Set time trap to freeze time for 10 seconds, following by assassination and whirlwind be used consecutively for 10 attacks that deal backstab damage?
Your name starting with a lowercase L makes you a hard man to tag.
The backstab is available only for those weapons that a (single-class) thief can use, so the only 2H weapon that can be used for this is the quarterstaff. Using the Staff of Striking to backstab key-targets (like Sarevok or Davaeorn) is a well known-tactic here in the community - especially in the hands of a F/T Half-Orc with ** in Two-Handed Weapon Style, ** in Quarterstaff and 20 STR. Nasty.
Never used Assassination + Whirlwind, but I don't see why not.